Removing the tab page in code will remove the tab page permanently? -

I Have the tabcontrol with number of tabpages.and also a treeview control where we have nodes defining the reports list which will be shown in different tabs Apart from the controls i used in tabs.
Now i want initially all the tabpages to be hidden and the moment i select the node from treeview control which is a name of that tab. it should open that tabpage.
From I read that we can not hide the tabage using the tabcontol.tabpages.hide() . So i used Remove() and Add() methods to show and hide the tabpages.
My question is using the remove() method will it remove the tabpage permanently?
am using the code
Dim Tabindex As Integer
Dim tabheaderText As String
Tabindex = TabControlReports.TabPages.IndexOf(Me.TabControlReports.SelectedTab)
tabheaderText = Mid(TabControlReports.SelectedTab.Text, 1, 4)
If tabheaderText <> "Auto" Then
TreeView_ReportList.SelectedNode = TreeView_ReportList.Nodes(0).Nodes(Tabindex)
ElseIf TabControlReports.SelectedTab.Text = "Auto Eras Downloading" Then
TreeView_ReportList.SelectedNode = TreeView_ReportList.Nodes(1).Nodes(0)
ElseIf TabControlReports.SelectedTab.Text = "Auto Claim Submission" Then
TreeView_ReportList.SelectedNode = TreeView_ReportList.Nodes(1).Nodes(1)
End If


Giving buttons different names through code and referring to them later on

My code creates a 5x5 grid of buttons. I am wanting to give each of these buttons different names "BtnColour1", "BtnColour2", etc. How do I give them all different names and how do I refer to each button later in the program?
Dim bytCounter As Byte
For bytCounter = 1 To 25
Dim btnColour As New Button
btnColour.Height = 50
btnColour.Width = 50
btnColour.Name = "btnColour" & bytCounter
btnColour.Enabled = False
btnColour.Left = ((bytCounter - 1) Mod 5) * 51
btnColour.Top = ((bytCounter - 1) \ 5) * 51
AddHandler btnColour.Click, AddressOf BtnClick
Your code (I guess you forgot the ending Next) does create 25 Buttons, with names btnColour1... btnColour25.
In the BtnClick event, to get the name of the clicked button, you should write something like:
Private Sub BtnClick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim buttonName as string=CType(sender, Button).Name
'buttonName now has the clicked button name
End Sub
Of course, since you set the enabled property to False, your button click event will not fire.
In a general sense (and in addition to Spyros' answer, which is a good way to do it in an event handler - the sender is always the thing that raised the event), when you give a control a name and add it to a control's Controls collection, you can then retrieve it by that name later:
'Here you added the button to the form controls:
'later in the code you can ask for it back by name, for example:
Dim controls = Me.Controls.Find("btnColour1")
What you get back is an array of Controls. You get an array because Find can search all children (panels inside panels inside groupboxes inside forms etc) and it is thus conceivable that multiple controls in different panels will both have the same name. In your case if you know you only have one control called "btnColour1" it's safe to get it by array index:
Dim control = controls(0) 'controls variable is from the above Find
Lastly, remember that it comes back as a Control, the parent class for all controls. Because you know it's a button, it's safe to cast without check:
Dim button = DirectCast(control, Button)
Remember that if your property is available on the base Control class you don't even need a cast:
'here's a 1 line way to get the text of the button named btnColour1
'Find all controls named btnColour1, take the first, get the text
Dim t = Me.Controls.Find("btnColour1")(0).Text
If you want to refer to the buttons later in the program to change a setting without clicking the button, you can add each button to an array and call each of them with an index number:
Dim buttons(24) As Button
Then as the buttons are created, you can add each button to the array:
Dim bytCounter As Byte
For bytCounter = 1 To 25
Dim btnColour As New Button
buttons(bytCounter) = btnColour
you can then reference each button and their properties using the index number of the button in the array. You may also want to add a specific tag to each button to make each button more unique using:
btnColour.Tag = bytCounter

How does Tab Index work if the control's enabled property is false

If I'm viewing a form and I set the enabled property of the control with tab index = 0, does the cursor then move to the next tab index? Do I need to, and is there a way, to force the tab to set to the first control with Enabled = True?
So in order to achieve this (assuming there are no panels on your form), this is how you could iterate through the controls in tab order. The first control which you encounter and which is enabled, you set the focus on it and leave the Sub. The myFirstControl variable is initialized by you with the first control in the tab order list of the form.
Private Sub IterateControls()
Dim ctrl As Control = myFirstControl
While ctrl IsNot Nothing
If ctrl.Enabled = True Then
Me.ActiveControl = ctrl
Exit Sub
End If
ctrl = Me.GetNextControl(ctrl, True)
End While
End Sub
If you have panels also, you should build a dictionary of panels (with the panel as key, its first control as value) and take them one by one using a For loop. The For loop should be placed to include the whole method's code, but this time you initiate the ctrl variable with the first control from the panel (i.e. the value of the current dictionary entry), instead of the first control of the Form, and also you would call myPanel.GetNextControl(...) instead of Me.GetNextControl(...). The other code lines should remain the same. If this is not helpful enough, add a comment and I will edit my answer.

Is there anyway to save a multiple buttons as a list?

I am making small restaurant system project. I have 16 buttons as tables in the restaurant. I would like to change their colors or disable any of them when some events trigger (the form is loaded).
I save my button names in format TableX_ButtonY
I used a for-loop to change theirs border colors like this:
CType(Me.Controls.Find(String.Format("Table{0}Button{1}", i, x), True)(0), Button).FlatAppearance.BorderColor = Color.Blue
It will be great if I can save these buttons as a list, so I can manage it more easily.
I name their tags from 1 to 16 but I don't know how to use them correctly. Because the trigger not based on button click but rather based on the Load Form event.
Buttons are already in a collection and is a bit redundant to add them to a generic collection. In this example there are 2 buttons in a group controls collection, which could very well be any applicable container.
Dim ReservedTables() As Integer = {5, 10, 15, 20}
For Each Btn As Button In GroupBox1.Controls.OfType(Of Button)
If ReservedTables.Contains(CType(Btn.Tag, Integer)) Then
Btn.Enabled = False
End If
Dim TableList As New List(Of Button)
For Each Table As Button in TableList
'do stuff
if you generated the buttons by using the designer, you can use the method you described in your question to add them all to the list

Userform MultiPage Navigation

I have a Userform I built in Excel that has roughly ten tabs utilizing the MultiPage setup. Problem is I am running out of space for additional tabs and would really like to replace the tabs with a friendlier Navigation Menu or Toolbar. I've looked into the Microsoft ToolBar Control, which is close to what I'm looking for but I can't change the height and the dropdown has to have the arrow clicked and nto the text, which is not that intuitive in my opinion.
So my question is, are any of you familiar with a better multipage navigation setup, perhaps using a form of ActiveX?
I would reccommend seperating your User Form into seperate forms or Child forms based on category.
You can have one form launch another one if they are both Modeless, and both can be on screen at the same time. This way, you can work with both consecutively.
To launch a form as modeless, when you do Form1.Show change it to Form1.Show vbModeless
What I ended up doing was making a Listbox with all my different pages that is apart of my Multipage then placed this listbox on the left hand side of my Userform then used this code
Populate the listbox
i = 0
With Main_Window.form_navigation_list
.AddItem "Domestic"
.List(i, 0) = "Page 1"
.List(i, 1) = 0
i = i + 1
.List(i, 0) = "Page 2"
.List(i, 1) = 1
i = i + 1
End With
Then I have this for the on click
Private Sub form_navigation_list_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim SelectedRow As Integer
For SelectedRow = 0 To Main_Window.form_navigation_list.ListCount - 1
If Main_Window.form_navigation_list.Selected(SelectedRow) Then
nav_page = Main_Window.form_navigation_list.List(SelectedRow, 1)
With Main_Window
.MultiPage1.Value = nav_page
End With
End If
End Sub
I started off using a flexgrid but kept getting a memory leak issue and program would crash, so I swapped to the listbox and it's working fine now. Now I can customize this listbox to look a bit more like the navigation I want.

How to reference controls located on different Tabs (VB.NET)

I have an application written in VB.NET that reads data from a file and displays the data on the screen.
Depending on the data in the file, the program has a TabControl with up to 3 tabs and each tab in turn has a DataGridView for displaying data. For example I have a TabControl that has a tab called "Saturday" and a tab called "Sunday".
The problem I am having is that when I read data from a file, the program displays all the data on the Saturday's tab grid because I am not sure how to reference the Grid on the Sunday tab.
To add the DataGridView I am using the following code:
Grid = New DataGridView
Grid.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
Grid.Name = "Grid" & TabControl.SelectedIndex
Grid.Tag = "Grid" & TabControl.SelectedIndex
And this is how I am reading the data in:
If reader.GetAttribute("controltype") = "Tab" Then
SelectedTab = reader.Name
End If
If reader.Name = "cell" Then
y = y + 1
Grid.Rows(i).Cells(y).Style.BackColor = Color.FromName(reader.ReadElementString("cell"))
End If
What I almost want to do is something like (pseudocode):
SelectedTab.Grid.Rows(i).Cells(y).Style.BackColor = Color.FromName(reader.ReadElementString("cell"))
However when I use the above code it complains:
'Grid' is not a member of 'String'
I hope you understand the issue. Let me know if you need clarification
Your code is a little unclear. However, it appears to me that the following line:
If reader.GetAttribute("controltype") = "Tab" Then
SelectedTab = reader.Name
End If
is creating at least one problem. It looks like you are attempting to refer to a Tabpage control by the string representation of its name, but unless I missed something, what that line is actually doing is trying to make a tabpage control type("SelectedTab") refer to a string type. If that is the case, then you will want to try this instead:
If reader.GetAttribute("controltype") = "Tab" Then
TabControl1.SelectedTab = TabControl1.TabPages(
End If
It is a little hard to tell from the code you have posted, but that might get you headed down the right path.
UPDATE: It appears from your code that you are naming each DGV control by appending the index of the tab on which it is located to the string "grid." I am going to assume that you are using a class member variable named "SelectedTab" to represent the current tab selected in the control. I will assume that at the top of your class you have done something like this:
'Form-or-class scoped memebr variables:
Private SelectedTab As TabPage
Private SelectedGrid As DataGridView
You should be able to refer to the active grid control using something like this:
Private Sub TabControl1_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles TabControl1.SelectedIndexChanged
' Set SelectedTab member variable to refer to the new selected tab page:
SelectedTab = TabControl1.SelectedTab
' Set the SelectedGrid to refer to the grid control hosted on the selected tab page:
SelectedGrid = TabControl1.SelectedTab.Controls("Grid" & TabControl1.SelectedIndex.ToString())
End Sub
From here, you should be able to use the member variable for SelectedGrid to refer to the grid present on which ever tab page is selected in your tab control.
It is challenging to address your concerns with only fragments of your code. If you have additional difficulties, please post more of your code, so we can better see what else is going on.
Hope that helps!
Okay, I would go about something like this. Maybe you can simply use a DataSet to load the XML data in one line (if they have been saved with DataSet.WriteXML before).
Dim ds As New DataSet
Dim p As TabPage
Dim gv As DataGridView
For i As Integer = TabControl1.TabPages.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
For Each dt As DataTable In ds.Tables
p = New TabPage(dt.TableName)
gv = New DataGridView
' ... configure the gv here...
gv.AutoGenerateColumns = True
gv.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
' ...
gv.DataSource = dt