I'm opening a gif in photoshop and it opens as a frame animation.
I hit Convert to video timeline and instead of converting to a single video layer it gives me X layers (x = # of animation frames)
I don't know what I did. Before this my ps would open the gifs as a video timeline
Dont hit video timeline,,,,just in Create frame animation...
screenshoot :
see this
there is two list ....
I have some code that used CreateJS /EaselJS to create a MovieClip that contains a Tween that contains an mp4 video. In MovieClip there is a method called 'gotoAndPlay' that you can use to change the timeline position of the playhead to a certain frame number. When using this method to change the play position of the video the tweens work but not the Tween that contains the mp4 movie...this object does not load is result in a blank video tag on the page except for the first play through of the clip. Once the mp4 video has been played it didn't play again if the position was set to it through gotoAndPlay...any ideas on how to fix this or if something wrong might be happening?
In ActionScript animations, FLV movies can be locked to the timeline. But in HTML Canvas animations, MP4 movies are not really fully-fledged "Animate" objects. They look the same for the most part but the integration is not as tight as in Flash.
Since the videos exist outside of the Canvas, you'll need to use jQuery or JavaScript to address them. This can be done by using the Code Snippets in the HTML5 Canvas - Components - Video folder.
As an advance warning, "seeking" to different locations in an MP4 video the way you described is not as reliable as it was in Flash. Browsers like Internet Explorer don't handle seeking well and will likely crash. If frame -by-frame accuracy is important, you may find the best visual results by avoiding the video component and converting your movie to an actual MovieClip in Animate CC, which will increase your file size significantly.
I'm trying to move an image, and to keep his transparency. To do that, I have a transparent image, and I convert it into a video with Imagesource. I overlay it to a video made by a completely transparent image. Finally, I want the resultant video to be transparent, and for that I need to merge the alpha chanel of the both videos. Now I don't see how to do that (I encounter the MergeRGB but it doensn't work, I also encounter the Mask method, but I don't want mask of any of my video, I don't want mask of the image I want to move, I want the mask of the moved image). The best I done wast to keep mask of the video.
Please, one of you know how to merge alpha channel so the result will be the alpha channel of the moved image? This is the code I use:
clip1 = ImageSource("PNG_transparency_demonstration_1.png", end=239, fps=24, pixel_type="RGB32").ConvertToRGB32()
clip1trans = ImageSource("fond_transparent_720.png", end=10, fps=24, pixel_type="RGB32").ConvertToRGB32()
clip1 = Overlay(clip1trans, clip1, x=100, y=100, mask=clip1.ShowAlpha())
The solution I used was wrong. Overlay is a method which need a mask if you want to use one, but it doesn't conserve it. The one which is good here is the Layer function.
So I use Layer function and the result is a moved transparent image.
i have here a rendered .mov video file with the raw codec and 10 frames per second. The video shows a camera that rotates around a house. If I open this file with the Quicktime Player I can move around the house by dragging the mouse over the video. It's like an interactive video.
Now I want to embed this function in my website with javascript. The problem is that I want to use HTML5 videos, so I have to convert the .mov file into .avi or .mp4.
My Problem is now, if I do that the video laggs when I drag with the mouse over it. Even if I just play it it laggs. How can I convert this video so that I have the same quality as in the original?
Thanks in advance,
You could try using a GOP length of 1 (also known as using all I-frames). This makes it easier to play backwards. But you might need to just turn it into a series of still images, like JPEGs, and swap them to the screen as needed. Video formats are meant to be played forwards, at normal speed.
I have a problem regarding a video that is not displayed correctly in the video.js player:
As you can see from the page source the dimensions of the player are set to 640x480. The video has the same dimensions which I verified by loading it into my local player and displaying the properties. But: At the left and the right of the video there is a gap of some pixels. The poster is displayed correctly without these gaps. This results in an ugly skip when the player switches from the video to the poster. The poster image is the last frame of the video.
Other videos like this one
are playing fine without a skip but I can't find any difference between these and the faulty one.
My browser is Firefox 23.0.1 thus the ogv video is used.
Can anybody help?
Best regards - Ulrich
I created a custom Camera Control with overlay ...
Now i am zooming image by using Slider by ..
imagePickerController.cameraViewTransform = CGAffineTransformScale(initialTransform,
MainSlider.value, MainSlider.value);
where initialTransform is the initial image transformation ...
MainSlider is slider , which i use to get zoom level from 1 to 4
So each time when i increase image using Slider ... I refer initialTransform and zoom accordingly Slider value ...
I am able to zoom by doing this .. But when i capture photo using
[imagePickerController takePicture];
It gives me Original Picture only .. does not give me any EditedImage ...
This original image is same as without zoom ...
I want to get Image which was zoomed ...
Means whatever showing in screen ...
I try to find a lot for this,,,, I know we can use GetScreenCapture()
but it can be cause of rejection of app and also it lower down the image quality ...
You need to apply the same transform to the image after it has been captured. Setting cameraViewTransform will only affect the display, as you've noticed. When you apply a uniform scaling transform (e.g. to zoom) this is a digital zoom. You are not increasing the pixel resolution. You'll get the pic back from the camera and then you can crop/scale it to the size you want when processing the image. You should do your processing on a background thread to minimize disrupting the main thread.