in XACML(eXtensible Acces control markup language) - xacml

I am a student in Uni-Siegen.
For two weeks I am trying to define the communication between PDP and the PAP, but I do not know how to do it.
I would like to do it in java. What APIs can help me? Forget someone has a sample code and how to configure exclipse.

You can use SunXACML api to build PDP and PEP. Create a blank java project in eclipse and add SunXACML jar in your project's build path. Then follow the following guide to implement a simple PDP and PEP in JAVA. Then test them using some XACML policies.


DocuSign API integration issue with RESTful Web Services :

My project is using DocuSign API to post Envelope with the Java client:
It works fine, but the project also needs to use jCloud with another lib dependency:
The server (tomcat) gets an exception when calling the JWT authent of DocuSign:
Could not initialize class com.sun.jersey.core.header.MediaTypes
Is it possible to fix this dependency problem without exploring the DocuSign sources?
welcome to SO.
depending on the dependency management program you are using , you can print a tree and then investigate if there is any conflict.
for gradle,
./gradlew app:dependencies
for Maven
mvn dependency:tree
Also, generally before that message you will see a Java Exception. If you add that or look at it, it may throw more light on the problem.
best wishes.
Yes, we (DocuSign) have this issue logged as an issue for the SDK and as DocuSign internal ticket DCM-3324.
Please ask your DocuSign representative to add your organization information to DCM-3324 to help raise the priority of the issue. Thank you.

Versioning with WebAPI .Net Core does not work as expected

I am trying to introduce URL versioning into my .Net Core WebAPI application. I am also using Swagger web tools for ease of use for users.
Now, while trying to introduce versioning into my application, I referenced the docs here:
Now, I made following code changes into my code:
Startup.cs/ConfigureServices I added code below:
services.AddApiVersioning(options => {
options.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
Now, my controller annotations before any kind of versioning was added, looked like below:
and produces a URL which looks like something below:
Now, I added annotations below to enable api versioning:
. [ApiVersion("1.0")]
and now when I click on the same method listed in my swagger UI
the url looks like below:
While what I was expecting was something like:
Also on my swagger it is now asking me explicitly about entering version number. So I think my question boils down to two major points:
How I can I fix my URL? and what am I doing wrong?
Why is swagger now asking me to enter version number in API UI when I have explicitly stated that the version is going to be 1.0 in the annotation of the controller?
What you are missing is the complementary package for API versioning that supports an API version-aware API Explorer:
Install-Package Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning.ApiExplorer
The API Explorer is how Swagger generators like Swashbuckle do all their work. The source and links are also available in the API versioning repo.
To achieve the result you want, you need to configure API version substitution in the URL:
services.AddMvcCore().AddVersionedApiExplorer( options => options.SubstituteApiVersionInUrl = true );
Note: that the call the AddMvcCore() is no longer required in API Versioning 3.0+
Documentation and samples are available in the official API versioning repo. I recommend reviewing the API Documentation wiki topic:
The accepted answer extends this package, which is fine as long as it stay up-to-date with the flavor of API versioning you are using. API Versioning always ships compatible API Explorer extensions on every release.
Setting up api versioning with swagger is indeed a tricky thing as it is lot's of pieces that need to be setup correctly.
Luckily for us, there's a great nuget packages called SwashbuckleAspNetVersioningShim which solves this in an excellent way.
Add it
Install-Package SwashbuckleAspNetVersioningShim -Version 2.2.1
Then follow the readme here

How to add remote issue link in jira-rest-api

I've got a program which creates JIRA issues using the jira-rest-api supported by Atlassian.
What I'd like to do is to create a link within the issue to an external URL (actually a presigned Amazon S3 link).
At the REST level this should be doable with a POST request to the Jira api to create a remoteLink. However I cannot find methods in the client APIs or a RemoteLink dto in the Java library.
Nor does the Java library appear to give any access to lower level REST handlers.
Now, I could set up my own REST handling code, going right back to the endpoint URL and authentication, but that's messy, when most of the code the code should already be there. Also I can't clearly see which json fields are required, and which not can be left to the API.
Am I overlooking something obvious in the documentation? I can't even seem to locate source for the client implementation, only the interface layer.
My current code is using version 3.0.6 of the api, but I've just checked v4 (which seems to be the latest on offer) and there's still no RemoteLink support.
Have you tried with these?

Symfony 3.1: configuration of ldap component as service

I'm writing my first Symfony app and and I need authenticate users over LDAP/AD, but I run out of documentation...
I found many solutions for use LdapClient, but it tagged as deprecated. So, i check for use the new one Ldap class as recommended, but I not found documentation for use it. The documentation of Ldap component for the current version (3.1) suggest to use LdapClient yet! It isn't updated yet?
I don't know how to do: must we create an adapter for add a Ldap service? If so, how to proceed?
Any help will be appreciated, thanks!
Check out this cookbook article for configuring LDAP authentication using the builtin Symfony component:
I also have a bundle I maintain that includes LDAP authentication that works well with AD called LdapToolsBundle. It has documentation on the main page for the app/config/config.yml entries needed to configure your domain for use in the bundle, and also some details on configuring authentication in app/config/security.yml here.
The bundle above provides a LDAP service called ldap_tools.ldap_manager that can be used to query/create/modify different types AD objects.
take a look at my Blog:
This requires FOSUserBundle and FR3DLdapBundle, but I think if you go through all that documentation you should be able to get LDAP/AD integration with Symfony3 working.
Below is a second easier solution:

Rest resource API in JIRA Plugin

Is it possible to create Rest Resource API into JIRA Plugin or have to create separate refapp as below and reference in JIRA plugin project?
And what will be the url of rest api method to access ?
I mean how it compose to use.
Thank you.
As found,
Yes, it's possible. Follow below tutorial to add REST RESOURCE module in jira project.
Below is another ticket related to URL composition for rest resource service:
Thank You,
Dhaval Soni