Apache Isis Custom menu icon - isis

I want to change my default Menu Icon using FoneAwesome Icon, e.g Day Off Calendar use calendar icon.

I just solve this by very easy solutions which already exist on Apache Isis, just use cssClassFa on ActionLayout annotation as bellow.
#ActionLayout(bookmarking = BookmarkPolicy.AS_ROOT, cssClassFa = "calendar")


Odoo - how to hide conversations icon in menu bar

I'm customizing odoo community v14 
We don't use the discuss module but it was installed by other modules we use, so I've removed the 'Discuss' menu item, but I can't find how to remove the conversions icon just at the left of were the the activity  icon  and  user name is shown.
I found a response for a similar question in odoo forum but I couldn't find the code of this icon in addons/mail/static/src/xml/systray.xml only the code of activity icon is present
I searched for some parts of the html code in entire odoo source code but with no result
Any help please?
I did it using css by adding li.o_MessagingMenu{display: none !important;} to addons/web/static/src/scss/navbar.scss

Ektron PageBuilder - define default name for custom widget

I'm hoping this is a simple question. I have a custom widget. Let's say it is "SuperAwesomeWidget.ascx". When I'm editing a PageBuilder wireframe, I can see my widget in the little pulldown widget tray at the top of the screen. Thing is, the name under my icon is "SuperAwesomeWidget".
Now, I know that I can go to the widgets settings in the WorkArea and define a custom name, but what if I want Ektron to just "know" what the name should be? I'm hoping there is some config file somewhere that I can add my widget name to. I'd like to be able to drop this widget along with maybe a config file or something into a second Ektron install and not need to define the name via the workarea.
For anyone in the future googling this issue, there is a better answer than my previous one, particularly better than a workarea modification.
To update the display title of a widget in the widget bar:
Go to Workarea > Settings > Configuration > Personalization > Widgets
Find your widget in this list and click the edit icon to the left of its name
Modify the display title in the second text field in the modal that pops up.
Confirmed working in 8.6.1, likely works in all 8+ versions.
Edit: While this answer is still partially correct, I have discovered the actual way to do this. The correction has been marked as the accepted answer.
Set your IWidgethost's title property:
IWidgetHost _host;
_host.Title = "Hello World Widget";
From the esteemed eGandalf's tutorial on widget development:

how to add an image icon to my openerp custom module

Hi I have made a custom module for my openerp-7 . Now I need to include an image icon as the other modules but I am lacking the setting to do this . What changes should I have to made to have this icon view available.
Hopes for suggesstion
save your icon as 'icon.png' and place it under your_module_directory/static/src/img
for example check account_voucher module. Its icon images path is in account_voucher/static/src/img/icon.png
Openerp will automatically selects the icon from the static/src/img path
for creating an icon to the custom module you have to override your default icon that exists in the base module
write your icon in the description folder.
your project name /static/description/icon.png.
I think this will help you to change the icon.

Add custom bg color and logo option for a div in header from admin panel theme options - wp twenty eleven theme

I'm new to wordpress.. I have created a custom theme with files of twenty eleven theme in wordpress. But I'm not able to add custom background option and custom logo option. I'm trying to implement it in theme options page. I want to add a custom background color to a div in header section and also a logo in header.
Please give any suggestions for me to complete this theme creation.
Please give some idea about how to add new fields in theme options page and how to display it in pages..
I also want to add some custom text field for displaying address or some lines of text which can be updated from theme options.
Thanks in advance.
try wp codex (https://codex.wordpress.org/Theme_Customization_API), it'll help you with setting up the default wp customizer.
I personally use both the default customiser and the OptionTree plugin (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/option-tree/), the plugin is really easy to implement, I'd suggest you start with that.

Is it possible to change default landing tab to my app page?[facebook api]

I'm doing facebook app, it create a new tab(other for those who likes this page and who don't ) here is it :
but it's only scaffold.
Now I want to change this new tab to default landing tab and i didn't find anything how to to do this and i don't even know if it's possible?
ok now it's seperate question:)
Oh i get this question doesn't meet stackoverflow standtards so i wrote this and now it's longer so i think now i can post it: >
The new Timeline page format does not allow default landing tabs anymore.
While the answer above is correct for now, it will not be in 3 weeks; the deadline for timeline migrations is March 30th 2012.
Upper right corner of the page, click [Edit Page]
Left column, click Manage Permissions link
In the Default Landing Tab drop down choose your app
At the bottom of the page click [Save Changes]