how i finish current component on button click in React Native - react-native

I have created two component ( A and B) and put it inside StackNavigator after that header set to null then it's header not showing . so i created custom header for B component with back arrow. so my question is when i push Component B from A and click Back Arrow then Component B will finished like android finish() method .


React native modal screen change

I have a full screen modal and I want to "navigate" inside modal.
The structure of the modal
is a header and a footer that is the same in all screens and the body that is the different screens. Body is the only that will change.
How can achieve this with React Native Functional component without dependencies.
You can create :
A state React.useState step initialise at 0
An array of object with what you want for "body" elements
A function next and / or back to update state step change body
You can get elements of your body like so :
You have a good example from here demo sandbox demo and here documentation material ui stepper

How to call function inside child (tab) screen from parent screen in react native navigation

So i have a function inside a tab navigator screen, and I want to call from the parent of the tabs.the structure will be like this
And I need to call a function inside Tab 2 from Tabber Screen, how can I achieve this ?
All that I got from any example is accesing parent prop from child using screenProps. nothing is like how I need.
And for information, the parent screen using StackNavigator and the tabs using TabNavigator
Thanks for any help.

What is the better way send props between screen in react native?

I have to send data another screen. And I need to change the data on the parent screen when data changes on this screen. I tried to set/get params react-native navigation. But it doesn't work for me. What is the better way pass props/state between screen? How can I find out that my data has changed? and how can i store them for next time?
If you want to pass data from Screen A to Screen B or from a Parent component to a child component you should use props. This is what you are already doing just pass an extra prop which will be a callback function and is defined in the parent component which will update data in parent when some data changes in child component.
If you want to pass data to lets say nth screen (i.e from Screen A -> B -> C -> D ). Its better to use React Context.
You can read about it here

React Native how to load Modal with dynamique data from any child Component

Hello i am start working inside a mobile application with React Native and i have a listview (each item is a separate Component ) and when i click in a item i would like to load a Modal with dynamic data
My Question is how to create it without creating a modal for each item of the list ?
When click an item, set a state then pass your state to modal

React Native Pass properties on goBack in react-navigation ?

I use react-navigation with StackNavigatior to navigate through screens. I navigate from the screen A to screen B where I can select one option from a list of options.
After I press Done, I want to go back to screen A and see what option I selected in screen B.
How can I do that ?
I tried to pass the option selected to goBack() method, but it doesn't work.
If screen A is a parent of screen B, you can pass something like:
setScreenBOption: function (option) {
to screen B.
Then from screen B whenever the option is selected, you can call
On screen A, you'd display this.state.screenBOption.
If screen A and screen B are siblings, you'd add the setScreenBOption function onto the parent of screen A and screen B and pass this.setScreenBOption down to screen B and this.state.screenBOption to screen A. On screen A, you'd display this.props.screenBOption.