Completing code block with semicolon in intellij java - intellij-idea

I'm tired of having to take time to reformat code after every statement. Call me lazy or call me spoiled, but every IDE I've used reformatted code automatically when I entered a semicolon.
I've been using intellij because eclipse and android studio have too many internal dependencies that cause problems. But it doesn't reformat code the way the other two do. Is there a plugin or method I could use to correct this?

I didn't tried by myself but the following could address the problem with automatic re-format:
activate the option "save file automatically if the application is
idle for..." option in IntelliJ Idea Settings
install and configure the save actions plugin
Regarding Eclipse (I didn't use it for a long time) wasn't automatic reformat of the code triggered on file save? You said you had in eclipse this support on entering a semicolon.
Kind regards.

Also try shift-ctrl-enter. This completes the line, adding semi-colon, closing brackets etc but as a side effect also reformats the line.


Intellij Plugin Completion exits on dot?

What I wanna achieve?
When the Completion list shows up, my code will map all the language files located in .neon files and show them as auto complete text.
What I have done?
I restricted the completion to only show up when your caret is in between double quotes or single quotes
When I start typing it works as expected
But as soon as I type the dot character it miss behaves
I need the completion list to look up my whole string I wrote, not only those after the dot character
As a really bad workaround is to don't write the dot character
Can it be done somehow?
Okay, i got it. This is a default behavior of intelliJ where i was testing it.
After opening and testing the plugin in a proper intelliJ Ultimate instance. It works by default. I don't know why the sandboxed version has porblems with it.

Intellij adding extra line in new blocks

When I'm writing code in Intellij, I often create new blocks by typing these types of sequences:
if (test) {
Typing that open curly brace causes Intellij to automatically insert a closing brace and move the cursor between the two braces:
if (test) {|}
At this point, I simply press Enter and get a nicely formatted block with the cursor right where it should be:
if (test) {
However, today Intellij is adding an extra line to the block, like this:
if (test) {
I've looked all over the project and IDE settings, but I'm not sure what to change. FYI, it's happening in various file types (.java, .js, .css) across different types of projects (Spring/Java, Node/Express). Anyone know how to fix this little annoyance?
Just got this error myself. Weirdly enough, for me it turned out to be the AWS Toolkit plugin.
If you have the same problem, it is most likely something with one of your other plugins if not the one mentioned above. I went through tons of IDE settings, and believe me, I wouldn't wish that upon anyone ;)
As of 5MAR2015 the solution is to disable the Gauge plugin. Credit for this goes to #KaPaHgaIII

Can IntelliJ IDEA automatically format a code block after finishing it?

Some IDEs offer the feature to automatically format a line or block of code after finishing it e.g. by writing the closing curly or semicolon.
I find it hard to believe that IDEA does not offer this kind of feature. Or does it?
If you know how to turn it on - or if I maybe need some plugin - let me and the world know, please!
If it's a single line, you can use the Complete Current Statement action (which adds a closing bracket, semi-colon, and so on) with ctrl-shift-enter - this seems to reformat the whole line.
Otherwise, you can obviously rebind ctrl-w and ctrl-alt-l (to reformat selected text) or just ctrl-alt-l (reformat whole file) to faster / easier keybindings so that you can quickly reformat whenever you want to.
There is no automatic reformat feature, related requests:
IDEABKL-5806 Automatically trigger code formatter on file save
IDEABKL-475 Hard (auto-)reformat code
See also my answer to the similar question with the Complete Current Statement workaround.

unable to set breakpoint in intellij

I am trying to set breakpoints, nothing happens for couple of classes that I compiled recently with "mvn install". I am able to set breakpoints to classes which were already built by someone else.
Please let me know if anyone knows how to solve it.
Had the same issue while using IDEA CE 15:
Removing the Python CE plugin fixed the issue... but no Python parsing! :(
File -> Invalidate Caches and Restart helped solve the problem. Thanks Tomasz Nurkiewicz for the directions
In my case, the issue was caused by PHP Plugin ( Even after "Invalidate Caches and Restart", the issue persisted.
Uninstalling that PHP plugin, solved my problem.
By nothing happens do you mean that breakpoint isn't hit? Take a closer look at breakpoint icon. Especially see the difference between
icons. The latter indicates the code you run while debugging doesn't have any meaningful instruction on that line.
One of the reasons for such behaviour is when code you run is not the code you see. It can happen when application server can is still running old JAR or something similar. This seems to be the case since you say that breakpoints work in older code.
The solution to fixing breakpoints was adding the wildcard file extension "*.py" to the Python File Types in Python (it must have the wildcard symbol prefix, not just ".py") through taking these steps:
Go to:
IntelliJ IDE > Preferences (CMD+,) > Editor > File Types > Recognized
File Types
Under "Recognized File Types" heading:
Scroll down; Select "Python"
(associated Registered Patterns will be shown below)
Under "Registered Patterns" heading:
Click "+" icon; Enter "*.py", Click OK
(do whatever is necessary to achieve this, including removing/renaming others without the wildcard if necessary)
Add breakpoints by:
Select line(s) of code (not an empty line or comment); Going to: Run >
Toggle Line Breakpoint (CMD+F8)
Configure debugging with breakpoints by going to:
Run > Edit Configurations...; Click "+"; Select "Python"; Add a value
for the "Name" property; Select location of the ".py" file to debug
(in the "Script" property); Click OK
Debug using the breakpoints by going to:
Run > Debug... (Fn+CMD+F9); Wait until it stops at a breakpoint;
Inspect variable values shown in the file itself by hovering over
variable; Click variables and view the Frame and Variable details in
the Debug window by going to: View > Tool Windows > Debug (CMD+5)
Important Note: Initially I tried doing the following but after each one I was still unable to use breakpoints afterward:
Removing and reinstalling the Python plugin:
Entering CMD+,; In the dialog window going to Plugins > Install
Jetbrains Plugin.. > "Python" > Install
Updating IntelliJ Ultimate edition to the latest version v2016.3.4
Going to:
File > Invalidate Caches and Restart
Right click on the gutter (where you normally click to set breakpoint)
select "Configure Gutter Icons..." then enable the checkbox at the top that says
"Show gutter icons"
That fixed it for me
Simply closing and reopening file worked in setting gutter breakpoints
This is embarrassing but posting here in case this solution will help somebody else: A breakpoint will not show up if you attempt to place it between executable lines of code. The breakpoint must be located on an executable line of code to work. Make sure you click on the gutter next to an executable line or place your cursor on an executable line when you use the shortcut. Once I did this, the breakpoints worked.
"Click the gutter at the executable line of code where you want to set the breakpoint."

Intellij does not recognize Griffon variables?

Hi there i am trying to learn more about Griffon, but using IntelliJ it seems that code completion is not correct and variables are not recognized. So i am surely doing something wrong. I have created a new Griffon project and various things are not recognized. Also when i try to add a MenuBar for example code completion seems not to work. When i run it everything seems ok! So what am i missing???
It's a known Griffon bug fixed for 0.9.5.
The Griffon library manages the intellisense by itself, and, unfortunately, in this version it's broken. You can fix it by opening griffon.gdsl file, copying it into your project (or editing in-place and repacking into the jar), fixing two unclosed string literal problems there, and re-activating the script using the link at the top of the editor. This would bring you code completion.
Another option is to wait for Griffon 0.9.5 release or try the snapshot build.