Query Results across 3 tables - sql

I have a need to see a client was billed for a specific item. The tables are as follows Client, Orders, Details. The way they connect is Client to Orders and Orders to Details. (client.acctno = order.acctno, order.orderno = details.orderno)
How can I search all orders and display only those that have not been sold a specific item (sample code with exact table names below). My data keep showing all clients because they weren't sold the items a specific order I want to bunch them all together as ALL ORDERS and compare.
FROM plshared.dbo.client
LEFT OUTER JOIN PL00.dbo.ordhdr ON ordhdr.ACCT_NO = client.ACCT_NO
FROM pl00.dbo.orddet
WHERE orddet.ORDER_NO = ordhdr.order_no
AND orddet.ITEM_NO = '2017WI')

The problem is your query is at the order level. You might find it easier to get the clients by doing:
FROM PL00.dbo.ordhdr o JOIN
pl00.dbo.orddet od
ON od.ORDER_NO = o.order_no


SQL Using Multiply 3 Times with different ID's

I have tables called Products and ProductsDetails. I want to get something like the price of an order. So let's say I want 5 pairs of "Headphonesv1" ( Comparing with not ID but name, since name could change ), 2 packs of "GumOrbit" and 7 packs of "crisps". Pair of headphonesv1 costs 10$, gum 1$ and crisps 2$. So the answer that I should get is bill ID, Bill date, and TotalCost which is = 66. My question is how do I make multiple calculations? The code that I've been trying with one at least but I get syntax error:
SELECT Products.billID, Products.Date, (ProductsDetails.Price * 5 WHERE ProductsDetails.name LIKE 'Headphonesv1')
FROM Products INNER JOIN ProductsDetails ON Products.billdID = ProductsDetails.billID
Also have tried inserting SELECT inside () but then the values that I get are wrong and creating one more inner join inside doesn't seem promising
I think if you just want to see that total cost for multiple items you can use a aggregate and case expression to get the SUM.
SELECT Products.billID,
SUM(CASE WHEN ProductsDetails.name LIKE 'Headphonesv1' THEN ProductsDetails.Price * 5
WHEN ProductsDetails.name LIKE 'GumOrbit' THEN ProductsDetails.Price * 2
WHEN ProductsDetails.name LIKE 'crisps' THEN ProductsDetails.Price * 7
END) TotalCost
FROM Products
INNER JOIN ProductsDetails ON Products.billdID = ProductsDetails.billID
GROUP BY Products.billID,
this seems very hard coded to serve much use though
Your previous code has a few synax erros. you are closing your parenthesis in the wrong location, and the FROM ... clause should be before the WHERE ... clause. Change your code to this:
SELECT Products.billID, Products.Date, (ProductsDetails.Price * 5)
FROM Products INNER JOIN ProductsDetails ON Products.billdID = ProductsDetails.billID
WHERE ProductsDetails.name LIKE 'Headphonesv1'
and let me know if it works now.
The OP requested how to obtain that information for more than one Product. In that case you could switch the statement to:
SELECT Products.billID, Products.Date,
(ProductsDetails.Price *
(CASE WHEN ProductsDetails.name='Headphonesv1' THEN 5 ELSE
CASE WHEN ProductsDetails.name='GumOrbit' THEN 7 ELSE 0 END
) AS Cost
FROM Products INNER JOIN ProductsDetails ON Products.billdID = ProductsDetails.billID
WHERE (ProductsDetails.name = 'Headphonesv1') OR (ProductsDetails.name = 'GumOrbit')
And you can continue to add more products.
You probably have another two tables: cart(cartID int/*,more info*/) and cartItems(cartID int /*FK*/, item varchar(50),qty int) where you add something. Finally,
select sum(pd.price * ci.qty) tot
FROM Products p
INNER JOIN ProductsDetails pd ON p.billdID = pd.billID
inner join cartItems ci on ci.item = pd.name
inner join cart c on c.cartID = ci.cartID
where c.cartID = 123456

SQL: Split rows with same ID into columns + left join

I have a cs cart database and I am trying to select all the attributes for all the products, the problem is that for each separate attribute for a product, my query creates a new row, I want to to have a single row for each products that has all the attributes into columns.
This is my query right now:
SELECT a.product_id, b.variant, c.description, d.product_code
FROM cscart_product_features_values a
LEFT JOIN cscart_product_feature_variant_descriptions b ON a.variant_id = b.variant_id
LEFT JOIN cscart_product_features_descriptions c ON a.feature_id = c.feature_id
LEFT JOIN cscart_products d ON a.product_id = d.product_id
After I run the query, I get the following result:
38;"1st";"Grade Level";"750"
38;"Math";"Subject Area";"750"
etc next product
What I want is this:
product_id;"product_code";"Grade Level";"Subject Area";"Publisher"
etc next product
We only have 3 type of attributes: Grade Level, Subject Area and Publisher.
Any ideas how to improve my query and achieve this? I would be happy even with concatenating all 3 attributes in one column, delimited by ",".
This is a generic SQL solution using GROUP BY and MAX(case expression) to achieve the transformation of 3 rows into a single row with the 3 columns.
, p.product_code
, MAX(CASE WHEN fd.description = 'Grade Level' THEN vd.variant END) AS GradeLevel
, MAX(CASE WHEN fd.description = 'Subject Area' THEN vd.variant END) AS SubjectArea
, MAX(CASE WHEN fd.description = 'Publisher' THEN vd.variant END) AS Publisher
FROM cscart_products p
LEFT JOIN cscart_product_features_values v ON p.product_id = v.product_id
LEFT JOIN cscart_product_feature_variant_descriptions vd ON v.variant_id = vd.variant_id
LEFT JOIN cscart_product_features_descriptions fd ON v.feature_id = fd.feature_id
, p.product_code
This approach should work on just about any SQL database.
Note also that I have changed the order of tables because I presume there has to be a row in cscart_products, but there might not be related rows in the other tables.
I have also changed the aliases, personally I do not care for aliaes based on the order of use in a query (e.g. I just changed the order so I had to change all references). I have use 'p' = product, 'v' = variant, 'vd' = variant description & 'fd' = feature description' - with such a convention for aliases I can re-arrange the query without changing every reference.

Joining a derived table postgres

I have 4 tables:
Competencies: a list of obviously competencies, static and a library
Competency Levels: refers to an associated group of competencies and has a number of competencies I am testing for
call_competency: a list of all 'calls' that have recorded the specified competency
competency_review_status: proving whether each call_competency was reviewed
Now I am trying to write this query to count a total and spit out the competency, id and whether a user has reached the limit. Everything works except for when I add the user. I am not sure what I am doing wrong, once I limit call competency by user in the where clause, I get a small subset that ONLY exists in call_competency returned when I want the entire list of competencies.
The competencies not reached should be false, ones recorded appropriate number true. A FULL list from the competency table.
I added the derived table, not sure if this is right, obviously it doesn't run properly, not sure what I'm doing wrong and I'm wasting time. Any help much appreciated.
SELECT comp.id, comp.shortname, comp.description,
CASE WHEN sum(CASE WHEN crs.grade = 'Pass' THEN 1 ELSE CASE WHEN crs.grade = 'Fail' THEN -1 ELSE 0 END END) >= comp_l.competency_break_level
FROM competencies comp
INNER JOIN competency_levels comp_l ON comp_l.competency_group = comp.competency_group
SELECT competency_id
FROM call_competency
WHERE call_competency.user_id IN (
SELECT users.id FROM users WHERE email= _studentemail
) call_c ON call_c.competency_id = comp.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN competency_review_status crs ON crs.id = call_competency.review_status_id
GROUP BY comp.id, comp.shortname, comp.description, comp_l.competency_break_level
ORDER BY comp.id;
(Shooting from the hip, no installation to test)
It looks like the below should do the trick. You apparently had some of the joins mixed up, with a column from a relation that was not referenced. Also, the CASE statement in the main query could be much cleaner.
SELECT comp.id, comp.shortname, comp.description,
(sum(CASE WHEN crs.grade = 'Pass' THEN 1 WHEN crs.grade = 'Fail' THEN -1 ELSE 0 END) >= comp_l.competency_break_level) AS reached_limit
FROM competencies comp
JOIN competency_levels comp_l USING (competency_group)
SELECT competency_id, review_status_id
FROM call_competency
JOIN users ON id = user_id
WHERE email = _studentemail
) call_c ON call_c.competency_id = comp.id
LEFT JOIN competency_review_status crs ON crs.id = call_c.review_status_id
GROUP BY comp.id, comp.shortname, comp.description
ORDER BY comp.id;

Using query results in further procedcures

I'm fairly new to SQL especially PL/SQL, I have a grasp of the basics but what i'm trying to do goes over my head. This is a small part of a larger system but I will focus on 3 tables Sale_Head, Sale_Line and Product. This work is being done in Orcale SQL developer.
http://imgur.com/OrfhM0g,i4pMnTx - Sale Table
http://imgur.com/OrfhM0g,i4pMnTx#1 - Product Table
(Im a newbie so i dont have enough rep to directly post images)
Im attempting to build up some procedures that process pending sales. Sales have a status in the Sale_Head which can either be p(pending), s(shipped), i(in progress), x(cancelled), or b(back orders). The procedure(s) need to find sales with a pending status (i've got that far in my code), then check the products stock levels are above the minimum level enough to complete the sale. If all these conditions are met pending sales become i (in progress) and if there is inadequate stock it comes backordered (b). I have a general idea of how to go about this, but when it comes having to referencing the product table using the foreign from sale_line I get confused.
--create or replace procedure Process_Products is
select Sale_Head.Sale_Num , Sale_Line.Product_Code as
from Sale_Head
inner join Sale_Line on
Sale_Head.Sale_Num = Sale_Line.SALE_NUM
where Sale_head.Status = 'P';
--if Sale_Line.Product_Code = Product.Product_Code >
This returns the product codes for orders that have a pending status, but now I need to check their stock levels in the product table and make adjustments.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but if you are saying "for those sales in a pending status where enough inventory exists to fulfill the order, change the status to i (in progress), otherwise not enough inventory exists, so change the status to b (backordered)", then the following should help:
-- This is a useful query to display what you need - debugging, use in cursor, etc
SELECT sh.Sale_Num, sl.Product_Code, sl.Quantity as QtyToBuy,
p.Stock_Count, p.Minimum_Level,
(Case When sl.Quantity <= p.Minimum_Level Then 'i'
Else 'b' end) as NewStatus
FROM Sale_Head sh
INNER JOIN Sale_Line sl
ON sh.Sale_Num = sl.SALE_NUM
INNER JOIN Product p
ON sl.Product_Code
WHERE Sale_head.Status = 'P';
The status code can be updated in one query if that is what you want:
--This query will actully do the update (if view is updatable)
SELECT sh.Status, (Case When sl.Quantity <= p.Minimum_Level Then 'i'
Else 'b' end) as NewStatus
FROM Sale_Head sh
INNER JOIN Sale_Line sl
ON sh.Sale_Num = sl.SALE_NUM
INNER JOIN Product p
ON sl.Product_Code
WHERE sh.Status = 'P'
) a
SET a.Status = a.NewStatus;
If the above view is not updatable, try this syntax:
--Otherwise try this syntax
UPDATE Sale_Head sh1 Set Sale_Head.Status =
SELECT (Case When sl.Quantity <= p.Minimum_Level Then 'i'
Else 'b' end) as NewStatus
FROM Sale_Head sh
INNER JOIN Sale_Line sl
ON sh.Sale_Num = sl.SALE_NUM
INNER JOIN Product p
ON sl.Product_Code
WHERE sh1.Sale_Num = sh.Sale_Num
WHERE Sale_Head.Status = 'P';

Group on two columns and calculate net total SQL Query

I am finding it difficult to modify an existing SQL query to group records on two columns. Following is the query which retrieves records from multiple tables by joining:
InM.invm_No AS DocNo,
D.doctyp_Desc AS DocType,
L.loc_Desc AS Site,
InM.sup_Code AS Supplier,
[SI_InventoryMaster] InM
[SI_DocType] AS D ON InM.doctyp_Code = D.doctyp_Code
SI_Supplier S ON InM.sup_Code = S.sup_Code
[SI_InventoryDetail] AS InD ON InD.invm_No = InM.invm_No
AND InM.invm_verified = 1
AND InM.docs_DocCode = 'GRN'
AND MONTH (InM.invm_Date) = 12
AND YEAR(InM.invm_date) = 2013
SI_Location L ON InD.loc_code = L.loc_Code
Which results the following:
I need to group records "by DocNo by Site" and find total amount for each site. Total amount will be last column in this resultset and it is net of product of InD.invd_Qty and InD.invd_Rate for each site.
For DocNo: 00000030, there are 4 records of CWS Store Site, so its total amount would be calculated as: 7684.999+7684.999+3000+3000=21369.998
In this particular example, modified query should return following resultset:
Please help.
Try grouping on all the columns associated with those two columns. Something like:
SELECT InM.invm_No AS DocNo, InM.docs_DocCode, D.doctyp_Desc AS DocType,
L.loc_Desc AS Site, InM.sup_Code AS Supplier,
FROM [SI_InventoryMaster] InM INNER JOIN
[SI_DocType] AS D
ON InM.doctyp_Code = D.doctyp_Code INNER JOIN
SI_Supplier S
ON InM.sup_Code = S.sup_Code INNER JOIN
[SI_InventoryDetail] AS InD
ON InD.invm_No = InM.invm_No AND
InM.invm_verified = 1 AND
InM.docs_DocCode = 'GRN' AND
MONTH (InM.invm_Date) = 12 AND
YEAR(InM.invm_date) = 2013 INNER JOIN
SI_Location L
ON InD.loc_code = L.loc_Code
GROUP BY InM.invm_No AS DocNo, InM.docs_DocCode, D.doctyp_Desc AS DocType,
L.loc_Desc AS Site, InM.sup_Code AS Supplier;