how to copy files using ssh under the key-based [pem} configuration - ssh

i have a server which is access remote connection only with SSH key auth
i have a key which is stored in my home directory with .pem extension
but when im trying to copy file using the scp command
scp /home/myfilewhichiwannatocopy core# the server asks for password but i don't have it ( btw normal connection using the ssh -i /.ssh/mg.service.pem core# fully works) and how to make the scp command for using the key auth?

scp -i /path/to/key.pem somefile.txt user#<machine>:/path
Might I also add, you can consult the man pages


Error Public Key when trying to ssh into Google Cloud Platform VM

I had been using VSCode's remote-ssh to access my virtual machines running on google cloud. This had been working perfectly fine until I made a snapshot of my most recent instance and created a new instance out of this on a larger VM. Now when I try to connect (through any method) I get: " Permission denied (publickey).". I have spent countless hours deleting and re-adding, and recreating my ssh keys to no avail. Before I simply ran "gcloud compute config-ssh" and this created a working config file, but now this works. Please help, I have tried everything and there is simply no way for me to ssh. On the website I can click the ssh button to open up their shell, but cannot do it from my terminal
The problem may be related to the lack of identification of your SSH private key during connection in VSCode. You can indicate your private key adding IdentityFile option pointing to your SSH private key, this in your SSH connection host entries in SSH configuration files:
Host vm_name
HostName external_ip
IdentityFile /path/to/ssh_private_key
Port port_number
Here the long story if you or someone need more information.
You can go from the start for ensure that you do no have compromise your SSH keys and that is the origin of problem.
Create SSH Key
First, create new ssh keys.In the computer that you will use to access your remote host, that is Google VM instance, open your terminal or cmd and go to the ssh folder to generate the keys.
My ssh config and keys are under my user directory, /home/my_user/.ssh on Linux or C:\Users\my_user\.ssh on Windows.
The I will cd to one of these path, depending on for which of them I using at the moment.
cd /home/my_user/.ssh
cd C:\Users\my_user\.ssh
Command to generate SSH key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f my_ssh_key -C user
my_ssh_key: the name your key, you can put what you want to better identify
user: must be the user that you want to use to connect at your Google VM instance.
This will generate an Private Key named my_ssh_key and a Public key named
Alternatively, stay in any location of operating system and passing the absolute path where to generate the keys:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /home/my_user/.ssh/my_ssh_key -C user
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f C:\Users\my_user\.ssh\my_ssh_key -C user
Copy the public key in your Google cloud VM authorized_keys file
** Do not rewrite anyone public key that already exists jus append in the file of authorized_keys file.
Add new ssh Host entry for remote connection
Click on Remote SSH manager, the icon at the bottom right of the VS Code, click on the Remote SSH: Open Configuration File option and choose your ssh configuration file to add another SSH entry for remote connection.
The config file must be under SSH directory, the same path used in the step of generate SSH keys.
To add another Host, write the following make the properly changes:
Host vm_name
HostName external_ip
IdentityFile /path/to/ssh_private_key
Port port_number
vm_name: is alias to connect with ssh command in practical way, could be what you want.
external_ip: the external of your Google VM instance, you can get in the VM instances panel at
IdentityFile: the path for yout private SSH key, the file that you generated that note have .pub extension.
Port: the por number of SSH of your Google VM instance, 22 is the default port.
Now it is just choose this host to connect to your Google VM instance.
For more details about SSH settings on Google Cloud Platform:

How do I ssh into a aws web server with a .pem key?

I am on a MAC and open terminal, I know how to log into ssh with the command ssh
However this web server sent me a .pem key to use as the password.
Normally I just enter the password and get in.
I have no idea and can't find any help online that makes sense to me as I don't normally do this sort of thing.
I need to get in there to zip a folder and download it.
Please help?
SSH -i /loc/xyz.pem username#ipaddress
Enter password for the pem file on getting prompted.
For downloading a file, it's as simple as doing(from local system)
SCP -i /loc/xyz.pem username#ipaddress:/serverloc/ /localaddress/

Change SSH pem file

I want to change my remote server SSH. Currently I login through a .pem file
ssh -l ubuntu -i .ssh/myfile.pem XX.XX.XXX.XXX
I tried to find how to change that access key but I found only that methor :
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048
cp authorised_keys
scp authorized_keys ubuntu#XX.XX.XXX.XXX:/home/ubuntu/.ssh
I see no .pem file generated, plus how can I connect now ?
I want to make sure before I do anything so I don't lose ability to connect via SSH.
Should I remove the old key with :
ssh-keygen -R hostname
If yes, when ? after or before the scp ? if after this will remove both keys, if before then I wouldn't be able to perform scp !!!
I am a bot confused.
I see no .pem file in my remote, the pem file is only in my local .ssh folder. in remote .ssh I see :
With "ssh-keygen" command you generate a pair of public and private keys (by default stored in $HOME/.ssh).
Then you copy the public key in your remote server, and the private key in your local client (with permissions 0600). You can use "ssh-add" command to add the private key to the authentication agent to be able to connect to the remote server.

Have password automatically entered when ssh

From my laptop, I often ssh into another machine in my university department. I have to put in a password every time currently.
Could someone give me an idiot's guide to having the password be automatically entered each time I log in please.
Thank you in advance.
You can override by enabling Password less authentication. But you should install keys (pub, priv) before going for that.
Execute the following commands at local server.
Local $> ssh-keygen -t rsa
Press ENTER for all options prompetd. No values need to be typed.
Local $> cd .ssh
Local $> scp .ssh/ user#targetmachine:
Prompts for pwd$> ENTERPASSWORD
Connect to remote server using the following command
Local $> ssh user#targetmachine
Prompts for pwd$> ENTERPASSWORD
Execute the following commands at remote server
Remote $> mkdir .ssh
Remote $> chmod 700 .ssh
Remote $> cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys
Remote $> chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
Remote $> exit
Execute the following command at local server to test password-less authentication.
It should be connected without password.
$> ssh user#targetmachine
I assume you are using Linux. Lot of places in the internet where it is already documented.
For example(s):
You can log in without providing password if PKI (public key infrastructure) is set up.
Otherwise you'll have to look for ssh client that can store passwords and supports your operating system.
Use a tool (such as AutoHotkey, assuming you are using Windows) to record and replay key sequences:

Git repository amazon ec2

Hello I'm following this one tutorial with my AWS EC2 Instance with Ubuntu Server:
And I'm stuck on the first step:
ssh -i mykey.pem
Getting this error:
Warning: Identity file mykey.pem not accessible: No such file or
directory The authenticity of host '' can't be established.
I'm using putty on windows.
You need to put in your own credentials. Like
ssh -i ** MY .PEM LOCATION ** ec2-user#**MY IP**
A more useful example:
ssh -i C:\my.pem
This is ssh command line but you are using Putty.
You need to use Putty GUI to enter the IP address of your instance.
Now the tricky part is that Putty does not understand pem format and using ppk format instead :(
There is a simple utility called puttygen that will transform a pem file to ppk.
After converting - use this ppk file in Putty ->ssh>auth and connect to your instance.