How to query Wikidata for "also known as" - sparql

I would like to know how to query Wikidata by using the alias ("also known as").
Right now I am trying
SELECT ?item
?item rdfs:aliases ?alias.
FILTER(CONTAINS(?alias, "Angela Kasner"#en))
This is simply a query that works if I replace rdfs:aliases by rdfs:labels.
I am trying this, because Help:Aliases says that aliases are searchable in the same way as labels, but I can't find any other resource on that nor can I find an example.

This query might be helpful for someone querying also known as for properties:
SELECT ?property ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription (GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT(?altLabel); separator = ", ") AS ?altLabel_list) WHERE {
?property a wikibase:Property .
OPTIONAL { ?property skos:altLabel ?altLabel . FILTER (lang(?altLabel) = "en") }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .}
GROUP BY ?property ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription
LIMIT 5000


SPARQL query: how to get the external identifiers links (url) of a specific Wikidata ID?

With the following query:
SELECT ?propertyLabel ?value WHERE {
?property wikibase:propertyType wikibase:ExternalId .
?property wikibase:directClaim ?propertyclaim .
wd:Q680 ?propertyclaim ?value
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en". }
I get a list of external identifiers and values but not the related links (URL to the specific pages).
For example for VIAF with value 9950567 I need to obtain ""
Thank you for help.

Wikidata SPARQL queries returning different results after filtering for English labels

My understanding of Wikidata SPARQL queries is that you can filter results for English labels in two ways.
Adding SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" } to invoke a label service; or
Adding ?thing rdfs:label ?thingLabel FILTER (lang(?thingLabel) = "en") for every output label.
I am running a query where I'm trying to get all properties of an entity in English. I followed a Stackoverflow post and came up with two queries.
Query 1: Running this query takes returns 47 results.
SELECT ?itemLabel ?propLabel ?statement_property_objLabel
VALUES (?item) {(wd:Q24)}
?item ?property [?statement_property ?statement_property_obj] .
?prop wikibase:claim ?property.
?prop wikibase:statementProperty ?statement_property.
# Call label service.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
} ORDER BY ?propLabel
Query 2: Running this query returns 35 results.
SELECT ?itemLabel ?propLabel ?statement_property_objLabel
VALUES (?item) {(wd:Q24)}
?item ?property [?statement_property ?statement_property_obj] .
?prop wikibase:claim ?property.
?prop wikibase:statementProperty ?statement_property.
# Call label service for each label.
?item rdfs:label ?itemLabel FILTER (lang(?itemLabel) = "en") .
?statement_property_obj rdfs:label ?statement_property_objLabel FILTER (lang(?statement_property_objLabel) = "en") .
?prop rdfs:label ?propLabel FILTER (lang(?propLabel) = "en") .
} ORDER BY ?propLabel
Why is the second query returning fewer rows? Thanks for any help.
I think the cause is that the wikibase:label service returns label results for any value of ?statement_property_obj, even if that value has no actual rdfs:label defined (it appears to just return the actual value of ?statement_property_obj itself).
As an example, see the very first result in query 1, where ?statement_property_objLabel is bound to topic/Jack_Bauer. This is not the value of an actual rdfs:label property in the data, just a 'fallback' value that the label service provides. So query 2, which explicitly queries for rdfs:label attributes, won't return this (and similar) results.

Filtering URL value

What I am trying to do is to select a certain entity for the certain condition. If the condition is url, then how I can make a proper query to get the only result that matches the v1 = "" .
The commented sentences are what I tried different ways, but only to fail. How could I adjust the query to get the right answer?
Thank you for your help.
SELECT DISTINCT ?iLabel ?p ?v1
?i wdt:P31 wd:Q212920.
?i wdt:P856 ?v1.
# FILTER (?v1Label = "")
# { ?v1 rdfs:label ""#en }
# UNION { ?v1 skos:altLabel ""#en }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "ko,en,[AUTO_LANGUAGE]". }
LIMIT 1000

Retrieve properties and their descriptions from instances of the same class

I want to retrieve all distinct object properties of instances with the same type (class), starting with two initial seeds (wd:Q963 and wd:Q42320). First, I ask for the type (and maybe subtype) of such seeds. Second, all instances of the same class of the seeds are retrieved. Third, properties of the instances are retrieved. Finally, I want to retrieve descriptions of such properties and if possible alternative labels. My query is as follows:
select distinct ?property ?description ?label where{
wd:Q963 wdt:P31 ?typesSubject .
?instancesS (wdt:P31|wdt:P279) ?typesSubject .
?instancesS ?property ?unknown .
wd:Q42320 wdt:P31 ?typesObject .
?instancesO (wdt:P31|wdt:P279) ?typesObject .
?unknown ?property ?instancesO .
?claimPredicate wikibase:directClaim ?property .
?claimPredicate schema:description ?description .
?claimPredicate rdfs:label ?label .
FILTER(LANG(?description) = "en").
FILTER(LANG(?label) = "en").
The problem is that my actual query takes a lot of time and it fails in the public Wikidata endpoint. Does anyone can provide me some hints to optimize such a query?
To be honest, I can't understand the aim of your query. I suppose you are interested in semantic similarity or something like.
Basically, you could reduce the number of joins, retrieving only unique wdt-predicates with nested SELECT DITINCT.
SELECT ?property ?claimPredicateLabel ?claimPredicateDescription
hint:Query hint:optimizer "None" .
VALUES (?s) {(wd:Q963) (wd:Q42320)}
?s wdt:P31/^(wdt:P31|wdt:P279) ?instances .
?instances ?property ?unknown .
?claimPredicate wikibase:directClaim ?property .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }
Try it!
This is fast enough (~ 3s) even with SERVICE wikibase:label.
Also, you don't need FILTER(strstarts(str(?property),str(wdt:))) after ?claimPredicate wikibase:directClaim ?property.
As for hint:Query hint:optimizer "None", this hint forces Blazegraph to follow standard bottom-up evaluation order. In this particular query, hint:Query hint:optimizer "Runtime" or hint:SubQuery hint:runOnce true should also work.

Querying wikidata for "property constraint"

How to query (sparql) about properties of a property?
So as part of my project I need to find the properties in wikidata that have any time constraint, to be specific both "start time" and "end time".
I tried this query:
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en". }
?person wdt:P31 wd:Q5.
?person ?prop ?statement.
?statement pq:P580 ?starttime.
?statement pq:P582 ?endtime.
**yeah the properties should be related to humans
Anyway, I do get some good results like:
But I also get some other properties that definitely wrong.
so, basically what i'm trying to do is to get a list of properties that has the property constraint (P2302) of- allowed qualifiers constraint (Q21510851) with Start time (P580) and End Time (P582)
is that even possible:
I tried some queries like:
SELECT DISTINCT ?property ?propertyLabel ?propertyDescription ?subpTypeOf ?subpTypeOfLabel
?property rdf:type wikibase:Property .
?property wdt:P2302 ?subpTypeOf.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
but does not get the results I wanted.
is it even possible to query this kind of stuff?
Qualifiers are used on property pages too. Your second query should be:
SELECT DISTINCT ?prop ?propLabel {
?prop p:P2302 [ ps:P2302 wd:Q21510851 ; pq:P2306 wd:P580, wd:P582 ] ;
p:P2302 [ ps:P2302 wd:Q21503250 ; pq:P2308 wd:Q5 ; pq:P2309 wd:Q21503252 ] .
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
} ORDER BY ASC(xsd:integer(strafter(str(?prop), concat(str(wd:), "P"))))
Try it!
Your first query is correct, but note that this is an 'as-is' query. For example, wd:P410 does not have respective constraints, but look at wd:Q83855.