NSS Secret (symmetric) Key Import - cryptography

I am trying to figure out how to import a symmetric key into NSS for use with encryption at the core crypto boundary. These functions are described
I have been able to do every other type of crypto operation by following the documentation because it mirrors PKCS 11 described here:
However attempting to import any template where the CK_OBJECT_CLASS" is "CKO_SECRET_KEY" always returns "CKR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_INVALID 0x00000013". But I have no problem with assymetric (public/private)
CK_RV crv;
CK_ATTRIBUTE keyTemplate[] = {
{CKA_CLASS, &keyClass, sizeof(keyClass)}
crv = pFunctionList->C_CreateObject(hRwSession, keyTemplate, 1, &hKey);
printf("failed with 0x%08X\n", crv);
But according to the documentation this should be returning "CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE" as "CKO_SECRET_KEY" is a valid object class.
Again I have had no trouble with assymetric. I should Also point out that my function pointers is for FIPS mode only. Any insight is greatly appreciated!

It looks like the code you pasted is either incomplete or simply wrong. In particular, there's no concrete value for the key you're creating in the template (CKA_VALUE), which can easily cause the error you're getting from C_CreateObject.


What is the best way to send Arrow data to the browser?

I have Apache Arrow data on the server (Python) and need to use it in the browser. It appears that Arrow Flight isn't implemented in JS. What are the best options for sending the data to the browser and using it there?
I don't even need it necessarily in Arrow format in the browser. This question hasn't received any responses, so I'm adding some additional criteria for what I'm looking for:
Self-describing: don't want to maintain separate schema definitions
Minimal overhead: For example, an array of float32s should transfer as something compact like a data type indicator, length value and sequence of 4-byte float values
Cross-platform: Able to be easily sent from Python and received and used in the browser in a straightforward way
Surely this is a solved problem? If it is I've been unable to find a solution. Please help!
Building off of the comments on your original post by David Li, you can implement a non-streaming version what you want without too much code using PyArrow on the server side and the Apache Arrow JS bindings on the client. The Arrow IPC format satisfies your requirements because it ships the schema with the data, is space-efficient and zero-copy, and is cross-platform.
Here's a toy example showing generating a record batch on server and receiving it on the client:
from io import BytesIO
from flask import Flask, send_file
from flask_cors import CORS
import pyarrow as pa
app = Flask(__name__)
def data():
data = [
pa.array([1, 2, 3, 4]),
pa.array(['foo', 'bar', 'baz', None]),
pa.array([True, None, False, True])
batch = pa.record_batch(data, names=['f0', 'f1', 'f2'])
sink = pa.BufferOutputStream()
with pa.ipc.new_stream(sink, batch.schema) as writer:
return send_file(BytesIO(sink.getvalue().to_pybytes()), "data.arrow")
const table = await tableFromIPC(fetch(URL));
// Do what you like with your data
Edit: I added a runnable example at https://github.com/amoeba/arrow-python-js-ipc-example.

How do I setup my Tiingo API key in pandas?

I am trying to learn ML models for predicting stock prices and initially, I tried using DataReader
import pandas_datareader as web
df = web.DataReader('AAPL', data_source='yahoo', start='2016-01-01', end='2021-08-01')
But I get a RemoteDataError and kept hitting a dead end trying to figure it out so I tried using tiingo
I read through the documentation and tried passing a dictionary with 'api_key' as a key
into my tiingo client, ie.
from tiingo import TiingoClient
client = TiingoClient()
config = {}
config['session'] = True
config['api_key'] = 'my_api_key'
client = TiingoClient(config)
The documentation says I can now use TiingoClient to make API calls, however,
RuntimeError: Tiingo API Key not provided. Please provide via environment variable or config argument.
It is quite challenging learning the ML models and its syntax but what compounds the difficulty for me is what some data-scientests consider to be trivial as they don't typically deal with gathering or scraping data. Maybe my question is trivial but I've spent about an hour trying to figure out how to import data properly for stock prices and the only method that worked for me so far is
df = web.get_data_yahoo('stock symbol')
but I would like to grasp the other ways of importing stock prices via Tiingo and DataReader so if anyone can provide explanations/tips/suggestions I'd greatly appreciate it.
EDIT: for my tiingo account I did not buy any subscription plan for using their data as I was under the impression I can access data for free with my api-key
This is what I use, but its identical to what you are using it seems.
config = {}
config['session'] = True
config['api_key'] = "key here"
client = TiingoClient(config)
Remove this line: TiingoClient()

Acessing a database using zeep

I am trying to programmatically retrieve information from a database(BRENDA) using Zeep.
The following is the code.
import zeep
import hashlib
wsdl = "https://www.brenda-enzymes.org/soap/brenda.wsdl"
password = hashlib.sha256("xx".encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
parameters = "xxx," + password + ",ecNumber*{}#organism*{}#".format("", "Homo sapiens")
client = zeep.Client(wsdl=wsdl)
km_string = client.getKmValue(parameters)
However, I get the following error
AttributeError: 'Client' object has no attribute 'getKmValue'
Could someone help me with this?
The above code works fine while using SOAPpy library in python 2. However, I couldn't successfully install SOAPpy in python 3, therefore I tried Zeep.
The sample code that shows SOAP implementation is available here
We fixed the webservice. It should work, now. Please have a look at the SOAP documentation on our website.
not the resolution but some hints.
1) with zeep you need to put .service between client and the name of the method. the correct syntax is client.service.getKmValue(parameters) (take a look at documentation)
anyway for zeep, getKmValue doesn't exists (but it exists on the wsdl schema and SoapUi see it).
you can also try py-suds,
but for some reason i obtain a 403 calling the wsdl.
from suds.client import Client
import hashlib
client = Client("https://www.brenda-enzymes.org/soap/brenda.wsdl")

Getting FusionAuthClient is not a constructor error

I am trying the fusionauth-node-client and following the wiki https://fusionauth.io/docs/v1/tech/client-libraries/node. But I am getting the following error
const client = new FusionAuthClient('6b87a398-39f2-4692-927b-13188a81a9a3', 'http://localhost:9011');
TypeError: FusionAuthClient is not a constructor
at Object.<anonymous>
I have pasted the exact code mentioned in the doc still it is not working. Can anyone help me in identifying what I am missing here.
I dug around in the library and noticed that we are exporting several objects and our example is no longer correct.
To get the client you need to change your syntax a little bit to get the correct object.
const {FusionAuthClient} = require('fusionauth-node-client');
This translates to: require the library fusionauth-node-client and give me the FusionAuthClient from inside it. There are also a RESTClient and JWTManager available in the library but you shouldn't need either of those to code with FusionAuth.
I will also update our example to correct this discrepancy.

Setting user credentials on aws instance using jclouds

I am trying to create an aws instance using jclouds 1.9.0 and then run a script on it (via ssh). I am following the example locate here but I am getting authentication failed errors when the client (java program) tries to connect at the instance. The AWS console show that instance is up and running.
The example tries to create a LoginCrendentials object
String user = System.getProperty("user.name");
String privateKey = Files.toString(new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/.ssh/id_rsa"), UTF_8);
return LoginCredentials.builder().user(user).privateKey(privateKey).build();
which is latter used from the ssh client
responses = compute.runScriptOnNodesMatching(
inGroup(groupName), // predicate used to select nodes
exec(command), // what you actually intend to run
overrideLoginCredentials(login) // use my local user & ssh key
.runAsRoot(false) // don't attempt to run as root (sudo)
Some Login information are injected to the instance with following commands
Statement bootInstructions = AdminAccess.standard();
Since I am on Windows machine the creation of LoginCrendentials 'fails' and thus I alter its code to
String user = "ec2-user";
String privateKey = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----.....-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----";
return LoginCredentials.builder().user(user).privateKey(privateKey).build();
I also to define the credentials while building the template as described in "EC2: In Depth" guide but with no luck.
An alternative is to build instance and inject the keypair as follows, but this implies that I need to have the ssh key stored in my AWS console, which is not currently the case and also breaks the functionality of running a script (via ssh) since I can not infer the NodeMetadata from a RunningInstance object.
RunInstancesOptions options = RunInstancesOptions.Builder.asType("t2.micro").withKeyName(keypair).withSecurityGroup(securityGroup).withUserData(script.getBytes());
Any suggestions??
Note: While I am currently testing this on aws, I want to keep the code as decoupled from the provider as possible.
Update 26/10/2015
Based on #Ignasi Barrera answer, I changed my implementation by adding .init(new MyAdminAccessConfiguration()) while creating the bootInstructions
Statement bootInstructions = AdminAccess.standard().init(new MyAdminAccessConfiguration());
Where MyAdminAccessConfiguration is my own implementation of the AdminAccessConfiguration interface as #Ignasi Barrera described it.
I think the issue relies on the fact that the jclouds code runs on a Windows machine and jclouds makes some Unix assumptions by default.
There are two different things here: first, the AdminAccess.standard() is used to configure a user in the deployed node once it boots, and later the LoginCredentials object passed to the run script method is used to authenticate against the user that has been created with the previous statement.
The issue here is that the AdminAccess.standard() reads the "current user" information and assumes a Unix System. That user information is provided by this Default class, and in your case I'm pretty sure it will fallback to the catch block and return an auto-generated SSH key pair. That means, the AdminAccess.standard() is creating a user in the node with an auto-generated (random) SSH key, but the LoginCredentials you are building don't match those keys, thus the authentication failure.
Since the AdminAccess entity is immutable, the better and cleaner approach to fix this is to create your own implementation of the AdminAccessConfiguration interface. You can just copy the entire Default class and change the Unix specific bits to accommodate the SSH setup in your Windows machine. Once you have the implementation class, you can inject it by creating a Guice module and passing it to the list of modules provided when creating the jclouds context. Something like:
// Create the custom module to inject your implementation
Module windowsAdminAccess = new AbstractModule() {
#Override protected void configure() {
// Provide the module in the module list when creating the context
ComputeServiceContext context = ContextBuilder.newBuilder("aws-ec2")
.credentials("api-key", "api-secret")
.modules(ImmutableSet.<Module> of(windowsAdminAccess, new SshjSshClientModule()))