What are the function calls like `BCI2000_INCLUDE( "SOURCEFILTER" )` in CMake? - cmake

I want to compile the Emotiv EPOC module for BCI2000. In that module CMakeLists file contains following(below the following error log).
The compiler gives the following error,
-- Selecting Windows SDK version to target Windows 10.0.10586.
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:21 (BCI2000_INCLUDE):
Unknown CMake command "BCI2000_INCLUDE".
CMake Warning (dev) in CMakeLists.txt:
No cmake_minimum_required command is present. A line of code such as
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)```
CMakeLists.txt contains this,
## $Id$
## Authors: griffin.milsap#gmail.com
## Description: Build information for the Emotiv module
# Set the executable name
# Set the project specific sources
IF( WIN32 )
# Create the signal source module
MESSAGE( "--- No Emotiv libraries for this OS. Will not build." )
How can I fix this?
Looks like they are function calls, but how do I import those function calls from another file if they are declared somewhere?

The project has to be compiled according to the instructions in this,
And it says the supported Visual Studio editions are 9(2008) and 10 only or you can compile it with CodeBlocks with MinGW.
And the supportive modules should be included into the source folder of BCI2000 and compile it as a whole project not as seperate modules. Then it recognized the functions defined in the parent project.
There are cMakeList files for submodules. But they cannot be compiled on their own.


Why my <package>-config.cmake have <package>_include_dir and <package>_librairies empty

I am trying to make a cross-platform CMake for my project (Windows and Linux).
I need to use external libraries (yaml-cpp). On Linux, I just had to do an apt get and use find_package. But on Windows, I need to append the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH in order for my program to find the yaml-cpp-config.cmake.
So I start by installing yaml-cpp (https://github.com/jbeder/yaml-cpp) with CMake GUI 3.16 and mingw32 (mingw32-make install).
I have tried the library on a hello world project, and it works fine.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
project (yaml_test)
message (STATUS "Yaml-cpp include = $ENV{YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR}")
message (STATUS "Yaml-cpp library = $ENV{YAML_CPP_LIBRARIES}")
include_directories ($ENV{YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR})
add_executable(yaml_test main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(yaml_test $ENV{YAML_CPP_LIBRARIES})
But now, I want to include the library in my project and use find_package. But the yaml-cpp-config.cmake looks like this:
# - Config file for the yaml-cpp package
# It defines the following variables
# YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR - include directory
# YAML_CPP_LIBRARIES - libraries to link against
# Compute paths
# Our library dependencies (contains definitions for IMPORTED targets)
# These are IMPORTED targets created by yaml-cpp-targets.cmake
The YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR and YAML_CPP_LIBRARIES variables are empty, and even if CMake found yaml-cpp-config.cmake, It doesn't work. So what do I have missing in the installation of yaml-cpp? Should I have set the paths by hand?
The absence of definition of YAML_CPP_INCLUDE_DIR and YAML_CPP_LIBRARIES variables is the issue with the yaml-cpp project which is already reported here.
Instead of variables described in this config file, use target yaml-cpp:
add_executable(yaml_test main.cpp)
# This provides both include directories and libraries.
target_link_libraries(yaml_test yaml-cpp)
Linking with an IMPORTED target (yaml-cpp in this case) is known as CMake "modern way".

CMake Fortran Module Directory to be used with add_library

I have a CMake 3.5.2 project that creates a library: libtest.a, which is then linked to by an executable.
The source code is Fortran, and the libtest.a produces a module file: "main.mod"
The executable also needs to include this main.mod file, so to make main.mod accessible, when building the project I set the variable, CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY to a known location, and add it to the relevant include paths.
This works great when building the entire project, main.mod is built in a known location, and it is there for whatever code needs it. My usage, however, makes it necessary to only build libtest.a by itself, and leave the executable to be built by a downstream user sometimes.
The issue I am having is that when I go into the libtest source and treat it as its own CMake project, the library will build and install, but the main.mod file is always left in the BINARY_DIR and is not built in the CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY, dispite setting in the the CMakeList.txt within libtest.
Is the Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY only honored when add_executable() is being called? And just ignored for the library builds alone? Or am I missing something.
Thanks for the help.
EDIT: This will reproduce my issue.
module main
implicit none
real, parameter :: pi=3.2
end module main
program test
use main
implicit none
real :: a, area
a =10
area = a * 100
end program test
CMAKE_minimum_required( VERSION 3.5 )
enable_language( Fortran )
project( tt )
add_library( tt STATIC ${test_SOURCES} )
If I build and install the above code, I will get a libtt.a library installed in the Lib directory, however my main.mod will remain in my build directory and is not build in a Mod folder.
Here I assume that the "user" uses cmake to build the project while having access to the source of your project.
The steps to a working build.
There is a CMakeLists.txt file for libtest that specifies CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY. This should be enough for main.mod to appear there.
There is a CMakeLists.txt file for buiding the "client" program. This file should include the libtest project with add_subdirectory.
Add target_link_libraries(NAME_OF_PROGRAM NAME_OF_LIBRARY). This only takes care of the linking of libraries and is not sufficient (for solution B below anyway) for the module to be known to the client program.
Now, make your own adventure:
Solution A: in the libtest CMakeLists.txt, place the module where "all modules will go", for instance set(CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/modules) (you need to do this also for the "client" CMakeLists.txt). The variable ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} is set by the "client" cmake invocation and will be the same for all included cmake projects. This directory will be listed in the build commands for Fortran programs.
Solution B: in the libtest CMakeLists.txt, place the module of this library in a dedicated directory. You can achieve this, for instance, with set(CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/modules). You need then to manually specify this location with include_directories(PATH_THAT_DEPENDS_ON_THE_NAME_OF_THE_SUBPROJECT) in the client CMakeLists.txt.
If you wish the library to be installable, you need to specify paths for installing the library and the module file. With Fortran, you should think of this with the target OS, compiler and architecture in mind.
Links to the CMake documentation:
Following the addition of your sample code, the following modification should do it:
CMAKE_minimum_required( VERSION 3.5 )
enable_language( Fortran )
project( tt )
add_library( tt STATIC ${test_SOURCES} )
Make sure that set( CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Mod ) occurs before any add_library line.
Add install(DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_Fortran_MODULE_DIRECTORY} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}) to actually install the .mod file. Module files (as header files in C) have to installed in addition to the library file.
The setup you created is a bit unusual in that you locate everything within the source build whereas "usual" install locations are made relative to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX

Making a CMake library accessible by other CMake packages automatically

I have one project that produces a library:
project (myCoolLibrary)
ADD_LIBRARY(my_cool_library SHARED ${mysources_SRC})
And another project that should be using this library:
find_package (myCoolLibrary REQUIRED)
add_executable(myCoolExe ${my_sources_SRC} )
Is there a way that I can change the first file so that the second file works automatically? That by running CMake on the first file and then running make on the output, then running CMake on the second file, CMake is able to find the package?
An answer where I just give the address of where the first project is built to the second package is also acceptable.
Taking the code found in a blog post by #daniperez - Use CMake-enabled libraries in your CMake project (III) - I've come up with the following minimal solution:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
function(my_export_target _target _include_dir)
WRITE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target}Config.cmake"
TARGET ${_target}
export(TARGETS ${_target} FILE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_target}Targets.cmake")
# NOTE: The following call can pollute your PC's CMake package registry
# See comments/alternatives below
export(PACKAGE ${_target})
add_library(${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED ${mysources_SRC})
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.3)
find_package(myCoolLibrary REQUIRED)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${my_sources_SRC})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} myCoolLibrary)
To make it reusable I have packed everything into my_export_target(). And I'm friend of self-propagating properties like INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES.
As commented by #ruslo, using export(PACKAGE ...) can pollute your package registry. So alternatively you can:
Write the target configuration files directly to some dedicated place specific for a certain toolchain
See e.g. How to install your custom CMake-Find module and 0003659: FIND_PACKAGE command improvements.
Set CMAKE_MODULE_PATH via the second project's CMake command line (injecting the search path(s) from the outside). If you are building the two projects anyway with a build script, then this is the most direct way to propagate the module search path(s).
Additional References
CMake/Tutorials/Package Registry
Unable to find Eigen3 with CMake
How to instruct CMake to use the build architecture compiler

CMake build error with added header file - fatal error: file not found

I used CMake to build C++ source files in Ubuntu 14.04.
I has a main source file. This includes a header file, which contains a function in another source file.
My main source file is DisplayImage.cpp, and my header file is Camera.h with a source file Camera.cpp.
Every file is located in one folder. And I have a CmakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project( DisplayImage )
find_package( OpenCV REQUIRED )
add_executable( DisplayImage DisplayImage.cpp Camera.cpp )
target_link_libraries( DisplayImage ${OpenCV_LIBS} )
When I execute the command cmake . in the terminal, it configures successfully. After that, I execute command make, and I get a fatal error:
fatal error: Camera.h: No such file or directory
Please help me. Is my CmakeLists.txt wrong?
You should use target_include_directories() to tell CMake to associate specific include directories containing your headers with the DisplayImage target. Assuming your Camera.h file is in the same directory as Camera.cpp, you can use CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR to specify this directory. You should also add the ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} here, as shown in the "Using OpenCV with CMake" tutorial.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project( DisplayImage )
find_package( OpenCV REQUIRED )
add_executable( DisplayImage DisplayImage.cpp Camera.cpp )
target_include_directories(DisplayImage PRIVATE
target_link_libraries( DisplayImage PRIVATE ${OpenCV_LIBS} )
Note: it is good CMake practice to always specify the scoping argument (e.g. PUBLIC, PRIVATE, or INTERFACE) in the target_* commands.

Using CMake with ifort compiler

I am using CMake 2.8.7 on a Linux machine with Intel 11.0 compilers. I am trying to use CMake for the first time as I would like to build this project on both Windows and Linux machines.
I though of using a simple approach first and used a standard Hello World example:
My src/HelloWorld.f90:
!Test helloworld in Fortran using Cmake
program hello
print *, "Hello World!"
end program hello
My main CMakeLists.txt:
# States that CMake required version must be greater than 2.8.7
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7)
enable_language (Fortran)
project(helloworld Fortran)
My src/CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7)
# Include the directory itself as a path to include directories
# For a large number of source files you can create it in a simpler way
# using file() function:
file(GLOB helloworld_SOURCES *.f90)
I still get an error which says CMAKE_FORTRAN_LINK_EXECUTABLE variable missing. I looked at Abinader's CMake tutorial#1, but haven't had success so far.
any suggestions?? Thanks in advance !
Not a direct answer, as I've never used fortran with cmake, but I can see a few issues here.
First of all: where is your target helloworld defined? project is not a target.
Secondly: where do you use helloworld_SOURCES variable?
Try a more regular way. In your src/CMakeLists.txt add line at the end of file with:
add_executable(helloworld ${helloworld_SOURCES})
Also remove SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(helloworld PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE FORTRAN) from main one as it should not be necessary.
Last advice: try not to use file(GLOB ). It is better to define list of all files manualy.
Probably the upper-case "FORTRAN", when setting the linker language is the problem. Try writing it as "Fortran" as in the enable_language statement. CMake derives the variables it uses from the language and this causes CMake to look for CMAKE_FORTRAN_LINK_EXECUTABLE instead of CMAKE_Fortran_LINK_EXECUTABLE.
As also mentioned by Michal, the add_executable has to be added to your CMakeLists.txt.
I tested your issue with the following CMake configurations files
main CMakeLists.txt:
# States that CMake required version must be greater than 2.8.7
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7)
enable_language (Fortran)
project(helloworld Fortran)
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7)
add_executable(helloworld HelloWorld.f90)
under Linux for following versions:
ifort (IFORT)
cmake version
I prefer to use cmake-gui. There you can define the ifort compiler as follows:
After definition of source code and binary folder, e.g. build, press "Configure" and select
Click "Next" and define the following compilers
Click "Finish" and "Generate".
Go to build/src folder and execute make. The helloworld executable is generated with ifort successfully and could be called here.
Hint: If ifort is already the default native compiler on your Linux computer then you don't have to specify it in cmake-gui and can go ahead with the first option "Use default native compilers".
Hope it helps.
Let's try this step-by-step:
1) Your Fortran Hello, world is OK!
!Test helloworld in Fortran using Cmake
program hello
print *, "Hello World!"
end program hello
2) Now let's write the "inner" CMakeLists.txt
add_executable(helloworld hello.f90)
Here we've created an executable file, which you haven't in your question. Also, we've set its linker language to Fortran (it's case-sensitive parameter!) and the output directory for the compiled file.
3) Now we'll create the "main" CMakeLists.txt
# States that CMake required version must be greater than 2.8.7
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.7)
project(helloworld Fortran)
Here we've specified the src subdirectory with inner CMakeLists.txt and the compiler language - it's enough to use project() function, there's not need to use it together with enable_language().
4) Finally, let's build our code in out-of-source manner and run it!
cmake -S . -B build
cmake --build build