Is it possible to get the 3D view from Kinect v2 in Windows 10 - kinect-v2

I want to get access to the 3D view. Please see below the screenshot of 3D view displayed in Kinect Studio:
Is it possible to access this view? may be by using Microsot API? Or something like Point Cloud data?


How to get 3D pose of a XAML UWP 2D Window on Hololens

Is there a way to get the 3D pose of a XAML UWP 2D Window on Hololens ?
I searched the Windows.Perception namespace, but nothing conclusive.
It's easy to retrieve the position of the user's head and controllers. It's also easy to get the window height and width.
I would like to have a different interaction when the user is near or far from the window.
Sorry, you can't get information about spatial position of a slate.

How to put a custom 3D object on a 3D MKMapView in iOS 7.0

I am working on iOS 7.0 app which contains MKMapView. I succeeded to make this map 3D using MKMapCamera, but I have no idea how to put some custom objects, written in COLLADA, to wherever I want on this 3D space.
First question: is it possible to put custom 3D objects on MKMapView?
Second question: if it's possible, what kind of information should I prepare for it? If only 3D polygons (set of 3D vertices) are available, I should look for some different libraries which can convert COLLADA files into some kind of polygon set class.

selected 3D model on camera view in vuforia SDK

I am working on augmented reality project using vuforia unity extension for iOS. I have a list of 3d models(.3ds). i want 3D models should placed on camera view when user selected a model from that list. I did put 3D models in to my project asset.Is there any tutorial available to render 3D models on camera view? Please help me.
I'm alos looking for same and i got one another SDK you can try for this SDK :"metaio SDK.framework"
This is the link
you can check this link:

how to highlight countries in ios maps

I am building an app in which I have to highlight some countries dynamically in the world map.
In short I want to customize the whole view of ios maps as shown in the images.
can this be done using MapKit or is there any other method. Thanks in advance
You want to look into the Mapbox iOS SDK which will allow you to do this and more with a MapKit-like API. In particular, you will want to quickly make a custom map with TileMill using the provided Natural Earth data set for world country borders, enable UTFGrid interactivity so that the tapped regions can be identified, and use the RMShape class on an RMAnnotation onto the map view to add/color country polygons as needed. This sounds a little complex but the tools exist, are entirely free and open source, and I can help you with this process.

All frames from Kinect at 30FPS

I am using Microsoft Kinect SDK and I would like to know whether it is possible to get Depth Frame, Color Frame as well as the skeleton data for all the frames at 30fps? Using Kinect Explorer I can see that the color and the depth frame are nearly at 30fps, but as soon as I choose the view the skeleton, it drops to around 15-20fps.
Yes, it is possible to capture color/depth at 30fps while capturing the skeleton.
See image below, just in case you think me dodgy. :) This is a raw Kinect Explorer running, straight from Visual Studio 2010. My work development platform is an i5 Dell laptop.