How to prevent SQL injection attack when a sql query is passed in from the UI - sql

I have a Java application that does a POST with the sql query that is typed in the UI and is executed using JDBC. Since the query is user defined, I'm unable to find a way to prevent the SQL injection issue. For instance if this is the query the user issues :
select * from test_table where id=123
a POST is done with this string to the servlet and this is executed as a query. Is there anyway to get around this since there is no restriction on what user can send in?

Technically if the user is allowed to write the entire query, it's not an injection attack risk, it's simply an attack risk
Run the query using a database user that has permission only to carry out the types of operations you deem acceptable on the tables you're willing to give access to.
For example, only permit SELECT on tableX, tableY and tableZ. No DML, no DDL and no selecting from any other table
If your dbms of choice doesn't allow fine grained control in this way then instead execute a regular batch script that creates another database containing only a few tables. Permit your users to query this new db. If it does get wrecked it will soon be dropped and replaced by a working one with updated data, by the script. This is also beneficial if placed on another server, it stops your live system from being innocently DOSed by a user executing a duff query that takes up all resource on the server

SQL injection would be passing select * from test_table where id=123 in place of a parameter.
Not sure exactly what information you are letting the application use, but I would suggest granting access only to a specific schema. That would provide a consistent security model.

As others have suggested, this is not SQL injection - I call this a "designed in" SQL injection. How you deal with it depends on the use case:
Design a separate interface that does not require the full SQL statement
As Caius suggested, if you can limit the privs in the DB account to only do what the user can do, that would limit the damage
If this is an administrative interface, you may want to limit the usage of this interface to "trusted" users. If you go that route, you want to be very careful to document that users with this privilege have full access to the database, and provide an auditing mechanism to make sure that that list of users is well known.
It is not realistically possible to limit the SQL statement through validation - its a powerful language, especially in the context of modern databases.
See also this related question

Is there anyway to get around this since there is no restriction on what user can send in?
I'm not sure what you mean by "get around." Is it not the design of this application to allow users to run any query?
If you want to prevent them from running unauthorized queries, then you'll have to implement some Java code in the servlet to check the query and decide whether it's one they're authorized to run.
Some people do this by whitelisting a specific set of known queries. Just match the user's input query against the whitelist.
If they can run a given query with a variety of different constant values, then replace constant values with a ? in both the whitelisted form and in a copy of the user's input SQL query.
If they can run a variety of different queries, like with optional clauses and stuff, so that it's impossible to make a whitelist of finite length, then you'll have to implement a SQL parser in your Java servlet and some kind of business rule engine to decide if their query is authorized before you run it against the real database.
At this point, it seems easier to change the application front-end so that users are not allowed to submit arbitrary SQL queries!


Is it ever okay to accept client-side SQL? If so, how to validate?

I have an application in which I'd like to accept a user supplied SQL query from a front-end query builder ( That query eventually needs to make it's way to running in a postgres database to return a subset of data.
The query builder linked above can export SQL or a mongo query. I imagine using the mongo query is relatively safe, since I can add to it simply on the server:
query.owner_of_document = userId
to limit results (to documents owned by the user).
Whereas the SQL statement could potentially be hijacked in an injection attack if someone attempts to store a malicious string of SQL for execution.
Is directly accepting SQL from a client bad practice? How can I ensure the supplied SQL is safe?
Why do you need to accept an entire SQL statement?
Can you accept only parameters and then run a pre defined query?
There are loads of questions/answers on SO relating to SQL injection and using parameters is a first step in avoiding injection attacks, such as "Are Parameters really enough to prevent Sql injections?"
But I think this answer to a different question sums things up well:
Don't try to do security yourself. Use whatever trusted, industry
standard library there is available for what you're trying to do,
rather than trying to do it yourself. Whatever assumptions you make
about security, might be incorrect. As secure as your own approach may
look ... there's a risk you're overlooking something and do you
really want to take that chance when it comes to security?

SQL Injection when using native database logins/users

When developing an application where users connect with their native database logins, I don't need to care about SQL injection right? The reason being the users can execute any SQL they want anyway. (There are places where admins execute CREATE LOGIN and CREATE USER statements and these have to be dynamically built.) I'm talking about a native Windows application on the LAN.
Well, SQL injection is a possibility to execute SQL, so with the SQL shell access, everything required for "SQL injection" is already authorized. However you still need to care if users run as non administrators, probably being restricted which tables they can access, and your system sends some additional SQL commands while logged in with higher rights (create user, etc). Use prepared statements for such a code.
If you mean that you are building a web application, and using users' database credentials to connect to the database, yes, you do need to worry about SQL injection.
Most databases restrict permissions based on objects - tables, views, stored procedures etc. So, a user logged in as "Bob" might have access to table "sales", but not table "payments".
The database does not restrict access to rows in tables (for instance). So, a user connected as "Bob" who can exploit a SQL injection bug in your code can delete every record in the "sales" table. You probably don't want that.
If user "Bob" also has direct SQL access, they could, of course, simply run that statement at a SQL command line - but usually, web applications are available where direct SQL access is not. Your web app may be put on the intranet to begin with, but you can't guarantee that won't be opened up in the future.
Given how easy it is to prevent SQL injection attacks when you're building the app, and what a pain it is to fix them later on, I see no real reason not to prevent them in the first place.
As a matter of fact, "SQL injection" is a common misconception.
Being unable to properly format their queries, folks invented an "sql injection" thing as an excuse.
While properly formatted query will serve 2 purposes at once:
it will always be syntactically correct, no matter what data sent in.
as a side effect it would be invulnerable to that notorious "SQL injection" thing.
I doubt you want your queries to fail because of some unexpected symbol. So, no matter of some "injection", you have to properly format it. But once formatted, there will be no injection anyway. So, you have to concern about format, not injections.
I also have a feeling that letting users to login with database credentials is not quite a good idea.

Is this sufficient to sanitise a user supplied SQL query?

I want to allow SELECT queries to my database, but do not want to allow updates (or drops!).
Is it sufficient to ensure the query starts with SELECT and does not contain a semicolon?
I am using jdbc to execute the query, currently against MySQL, but hope not to limit it to that.
I appreciate the caution of using a user who cannot update, but want to know if that is necessary, rather than just superstitious.
A better way to go about this is to create a new account and allow the account certain commands.
You must not execute code submitted by users. Allowing users to submit code is a great way to open yourself up to a denial of service attack, at the very least. For example, an attacker could easily submit a query with a huge Cartesian product guaranteed to bring down your server.
You can safely allow users to specify values, but not code. Then combine the values they enter into your SQL queries by using prepared statements with parameters.
Allowing users to submit SQL queries is as dangerous as shellexec($_GET["cmd"]);

Allow some SQL in public API?

I'm exposing a more or less public API that allows the user to query datasets from a database. Since the user will need to filter out specific datasets I'm tempted to accept the WHERE-part of the SELECT statement as an API parameter. Thus the user could perform queries as complex as she'd like without worrying about a cluttered API interface.
I'm aware of the fact that I would have to catch SQL-injection attempts.
Do you think that this would circumvent the purpose of an API wrapping a database too much or would you consider this a sane approach?
In general, I'd recommend against letting them embed actual sql in their requests
You can allow them to submit where conditions in their request pretty easily:
<condition "field"="name" "operator"="equal" "value"="Fred"/>
or something similar.
The value of doing this is muli-fold:
You parse each condition and make sure they're correct before running them
You can create 'fake' fields, such as "full_name" that may not exist.
You can limit the columns they can put conditions on
You can isolate the users from actual changes in your underlying database.
I think the last point is actually most important. The day will come when you'll need to make changes to the underlying schema of the database. Eventually, it will happen. At that point you'll appreciate having some 'translation' layer between what the users send in and the queries. It will allow you to isolate the users from actual changes in the underlying database.
The API should present an 'abstracted' version of the actual tables themselves that meet the users needs and isolate them from changes to the actual underlying database.
I would recommend limitting your users account by modifying the permissions to only allow the user to SELECT from tables. Don't allow updating, inserting, or deleting recordsets. Lock down the user as much as possibile, possibly at a table level.
If the WHERE clause is limited to only a few columns and the comparator is limited to >, = or < then perhaps you could just have the user pass in some extra parameters to represent columns and comparators. You then build the WHERE safely on your server side.
If this is too messy then by all means let them pass a full WHERE clause - it's not too hard to sanitise and if you combine that with running the query under a locked-down account (SELECT only), then any potential damage is limited.
Personally I would not want to allow users to be able to pass in SQL directly to my database, the risks are too great.
If you fail to catch all injection attempts you risk either data theft, someone just destroying your database or hijacking it for some other use that you really dont want.

Disable all queries in SQL Server that don't use named parameters?

It seems that one could stop all threat of Sql injection once and for all by simply rejecting all queries that don't use named parameters. Any way to configure Sql server to do that? Or else any way to enforce that at the application level by inspecting each query without writing an entire SQL parser? Thanks.
Remove the grants for a role to be able to SELECT/UPDATE/INSERT/DELETE against the table(s) involved
Grant EXECUTE on the role for stored procedures/functions/etc
Associate the role to database user(s) you want to secure
It won't stop an account that also has the ability to GRANT access, but it will stop the users associated to the role (assuming no other grants on a per user basis) from being able to execute queries outside of the stored procedure/functions/etc that exist.
There are only a couple ways to do this. OMG Ponies has the best answer: don't allow direct sql statements against your database and instead leverage the tools and security sql server can provide.
An alternative way would be to add an additional tier which all queries would have to go through. In short you'd pass all queries (SOA architecture) to a new app which would evaluate the query for passing on to sql server. I've seen exactly one company do this in reaction to sql injection issues their site had.
Of course, this is a horrible way of doing things because SQL injection is only one potential problem.
Beyond SQL Injection, you also have issues of what happens when the site itself is cracked. Once you can write a new page to a web server it becomes trivial to pass any query you want to the associated database server. This would easily bypass any code level thing you could put in place. And it would allow the attacker to just write select * from ... or truncate table ... Heck, an internal person could potentially just directly connect to the sql server using the sites credentials and run any query they wanted.
The point is, if you leverage the security built into sql server to prevent direct table access then you can control through stored procedures the full range of actions availble to anyone attempting to connect to the server.
And how do you want to check for that? Queries sometimes have constant values that would just as easy be added to the query. For instance, I have a database that is prepared to be multi lingual, but not all code is, so my query looks like this:
The ID is a parameter, but the language id isn't. Should this query be blocked?
You ask to block queries that don't use named parameters. That can be easily enforced. Just block any query that doesn't specify any parameters. You can do this in your application layer. But it will be hard to block queries like the one above, where one value is a parameter and the other one isn't. You'll need to parse that query to detect it, and it will be hard too.
I don't think sql server has any built in features to do this.