Explanation for a specific command in a awk - awk

Can you explain me what doing this command ' dateA="$dateA" '?
awk 'FNR>1 && dateA<=$5' FS='|' dateA="$dateA" "$infile"

awk 'FNR > 1 && dateA <= $5 ' FS='|' dateA="$dateA" "$infile"
FNR is variable gives you total number of records, related to current file, don't get confused with variable NR, FNR and NR value will be same as long as awk reads first file, for second file, variable FNR will reset, whereas NR doesn't.
This is how FNR and NR works in awk
$ seq 1 5 >file1
$ seq 1 3 >file2
$ cat file1
$ cat file2
$ awk '{print "Current line : "$0,"File: "FILENAME,"FNR : ",FNR,"NR : ",NR}' file1 file2
Current line : 1 File: file1 FNR : 1 NR : 1
Current line : 2 File: file1 FNR : 2 NR : 2
Current line : 3 File: file1 FNR : 3 NR : 3
Current line : 4 File: file1 FNR : 4 NR : 4
Current line : 5 File: file1 FNR : 5 NR : 5
Current line : 1 File: file2 FNR : 1 NR : 6
Current line : 2 File: file2 FNR : 2 NR : 7
Current line : 3 File: file2 FNR : 3 NR : 8
FNR > 1 && dateA <= $5 If no of records read is greater than 1 and variable dateA is less than or equal to 5th field/column, we get boolean true state, so such line will be printed
FS='|' FS is input field separator, you can also set it like
awk -F'|' '{ .... }' OR
awk -v FS='|' '{ .... }' OR
awk 'BEGIN{FS="|"}{ .... }'
dateA="$dateA" dateA is awk variable whose value is taken from your shell variable $dateA, similarly you can set it like
awk -v dateA="$dateA" '{ .... }'
Your above command can be rewritten like below also
awk -F'|' -v dateA="$dateA" 'FNR>1 && dateA <= $5' "$infile"
and some people prefer awk 'condition{action}' for better reading, so you can also write it as
awk -F'|' -v dateA="$dateA" 'FNR>1 && dateA <= $5{ print }' "$infile"
^ ^
| |
If this condition is true |
Action is to print line,
print or print $0 is same

Please go through the following explanation and let me know if this helps you.
Explanation: Kindly don't run following awk, it is expanded for explanation purposes only.
awk '
FNR>1 && dateA<=$5 ##FNR denotes the number of current line in awk so here 2 conditions with AND conditions are being checked.
##1st is if current line number is greater than 1 and second is variable named dateA value should be lesser
##and equal to 5.
##So let me explain here awk works on method of condition and then action, so if any condition is TRUE then action
##will happen, here condition is there but NO action defined, so by default print action will happen. print of
##current line.
FS='|' ##FS denotes the field separator, in awk we could define the field separator by ourselves too, so making it here as |
dateA="$dateA" ##creating variable named dateA whose value is equal to shell variable named dateA. In awk if we have to assign
##shell variable values to awk variables we have to create an awk variable and then assign shell variable value to
"$infile" ##Mentioning the Input_file name here which awk has to go through. Point to be noted here the "$infile" means
##it is a shell variable (as we all know to print shell variable value we have to use "$infile")

AWK allows assigning internal variable in the arguments with the form var=value. Since AWK does not have access to shell variables dateA="$dateA" is used to "export" dateA to the AWK script.
Note that assignment arguments occur during file processing, after BEGIN, and can be used in-between files:
$ echo >file1; echo >file2
$ awk -vx=0 '
print "BEGIN", x
print FILENAME, x
print "END", x
}' x=1 file1 x=2 file2 x=3
file1 1
file2 2


Count rows and columns for multiple CSV files and make new file

I have multiple large comma separated CSV files in a directory. But, as a toy example:
one.csv has 3 rows, 2 columns
two.csv has 4 rows 5 columns
This is what the files look like -
# one.csv
a b
1 1 3
2 2 2
3 3 1
# two.csv
c d e f g
1 4 1 1 4 1
2 3 2 2 3 2
3 2 3 3 2 3
4 1 4 4 1 4
The goal is to make a new .txt or .csv that gives the rows and columns for each:
one 3 2
two 4 5
To get the rows and columns (and dump it into a file) for a single file
$ awk -F "," '{print NF}' *.csv | sort | uniq -c > dims.txt
But I'm not understanding the syntax to get counts for multiple files.
What I've tried
$ awk '{for (i=1; i<=2; i++) -F "," '{print NF}' *.csv$i | sort | uniq -c}'
With any awk, you could try following awk program.
awk '
if(cols && rows){
print file,rows,cols
if(cols && rows){
print file,rows,cols
' one.csv two.csv
Explanation: Adding detailed explanation for above solution.
awk ' ##Starting awk program from here.
FNR==1{ ##Checking condition if this is first line of each line then do following.
if(cols && rows){ ##Checking if cols AND rows are NOT NULL then do following.
print file,rows,cols ##Printing file, rows and cols variables here.
rows=cols=file="" ##Nullifying rows, cols and file here.
file=FILENAME ##Setting FILENAME value to file here.
sub(/\..*/,"",file) ##Removing everything from dot to till end of value in file.
cols=NF ##Setting NF values to cols here.
next ##next will skip all further statements from here.
rows=(FNR-1) ##Setting FNR-1 value to rows here.
END{ ##Starting END block of this program from here.
if(cols && rows){ ##Checking if cols AND rows are NOT NULL then do following.
print file,rows,cols ##Printing file, rows and cols variables here.
' one.csv two.csv ##Mentioning Input_file names here.
Using gnu awk you can do this in a single awk:
awk -F, 'ENDFILE {
print gensub(/\.[^.]+$/, "", "1", FILENAME), FNR-1, NF-1
}' one.csv two.csv > dims.txt
cat dims.txt
one 3 2
two 4 5
You will need to iterate over all CSVs print the name for each file and the dimensions
for i in *.csv; do awk -F "," 'END{print FILENAME, NR, NF}' $i; done > dims.txt
If you want to avoid awk you can also do it wc -l for lines and grep -o "CSV-separator" | wc -l for fields
I would harness GNU AWK's ENDFILE for this task as follows, let content of one.csv be
and two.csv be
awk 'BEGIN{FS=","}ENDFILE{print FILENAME, FNR, NF}' one.csv two.csv
one.csv 3 2
two.csv 4 5
Explanation: ENDFILE is executed after processing every file, I set FS to , assuming that fields are ,-separated and there is not , inside filed, FILENAME, FNR, NF are built-in GNU AWK variables: FNR is number of current row in file, i.e. in ENDFILE number of last row, NF is number of fileds (again of last row). If you have files with headers use FNR-1, if you have rows prepended with row number use NF-1.
edit: changed NR to FNR
Without GNU awk you can use the shell plus POSIX awk this way:
for fn in *.csv; do
cols=$(awk '{print NF; exit}' "$fn")
rows=$(awk 'END{print NR-1}' "$fn")
printf "%s %s %s\n" "${fn%.csv}" "$rows" "$cols"
one 3 2
two 4 5

selecting columns in awk discarding corresponding header

How to properly select columns in awk after some processing. My file here:
cat foo
I want to add a first column with line numbers and then extract some columns of the result. For the example let's get the new first (line numbers) and third columns. This way:
awk -F';' 'FNR==1{print "linenumber;"$0;next} {print FNR-1,$1,$3}' foo
gives me this unexpected output:
1 9 7
2 8 4
3 1 3
but expected is (note B is now the third column as we added linenumber as first):
[fixed and revised]
To get your expected output, use:
$ awk 'BEGIN {
print (FNR==1?"linenumber":FNR-1),$(FNR==1?3:1)
}' file
To add a column with line number and extract first and last columns, use:
$ awk 'BEGIN {
print (FNR==1?"linenumber":FNR-1),$1,$NF
}' file
Output this time:
Why do you print $0 (the complete record) in your header? And, if you want only two columns in your output, why to you print 3 (FNR-1, $1 and $3)? Finally, the reason why your output field separators are spaces instead of the expected ; is simply that... you did not specify the output field separator (OFS). You can do this with a command line variable assignment (OFS=\;), as shown in the second and third versions below, but also using the -v option (-v OFS=\;) or in a BEGIN block (BEGIN {OFS=";"}) as you wish (there are differences between these 3 methods but they don't matter here).
[EDIT]: see a generic solution at the end.
If the field you want to keep is the second of the input file (the B column), try:
$ awk -F\; 'FNR==1 {print "linenumber;" $2; next} {print FNR-1 ";" $2}' foo
$ awk -F\; 'FNR==1 {print "linenumber",$2; next} {print FNR-1,$2}' OFS=\; foo
Note that, as long as you don't want to keep the first field of the input file ($1), you could as well overwrite it with the line number:
$ awk -F\; '{$1=FNR==1?"linenumber":FNR-1; print $1,$2}' OFS=\; foo
Finally, here is a more generic solution to which you can pass the list of indexes of the columns of the input file you want to print (1 and 3 in this example):
$ awk -F\; -v cols='1;3' '
BEGIN { OFS = ";"; n = split(cols, c); }
{ printf("%s", FNR == 1 ? "linenumber" : FNR - 1);
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++) printf("%s", OFS $(c[i]));
}' foo

awk conditional statement based on a value between colon

I was just introduced to awk and I'm trying to retrieve rows from my file based on the value on column 10.
I need to filter the data based on the value of the third value if ":" was used as a separator in column 10 (last column).
Here is an example data in column 10. 0/1:1,9:10:15:337,0,15.
I was able to extract the third value using this command awk '{print $10}' file.txt | awk -F ":" '/1/ {print $3}'
This returns the value 10 but how can I return other rows (not just the value in column 10) if this third value is less than or greater than a specific number?
I tried this awk '{if($10 -F ":" "/1/ ($3<10))" print $0;}' file.txt but it returns a syntax error.
Your code:
awk '{print $10}' file.txt | awk -F ":" '/1/ {print $3}'
should be just 1 awk script:
awk '$10 ~ /1/ { split($10,f,/:/); print f[3] }' file.txt
but I'm not sure that code is doing what you think it does. If you want to print the 3rd value of all $10s that contain :s, as it sounds like from your text, that'd be:
awk 'split($10,f,/:/) > 1 { print f[3] }' file.txt
and to print the rows where that value is less than 7 would be:
awk '(split($10,f,/:/) > 1) && (f[3] < 7)' file.txt

awk: print each column of a file into separate files

I have a file with 100 columns of data. I want to print the first column and i-th column in 99 separate files, I am trying to use
for i in {2..99}; do awk '{print $1" " $i }' input.txt > data${i}; done
But I am getting errors
awk: illegal field $(), name "i"
input record number 1, file input.txt
source line number 1
How to correctly use $i inside the {print }?
Following single awk may help you too here:
awk -v start=2 -v end=99 '{for(i=start;i<=end;i++){print $1,$i > "file"i;close("file"i)}}' Input_file
An all awk solution. First test data:
$ cat foo
11 12 13
21 22 23
Then the awk:
$ awk '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++) print $1,$i > ("data" i)}' foo
and results:
$ ls data*
data2 data3
$ cat data2
11 12
21 22
The for iterates from 2 to the last field. If there are more fields that you desire to process, change the NF to the number you'd like. If, for some reason, a hundred open files would be a problem in your system, you'd need to put the print into a block and add a close call:
$ awk '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){f=("data" i); print $1,$i >> f; close(f)}}' foo
If you want to do what you try to accomplish :
for i in {2..99}; do
awk -v x=$i '{print $1" " $x }' input.txt > data${i}
the -v switch of awk to pass variables
$x is the nth column defined in your variable x
Note2 : this is not the fastest solution, one awk call is fastest, but I just try to correct your logic. Ideally, take time to understand awk, it's never a wasted time

What is the meaning of $0 = $0 in Awk?

While going through a piece of code I saw the below command:
grep "r" temp | awk '{FS=","; $0=$0} { print $1,$3}'
temp file contain the pattern like:
1. r,1,5
2. r,4,5
3. ...
I could not understand what does the statement $0=$0 mean in awk command.
Can anyone explain what does it mean?
When you do $1=$1 (or any other assignment to a field) it causes record recompilation where $0 is rebuilt with every FS replaced with OFS but it does not change NF (unless there was no $1 previously and then NF would change from 0 to 1) or reevaluate the record in any other way.
When you do $0=$0 it causes field splitting where NF, $1, $2, etc. are repopulated based on the current value of FS but it does not change the FSs to OFSs or modify $0 in any other way.
$ echo 'a-b-c' |
awk -F'-+' -v OFS='-' '
function p() { printf "%d) %d: $0=%s, $2=%s\n", ++c,NF,$0,$2 }
{ p(); $2=""; p(); $1=$1; p(); $0=$0; p(); $1=$1; p() }
1) 3: $0=a-b-c, $2=b
2) 3: $0=a--c, $2=
3) 3: $0=a--c, $2=
4) 2: $0=a--c, $2=c
5) 2: $0=a-c, $2=c
Note in the above that even though setting $2 to null resulted in 2 consecutive -s and the FS of -+ means that 2 -s are a single separator, they are not treated as such until $0=$0 causes the record to be re-split into fields as shown in output step 4.
The code you have:
awk '{FS=","; $0=$0}'
is using $0=$0 as a cludge to work around the fact that it's not setting FS until AFTER the first record has been read and split into fields:
$ printf 'a,b\nc,d\n' | awk '{print NF, $1}'
1 a,b
1 c,d
$ printf 'a,b\nc,d\n' | awk '{FS=","; print NF, $1}'
1 a,b
2 c
$ printf 'a,b\nc,d\n' | awk '{FS=","; $0=$0; print NF, $1}'
2 a
2 c
The correct solution, of course, is instead to simply set FS BEFORE The first record is read:
$ printf 'a,b\nc,d\n' | awk -F, '{print NF, $1}'
2 a
2 c
To be clear - assigning any value to $0 causes field splitting, it does not cause record recompilation while assigning any value to any field ($1, etc.) causes record recompilation but not field splitting:
$ echo 'a-b-c' | awk -F'-+' -v OFS='#' '{$2=$2}1'
$ echo 'a-b-c' | awk -F'-+' -v OFS='#' '{$0=$0}1'
$0 = $0 is used most often to rebuild the field separation evaluation of a modified entry. Ex: adding a field will change $NF after $0 = $0 where it stay as original (at entry of the line).
in this case, it change every line the field separator by , and (see #EdMorton comment below for strike) reparse the line with current FS info where a awk -F ',' { print $1 "," $3 }' is a lot better coding for the same idea, taking the field separator at begining for all lines (in this case, could be different if separator is modified during process depernding by example of previous line content)
echo "foo;bar" | awk '{print NF}{FS=";"; print NF}{$0=$0;print NF}'
based on #EdMorton comment and related post (What is the meaning of $0 = $0 in Awk)
echo "a-b-c" |\
awk ' BEGIN{ FS="-+"; OFS="-"}
function p(Ref) { printf "%12s) NF=%d $0=%s, $2=%s\n", Ref,NF,$0,$2 }
$2="-"; p( "S2=-")
$1=$1 ; p( "$1=$1")
$2=$2 ; p( "$2=$2")
$0=$0 ; p( "$0=$0")
$2=$2 ; p( "$2=$2")
$3=$3 ; p( "$3=$3")
$1=$1 ; p( "$1=$1")
} '
Org) NF=3 $0=a-b-c, $2=b
S2=-) NF=3 $0=a---c, $2=-
$1=$1) NF=3 $0=a---c, $2=-
$2=$2) NF=3 $0=a---c, $2=-
$0=$0) NF=2 $0=a---c, $2=c
$2=$2) NF=2 $0=a-c, $2=c
$3=$3) NF=3 $0=a-c-, $2=c
$1=$1) NF=3 $0=a-c-, $2=c
$0=$0 is for re-evaluate the fields
For example
akshay#db-3325:~$ cat <<EOF | awk '/:/{FS=":"}/\|/{FS="|"}{print $2}'
# Same with $0=$0, it will force awk to have the $0 reevaluated
akshay#db-3325:~$ cat <<EOF | awk '/:/{FS=":"}/\|/{FS="|"}{$0=$0;print $2}'
# NF - gives you the total number of fields in a record
akshay#db-3325:~$ cat <<EOF | awk '/:/{FS=":"}/\|/{FS="|"}{print NF}'
# When we Force to re-evaluate the fields, we get correct 2 fields
akshay#db-3325:~$ cat <<EOF | awk '/:/{FS=":"}/\|/{FS="|"}{$0=$0; print NF}'
>>> echo 'a-b-c' | awk -F'-+' -v OFS='#' '{$2=$2}1'
>>> a#b#c
This can be slightly simplified to
mawk 'BEGIN { FS="[-]+"; OFS = "#"; } ($2=$2)'
Rationale being the boolean test that comes afterwards will evaluate to true upon the assignment, so that itself is sufficient to re-gen the fields in OFS and print it.