why Websites are in different extension names? - calabash-android

can anyone please tell me why websites will be having the extension with a different name such as .html,.com,.net,.php,.asp?
I found some info on .html but I didn't find for other extensions.

It mainly depends on the way the website was written. Web browsers are relatively smart beasts, and they know how to display and interact with a number of different interchange formats.
For example, php code allows you to do certain things that are not available in html, but could be produced in html with the use of javascript. It just depends on the server and the stack used by any particular website, which technologies they will choose to deploy.


Extract Font from PDF using GdPicture

According to their website (http://www.gdpicture.com/products/managed-pdf/) you have the ability to extract fonts from a PDF file. However, I can't seem to find the functionality to do this. I have encountered several methods to add them, but none to extract them (and they don't show as embedded files). Has anyone tried to do this, or have experience with GdPicture?
Version: 14 (Current)
Disclosure: I am part of the ORPALIS technical staff that edits the GdPicture.NET SDK, that's why I know there's an ongoing communication about this already.
It is my understanding that you have a support case open for a merging issue relative to fonts and as you know, our development team is currently working on a fix that will solve it so I strongly recommend that you wait for them to finish.
There's no extraction of the embedded font as you might expect at the moment but the development team is also working on one, we will let you know as soon as it is available (it should be very soon).
You can get information about (already) embedded fonts using the GetFontCount, IsFontEmbedded, GetFontName and GetFontType methods.
You can also add new embedded fonts (of different types) using the AddFontFromFileU, AddStandardFont, AddTrueTypeFont, AddTrueTypeFontFromFile, AddTrueTypeFontFromFileU and AddTrueTypeFontU methods.

Which is the correct technical name of those products, and a list of availables

I'm trying to find other type of products which allows me to create a desktop app through html5 + javascript. Actually I found these three but I still don't know their technical name so I really can't search for them on google. Any suggestion about this?
Also, I'm looking for a list of similar products, to choose the one that fits my needs.
I really like how you build interfaces with html + css + javascripts with great results, but I need quite good interaction with the O.S. to handle window. Expecially, I were looking for transparent windows which seems not implemented on node-webkit at the moment, while on AppJS seems ok but I don't like the idea of serving the content like a webserver, I prefer the node-webkit approach.
Search for "HTML5 Desktop" and you will find all the platforms that allows you to build desktop apps using html5 in the first page like appjs, tidesk, pokki, node-webkit etc.

Share a "deep link" from a Windows 8/WinRT application

I have searched using many different terms and phrases, and waded through many pages of results, but I have (remarkably) not seen anyone else addressing, even asking, about, this issue. So here goes...
Ultimate Goal: Allow a user viewing a content-based page (may contain both text and images) within a Windows Store app to share that content with someone else.
I am working on taking a fair amount of content and making it available for browsing/navigating as a Windows 8/WinRT/Windows Store (we need a consistent name here) application. One of the desired features is to take advantage of the Share Charm, such that someone viewing a page could share that page with someone else.
The ideal behavior is for the application to implement the Share Source contract which would share an email message that contained some explanatory text, a link to get the app from the Windows Store, and a "deep link" into the shared page in the application.
Solutions Considered
We had originally looked at just generating a PDF representation of the page, but there are very few external libraries that would work under WinRT, and having to include externally licensed code would be problematic as well. Writing our own PDF generation code would out of scope.
We have also considered generating a Word document or PowerPoint slide using OpenXML, but again, we run up against the limitaions of WinRT. In this case, it is highly unlikely the OpenXML SDK is useable in a WinRT application.
Another thought was to pre-generate all of the pages as .pdf files, store them as resources, and when the Share Charm is invoked, share the .pdf file associated with the current page. The problem here is the application will have at least 150 content pages, and depending on how we break the content down, up to over 600. This would likely cause serious bloat.
Where We Are At
Thus we have come to sharing URIs. From what I can tell, though, the "deep linking" feature is only intended for use on Secondary Tiles tied to your application. Another avenue I considered was registering a protocol like, "my-special-app:" with the OS and having it fire up the application but that would require HKCR registry access, which is outside the WinRT sandbox.
If it matters, we are leaning towards an HTML/JS application, rather than XAML/C#, because the converted content will all be in HTML and the WebView control in WinRT is fairly limited. This decision is not yet final, though.
So, is this possible, and if so, how would it be done or where can I find documentation on it?
Dave Parker

pdf and netbeans

I am using netbeans to develop my project. I need to put a pdf on a website and according to certain conditions, only parts of the pdf should be view-able.For example, suppose payment made is rs.500. I will let the user view 2 chapters in the pdf for a period of one week. I have no idea how to do this.Can someone help me?
Since you're using NetBeans, I'll assume that you're using Java as your language.
You generate PDFs using either XSL-FO or something like iText. I prefer XSL-FO and Velocity templates, but your situation might be different.
The rules for what to display under different conditions need to be expressed in Java using controllers that accept a request, bind parameters to objects, execute rules, and stream the response as a PDF depending on the outcome. It's not an easy answer.
There are various Java viewers and several have plugins (there is one at http://www.jpedal.org/support_siNetBeans.php).
Your best bet would be to generate a copy of the PDF with just the pages allowed and then display that.

How does Javascript use affect 508 Compliance?

As background, I currently develop for a university, and we have problems with departments demanding "web 2.0 content" and accessibility requirements.
How do really big sites that are JavaScript based deal with 508 Compliance? Some sites degrade, and others require enabling JavaScript. How much impact does one decision have versus the other?
Also, in a realistic sense, how much development time should be devoted the accessible versions of sites versus the "main" versions?
I'm a blind developer and find it possible to use many Web 2.0 sites - this is most certainly possible.
Firstly, I strongly advise against making a separae accessible site, regardless of how many people advise you to do this. This is bad practice and will end up being more work, even if it initialy seems simpler.
Next, try to use progressive enhancement (particularly if this is a new site). Code the site without any Javascript; it's not just accessibility which benefits. Then, in your OnLoad() go through and attach Click events to the anchor tags; this way if you have Javascript you'll see the Ajax version, otherwise you will have a full page refresh and see another HTML page.
Luckily, there is a new standard, WAI-Aria (www.w3.org/WAI/intro/aria.php) which makes this much simpler. You attach attributes to HTML tags to identify the semantics of an Ajax control, for example. The only problem with Aria is that it only works with newer screen readers and web browsers. The university may well require the site be accessible to people running older software.
I'm a screen reader user and often use Javascript enabled sites. Javascript is not an accessibility issue, the way it is used can be. For example if the site uses javascript that requires the use of a mouse and doesn't have keyboard alternatives it will not be 508 compliant. An example of a site that uses Javascript and is accessible is stackoverflow.com. The only feature that isn't accessible is the ability to determine if you have accepted an answer to a question. I would take a look at the links in Annie's answer. All the blind college students I know use a fairly modern browser with Javascript enabled, Lynx is no longer popular in the blind community. If you want to try using a screen reader a good open source one for windows can be found at
and it works well with firefox. If you want to try using the web with out Javascript install the Noscript addin.
Sites don't have to disable JavaScript to be accessible. Many sites use ARIA roles to work better with screen readers. There's a giant list of articles on accessible AJAX applications here. You could try something like AxsJAX.