Apache Cordova: Difference between browser and www platform - apache

If I type on my console:
cordova platform ls
I get the following list for platforms:
Installed platforms:
Available platforms:
android ~6.3.0
blackberry10 ~3.8.0 (deprecated)
browser ~5.0.0
ios ~4.5.1
osx ~4.0.1
ubuntu ~4.3.4 (deprecated)
webos ~3.7.0
windows ~5.0.0
www ^3.12.0
But I cannot understand the difference between www platform and browser platform. The both seem to me that serve the very same purpose: Run cordova apps via the web.
But on a second thought it may be something slightly different. What is the reason for the two platforms? As fas as I look on documentation it says-documents mostly mobile platforms such as:
Windows phone
Blackberry 10

I don't think www is a valid platform and it shows up in the list of available platforms because of a bug somewhere in the cordova-cli.
If you have a look at the supported platforms of the latest docs there is no mention of www. I do not know where version 3.12.0 comes from exactly, but one thing related to cordova and this version I found is that the latest version of cordova-app-hello-world is 3.12.0. If it would be a valid platform there would also be a github repo for it which is not present. So I suggest you just use the browser platform.

It could show if you are using ionic, www is the ionic build for ionic serve


comparison of node and nativescript runtimes

Can I run any node app under nativescript? From my point of view nativescript is a different runtime than node.js. But Node.js incorporates the Google Chrome V8 JavaScript engine as well. The only difference seems that some major functionality of nativescript app depends on core modules and plugins, which provides access to the underlying native mobile platforms.
For example if I run npm install matrix-js-sdk or npm install libp2p, then I can create and run a ns application with functionality of those packages in the same way as I would create a node application?
There is two native bridges that connect the "native" and the "JavaScript" world. One for Android and one for iOS, and these two runtimes are the core of the framework enabling many of the unique features in NativeScript. These two runtimes are using different JavaScript engines - V8 for the Android runtime and JavaScriptCore for the iOS runtime. This means you can use node based library in nativescript apps. But some libraries will not work for example crypto which uses
Secure random number generation that is not supported by v8.
For more info on the issue check this.
For more info on how nativescript works check this.

Branch.io Deep linking not working on iOS 13+. It does not show pop-up to open application(Ionic 5, Capacitor)

I have added deep-linking integration in our app and using plugin capacitor-branch-deep-links. It is working till iOS 12.1 but in iOS 13+ it does not show a pop-up to open the application on a click of deep-link.
I have also tried forced uri redirect mode but none of these solutions are working.
Installed Dependencies:
Ionic 5.26.0
#capacitor/cli 2.4.5
#capacitor/core 2.4.5
#capacitor/ios 2.4.5
capacitor-branch-deep-links 3.0.0
After going through this link, I figured out that I was using the wrong Apple App Prefix and invalid Provisioning Profile Specifier. This correction fixed my issue. Though I am still not sure why it was working in iOS 12 with the wrong Apple App Prefix and Provision Profile

How to add browser platform to MFP cordova app?

I'm looking for a way to add browser platform to the current mfp cordova app for testing purpose. When I tried to run mfp cordova platform add browser, I got the error
Error: Hook not implemented yet for browser
By the looks of the commands, you're using 7.1. This release does not support the Web platform for Cordova apps.
Note that Mobile Foundation 8.0 supports standard Cordova apps, including the Web platform.

Apache Cordova and bluetooth

Does Apache Cordova have the abilty to use the mobile device's bluetooth. I'm currently making an app on Android and it uses bluetooth but I would also like to make the same app on Apache Cordova and I can't find any type of documentation regarding using Apache Cordova and bluetooth.
Apache Cordova can make all platform APIs from iOS or Android available within a so called WebView. A WebView is basically rendering HTML, CSS and executing JavaScript. Platform APIs can be made available through plugins in Apache Cordova and inside the WebView can be used via JavaScript. You can either write your own plugin or use an existing one.
Android allows for Bluetooth classic and Bluetooth low energy. To my best knowledge iOS only has support for Bluetooth low energy. There are several plugins available for bluetooth support inside an Apache Cordova app, just use the plugin search on the Apache Cordova Website: https://cordova.apache.org/plugins/
Ranked by github stars you might use the following plugin for bluetooth le:
Or the following for bluetooth classic:
You'll have to use a plugin. Most anything you want to do on Phonegap requires a plugin.
My list (duplicate of Phonegap offical, list on page)
The Cordova version:

Apache Cordova not Allowing me to run in visual studio

Every time i try to create a new app ( trying to look at cross platform apps) in visual studio I get this error:
I have installed the android SDK , is there something else I should be installing?
It seems you installed the android SDK but didn't run it to install the platform tools and the SDK APIs.
Run the "android" command on your computer, it will start the android SDK manager.
Then you have to install The android SDK tools and android platform for at least SDK 19.
One quick way is to just click the install button on the bottom right of the window, it should install automatically the latest SDK tools and paltform tools.
If you're short on disk space I recommend you uncheck all that's not usefull if you only want to use Cordova and not plan to do native dev :
the samples
the system images (unless you want to use the emulator, in this case just install one, don't need all)
the documentations
This is simply telling you that the x86 emulator system image is missing. If you do not plan on using the Android Emulator or will only be using an ARM image, you can ignore this warning. We're working to ensure messaging is more nuanced in this area in the future.