I'm trying to export content from sensenet using (http://wiki.sensenet.com/Export#Configuration)
"export" command call:
Export.exe -SOURCE /Root/Sites/Test -TARGET C:\ExportSensenet -ASM ..\bin
I also tried without the "ASM" parameter.
Export did not complete successfully.
Export ends with error:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'SenseNet.ContentRe
pository.Storage.SR' threw an exception. ---> System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLo
adException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the Loa
derExceptions property for more information.
at System.Reflection.RuntimeModule.GetTypes(RuntimeModule module)
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetTypes()
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.TypeHandler.GetTypesByInterface(Type in
terfaceType) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\St
orage\TypeHandler.cs:line 209
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.SR..cctor() in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PAC
KAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\Storage\SR.cs:line 22
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.SR.get_ResourceManager()
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.Caching.Dependency.CacheDependencyFacto
ry.CreateNodeDataDependency(NodeData nodeData) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECo
mmunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\Storage\Caching\CacheDependencyFactory.cs:line 7
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.DataBackingStore.CacheNodeData(NodeData
nodeData, String cacheKey) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Sou
rce\SenseNet\Storage\DataBackingStore.cs:line 325
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.DataBackingStore.GetNodeData(NodeHead h
ead, Int32 versionId) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\Se
nseNet\Storage\DataBackingStore.cs:line 212
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.Node.LoadNode(NodeHead head, VersionNum
ber version) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\St
orage\Node.cs:line 1644
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.User.get_Administrator() in c:\Builds\8\SenseNe
t\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\ContentRepository\User.cs:line 38
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Security.DesktopAccessProvider.get_CurrentUser(
) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\ContentReposi
tory\Security\DesktopAccessProvider.cs:line 36
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.Security.AccessProvider.ChangeToSystemA
ccount() in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\Storag
e\Security\AccessProvider.cs:line 72
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Security.DesktopAccessProvider.GetCurrentUser()
in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\ContentReposit
ory\Security\DesktopAccessProvider.cs:line 52
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.Security.AccessProvider.ChangeToSystemA
ccount() in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\Storag
e\Security\AccessProvider.cs:line 72
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.RepositoryInstance.DoStart() in c:\Builds\8\Sen
nce.cs:line 144
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.RepositoryInstance.Start(RepositoryStartSetting
s settings) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\Con
tentRepository\RepositoryInstance.cs:line 108
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Repository.Start(RepositoryStartSettings settin
gs) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\ContentRepo
sitory\Repository.cs:line 58
at SenseNet.Tools.ContentExporter.Exporter.Main(String[] args) in c:\Builds\8
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.SR.get_ResourceManager()
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.Caching.Dependency.CacheDependencyFacto
ry.CreateNodeDataDependency(NodeData nodeData) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECo
mmunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\Storage\Caching\CacheDependencyFactory.cs:line 7
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.DataBackingStore.CacheNodeData(NodeData
nodeData, String cacheKey) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Sou
rce\SenseNet\Storage\DataBackingStore.cs:line 325
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.DataBackingStore.GetNodeData(NodeHead h
ead, Int32 versionId) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\Se
nseNet\Storage\DataBackingStore.cs:line 212
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.Node.LoadNode(NodeHead head, VersionNum
ber version) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\St
orage\Node.cs:line 1644
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.User.get_Administrator() in c:\Builds\8\SenseNe
t\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\ContentRepository\User.cs:line 38
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Security.DesktopAccessProvider.get_CurrentUser(
) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\ContentReposi
tory\Security\DesktopAccessProvider.cs:line 36
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.Security.AccessProvider.ChangeToSystemA
ccount() in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\Storag
e\Security\AccessProvider.cs:line 72
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Security.DesktopAccessProvider.GetCurrentUser()
in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\ContentReposit
ory\Security\DesktopAccessProvider.cs:line 52
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Storage.Security.AccessProvider.ChangeToSystemA
ccount() in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\Storag
e\Security\AccessProvider.cs:line 72
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.RepositoryInstance.DoStart() in c:\Builds\8\Sen
nce.cs:line 144
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.RepositoryInstance.Start(RepositoryStartSetting
s settings) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\Con
tentRepository\RepositoryInstance.cs:line 108
at SenseNet.ContentRepository.Repository.Start(RepositoryStartSettings settin
gs) in c:\Builds\8\SenseNet\PACKAGECommunity\Sources\Source\SenseNet\ContentRepo
sitory\Repository.cs:line 58
at SenseNet.Tools.ContentExporter.Exporter.Main(String[] args) in c:\Builds\8
I did not change the export.exe.config file and it has the right database configuration.
Usually this is a sign of a missing library. First I'd try to simply copy all the libraries from the web\bin folder to the web\Tools folder (where you execute the tool). If that does not help, pls make sure that the runtime bindings in the export config are the same as in the web.config.
I am using the LDAP server functionality of the Node.js module ldapjs version 1.0.2. I want to handle an LDAP extended operation (see RFC 3062 = LDAP Password Modify).
My server is configured...
const server = ldapjs.createServer( ... );
server.exop('', (req: any, res: any, next: any) => {
const requestValue = req.requestValue;
Calling the command ldappasswd (from debian package ldap-utils) works, handler method is called in proper way.
The data from the ldappasswd ... uid=user -A -S command with "old" as old password and "new" with new password results in the following hex values:
30 14 80 08 75 69 64 3d 73 75 72 66 81 03 6f 6c 64 82 03 6e 65 77
0 u i d = u s e r o l d n e w
0x80 marks the beginning of the attribute, 0x81 the beginning of the old password, 0x82 the beginning of the new password. The value after this byte is the length, followed by the information itself.
The problem:
Inside the handler methode, requestValue is a string with invalid separator characters.
Converting the string to a buffer ( Buffer.from(req.reuqestValue ) results in:
<Buffer 30 14 ef bf bd 08 75 69 64 3d 75 73 65 72 ef bf bd 03 6f 6c 64 ef bf bd 03 6e 65 77>
The separator bytes 0x80, 0x81 and 0x82 are converted to ef bf bd and therefore parsing information fails, because type is lost.
Any idea how to get out the information values from the requestValue attribute?
The problem can be solved by installing the version next and using req.requestValueBuffer instead of req.requestValue:
npm install --save ldapjs#next
const server = ldapjs.createServer( ... );
server.exop('', (req: any, res: any, next: any) => {
const requestValue = req.requestValueBuffer;
The problem is caused by a bug in the current ldapjs master branch (ad451edc) in file lib/messages/ext_request.js line 61:
this.requestName = ber.readString(0x80);
if (ber.peek() === 0x81)
try {
this.requestValue = ber.readString(0x81);
} catch (e) {
this.requestValue = ber.readBuffer(0x81);
In case of ldappasswd data the readString() function is called (no exception thrown), and this function always converts the buffer to a string using UTF-8 decoding. That's wrong. An additional bug in this code snippet is the call of readBuffer(...) which doesn't exist on the object ber.
In the branch next of the ldapjs repository this bug is solved by the bugfix in commit b87e4bb.
Bugfix lib/messages/ext_request.js line 82:
this.requestName = ber.readString(0x80)
if (ber.peek() === 0x81) {
this.requestValueBuffer = ber.readString(0x81, true)
this.requestValue = this.requestValueBuffer.toString('utf8')
A handler method can now use req.requestValueBuffer to get the original request data bytes.
I am trying to remove a document in RavenDB which has 3 nodes running in a single machine (development setup).
Below is the code for removing the document.
public bool Remove<T>(string id) where T : new()
bool bResult = false;
using (var session = _session.OpenSession())
bResult = true;
return bResult;
but it throws error on the line session.SaveChanges();
Invalid node tag character: n ...
Stack trace:
System.ArgumentException: Invalid node tag character: n
at Raven.Server.Documents.Replication.ChangeVectorParser.ThrowInvalidNodeTag(Char ch) in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Documents\Replication\ChangeVectorParser.cs:line 71
at Raven.Server.Documents.Replication.ChangeVectorParser.ParseNodeTag(String changeVector, Int32 start, Int32 end) in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Documents\Replication\ChangeVectorParser.cs:line 52
at Raven.Server.Documents.Replication.ChangeVectorParser.MergeChangeVector(String changeVector, List`1 entries) in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Documents\Replication\ChangeVectorParser.cs:line 186
at Raven.Server.Utils.ChangeVectorUtils.MergeVectors(String vectorAstring, String vectorBstring) in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Utils\ChangeVectorUtils.cs:line 213
at Raven.Server.Documents.DocumentsStorage.CreateTombstone(DocumentsOperationContext context, Slice lowerId, Int64 documentEtag, CollectionName collectionName, String docChangeVector, Int64 lastModifiedTicks, String changeVector, DocumentFlags flags, NonPersistentDocumentFlags nonPersistentFlags) in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Documents\DocumentsStorage.cs:line 1378
at Raven.Server.Documents.DocumentsStorage.Delete(DocumentsOperationContext context, Slice lowerId, String id, LazyStringValue expectedChangeVector, Nullable`1 lastModifiedTicks, String changeVector, CollectionName collectionName, NonPersistentDocumentFlags nonPersistentFlags, DocumentFlags documentFlags) in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Documents\DocumentsStorage.cs:line 1195
at Raven.Server.Documents.DocumentsStorage.Delete(DocumentsOperationContext context, String id, String expectedChangeVector) in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Documents\DocumentsStorage.cs:line 1091
at Raven.Server.Documents.Handlers.BatchHandler.MergedBatchCommand.ExecuteCmd(DocumentsOperationContext context) in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Documents\Handlers\BatchHandler.cs:line 706
at Raven.Server.Documents.TransactionOperationsMerger.ExecutePendingOperationsInTransaction(List`1 pendingOps, DocumentsOperationContext context, Task previousOperation, DurationMeasurement& meter) in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Documents\TransactionOperationsMerger.cs:line 825
at Raven.Server.Documents.TransactionOperationsMerger.MergeTransactionsOnce() in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Documents\TransactionOperationsMerger.cs:line 500
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at Raven.Server.Documents.TransactionOperationsMerger.Enqueue(MergedTransactionCommand cmd) in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Documents\TransactionOperationsMerger.cs:line 124
at Raven.Server.Documents.Handlers.BatchHandler.BulkDocs() in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Documents\Handlers\BatchHandler.cs:line 96
at Raven.Server.Routing.RequestRouter.HandlePath(RequestHandlerContext reqCtx) in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\Routing\RequestRouter.cs:line 124
at Raven.Server.RavenServerStartup.RequestHandler(HttpContext context) in C:\Builds\RavenDB-Stable-4.1\src\Raven.Server\RavenServerStartup.cs:line 172
I've run into the same error yesterday. I restored database on the different machine where I installed brand new RavenDB and (being lazy) named new instance node "A". It appears that RavenDB cannot currently remove documents when change vector and instance tag name don't match.
It looks like an honest mistake in code instead of intentional behavior.. but its only my guess, because I didn't find anything about this behavior in 4.1 documentation.
Solution (if you confirm there is a mismatch):
You could try to add a new node to your cluster with the name matching change vector of locked documents.
In my case I am not able to configure standalone RavenDB to have node tag of more than 4 characters (that was no problem on Docker)... It might be harder to get database to consistent state then.
Alternatively try exporting and importing data. It fixes the problem because change vectors are updated and match new node tag.
I have a service API which up until recently used the whois library to get data.
I use sinon to test the API:
const mockWhoisLookup = sinon.mock(whois);
.callsFake((domain, callback) => {
callback(undefined, whoisSampleResponse);
I've decided to use whois-json instead as it provides a 'cleaner' output.
The issue is that when I now run the test it gives me an error output:
TypeError: Attempted to wrap undefined property lookup as function
61 | const mockWhoisLookup = sinon.mock(whois);
62 | mockWhoisLookup
> 63 | .expects('lookup')
64 | .once()
65 | .withArgs('deals.dk')
66 | .callsFake((domain, callback) => {
How do I solve this issue?
I'm creating TFIDF vectors using Apache Mahout. I specify EnglishAnalyzer as part of document tokenizing like so:
DocumentProcessor.tokenizeDocuments(documentsSequencePath, EnglishAnalyzer.class, tokenizedDocumentsPath, configuration);
which gives me the following vector for a document I've called business.txt. I was surprised to see useless words in there like have, on, i, e.g.. One of my other documents has loads more.
What is the simplest way for me to improve the quality of the terms it's finding? I know EnglishAnalyzer can be passed a stop word list but the constructor gets invoked via reflection so it seems like I can't do that.
Should I write my own Analyzer? I'm a bit confused about how to compose tokenizers, filters etc. Can I reuse EnglishAnalyzer along with my own filters? Subclassing EnglishAnalyzer doesn't seem to be possible this way.
# document: tfidf-score term
business.txt: 109 comput
business.txt: 110 us
business.txt: 111 innov
business.txt: 111 profit
business.txt: 112 market
business.txt: 114 technolog
business.txt: 117 revolut
business.txt: 119 on
business.txt: 119 platform
business.txt: 119 strategi
business.txt: 120 logo
business.txt: 121 i
business.txt: 121 pirat
business.txt: 123 econom
business.txt: 127 creation
business.txt: 127 have
business.txt: 128 peopl
business.txt: 128 compani
business.txt: 134 idea
business.txt: 139 luxuri
business.txt: 139 synergi
business.txt: 140 disrupt
business.txt: 140 your
business.txt: 141 piraci
business.txt: 145 product
business.txt: 147 busi
business.txt: 168 funnel
business.txt: 176 you
business.txt: 186 custom
business.txt: 197 e.g
business.txt: 301 brand
You can pass a custom stop word set to the EnglishAnalyzer ctor. It is typical for this stop word list to be loaded from a file, which is plain text with one stop word per line. That would look something like this:
String stopFileLocation = "\\path\\to\\my\\stopwords.txt";
CharArraySet stopwords = StopwordAnalyzerBase.loadStopwordSet(
EnglishAnalyzer analyzer = new EnglishAnalyzer(stopwords);
I don't, right off, see how you are supposed to pass ctor arguments to the Mahout method you've indicated. I don't really know Mahout. If you aren't able to, then yes, you could create a custom analyzer by copying EnglishAnalyzer, and load your own stopwords there. Here's an example that loads a custom stop word list from a file, and no stem exclusions (that is, removed the stem exclusion stuff, for brevity's sake).
public final class EnglishAnalyzerCustomStops extends StopwordAnalyzerBase {
private static String StopFileLocation = "\\path\\to\\my\\stopwords.txt";
public EnglishAnalyzerCustomStops() throws IOException {
protected TokenStreamComponents createComponents(String fieldName) {
final Tokenizer source = new StandardTokenizer();
TokenStream result = new StandardFilter(source);
result = new EnglishPossessiveFilter(result);
result = new LowerCaseFilter(result);
result = new StopFilter(result, stopwords);
result = new PorterStemFilter(result);
return new TokenStreamComponents(source, result);
protected TokenStream normalize(String fieldName, TokenStream in) {
TokenStream result = new StandardFilter(in);
result = new LowerCaseFilter(result);
return result;
I have just started to use Yii framework on a windows 7 machine. It's giving me this annoying error and it goes away when I restart the computer.
Can anyone shed some light on what's happening and how to fix it?.. Thanks a bunch
Here is the error I get:
PHP warning
copy(C:\www\corp\assets\96296f5a\js\ckeditor\plugins\imagepaste2.3.zip): failed to open stream: Permission denied
120 $folder=opendir($src);
121 while(($file=readdir($folder))!==false)
122 {
123 if($file==='.' || $file==='..')
124 continue;
125 $path=$src.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file;
126 $isFile=is_file($path);
127 if(self::validatePath($base,$file,$isFile,$fileTypes,$exclude))
128 {
129 if($isFile)
130 {
131 copy($path,$dst.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file);
132 if(isset($options['newFileMode']))
133 chmod($dst.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file,$options['newFileMode']);
134 }
135 elseif($level)
136 self::copyDirectoryRecursive($path,$dst.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$file,$base.'/'.$file,$fileTypes,$exclude,$level-1,$options);
137 }
138 }
139 closedir($folder);
140 }
142 /**
143 * Returns the files found under the specified directory and subdirectories.
Stack Trace
C:\www\yii-1.1.13\framework\utils\CFileHelper.php(131): copy("C:\www\corp\protected\extensions\bootstrap\assets\js\ckeditor\pl...", "C:\www\corp\assets\96296f5a\js\ckeditor\plugins\imagepaste2.3.zi...")
C:\www\yii-1.1.13\framework\utils\CFileHelper.php(136): CFileHelper::copyDirectoryRecursive("C:\www\corp\protected\extensions\bootstrap\assets\js\ckeditor\pl...", "C:\www\corp\assets\96296f5a\js\ckeditor\plugins", "/js/ckeditor/plugins", array(), ...)
C:\www\yii-1.1.13\framework\utils\CFileHelper.php(136): CFileHelper::copyDirectoryRecursive("C:\www\corp\protected\extensions\bootstrap\assets\js\ckeditor", "C:\www\corp\assets\96296f5a\js\ckeditor", "/js/ckeditor", array(), ...)
C:\www\yii-1.1.13\framework\utils\CFileHelper.php(136): CFileHelper::copyDirectoryRecursive("C:\www\corp\protected\extensions\bootstrap\assets\js", "C:\www\corp\assets\96296f5a\js", "/js", array(), ...)
C:\www\yii-1.1.13\framework\utils\CFileHelper.php(63): CFileHelper::copyDirectoryRecursive("C:\www\corp\protected\extensions\bootstrap\assets", "C:\www\corp\assets\96296f5a", "", array(), ...)
C:\www\yii-1.1.13\framework\web\CAssetManager.php(251): CFileHelper::copyDirectory("C:\www\corp\protected\extensions\bootstrap\assets", "C:\www\corp\assets\96296f5a", array("exclude" => array(".svn", ".gitignore"), "level" => -1, "newDirMode" => 511, "newFileMode" => 438))
C:\www\corp\protected\extensions\bootstrap\components\Bootstrap.php(458): CAssetManager->publish("C:\www\corp\protected\extensions\bootstrap\assets", false, -1, true)
453 if (isset($this->_assetsUrl))
454 return $this->_assetsUrl;
455 else
456 {
457 $assetsPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias('bootstrap.assets');
458 $assetsUrl = Yii::app()->assetManager->publish($assetsPath, false, -1, YII_DEBUG);
459 return $this->_assetsUrl = $assetsUrl;
460 }
461 }
463 /**
C:\www\corp\protected\extensions\bootstrap\components\Bootstrap.php(163): Bootstrap->getAssetsUrl()
158 * #param string $cssFile the css file name to register
159 * #param string $media the media that the CSS file should be applied to. If empty, it means all media types.
160 */
161 public function registerAssetCss($cssFile, $media = '')
162 {
163 Yii::app()->getClientScript()->registerCssFile($this->getAssetsUrl() . "/css/{$cssFile}", $media);
164 }
166 /**
167 * Registers the core JavaScript.
168 * #since 0.9.8
C:\www\corp\protected\extensions\bootstrap\components\Bootstrap.php(124): Bootstrap->registerAssetCss("bootstrap.css")
119 /**
120 * Registers the Bootstrap CSS.
121 */
122 public function registerCoreCss()
123 {
124 $this->registerAssetCss('bootstrap' . (!YII_DEBUG ? '.min' : '') . '.css');
125 }
127 /**
128 * Registers the Bootstrap responsive CSS.
129 * #since 0.9.8
C:\www\corp\protected\extensions\bootstrap\components\Bootstrap.php(102): Bootstrap->registerCoreCss()
C:\www\yii-1.1.13\framework\base\CModule.php(387): Bootstrap->init()
C:\www\yii-1.1.13\framework\base\CModule.php(523): CModule->getComponent("bootstrap")
C:\www\yii-1.1.13\framework\base\CApplication.php(152): CModule->preloadComponents()
C:\www\yii-1.1.13\framework\YiiBase.php(125): CApplication->__construct("C:\www\corp/protected/config/main.php")
C:\www\yii-1.1.13\framework\YiiBase.php(98): YiiBase::createApplication("CWebApplication", "C:\www\corp/protected/config/main.php")
C:\www\corp\index.php(13): YiiBase::createWebApplication("C:\www\corp/protected/config/main.php")
2013-02-25 11:29:18 Apache/2.2.22 (Win32) PHP/5.3.13 Yii Framework/1.1.13
The error basically says that YII is not able to copy the required assets from the extensions on to the assets directory at runtime.
The directory C:\www\corp where your YII project exists should be writable by the web server process.
I would see if there is there a firewall/anti-virus that might be blocking the web server from creating files. Try reading the web server log.