monitor the time taken for each entry in a sql table and notify using email if the time taken is more than 5 minutes - sql

I have a table which contains the products details, If it is a new product the status will be 1.
Once it got purchased, the status will change to 2.
My requirement is to send mail to the owner if the product remains in status 1 for more than 5 minutes.
Help me out to proceed further, what are all the ways to do so.

Maybe you can add a field like "LastStatusChangedOn", which is a DateTime (or a DateTimeOffset if you need to keep account with different time zones).
And then just select all Products where the difference between the current time and the LastStatusChangedOn is greater than 5 minutes.
Without the exact database structure, it's impossible to give a complete sample, but something like this?
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE DateDiff(minute, LastStatusChangeOn, getdate()) > 5


How to find where a total condition exist

I am trying to create a report that will show how long an automated sprinkler system has run for. The system is comprised of several sprinklers, with each one keeping track of only itself, and then sends that information to a database. My problem is that each sprinkler has its own run time (I.E. if 5 sprinklers all ran at the same time for 10 minutes, it would report back a total run time of 50 minutes), and I want to know only the net amount of run time - in this example, it would be 10 minutes.
The database is comprised of a time stamp and a boolean, where it records the time stamp every time a sprinkler is shut on or off (its on/off state is indicated by the 1/0 of the boolean).
So, to figure out the total net time the system was on each day - whether it was 1 sprinkler running or all of them - I need to check the database for time frames where no sprinklers were turned at all (or where ANY sprinkler at all was turned on). I would think the beginning of the query would look something like
WHERE MyBoolean = 0
AND [ ... ]
But I'm not sure what the conditional statements that would follow the AND would be like to check the time stamps.
Is there a query I can send to the database that will report back this format of information?
Here's the table the data is recorded to - it's literally just a name, a boolean, and a datetime of when the boolean was changed, and that's the entire database
Every time a sprinkler turns on the number of running sprinklers increments by 1, and every time one turns off the number decrements by 1. If you transform the data so you get this:
timestamp on/off
07:00:05 1
07:03:10 1
07:05:45 -1
then you have a sequence of events in order; which sprinklers they refer to is irrelevant. (I've changed the zeros to -1 for reasons that will become evident in a moment. You can do this with "(2 * value) - 1")
Now put a running total together:
select a.timestamp, (SELECT SUM(a.on_off)
FROM sprinkler_events b
WHERE b.timestamp <= a.timestamp) as run_total
from sprinkler_events a
order by a.timestamp;
where sprinkler_events is the transformed data I listed above. This will give you:
timestamp run_total
07:00:05 1
07:03:10 2
07:05:45 1
and so on. Every row in this which has a run total of zeros is a time at which all sprinklers were turned off, which I think is what you're looking for. If you need to sum the time they were on or off, you'll need to do additional processing: search for "date difference between consecutive rows" and you'll see solutions for that.
You might consider looking for whether all the sprinklers are currently off. For example:
SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT s._NAME) AS sprinkers_currently_off
FROM sprinklers
) s
_VALUE = 0
AND latest_rec = 1
The inner query orders the records so that you can get the latest status of all the sprinklers, and the outer query counts how many are currently off. If you have 10 sprinklers you would report them all off when this query returns 10.
You could modify this by applying a date range to the inner query if you wanted to look into the past, but this should get you on the right track.

Query Distinct on a single Column

I have a Table called SR_Audit which holds all of the updates for each ticket in our Helpdesk Ticketing system.
The table is formatted as per the below representation:
| SR_Audit_RecID | SR_Service_RecID | Audit_text | Updated_By | Last_Update|
I've constructed the below query that provides me with the appropriate output that I require in the format I want it. That is to say that I'm looking to measure how many tickets each staff member completes every day for a month.
select SR_audit.updated_by, CONVERT(CHAR(10),SR_Audit.Last_Update,101) as DateOfClose, count (*) as NumberClosed
from SR_Audit
where SR_Audit.Audit_Text LIKE '%to "Completed"%' AND SR_Audit.Last_Update >= DATEADD(day, -30, GETDATE())
group by SR_audit.updated_by, CONVERT(CHAR(10),SR_Audit.Last_Update,101)
order by CONVERT(CHAR(10),SR_Audit.Last_Update,101)
However the query has one weakness which I'm looking to overcome.
A ticket can be reopened once its completed, which means that it can be completed again. This allows a staff member to artificially inflate their score by re-opening a ticket and completing it again, thus increasing their completed ticket count by one each time they do this.
The table has a field called SR_Service_RecID which is essentially the Ticket number. I want to put a condition in the query so that each ticket is only counted once regardless of how many times its completed, while still honouring the current where clause.
I've tried sub queries and a few other methods but haven't been able to get the results I'm after.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
use as
COUNT(DISTINCT(SR_Service_RecID)) as NumberClosed
COUNT(DISTINCT SR_Service_RecID) as NumberClosed

How do I check whether the time has reached the next half hour in SQL?

I know, confusing title. Let me explain:
I have a job that has multiple steps.
The job runs every 15 minutes.
One of the steps in the job is to run a check (stored procedure) to see if there are records in a temp table that is created inside that stored procedure.
If there are records, I want to send an email.
The email can only be sent between 7am and 4pm and it'll repeat every 30 minutes.
Right now, I know how to check whether something exists and it's in the right time frame:
FROM #NewItems
-- send email
So my question is, how do I do the above check AND it's the next half hour?
For example, I want to send this email at 7am, 7:30am, 8am, 8:30am, etc. until 16:00 (or 4pm).
How would I go about doing this?
You could use an audit table to keep track of the emails that you've sent. Something like:
A benefit of this is that you get some traceability on the server side to say when emails were sent, and maybe a short summary of what they said (like number of items or whatever).
Each time the stored procedure runs, you could round the current time to the last 30 minute interval using something like CAST(FLOOR(CAST(GETDATE() as FLOAT(53))*48)/(48) AS DATETIME) (adapted from an answer on the question T-SQL: Round to nearest 15 minute interval), and then check to see if that interval has an entry in the audit table.
If it does not, send the email (and add the appropriate entry to the audit table).
You could even use the same approach to determine if the interval was one that should have an email sent by checking whether the current time (rounded to the nearest 30 minutes) is contained within a table containing all of the times during the day that should have emails sent (so in your case, all 30 minute intervals between 7:00 and 16:00).
Obviously you'd have to include some cleanup of the audit table to make sure it doesn't grow forever as well.

How to change a status in sql correlating with time

Hi I am doing a project where I am stuck in the following the question asks me to make a booking entry for a travel agency using previous records such as bookingid, customerid, flightID number, passenger details etc and also the booking can have a status of reserved or held . If the seat is confirmed right away it is reserved and if not the passenger has 24 hrs to reserve and change it from held to reserve status. Also, if the seat isn't booked after 24 hrs it changes to expired status.
so far what I was able to come up with is
INSERT (values) INTO the different tables and when it is booked right bookingid.status = R or bookingid.status = bookingtime > 24 = E
without a clue here so appreciate some help !!!
There are many ways of doing this, but the easiest would be to initialize the booking status to reserved if it is booked right away and if it's not you would put held. Now, you would have to rely on a view (or another similar approach) to get the dynamically calculated status. If the user reserves his booking at a later time, you simply have to update the booking status to reserve.
Note that I dont necessary suggest to represent statuses as strings, its just for the example.
WHEN status = 'held' AND DATEDIFF(hh, booking_date, now()) > 24 THEN 'expired'
ELSE status
END AS status
FROM booking

storing data ranges - effective representation

I need to store values for every day in timeline, i.e. every user of database should has status assigned for every day, like this:
from 1.1.2000 to 28.05.2011 - status 1
from 29.05.2011 to 30.01.2012 - status 3
from 1.2.2012 to infinity - status 4
Each day should have only one status assigned, and last status is not ending (until another one is given). My question is what is effective representation in sql database? Obvious solution is to create row for each change (with the last day the status is assigned in each range), like this:
uptodate status
28.05.2011 status 1
30.01.2012 status 3
01.01.9999 status 4
this has many problems - if i would want to add another range, say from 15.02.2012, i would need to alter last row too:
uptodate status
28.05.2011 status 1
30.01.2012 status 3
14.02.2012 status 4
01.01.9999 status 8
and it requires lots of checking to make sure there is no overlapping and errors, especially if someone wants to modify ranges in the middle of the list - inserting a new status from 29.01.2012 to 10.02.2012 is hard to implement (it would require data ranges of status 3 and status 4 to shrink accordingly to make space for new status). Is there any better solution?
i thought about completly other solution, like storing each day status in separate row - so there will be row for every day in timeline. This would make it easy to update - simply enter new status for rows with date between start and end. Of course this would generate big amount of needless data, so it's bad solution, but is coherent and easy to manage. I was wondering if there is something in between, but i guess not.
more context: i want moderator to be able to assign status freely to any dates, and edit it if he would need to. But most often moderator will be adding new status data ranges at the end. I don't really need the last status. After moderator finishes editing whole month time, I need to generate raport based on status on each day in that month. But anytime moderator may want to edit data months ago (which would be reflected on updated raports), and he can put one status for i.e. one year in advance.
You seem to want to use this table for two things - recording the current status and the history of status changes. You should separate the current status out and move it up to the parent (just like the registered date)
Registered Date
Current Status
Status History
Your table structure should include the effective and end dates of the status period. This effectively "tiles" the statuses into groups that don't overlap. The last row should have a dummy end date (as you have above) or NULL. Using a value instead of NULL is useful if you have indexes on the end date.
With this structure, to get the status on any given date, you use the query:
select *
from t
where <date> between effdate and enddate
To add a new status at the end of the period requires two changes:
Modify the row in the table with the enddate = 01/01/9999 to have an enddate of yesterday.
Insert a new row with the effdate of today and an enddate of 01/01/9999
I would wrap this in a stored procedure.
To change a status on one date in the past requires splitting one of the historical records in two. Multiple dates may require changing multiple records.
If you have a date range, you can get all tiles that overlap a given time period with the query:
select *
from t
where <periodstart> <= enddate and <periodend> >= effdate