Send Appointment VBA - vba

So, I've been wrestling with this task for WAY too long now. I am trying to make a button that creates an appointment and sends it to someone. So far, I've been successful in creating the appointment with the variables I want, but I can't figure out how to send it to the right person. Or send it at all for that matter. I'm very new to Outlook applications within VBA, so be gentle with me, but here is my code so far:
Sub appt()
Dim OutApp As Object
Dim OutMail As Object
Dim duedate As String
Dim currentrow As String
Dim currentsheet As String
Dim owner As String
currentsheet = ActiveSheet.Name
currentrow = Range("C10:C" & Rows.Count).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeBlanks).Row
duedate = Range("C" & currentrow).Offset(0, 1)
owner = Range("C" & currentrow).Offset(0, 2)
With Application
.EnableEvents = False
.ScreenUpdating = False
End With
Set OutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set OutMail = OutApp.CreateItem(1)
On Error Resume Next
With OutMail
.Recipients = Range("M3")
.Subject = "Next PDB Task for " & currentsheet
.Importance = True
.Start = "8:00 AM" & duedate
.End = "8:00 AM" & Format(Date + 5)
.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 10080
.Body = "Text and Stuff"
End With
Set OutMail = Nothing
Set OutApp = Nothing
Unload Emy
End Sub
So, this is definitely grabbing the information I want from the sheet it's run in, however it's not going anywhere. Do I need to use something other than .Recipients? Is it possible to forward this (with .Forward maybe?)? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!
P.S. The email address I want to send the appointment to is in cell M3.

I didn't try the scripts, but it looks like they will do what you want.
Sub ResolveName()
Dim myNamespace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim myRecipient As Outlook.Recipient
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set myNamespace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myRecipient = myNamespace.CreateRecipient("Dan Wilson")
If myRecipient.Resolved Then
Call ShowCalendar(myNamespace, myRecipient)
End If
End Sub
Sub ShowCalendar(myNamespace, myRecipient)
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Set CalendarFolder = _
myNamespace.GetSharedDefaultFolder _
(myRecipient, olFolderCalendar)
End Sub
excel vba create appointment in someone elses calendar
Sub MultiCalendars()
Dim objPane As Outlook.NavigationPane
Dim objModule As Outlook.CalendarModule
Dim objGroup As Outlook.NavigationGroup
Dim objNavFolder As Outlook.NavigationFolder
Dim objFolder As Folder
Dim calItem As Object
Dim mtgAttendee As Outlook.Recipient
Dim i As Integer
Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
Set objPane = Application.ActiveExplorer.NavigationPane
Set objModule = objPane.Modules.GetNavigationModule(olModuleCalendar)
With objModule.NavigationGroups
Set objGroup = .GetDefaultNavigationGroup(olMyFoldersGroup)
' To use a different calendar group
' Set objGroup = .Item("Shared Calendars")
End With
For i = 1 To objGroup.NavigationFolders.Count
If (objGroup.NavigationFolders.Item(i).Folder.FullFolderPath = "\\Mailbox - Doe, John T\Calendar") Then
Set objNavFolder = objGroup.NavigationFolders.Item(i)
Set calItem = objNavFolder.Folder.Items.Add(olAppointmentItem)
calItem.MeetingStatus = olMeeting
calItem.Subject = "Test Meeting - Ignore"
calItem.Location = "TBD Location"
calItem.Start = #1/19/2015 1:30:00 PM#
calItem.Duration = 90
Set mtgAttendee = calItem.Recipients.Add("John Doe")
mtgAttendee.Type = olRequired
Set mtgAttendee = calItem.Recipients.Add("Jane Doe")
mtgAttendee.Type = olOptional
Set mtgAttendee = calItem.Recipients.Add("CR 101")
mtgAttendee.Type = olResource
If (calItem.Recipients.ResolveAll) Then
End If
End If
Set objPane = Nothing
Set objModule = Nothing
Set objGroup = Nothing
Set objNavFolder = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
Set calItem = Nothing
Set mtgAttendee = Nothing
End Sub


Extracting the info from Outlook to Excel

I have the code below which gives me the Sender line, Subject line and date information, however is there a way to also get the information from the To line (Name and Email Address).
Sub GetFromOutlook()
Dim OutlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim OutlookNamespace As Namespace
Dim Folder As MAPIFolder
Dim OutlookMail As Variant
Dim I As Integer
Set OutlookApp = New Outlook.Application
Set OutlookNamespace = OutlookApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set Folder = OutlookNamespace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Mail").Folders("Test")
I = 1
For Each OutlookMail In Folder.Items
If OutlookMail.ReceivedTime >= Range("From_date").Value Then
Range("eMail_subject").Offset(I, 0).Value = OutlookMail.Subject
Range("eMail_date").Offset(I, 0).Value = OutlookMail.ReceivedTime
Range("eMail_sender").Offset(I, 0).Value = OutlookMail.SenderName
Range("eMail_text").Offset(I, 0).Value = OutlookMail.Body
I = I + 1
End If
Next OutlookMail
Set Folder = Nothing
Set OutlookNamespace = Nothing
Set OutlookApp = Nothing
End Sub
Loop through all recipients in the MailItem.Recipients collection. If you only need To recipients, check the Recipient.Type property - it ca be olTo, olCC, olBCC
for each recip in OutlookMail .Recipients
if recip.Type = olTo Then
MsgBox recip.Name & ": " & recip.Address
End If
As a sidenote, the condition If OutlookMail.ReceivedTime >= Range("From_date").Value will never be satisfied - you cannot use equality comparison for the datetime values, you only only use a range: (value < const1) and (value > const2)

Error 438 when using GetConversation on a mail item

I'm trying to export all e-mails in a shared inbox to excel. I'm specifically interested in how many conversations I've had, rather than all e-mails I've received.
I'm getting the 438 error on the Set conv = Item.GetConversation() line:
Object doesn't support this property or method.
This implies that Item doesn't support GetConversation, even though it is a function for a MailItem.
Public Sub ExportToExcel()
Dim objOL As Outlook.Application
Dim objNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim SubFolder As Object
Dim MailFolder As Object
Dim SharedInbox As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim objRecip As Outlook.Recipient
Dim Item As Object
Dim conv As Object
Dim store As Outlook.Store
Dim xlApp As New Excel.Application
Dim xlWB As Excel.Workbook
Dim i As Long
Dim ArrHeader As Variant
On Error GoTo MsgErr
Set objOL = Application
Set objNS = objOL.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objRecip = objNS.CreateRecipient("")
Set SharedInbox = objNS.GetSharedDefaultFolder(objRecip, olFolderInbox)
Set MailFolder = SharedInbox.Folders("Archive").Folders("Sub")
ArrHeader = Array("Category", "Date Sent", "Subject", "Mails in conversation")
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True
Set xlWB = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
xlWB.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").resize(1, UBound(ArrHeader) + 1).Value = ArrHeader
For Each SubFolder In MailFolder.Folders
For Each Item In SubFolder.Items
If (Item.Class = olMail) Then
store =
If (store.IsConversationEnabled) Then
Set conv = Item.GetConversation()
If (conv <> Null) Then
xlWB.Worksheets(1).Cells(i + 1, "A").Value = SubFolder.Name
xlWB.Worksheets(1).Cells(i + 1, "B").Value = Item.ReceivedTime
xlWB.Worksheets(1).Cells(i + 1, "C").Value = Item.Subject
xlWB.Worksheets(1).Cells(i + 1, "D").Value = conv.GetTable().getrows()
End If
End If
End If
Next Item
Next SubFolder
Set emailSourceFolder = Nothing
Set emailDestFolder = Nothing
Set objNS = Nothing
Set objOL = Nothing
Set SubFolder = Nothing
Set MailFolder = Nothing
Set SharedInbox = Nothing
Set objRecip = Nothing
Set Item = Nothing
Set conv = Nothing
Set Store = Nothing
Set xlWB = Nothing
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set i = Nothing
Set ArrHeader = Nothing
Exit Sub
'// Error information
MsgBox "An unexpected Error has occurred." _
& vbCrLf & "Error Number: " & Err.Number _
& vbCrLf & "Error Description: " & Err.Description _
, vbCritical, "Error!"
Resume MsgErr_Exit
End Sub

Runtime Error 424: Object not Defined"- While Sending Email Using Outlook 2013

I am using below code to send multiple emails through outlook, this code is working fine when I use Excel 2007 and Outlook 2007 however when I tried to run same code in Excel 2013 and Outlook 2013 it is throwing an error "Runtime Error 424: Object not Defined" in the below code:
Set Doc = olMail.GetInspector.WordEditor
Can somebody please check below coding and let me know what do I need to change if I want to use same macro in 2013 version?
Sub Msmail()
Dim otlApp As Object
Dim olMail As Object
Set otlApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set olMail = otlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set mainWB = ActiveWorkbook
Total_Site = Range("Total_Site")
For Site_Count = 1 To Total_Site
Application.StatusBar = False
Range("Site_Count") = Site_Count
If Range("Send_Email") = "Y" Then
Set mainWB = ActiveWorkbook
Set olMail = otlApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set Doc = olMail.GetInspector.WordEditor '<~ ERROR 424 HERE
SendID = mainWB.Sheets("Mail").Range("To_List").Value
CCID = mainWB.Sheets("Mail").Range("Cc_List").Value
Subject = mainWB.Sheets("Mail").Range("Subject_Line").Value
Body = mainWB.Sheets("Summary").Range("Mail_Body").Value
AttachFile = mainWB.Sheets("Mail").Range("StrPath").Value
StrPath = ActiveSheet.Range("StrPath").Value
With olMail
.To = SendID
If CCID <> 0 Then
End If
.Subject = Subject
Set WrdRng = Doc.Range
'StrPath = Range("StrPath").Value
StrFile = Range("StrFile").Value & "*.*"
StrFile = Range("StrFile").Value
.Attachments.Add StrPath & "\" & StrFile
End With
End If
Next Site_Count
End Sub
OK - so there appear to be quite a lot of issues with the current code; you have duplication of code and non-dimensioned variables. I have tried to condense the code down, added direct references and this will hopefully make it more readable and (should maybe) work, but it's untested... I don't have the ranges set out in relevant sheets and no data to test it
Sub msMail()
Dim olApp As Object: Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Dim olMail As Object
Dim Total_Site As Range, Doc As Variant, WrdRng As Range
Dim StrPath As String, StrFile As String, Site_Count As Long
Dim wbMain As Workbook: Set wbMain = ThisWorkbook
Dim wsMail As Worksheet: Set wsMail = wbMain.Worksheets("Mail")
Dim wsSumm As Worksheet: Set wsSumm = wbMain.Worksheets("Summary")
With wsMail
.Calculate ' Not sure why this is included...
Set Total_Site = Range("Total_Site")
For Site_Count = 1 To Total_Site.Count
''Application.StatusBar = False
Range("Site_Count") = Site_Count
If Range("Send_Email") = "Y" Then
Set olMail = olApp.CreateItem(olMailItem)
Set Doc = olMail.GetInspector.WordEditor
If Not Doc Is Nothing Then
With olMail
.To = wsMail.Range("To_List")
.CC = IIf(wsMail.Range("Cc_List") <> 0, wsMail.Range("Cc_List"), "")
.Subject = wsMail.Range("Subject_Line")
Set WrdRng = Doc.Range
StrPath = wsMail.Range("StrPath")
StrFile = wsMail.Range("StrFile")
.Attachments.Add StrPath & "\" & StrFile
' .Send
End With
End If
End If
Next Site_Count
End With
End Sub

MS-Word 2010 - Macro to export table to Outlook Tasks

I'm trying to create a macro in MS-Word VBA to take the contents of a MS-Word table (with a bookmarked name), iterate through the rows of the table and create tasks in MS-Outlook (1 row=1 task).
I have Googled and think I will need to try and mix together the following two scripts I have found:
Script 1 - (For making calendar entries - not wanted, but iteration through rows - wanted)
Sub AddAppntmnt()
'Adds a list of events contained in a three column Word table
'with a header row, to Outlook Calendar
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olItem As Object
Dim oTable As Table
Dim i As Long
Dim bStarted As Boolean
Dim strStartDate As Range
Dim strEndDate As Range
Dim strSubject As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err <> 0 Then
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
bStarted = True
End If
Set oTable = ActiveDocument.Tables(1)
'Ignore the first (header) row of the table
For i = 2 To oTable.Rows.Count
Set strStartDate = oTable.Cell(i, 1).Range
strStartDate.End = strStartDate.End - 1
Set strEndDate = oTable.Cell(i, 2).Range
strEndDate.End = strEndDate.End - 1
Set strSubject = oTable.Cell(i, 3).Range
strSubject.End = strSubject.End - 1
Set olItem = olApp.CreateItem(1)
olItem.Start = strStartDate
olItem.End = strEndDate
olItem.ReminderSet = False
olItem.AllDayEvent = True
olItem.Subject = strSubject
olItem.Categories = "Events"
olItem.BusyStatus = 0
Next i
If bStarted Then olApp.Quit
Set olApp = Nothing
Set olItem = Nothing
Set oTable = Nothing
End Sub
Script 2 - has the actual task creation bit I think I need although this one is about setting task to remind user to do something in 2 weeks or something:
Sub AddOutlookTask()
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olItem As Object
Dim bStarted As Boolean
Dim fName As String
Dim flName As String
On Error Resume Next
If ActiveDocument.Saved = False Then
If Err.Number = 4198 Then
MsgBox "Process ending - document not saved!"
GoTo UserCancelled:
End If
End If
Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err <> 0 Then
'Outlook wasn't running, start it from code
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
bStarted = True
End If
Set olItem = olApp.CreateItem(3) 'Task Item
fName =
flName = ActiveDocument.FullName
olItem.Subject = "Follow up " & fName
olItem.Body = "If no reply to" & vbCr & _
flName & vbCr & "further action required"
olItem.StartDate = Date + 10 '10 days from today
olItem.DueDate = Date + 14 '14 days from today
olItem.Importance = 2 'High
olItem.Categories = InputBox("Category?", "Categories")
If bStarted Then olApp.Quit
Set olApp = Nothing
Set olItem = Nothing
End Sub
How do I reference a particular table in MS-Word in code? I have bookmarked it so it has a "name" if that helps!
With Davids help (above) I have got the following solution to my problem. I post here for others if they come across a similar issue:
Sub CreateTasks()
' CreateTasks Macro
'Exports the contents of the ACtoins table to MS-Outlook Tasks
' Set Variables
Dim olApp As Object
Dim olItem As Object
Dim oTable As Table
Dim i As Long
Dim strSubject As Range
Dim strDueDate As Range
Dim strBody As Range
Dim strSummary As String
Dim bStarted As Boolean
'Dim strPupil As WdBookmark
Dim strPerson As Range
'Link to Outlook
On Error Resume Next
Set olApp = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err <> 0 Then
Set olApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
bStarted = True
End If
'Set table variable to the bookmarked table
Set oTable = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("Actions").Range.Tables(1)
'Ignore the first (header) row of the table
For i = 3 To oTable.Rows.Count
Set strSubject = oTable.Cell(i, 3).Range
strSubject.End = strSubject.End - 1
Set strBody = oTable.Cell(i, 4).Range
strBody.End = strBody.End - 1
Set strDueDate = oTable.Cell(i, 5).Range
strDueDate.End = strDueDate.End - 1
'next line not working below
'Set strPupil = WdBookmark.Name
'Create the task
Set olItem = olApp.CreateItem(3) 'Task Item
strSummary = Left(strSubject, 30)
olItem.Subject = "CYPP Action for" & " " & strBody & "-" & strSummary & "..."
olItem.Body = strBody & vbNewLine & olItem.Body & vbNewLine & strSubject
olItem.DueDate = strDueDate & olItem.DueDate
olItem.Categories = "CYPP"
Next i
If bStarted Then olApp.Quit
Set olApp = Nothing
Set olItem = Nothing
Set oTable = Nothing
End Sub
I will be adding to this to deal with empty rows but I am pleased with the functionality so far. The DateDue is not working yet but I think that is a formatting issue.
Thanks again David,

Runtime error looping through Outlook items

I am using VBA in Outlook to extract mail information from items in the mainfolder and subfolder. The mainfolder failed to set(capture) the subfolder properties into it and it causes the runtime error.
The runtime error differs whenever I run. For example, sometime I received -970718969 (c6240107) and another time I received -2044460793 (86240107).
When I clicked debug, it points to this line of code:
For Each itm In subFld.Items
Here is the screenshot:
Here is the full code:
Public monthValue As Integer
Public yearValue As String
'Ensure Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library is ticked in tools.
Sub ExportToExcel1()
Dim appExcel As Excel.Application
Dim wkb As Excel.Workbook
Dim wks As Excel.Worksheet
Dim rng As Excel.Range
Dim strSheet As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim intRowCounter As Integer
Dim msg As Outlook.MailItem
Dim nms As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim mainFld As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim subFld As Outlook.MAPIFolder
Dim itm As Object
Dim offsetRow As Long
Dim emailCount As Long
'Set the path of the excel file.
strSheet = "For fun.xlsx"
strPath = "C:\Users\xxxxxx\Desktop\xxxxx\"
strSheet = strPath & strSheet
Debug.Print strSheet
Set nms = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set mainFld = nms.PickFolder 'Open the box to select the file.
'Handle potential errors with Select Folder dialog box.
If mainFld Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Thank you for using this service.", vbOKOnly, "Error"
Set nms = Nothing
Set mainFld = Nothing
Exit Sub
ElseIf mainFld.DefaultItemType <> olMailItem Then
MsgBox "Please select the correct folder.", vbOKOnly, "Error"
Set nms = Nothing
Set mainFld = Nothing
Exit Sub
ElseIf mainFld.Items.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "There are no mail messages to export", vbOKOnly, "Error"
Set nms = Nothing
Set mainFld = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
'If user clicks cancel, it will exit sub.
If yearValue = "" Then
Set nms = Nothing
Set mainFld = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
'Open and activate Excel workbook.
Set appExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
appExcel.Workbooks.Open (strSheet)
Set wkb = appExcel.ActiveWorkbook
Set wks = wkb.Sheets(1)
appExcel.Application.Visible = True 'Show my workbook.
'Check if there are any subfolders.
If mainFld.Folders.Count = 0 Then '1
'No subfolder.
For Each itm In mainFld.Items
If itm.Class <> olMail Then '2
'do nothing
Set msg = itm
'Validate the month and year for the email.
If Month(msg.ReceivedTime) = monthValue And Year(msg.ReceivedTime) = yearValue Then '3
With wks
offsetRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
End With
intRowCounter = 1 + offsetRow
Set rng = wks.Cells(intRowCounter, 1)
rng.Value = msg.ReceivedTime
Set rng = wks.Cells(intRowCounter, 2)
rng.Value = msg.SentOn
Set rng = wks.Cells(intRowCounter, 3)
rng.Value = msg.Subject
emailCount = 1 + emailCount 'Track the number of email.
'Do nothing
End If '3
End If '2
Next itm
'With subfolder
For Each itm In mainFld.Items
If itm.Class <> olMail Then '4
'do nothing
Set msg = itm
If Month(msg.ReceivedTime) = monthValue And Year(msg.ReceivedTime) = yearValue Then '5
With wks
offsetRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
End With
intRowCounter = 1 + offsetRow
Set rng = wks.Cells(intRowCounter, 1)
rng.Value = msg.ReceivedTime
Set rng = wks.Cells(intRowCounter, 2)
rng.Value = msg.SentOn
Set rng = wks.Cells(intRowCounter, 3)
rng.Value = msg.Subject
emailCount = 1 + emailCount
'Do nothing
End If '5
End If '4
Next itm
For Each subFld In mainFld.Folders
For Each itm In subFld.Items
If itm.Class <> olMail Then '6
'do nothing
Set msg = itm
If Month(msg.ReceivedTime) = monthValue And Year(msg.ReceivedTime) = yearValue Then '7
With wks
offsetRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
End With
intRowCounter = 1 + offsetRow
Set rng = wks.Cells(intRowCounter, 1)
rng.Value = msg.ReceivedTime
Set rng = wks.Cells(intRowCounter, 2)
rng.Value = msg.SentOn
Set rng = wks.Cells(intRowCounter, 3)
rng.Value = msg.Subject
emailCount = 1 + emailCount
'Do nothing
End If '7
End If '6
Next itm
Next subFld
End If '1
Set appExcel = Nothing
Set wkb = Nothing
Set wks = Nothing
Set rng = Nothing
Set msg = Nothing
Set nms = Nothing
Set mainFld = Nothing
Set subFld = Nothing
Set itm = Nothing
'Inform the user that there are no email.
If emailCount = 0 Then
MsgBox "No emails associated with this date: " & MonthName(monthValue, True) & " " & yearValue, vbOKOnly, "No Emails"
End If
Exit Sub
Set appExcel = Nothing
Set wkb = Nothing
Set wks = Nothing
Set rng = Nothing
Set msg = Nothing
Set nms = Nothing
Set mainFld = Nothing
Set subFld = Nothing
Set itm = Nothing
End Sub
Do you get that error immediately or only after processing a large number of items? Most likely you are opening too many items and run out of RPC channels. Is this a cached or an online Exchange profile?
Instead of looping through all items, use the Table object (MAPITable.GetTable) - if nothing else, it will be a lot faster.
EDIT: If you are using Exchange, every store object (message, folder, store) opens an RPC channel. Exchange Server limits the number of RPC channels to 255 per client (can be changed on the server). Do not use "for each" loop (it keeps all items referenced until the loop ends) and avoid multiple dot notation (because you will have implicit variables that you cannot explicitly dereference). You will also need to release all Outlook objects as soon as you are done with them.
set fldItems = mainFld.Items
For i = 1 to fldItems.Count do
set itm = fldItems.Item(i)
'do stuff
set itm = Nothing
As for the Table object (introduced in Outlook 2007), see If you need to use this in an earlier version of Outlook, you can use the MAPITable object in Redemption (I am its author); it also has a MAPITable.ExecSQL method that takes a standard SQL query and returns the ADODB.Recordset object.