How to automate citrix application using selenium java or python - selenium

Our Application is hosted on citrix . so we are unable to automate that application through selenium.
Because every time selenium launch it's own browser.and citrix having it's own browser.
could you suggest how we can do that.

I don't think that testing over Citrix is a good idea.
What Citrix basically does is render a Windows application over the network.
I would just install a local instance of the application you are trying to test and perform your tests on that instance.


Captcha is present when running selenium automated tests on Windows server

I am trying to run selenium tests on Jenkins hosted on a Windows server. The test starts with Google login, when I try to run them on my local machine it works perfectly fine, but when I run it on Windows server it will ask me to solve the captcha, because of that the tests will fail.
Can I somehow disable captcha from google admin or add that IP to Whitelist, or add some arguments to selenium that will solve this?

Dockerized webdriver testing for Microsoft Edge

I'm helping set up web testing frameworks for a team that runs web tests on a project that already supports Firefox and Chrome. They want to extend it to be able to test Microsoft Edge.
So far we've been using Selenium grid with Docker and Jenkins but only for Firefox and Chrome.
Is there a way to extend a set up like this for Microsoft Edge? Or is there a way to dockerize Micrsoft Edge testing?
I know there is a webdriver for Edge compatible with selenium grid but I've seen nothing about how to dockerize it.
I want to use Docker because it keeps all the Jenkins slaves clean and allows for controlled versions of browsers, and we can control multiple containers with Docker-Compose.
You can try to use WebDriver with Windows Insider to test web projects with MS Edge.
WebDriver is an emerging standard through which Web developers can write tests to automate Web browsers for site testing. It provides a programmable remote control for developing complex user scenarios and running them in an automated fashion against your website in a browser.
Bringing automated testing to Microsoft Edge through WebDriver
Other useful links:
Automated browser testing on Microsoft Edge, Firefox and Chrome for free.
Free Testing on Microsoft Edge

Citrix Automation using UIPath

I am working in different kind of UI Automation and need to explore Citrix automation, can anybody suggest any live example for citrix automation so that i can give it a try and explore.
Install UiPath CE.
Get access to another computer via Remote Desktop. Maybe boot one up via AWS or Azure.
Try to automate a program on the remote machine from your own machine via UiPath (which is installed on your own machine).
And as Poof commented, only Image (i.e. Click Image) and Hotkeys are usable. But if you use the Citrix Recording option, that should remove any activities that is not usable :)

How to launch the browser on client side using selenium webdriver

I am new to selenium. I am developed one application using a selenium web driver for doing some actions on the webpage. It's perfectly working when I am running locally i.e., it launches a browser in my machine. I deployed this application on a VM server so the script runs on the server(launched browser in VM Ware Machine), not on the client-side. Can anyone help me with how can I launch the browser on the client-side?
You have to create Hub and Nodes using selenium grid
You can refer this link to see step by step
Your server will be hub and your client machine will be node
If you trigger from one machine, you can launch a browser on another machine using the selenium-grid concept
But both machines are under the same LAN.
Here you want to execute on the client machine. It is not possible, because your machine and client machine won't be under the same network

Windows service that interacts with desktop screen resolution

I configured Jenkins as Selenium Grid and some Jenkins Nodes as Selenium Nodes (controlled by Jenkins Selenium plugin).
The nodes are connected with the option "Let Jenkins control this Windows Slave as Windows Service".
The service is defined automatically at the node as "interact with desktop".
Jenkins slave enables Selenium remote driver service
The problem is that the resolution of UI tests is really low (1036 x 780) where we need (1600x1200).
Opening an RDP session doesn't help since the service was started by Jenkins.
How to change the default resolution of windows service that can interact with Desktop?
I had the same problem as yours. Difference was I also have GUI automation besides Selenium tests. I ended up installing VNC service on all the nodes and wrote a script to change the desktop resolution before running any tests. However the highest resolution by doing that we got is 1280x1024, which resolved my problem.
If you don't mind giving up running Jenkins Slave as Windows Service you can use this way:
Jenkins on Windows and GUI Tests without RDC
Still - that would make you maintain an open RDP session that runs Jenkins JNLP process... So that solution is working, but not very optimal.