Web browser control shows Navigation to the webpage was canceled - webbrowser-control

I have a web browser control in my MFC application, when I navigate to a https site, it shows "Navigation to the webpage was canceled", but it always OK with IE browser.
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION\myapp.exe"
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION\myapp.vshost.exe"
(value is 11000) in registry,
but the web browser control only work sometimes, and in most time, it cannot work, and shows "Navigation to the webpage was canceled". Refresh page will show "There is a problem with this website’s security certificate".
I built the project in debug mode (32-bit).
Any one knows how to fix this?


ADFS web authentication loop in IE

I have a mvc4 web app that sits behind ADFS 2.0 authentication, it's configured using the web.config file. The application can be visited by going directly to a URL or as an iframe inside of CRM 2013.
The application works in all (tested) browsers when visiting the URL directly, both redirection to login form and handing the user back to the web app with the proper information in the ClaimsIdentity.
However, when visiting the app as an iframe inside CRM2013, internet explorer goes into a continous login loop. You are asked to provide the credentials (which are the same as for logging in to CRM) and when you click ok you get redirected back to the same login page again, to my knowledge the app never receives the hand off.
In Safari, Chrome, Firefox, and Opera the users are able to log into the application inside of CRM as well as outside without any problems (I'd even go as far as saying that it works better than expected for these browsers).
Does anyone have any idea of what I can try or what the problem could be for IE?
I'm thinking it has to do with some security setting and am playing around with the settings in IE. Unchecking this box stops the login form from showing in IE at all and I get an empty page instead.
Is the iFrame on the same (sub)domain as the site inside? You can use Fiddler to view your redirect flow, are the cookies added as expected?
I've seen cookies that are overridden by the iFrame host, in that case you lose the auth cookie. Browsers react differently on same domain cookies.
Another problem might be X-Frame-Options, do you see any warning in the F12 console of IE?

windows authentication and iOS7

We are developing a web application in asp.net and HTML5 (+ offline feature) and we are using “Add to desktop” button to create the desktop application.
Before access main screen, we have a windows authentication screen, so people can connect using their domain credentials.
In safari, we have almost no problem. It's the expected behavior when we are online. For the offline mode, safari needs to keep an active tab with the website loaded to allow offline access to it, otherwise safari does not find website – even if it’s cached with cache manifest...
In the desktop application (using “Add to desktop” button), the authentication popup on the main page does not appears. When I trace the HTTP requests, I can see 2 requests with a return status of 401. When I look into the logs, safari sandbox throw an exception (twice tries then abort operation)... The screen remains blank.
any ideas anyone or any fix is planned to correct this problem ?
Thanks in advance for any advices.
It's a problem with iOS 7. Windows Authentication only works in "Private Mode" or in another browser such as Chrome or Puffin. However, there isn't a workaround currently available to save an app to the home screen. Here's a thread on the Apple forums about this same issue:
The new iOS 7.03 fixes this issue.

Google Chrome 16 issues with ASP.NET forms authentication cookie

I have a problem with Google Chrome 16 on one of the sites I'm supporting that I can't fix couple a days now.
The site is using forms authentication. There is a hyperlink that when clicked is calling a web handler, that is supposed to go fetch a PDF file. Everything is working great in all browsers except in Google Chrome.
When I click that link in Chrome it gives me 401 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.. I've checked the request headers and the only difference I can see is that the authentication cookie is not present in the request made by Chrome 16. The strange thing is that everything is working great on the local machine, but once uploaded to the production server chrome is not sending that cookie.
I've implemented IReadOnlySessionState interface in the web handler, as suggested here and there in forums, but this didn't solve the issue.
Does any of you have an idea why chrome is acting like that?
To check your cookie acceptance:
Click the wrench icon (Top Right)
Click "Options"
Click "Under the Hood"
Click "Content Settings"
Make sure that "Block third-party cookies from being set" isn't
That was what fixed the issue on the site I was on. You can also see a special icon in the address bar on the right when it blocks a cookie.
For more precision there is a "Manage Exceptions" button under cookies in the Content Settings. You can use that to specifically allow the site in question.

Testing Facebook app on VB.NET WebBrowser - IFrame Access Deined - Cross-Domain Scripting

I have a facebook iframe app I'm trying to test using a WebBrowser Control on a form in VB.NET 2010. Whenever I try to access the WebBrowser.Document.Window.Frames frame object on a document where my app is showing in the broswer, I get an Access Denined exception. Reading around on the web, I see people saying that this is to keep scripts in a document from accessing content in iframes that are pulling content from another domain, as per 'http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533028.aspx', for security reasons.
While I totally understand why this is done for the general public, how can I disable it on my machine so that I can run these tests? I can't properly test my app without doing it in the facebook iframe and using the WebBrowser control is the only way I know to do this test programmatically.
Any ideas? I'm on windows server 2003 and ie8, .net4.0, if that helps. I own the domain where the app is, and its in AS.NET MVC2, so if there's anything I can do to the web code to enable this??? I also removed the Internet Explorer ENhanced Security COnfiguaration component, but that didn't help.
Have you tried changing your Internet Explorer settings to enable cross domain scripting?
I believe the VB.Net Web Browser control inherits settings from the local copy of IE.
Try this:
From Internet Explorer, choose Internet Options from the Tools menu.
On the Security tab of the Internet Options dialog box, select the Local Intranet Web Content Zone and then click Custom Level.
Locate the Miscellaneous/Access Data Sources Across Domains setting, and then select Enable, as shown in Figure 2.
Click OK, and then click Yes to the warning dialog box that appears.
Click OK to close the Internet Options dialog box.
Also try adding the Facebook https Url into your trusted sites.
As a last resort disable Native XMLHttp in IE and attempt to revert back to an older version of the XMLHttp object.

System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser login dialog doesn't appear

When I navigate to an intranet site requiring windows authentication, the WinForms WebBrowser control isn't displaying a login dialog. But it will display (after refreshing the page) if I first open Internet Explorer and view the same page.
Also, if I make the URL refer to my local IIS instance, the login dialog will appear.
Any ideas? Thanks!
You can send credentials via IAuthenticate. You can either extend the winform webbrowser site or write your own webbrowser wrapper.