Spacy v2 alpha - Can't find factory for 'TokenVectorEncoder' - spacy

I have trained a model, based off spacy.blank('en') and used nlp.to_disk to save it, however when I come to do spacy.load('path/to/model') I hit the error Can't find factory for 'TokenVectorEncoder'
Inside the model folder, there's a TokenVectorEncoder dir, and the meta.json file mentioned TokenVectorEncoder too.
Any ideas?

Are you loading the model with the same spaCy alpha version you used for training? It looks like this error might be related to a change in the very latest v2.0.0a17, which doesn't use the "tensorizer", i.e. TokenVectorEncoder in the model pipeline anymore. So the easiest solution would probably be to re-train your model with the latest version and then re-package and load it with the same version you used for training.


Freeze Saved_Model.pb created from converted Keras H5 model

I am currently trying to train a custom model for use in Unity (Barracuda) for object detection and I am struggling near what I believe to be the last part of the pipeline. Following various tutorials and git-repos I have done the following...
Using Darknet, I have trained a custom-model using the Tiny-Yolov2 model. (model tested successfully on a webcam python script)
I have taken the final weights from that training and converted them
to a Keras (h5) file. (model tested successfully on a webcam python
From Keras, I then use tf.save_model to turn it into a
From save_model.pd I then convert it using tf2onnx.convert to change
it to an onnx file.
Supposedly from there it can then work in one of a few Unity sample
...however, this project fails to read in the Unity Sample projects I've tried to use. From various posts it seems that I may need to use a 'frozen' save_model.pd before converting it to ONNX. However all the guides and python functions that seem to be used for freezing save_models require a lot more arguments than I have awareness of or data for after going through so many systems. - for example, after converting into Keras, I only get left with a h5 file, with no knowledge of what an input_graph_def, or output_node_names might refer to.
Additionally, for whatever reason, I cannot find any TF version (1 or 2) that can successfully run this python script using 'from tensorflow.python.checkpoint import checkpoint_management' it genuinely seems like it not longer exists.
I am not sure why I am going through all of these conversions and steps but every attempt to find a cleaner process between training and unity seemed to lead only to dead ends.
Any help or guidance on this topic would be sincerely appreciated, thank you.

Is it possible to run two TFLite models at the same time on a Flutter App? / make Teachable Machine recognize when an object is not present?

I am using a Teachable Machine model which i trained to recognize some specific objects, the issue with it, however, is that it does not recognize when there is nothing, basically it always assumes that one of the objects is there. One potential solution I am considering is combining two models like the YOLO V2 Tflite model in the same app. Would this be even possible/efficient? If it is what would be the best way to do it?
If anyone knows a solution to get teachable machine to recognize when the object is not present that would probably be a much better solution.
Your problem can be solved making a model ensemble: Train a classifier that learns to know if your specific objects are not in the visual space, and then use your detection model.
However, I really recommend you to upload your model to an online service and consume it via an API. As I know tflite package just supports well MobileNet based models.
I had the same problem, just create another class called whatever you want(for example none) and put some non-related images in it, then train the model.
Now whenever there is nothing in the field, it should output none.

Using tensorflow hub with go

I want to use pre trained models in my go application. Especially the Inception-ResNet-v2 model.
This model seems to be only available via tensorflow hub (
However I could not find any documentation how to use tensorflow hub with the go language bindings for tensorflow.
How can I download and use these models in go?
So after a lot of work in the past few days I finally found a way.
At first I wanted to just use Python to do all the Tensorflow stuff and then provide the results via a rest service. However it turned out that the number of models provided by Tensorflow Hub is very small. This was a problem for me because I had to try out different models and compare them.
Thus I switched to using models from There are several tutorials how to export the data to .pb files. Those files can then be loaded in Go using gocv.
It requires a lot of work to convert the files, but in the end I think this is the best way to use Tensorflow models in go.

How can I convert TRT optimized model to saved model?

I would like to convert a TRT optimized frozen model to saved model for tensorflow serving. Are there any suggestions or sources to share?
Or are there any other ways to deploy a TRT optimized model in tensorflow serving?
Assuming you have a TRT optimized model (i.e., the model is represented already in UFF) you can simply follow the steps outlined here: Pay special attention to section 3.3 and 3.4, since in these sections you actually build the TRT engine and then save it to a file for later use. From that point forward, you can just re-use the serialized engine (aka. a PLAN file) to do inference.
Basically, the workflow looks something like this:
Build/train model in TensorFlow.
Freeze model (you get a protobuf representation).
Convert model to UFF so TensorRT can understand it.
Use the UFF representation to build a TensorRT engine.
Serialize the engine and save it to a PLAN file.
Once those steps are done (and you should have sufficient example code in the link I provided) you can just load the PLAN file and re-use it over and over again for inference operations.
If you are still stuck, there is an excellent example that is installed by default here: /usr/src/tensorrt/samples/python/end_to_end_tensorflow_mnist. You should be able to use that example to see how to get to the UFF format. Then you can just combine that with the example code found in the link I provided.

Tensorflow object detection API not displaying global steps

I am new here. I recently started working with object detection and decided to use the Tensorflow object detection API. But, when I start training the model, it does not display the global step like it should, although it's still training in the background.
I am training on a server and accessing it using OpenSSH on Windows. I trained a custom dataset, by collecting pictures and labeling them. I trained it using Also, until a couple of months back, the API was a little different, and only recently they changed to the latest version. For instance, earlier it used to use for training, instead of All the online tutorial I can find use, so it might be a problem with the latest commit. But I don't find anyone else fining this problem.
Thanks in advance!
Add tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) after the import section of the script. It will display a summary after every 100th step.
As Thommy257 suggested, adding tf.logging.set_verbosity(tf.logging.INFO) after the import section of prints the summary after every 100 steps by default.
Further, to specify the frequency of the summary, change
config = tf.estimator.RunConfig(model_dir=FLAGS.model_dir)
config = tf.estimator.RunConfig(model_dir=FLAGS.model_dir, log_step_count_steps=k)
where it will print after every k steps.
Regarding the recent change to model_main , the previous version is available at the folder "legacy". I use and from this legacy folder with the same functionality as before.