How to intercept RavenDb Session.SaveChanges() - ravendb

I am looking for a way to intercept Session.SaveChanges() so that I may execute some extra work using the same session instance (this is handy in some cases).
Edit: The point about re-using the session is that I have more work that needs to run in the same transaction.
I am already aware of (and make use of) IDocumentStoreListener - but this interface doesn't help because it does not give me access to the current session.
I can't find anything in RavenDb documentation about a way to intercept the call to SaveChanges and get a handle on the current session. Does anyone know of a way?

Open a new session it's free (in terms of performance), I think that IDocumentStoreListener has been thought for what you're looking for. I don't know other that works as you say.
void AfterStore(string key, object entityInstance, RavenJObject metadata);
you have all the information about the stored entity and then you can do what you need


Bulk POST request without enumerating objects

I'm trying to let my API clients make a POST request that bulk modifies objects that the client doesn't have their IDs.
I'm thinking of implementing this design but I don't feel good about it, are there any better solutions than this?
POST url/objects/modify?name=foo
This request will modify all objects with the name foo
This can be a tricky thing to do with an API because it doesn't age very well.
By that I mean that over time, you might introduce more criteria for the data stored on resources (e.g., you can only set this field to "archived" if the create_time field is older than 6 months). When that happens, your bulk updates will start to only work on some resources and now you have to communicate that back to the person calling the API.
For example, for any failures you need to explain that the update worked for some resources (and list them out) but failed on others (and list them out) and the reason why for each failure (and remember you might have different failure conditions for different resources).
If you're set on going down this path, the closest thing I can think of is the "criteria-based delete" method shown here:

How to test whether credentials are valid?

I could not find in the docs the canonical way to check whether given credentials can be used to clone given repository. There is an issue that suggests that one way may be to check whether git_cred_acquire_cb() is called more than once. Can somebody confirm this or point out another way?
This is the suggested way. If your credential callback is called a second time, then the first credentials that you provided were not accepted. This pattern is primarily useful for UI applications (popping up a modal username/password dialog).
You can use the callback data to count the number of times you were called.
I realize that this may be imperfect, especially if you're binding libgit2 in another language. Setting up a data struct on the heap and managing its lifecycle is not always trivial.
You may also be able to just provide credentials and wait for a GIT_EAUTH return code. In theory, the various transport mechanisms should give up after several authentication failures no matter what. However, we found at least one bug in the 0.27 releases that would loop forever. Hence the suggestion.

Using Documentum DQL to get contents of all users' worklows

I know almost nothing about Documentum, so there are probably omissions in the information you need to answer my questions. But I'm going to try, anyway...
We use Documentum (obviously). Within Documentum, users can create workflows. These workflows contain ordered lists of services that are used to process data. So, we may have ServiceA, ServiceB, ServiceC, ServiceD, and ServiceE, and a user can create a workflow that says to process the data using, in order: ServiceC, ServiceA, and ServiceB. Another user's list might be: ServiceA, ServiceD, ServiceE.
I've been asked to find a way to get a list containing the id/name of each user, the user's workflow id (name?), and items within the workflow. From what I've read here on StackOverflow and elsewhere, it looks like this is possible via DQL.
And, if I have the DQL, it turns out that this will be simple to do using interfaces we've already built. If it's too complex, I'll need to write Java and use the API. I'd prefer the DQL.. :-)
So, can someone here provide me with a pointer to a reference on DQL, and perhaps some pointers on what to look at/for?
Maybe you need more than one DQL-Query. However, I would strongly recommend writing some DFC code and iterating over the results.
I would suggest to have a look in the Documentum Content Server Object Reference to find out more about the attributes of type dm_workflow (and, of course, related types like dmi_workitem, dmc_workqueue, etc.).
These types should provide the information you are looking for and where you might start best.

Entity Framework: AttachAsModified failure / confusion :)

Ok... I tried google and didn't get many hits. I dont want to abuse So but this is one of the best places to ask and EF isn't well documented.
My fails because the GetOriginal() returns null in UpdateCmsProductCategory. I assume that means currentCmsProductCategory is not in the ChangeSet. Ok... how do I put it in the changeset?
Here is the sequence...
I pull a CmsProductCategory down over Wcf.
I make changes.
I call the Wcf update method...
public void UpdateProductCategory(CmsProductCategory category)
Which calls the Domain servide method...
public virtual void UpdateCmsProductCategory(CmsProductCategory currentCmsProductCategory)
And that should work - but no, it Exceptions on me when GetOriginal() fails. I feel like I am missing a step between when the code modifies it and I pass it to Wcf.
Any hints / pointers to good documentation?
Your problem is probably that you lose the "context".
When you make the call to update the "this.Context" is not the same as the one you read it from.
WCF has a concept of "per call" and "per session". The "per call" is default your are therefore getting a new instance of the domain service. You may be able to solve it using per session.
Have a look at this link:
Also try writing a test to check that what you are doing works without transfering the data over wcf.

Unloading a data reference in Entity Framework

Currently I am struggling with a Entity Framework issue. I have a wcf service that sits on top of the ef framework, and allows queries to the framework. At some point the user is able to request a file from the framework. The files are referenced by solution entries, so when you request a file from a solution, the reference is loaded to gain access to the file store.
That all works fine, but from that point onward, whenever you do another query that returns that solution entry, the whole file gets attached to the return result. I need some way of detaching or unloading the reference, such that the result entries will only contain an unloaded reference to the file store again.
I have tried to create a new context and query that context to retrieve information from, but when I do that, the entity in the original context is also changed.
I have tried to detach the entity from the original context and then query from the new context. That does not work either.
I have found one way of doing this. For all the non file-download queries, I detach the result entity, and send that over the wire. I am not sure if that is the best way to go about it though.
I hope someone might be able to provide some insight, thanks for the effort.
The issue you are experiencing is probably do to Change Tracking, which is on by default.
Possible Solution:
Disable Change Tracking with MergeOption.NoTracking
using (MyEntities _context = new MyEntities())
_context.Widgets.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;
return _context.Widgets.ToList();
This article may help to point you in the right direction on how to handle this issue if the solution above does not work.
I struggled with a similar issue recently. The problem was the result of the context maintaining a reference to the object I was using (obviously). Every time I made a change to an object of the same type, even when obtained with a new context (so I thought), the object was being changed.
With help from one of my peers, we determined the context was hanging around due to the way I was registering it with my IoC container (lifestyle per web request). When I changed the lifestyle to transient (which definitively provided a new instance) then changes to objects of the same type were unaffected.
Hope this helps.