Why would serverless package need creds? - serverless-framework

According to the docs:
you can package your project without deploying it to AWS
If this is the case, why would I get the below error?
AWS provider credentials not found.

If you specify a particular deployment bucket (instead of letting serverless create its own), then you may encounter this bug:
"serverless package" requires AWS access if deploymentBucket provider config is used #4040
For now, you can hack the deployed server less code and comment out the check, then wait for the bug to be fixed.


Restore amplify backend environment

I've gotten an Amplify project dropped in my lap where the backend environment is deleted (or lost when the project were moved to another account).
I haven't worked with Amplify before, so I'm not sure how "automatic" everything is.
I noticed that the project has a folder called 'amplify-backup' which contain a bunch of json and graphql config files, so I assumed that I could use those somehow to restore the backend environment in AWS, but I can't seem to find any information on how to do so.
There's currently no backend environment in the AWS console and I don't really know which services the backend environment should contain.
Is it possible to restore the backend environment and all the services that the application need or do I need to figure out which services are needed?
If so, any pointers on how to find which services that are used?
If the project files still exist (amplify directory), you may be able to re-create the project with the existing resources.
One idea could be to clone the git repository from when the amplify project files were intact and run amplify init
amplify-backup is generally generated automatically when doing commands with amplify. You could try rename to amplify and run amplify init.
See more here for re-creating an amplify project on another account: https://docs.amplify.aws/cli/migration/cli-migrate-aws-account/

Setting RavenDB license for automated deployment in kubernetes

I am trying to deploy a RavenDB instance on a Kubernetes cluster. The deployment should be fully automated, i.e. there should be no need to access the UI to configure something.
I have found plenty of documentation on how raven in a container can be configured, e.g. with command line args via RAVEN_ARGS, environment variables (e.g. RAVEN_License_Eula_Accepted), or a custom settings.json file in a mounted volume.
I have tried all the options above, and they all work, except when trying to set a license. I have tried to set either License directly as a JSON string or License.Path pointing to a license.json file mounted in a volume. Yet whenever I access the UI after deploying the container, I get a notification telling me I need to set a license.
Can anyone tell me how I can get Raven to use the license I provide via the approaches mentioned above?
You need to bootstrap the cluster with some kind of operation for the license to be picked up. For example, create a database or call the /admin/cluster/bootstrap endpoint.

Serverless Framework deploy through CircleCI

I'm trying to integrate serverless to my circleci workflow.
I tried first adding both, key and secret to AWS permissions, but that did not work.
Then, I added key and secret to Environment variables and in my config file:
sudo npm install -g serverless
sls config credentials --provider aws --key $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID --secret $AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
sls deploy -v
But I see the same error:
Serverless Error ---------------------------------------
You are not currently logged in. Follow instructions in http://slss.io/run-in-cicd to setup env vars for authentication.
Anyone had this issue? I could not find an answer or hint online. Thanks.
This likely only applies to those trying to use Serverless Enterprise with the monitoring & dashboards they have set up. #wintvelt's answer wouldn't work for me because if i deleted the org variable, it would likely break the connection needed for Enterprise. So steps for my CircleCI setup:
In CircleCI, create a Context for each environment with the AWS Key ID and Secret as environment variables (putting them in a context is a nice to have, you could use other methods of making Circle inject environment variables into builds).
In your Serverless Framework dashboard, create a new access key which you will use in Circle.
Create a new environment variable SERVERLESS_ACCESS_KEY with the value from step 2.
I got this idea from reading how Seed.run has users integrate with Serverless. For more info read this link: https://seed.run/docs/integrating-with-serverless-enterprise.
Just checked Circleci stopped supporting AWS Permissions as a configurable option in the settings page.
You need to set the credentials as environment variables for the projects. The credentials should be named exactly AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
that's all you need to do. you don't have to do any additional step. I tried this on my project and it worked.
Your deployment step should simply be
sls deploy
As a follow-up to the previous answer: I had exactly the same error.
I took the solution from the chat as a solution.
For me the fixes I applied:
In CircleCI project settings, under "AWS permissions" I added the AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access key
In CircleCI project settings, under "Environment variables", I also added the AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access key
From my serverless.yml file, I deleted the line with org variable
For me, 1. and 2. alone was not enough. I also had to remove the line from my yml file to make deployment via CircleCI work.
For those landing here with the same issue, hope this helps!

Does Serverless, Inc ever see my AWS credentials?

I would like to start using serverless-framework to manage lambda deploys at my company, but we handle PHI so security’s tight. Our compliance director and CTO had concerns about passing our AWS key and secret to another company.
When doing a serverless deploy, do AWS credentials ever actually pass through to Serverless, Inc?
If not, can someone point me to where in the code I can prove that?
Running serverless deploy isn't just one call, it's many.
AWS example (oversimplification):
Check if deployment s3 bucket already exists
Create an S3 bucket
Upload packages to s3 bucket
Call CloudFormation
Check CloudFormation stack status
Get info of created recourses (e.g. endpoint urls of created APIs)
And those calls can change dependent on what you are doing and what you have done before.
The point I'm trying to make is is that these calls which contain your credentials are not all located in one place and if you want to do a full code review of Serverless Framework and all it's dependencies, have fun with that.
But under the hood, we know that it's actually using the JavaScript aws-sdk (go check out the package.json), and we know what endpoints that uses {service}.{region}.amazonaws.com.
So to prove to your employers that nothing with your credentials is going anywhere except AWS you can just run a serverless deploy with wireshark running (other network packet analyzers are available). That way you can see anything that's not going to amazonaws.com
But wait, why are calls being made to serverless.com and serverlessteam.com when I run a deploy?
Well that's just tracking some stats and you can see what they track here. But if you are uber paranoid, this can be turned off with serverless slstats --disable.

Backing up a Serverless Framework deployment

I'm familiar with Terraform and its terraform.tfstate file where it keeps track of which local resource identifiers map to which remote resources. I've noticed that there is a .serverless directory on my machine which seems to contain files such as CloudFormation templates and ZIP files containing Lambda code.
Suppose I create and deploy a project from my laptop, and Serverless spins up fooxyz.cloudfront.net which points to a Lambda function arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:handleRequest456. If I naively try to run Serverless again from another machine (or if I git clean my working directory), it'll spin up a new CloudFront endpoint since it doesn't know that fooxyz.cloudfront.net already represents the same application. I'm looking to back up the state it keeps internally, so that it modifies an existing resource rather than creates a new one. (The equivalent in Terraform would be to back up the terraform.tfstate file.)
If I wished to back up or restore a Serverless deployment state, which files would I back up? In the case of AWS, it seems like I should be backing up the CloudFormation templates; I don't want to back up the Lambda code since it's directly generated from the source. However, I'm likely going to use more than just AWS in the future, and so don't want to "special-case" the CloudFormation templates if at all possible.
How can I back up only the files I cannot regenerate?
I think what you are asking is If I or a colleague checks out the serverless code from git on a different machine, will we still be able to deploy and update the same lambda functions and the same API gateway endpoints?
And the answer to that is yes! Serverless keeps track of all of that for you within their files. Unless you run serverless destroy - no operation will create a new lambda or api endpoint.
My team and I are using this method: we commit all code to a git repo and one of us checks it out and deploys a function or the entire thing and it updates the existing set of functions properly. If you setup an environment file - that's all you need to worry about really. And I recommend leaving it outside of git entirely.
For AWS; Serverless Framework keeps track of your deployment via Cloudformation (CF) parameters/identifiers which are specific to an account/region. The CF stack templates are uploaded to an (auto-generated) S3 bucket so it's already backed up for you.
So all you really need to have is the original deployment code in a git repo and have access to your keys. Everything else is already backed up for you.