WPF Toolkit Chart Performance - lineseries

I have a chart with multiple line series (let's say 10). Each line series is comprised of about 2,000 points. Does anyone know why it takes MINUTES for the chart to render? Is this simply how poorly this control behaves?
I've found that removing the points increases performance 10-fold. However; I want to see the data points. See below how I have removed the data points...
Style pointStyle = new Style(typeof(LineDataPoint));
pointStyle.TargetType = typeof(System.Windows.Controls.DataVisualization.Charting.DataPoint);
pointStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(TemplateProperty, null));
pointStyle.Setters.Add(new Setter(LineDataPoint.BackgroundProperty, model.LineColor));
series.DataPointStyle = pointStyle;
The line where I set the TemplateProperty to null is what made the chart perform so quickly.
Any alternatives which still display the data points?


Can VBA detect line-wrapping in an Excel chart legend?

Writing to code to format a chart (all of which should be done by Microsoft, but that’s separate).
Am now positioning the legend. Taking a 9×9 block of possible positions, and counting the data points underneath each. As a fragment of the code: (ax.MaximumScale - ax.MinimumScale) * co.Chart.Legend.Width / co.Chart.PlotArea.InsideWidth.
Also coping with lines underlapping and text boxes overlapping the possible legend positions: same idea, more complexity.
Obviously, all this works better if the legend is as small as possible, as that gives a greater likelihood of finding a location with zero ’lapping.
If .Legend.Width is too small, then the individual legend texts (the Series.Name’s) wrap onto ≥2 lines, which isn’t wanted. So VBA could interval bisect to find the smallest .Legend.Width for which there isn’t line wrapping. But how can the VBA code ‘see’|‘detect’|‘know’ of the existence of the line wrapping?
And mutatis mutandis for .Legend.Height: if that’s too small, some legend entries aren’t shown. How can the VBA code ‘see’|‘detect’|‘know’ that a height is too small?
Thank you.
PS: I expect that the correct answer is that “VBA cannot ‘see’|‘detect’|‘know’ either of these.” Please refute this expectation.
If you create your own legend, using a text box, you have better options when it comes to sizing and flow control. This will create a new set of challenges, but it might be easier to handle.

SSRS line chart

I have one question to the line chart.
I would like to create a line chart, which values are given. It should look like this chart here:
My question is, how can I implement this. I tried to put it as a stripline in the chart but it only shows a horizontal line without this steps at the beginning.
How can I create this line chart like in the picture above?
can I put into this:
the values.
Striplines are intended to display just a line across the chart, or varying width, height, to demonstrate an area... from MSDN
Strip lines, or strips, are horizontal or vertical ranges that shade the background of the chart in regular or custom intervals
To get the behaviour (I think) you require you can add a new series to the data you are returning with each of those datapoints. Irrespective of what other data you are charting, you can change the type of this series to Line Chart, and change the order of the series on teh chart to make it uppoermost.
Without further information - such as the data you are tyrying to superimpose this on - it's hard to advise further.

VB.NET CHART- Display a subset of the total data points

VB 2008
Is it possible to have an MS Chart control contain 20,000 data points, but only show the last 100?
I know that I can select the last 100 from my datatable and use it as a datasource.
Chart1.DataSource = cMs2.dsData.Tables("readings").Select(wFilter, wSort).Take(100)
That's not what I want.
I know that I can populate an array or collection with the last 100 data points and use it as a data source.
Chart1.Series("readings").Points.DataBindXY(colCtr, colReadings)
That's not what I want.
I need to do 1 of 2 things:
Manually add data points and be able to show only the last 100 or last 1000 of them that just came in. This must be done without re-populating the chart. Just show a portion of the complete set of data points.
wSample = wSample + 1
Chart1.Series("readings").Points.AddXY(wSample, wReading)
Initialize a chart with a certain number of the total readings with a databind, then manually add new data points one at a time while removing the oldest data point. For example, initialize the chart with 100 data points, then add a new data point, remove the first data point, getting us back to 100. (I'm successfully doing this one, except the chart doesn't behave like I expect. The chart grows, remaining blank/empty where the 'removed' data points were. I do chart.update but it doesn't refresh it.) Note that I am allowed to take more time to initialize the chart (clear/populate), I don't have that time to do it as each new data point comes in.
wSample = wSample + 1
Chart1.Series("readings").Points.AddXY(wSample, wReading)
If Chart1.Series("readings").Points.Count > 100 Then
End If
NOTE: Doing a process that causes me to have to clear and rebind the data to handle the addition of a single data point causes me problems because it takes too long. I'm just looking for the quickest, most efficient way to handle this. Thank you for taking the time to read this...!
You can manually set the Minimum and Maximum values of each axis by modifying the .Minimum and .Maximum values of the axes like
Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Minimum = 100 'Example value
Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Minimum = 200 'Example value
As discussed in the comments to your question you can either use your method #2 (add datapoint and delete datapoint index 0 and then select the new minimum and maximum X-Value from the series with LinQ:
Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Minimum = (From p As DataVisualization.Charting.DataPoint In Chart1.Series(0).Points Select p.XValue).Min
Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Maximum = (From p As DataVisualization.Charting.DataPoint In Chart1.Series(0).Points Select p.XValue).Max
or you can, as you have now done, just set the minimum value to a X-value some points before the last point.

Inconsistent behaviour with proc greplay in batch vs. interactive sessions

I have some SAS code that draws 2 charts on identically scaled axes - one stacked vertical bar chart, and one line chart. It then draws the lines on top of the bars via proc greplay to produce a stacked bar + line chart. This is output to pdf via ODS.
When I run my code in an interactive SAS session, it works as intended - the 2 charts are the same size and line up exactly on top of one another. However, if I run exactly the same code in a batch session, the bar chart is squashed into the left half of the chart area and the line chart is displayed at full size.
Any idea what could be causing this? It's possible that there are some different settings between the batch and interactive sessions, but I'm not sure which ones could be responsible.
I was only including the final proc greplay inside the ODS sandwich used to produce the pdf. Once I put the preceding chart procs, goptions statements etc. there as well (using goptions nodisplay to make sure that the individual charts didn't end up in the PDF before being overlaid), it all rendered as expected.

Connect Xaxis of a chart to another one

I have an application made of a "main" chart with stock quotes plotted in it and a "subordinated" one with some indicators; the two charts are dinamically feeded with data so they are ever moving and re-sizing their own YAxis accordingly. The following snapshot gives a better idea:
What I would like to do is to make the below chart XAxis exactly the same of the first one, so that it is possible to follow the evolution of the two indicators together.
Right now I'm doing the following work around:
With ChartBelow.ChartAreas(0)
.AxisX.Minimum = ChartAbove.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Minimum
.AxisX.Maximum = ChartAbove.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Maximum
End With
However this doesn't work well since the digits of the YAxis on the main chart are not always the same of the second one (as in the example above where it's 6-digits against 3-only).
Is there any way to aligne the two y-axes or make the X-Axis shared between the two charts?
Yes, as well as setting the Min/Max values, also set the interval and label interval values of the Axis.