how to make a component to get async data and to render server side? - vue.js

We know that only router component may request asyncData in a ssr environment. i have one main component(not router component), i need some async data to render server side. because it is not router component, so i can't use asyncData for server side rendering.
so i have used created hook for calling async api, but component hook is synchronous and don't wait for promise. what to do for getting async data on server side?
App.vue - Main Component
export default {
components: {
footer: Footer,
header: Header,
selector: selector
beforeMount() {
// need preload metadata here
created () {
// it return preload metadata as response.
return this.$store.dispatch('GET_PRELOAD_META_DATA');
GET_PRELOAD_META_DATA: ({ commit }) => {
return axios.get("api/preload").then(({ data }) => {
commit('SET_PRELOAD_DATA', data);

As of Vue 2.6, there is a new SSR feature that may accomplish what you’re trying to do. ServerPrefetch is now a hook that can resolve promises to get async data and can interact with a global store.
Check out more in their documentation.
(I know this an old post, but I stumbled upon it while googling and thought I might be able to help someone else googling too)


Nuxtjs Redis cache implementation for API calls inside components

I am using the plugin Nuxt Perfect Cache to server-side cache my QPI requests to an external service.
I am using the cacheFetch method on Component level and this component is loaded on a dynamic page (defined by its slug). When I navigate to the dynamic page, the API call is not cached in Redis, however when I reload the page, the caching happens as expected.
Below is how my code is structured:
_slug.js (for /users)
<h1>{{ }}</h1>
<Posts :author =>
import Posts from '~/components/Posts.vue'
export default {
components: { Posts },
async asyncData({params}) {
const user = await fetch(`/users/${params.slug}`)
.then(res => res.json())
And inside Posts.vue I use the perfect cache cacheFetch method to fetch the list of posts, something like:
props: ['author'],
async fetch() {
this.posts = await this.$cacheFetch({ key:`user--#{}--posts`, expire: 60 * 60 },
async () => {
return await fetch(`/users/#{}/posts`).then(res => res.json())
data() {
return {
posts: []
When I load the user page directly in the browser, the json response for the posts is saved in Redis as expected. When I navigate from within the application using a NuxtLink, the user page is displayed correctly (including the posts), but no key is set or get from Redis.
How can I ensure the API calls are cached when users interact with the app?
redis is only available in server side not client side when you are navigating in client side you don't have access to redis you can set absolute link to render server side when user is navigating but I don't recommend this.
the best solution is cache data in redis in your api.

Recommended way of waiting on an Apollo query before rendering the next page?

When using the Apollo module in a Nuxt app, the default behavior when changing routes is to render the new page immediately, before data has been fetched via Apollo.
This results in some pretty janky rendering experiences where the page does a partial render and very soon after completes rendering with data from the server, making everything on the page shift due to the changing size of components that now have data. This looks pretty bad because the data actually comes back fairly quickly, so it would be fine to wait for the data to return before rendering the new route.
What's the recommended way of waiting on the Apollo queries on a page (and its subcomponents) to complete before rendering the page?
(There's a related question that's not specific to Nuxt, but I'm not sure how to translate the recommendation to a Nuxt app.)
I'd love to see a code example of using beforeRouteEnter to fetch data via Apollo and only entering the route once the data is fetched.
Haven't used this module before, but it should be like any other async action you want to perform before page rendering in Nuxt.
It only depends if you want to pre-fill the store:
or only one page:
You can use async/await or promises if you have more than one request before page should be rendered.
When async actions are finished, Nuxt starts rendering the page. This works for SSR and if you navigate to pages on the client (nuxtServerInit will only fire once when real request is made, not when navigating on client side).
Side note: beforeRouteEnter is usually used, to validate params and check if the route is allowed.
did you try disabling the prefetch?
prefetch: false
The best approach is to use the loading attribute:
<div v-if="!this.$apollo.loading">
Your product: {{product}}
export default {
name: "Product",
apollo: {
product: {
query: productQuery,
variables() {
return {
productId: this.productId
I'm unfamiliar with Apollo, but I think this is what you are looking for:
// Router.js
beforeRouteEnter(to, from, next)
executeSomeApolloPromise().then((data) => {
// The promise has now been complete; continue to the component.
next((vm) => {
// You have access here to the component instance via `vm`.
// Note that `beforeRouteEnter` is the only guard that has this.
vm.someApolloData = data;

In vue.js, where can I place "app initialization" code?

Specifically, code that runs before the app actually loads. I'm using vuex and the first thing I want to do (regardless of what route the user is on) is to dispatch a getUser action to get currently user details from the API (or alternatively, redirect if not authenticated).
If I place it in my App.vue mounted component, I believe it might be too late? Don't children components load before parents?
If I get it right you want to do something before the application initialize. For that you can just perform async method in app initialization. Something like that as an example:
function initializeApp (vueCreated) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
switch (vueCreated) {
case false: // "prevue" initialization steps
console.log('vue not yet created, prevue steps happens')
// ...
setTimeout(_ => resolve(), 3500) // async call
case true: // we can continue/prepare data for Vue
console.log('vue created, but waiting for next initialization steps and data')
// ...
setTimeout(_ => resolve('Mounted / shown when app ready'), 3500) // async call
initializeApp(false).then(_ => {
new Vue({
template: '#app',
data: {
content: null
async created () {
this.content = await initializeApp(true)
console.log('all inicialization steps done, data arrived, vue mounted')
I have found some article related to your question may be this help you out. Link
If you are using vue-router you can use beforeEach to prevent some routes of unauthenticated users.
You can read more here.
If you get stuck here provide code what you tried with router.
Also good example of using navigation guards.
Good luck!

How to watch on Route changes with Nuxt and asyncData

Hi everybody i'm trying to watch on route changes in my nuxt js app.
Here my middleware:
export default function ({ route }) {
return route; but i don't know what to write here
index.vue File
middleware: [routeReact]
i'm trying to write this:
app.context.route = route
but it says to me that app.context doesn't exist
Here's the point of my question i'm trying to update my data that gets from my api with axios on page if route changing
like this
this the page
i'm clicking link to next page :
but when i'm route to next page, nothing happens all data is the same:
here my asyncData code:
asyncData({ app }) {
return app.$axios.$get('apps/' + app.context.route.fullPath.replace(/\/categories\/?/, ''))
.then(res => {
return {
info: res.results,
prevPage: res.prev
Thanks for your help
First thing, context.route or it's alias this.$route is immutable object and should not be assigned a value.
Instead, we should use this.$router and it's methods for programmatic navigation or <nuxt-link> and <router-link>.
As I understand, you need to render the same route, but trigger asyncData hook in order to update component's data. Only route query is changed.
Correct way to navigate to the same page but with different data is to use link of such format:
<nuxt-link :to="{ name: 'index', query: { start: 420 }}"
Then you can use nuxt provided option watchQuery on page component and access that query inside asyncData as follows:
watchQuery: true,
asyncData ({ query, app }) {
const { start } = query
const queryString = start ? `?start=${start}` : ''
return app.$axios.$get(`apps/${queryString}`)
.then(res => {
return {
info: res.results,
prevPage: res.prev
This option does not require usage of middleware. If you want to stick to using middleware functions, you can add a key to layout or page view that is used. Here is an example of adding a key to default layout:
<nuxt :key="$route.fullPath" />
This will force nuxt to re-render the page, thus calling middlewares and hooks. It is also useful for triggering transitions when switching dynamic routes of the same page component.

Vue: same route same component, but different params

I'm creating a SPA where after each HTTP response, the app goes to the same component with the same route, but the props passed to the component will be different based on the response. I understand the reuse feature in Vue and it won't reload. But I need the newly returned data every time I trigger the router to go to the component. My app.vue:
upload(formData).then(x => {
name: 'Chart',
params: {
chartData: x
Then the target Chart.vue:
props: ['chartData'],
data: function() {
// do some processing using props
return {...}
My problem is that since for my router, the route doesn't change, hence other approaches like using :key=$route.fullPath or the beforeRouteUpdate don't work. Then how can I make the Chart component recompute the data? I've checked thru computed() and watch as well but it's not working.