I'm studying LSTM with CNN in tensorflow.
I want to put some scalar label into LSTM network as a condition.
Does anybody know which LSTM is what I meant?
If available, please let me know the usage of that
Thank you.
This thread might interest you: Adding Features To Time Series Model LSTM.
You have basically 3 possible ways:
Let's take an example with weather data from two different cities: Paris and San Francisco. You want to predict the next temperature based on historical data. But at the same time, you expect the weather to change based on the city. You can either:
Combine the auxiliary features with the time series data, at the beginning or at the end (ugly!).
Concatenate the auxiliary features with the output of the RNN layer. It's some kind of post-RNN adjustment since the RNN layer won't see this auxiliary info.
Or just initialize the RNN states with a learned representation of the condition (e.g. Paris or San Francisco).
I wrote a library to condition on auxiliary inputs. It abstracts all the complexity and has been designed to be as user-friendly as possible:
The implementation is in tensorflow (>=1.13.1) and Keras.
Hope it helps!
Heres an example of applying CNN and LSTM over the output probabilities of a sequence, like you asked:
def build_model(inputs):
H = 224
W = 224
C = 3
# inputs is assumed to be of shape (BATCH_SIZE, TIME_STEPS, H, W, C)
# reshape your input such that you can apply the CNN for all images
input_cnn_reshaped = tf.reshape(inputs, (-1, H, W, C))
# define CNN, for instance vgg 16
cnn_logits_output, _ = vgg_16(input_cnn_reshaped, num_classes=NUM_CLASSES)
cnn_probabilities_output = tf.nn.softmax(cnn_logits_output)
# reshape back to time series convention
cnn_probabilities_output = tf.reshape(cnn_probabilities_output, (BATCH_SIZE, TIME_STEPS, NUM_CLASSES))
# perform LSTM over the probabilities per image
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.LSTMCell(NUM_UNITS)
_, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, cnn_probabilities_output)
# employ FC layer over the last state
logits = tf.layers.dense(state, NUM_UNITS)
# logits is of shape (BATCH_SIZE, NUM_CLASSES)
return logits
By the way, a better approach would be to employ the LSTM over the last hidden layer, i.e to use the CNN as feature extractor and make the prediction over sequences of features.
I'm trying to write my own LSTM Variational Autoencoder for text, and have gotten an OK understanding of how the encoding step works and how I perform sampling of the latent vector Z. The problem is now how I should pass on the Z to the decoder. For the input to the decoder I have a start token <s>, which leaves the hidden state h, and the cell state c for the LSTM cell in the decoder.
Should I make both the initial states h and c equal to Z, just one of them, or something else?
Using RepeatVector you can repeat the latent output n times. Then, feed it into the LSTM. Here is a minimal example:
# latent_dim: int, latent z-layer shape.
decoder_input = Input(shape=(latent_dim,))
_h_decoded = RepeatVector(timesteps)(decoder_input)
decoder_h = LSTM(intermediate_dim, return_sequences=True)
_h_decoded = decoder_h(_h_decoded)
decoder_mean = LSTM(input_dim, return_sequences=True)
_x_decoded_mean = decoder_mean(_h_decoded)
decoder = Model(decoder_input, _x_decoded_mean)
It is clearly explained in Keras documentation.
I'm working with padded sequences of maximum length 50. I have two types of sequence data:
1) A sequence, seq1, of integers (1-100) that correspond to event types (e.g. [3,6,3,1,45,45....3]
2) A sequence, seq2, of integers representing time, in minutes, from the last event in seq1. So the last element is zero, by definition. So for example [100, 96, 96, 45, 44, 12,... 0]. seq1 and seq2 are the same length, 50.
I'm trying to run the LSTM primarily on the event/seq1 data, but have the time/seq2 strongly influence the forget gate within the LSTM. The reason for this is I want the LSTM to tend to really penalize older events and be more likely to forget them. I was thinking about multiplying the forget weight by the inverse of the current value of the time/seq2 sequence. Or maybe (1/seq2_element + 1), to handle cases where it's zero minutes.
I see in the keras code (LSTMCell class) where the change would have to be:
f = self.recurrent_activation(x_f + K.dot(h_tm1_f,self.recurrent_kernel_f))
So I need to modify keras' LSTM code to accept multiple inputs. As an initial test, within the LSTMCell class, I changed the call function to look like this:
def call(self, inputs, states, training=None):
time_input = inputs[1]
inputs = inputs[0]
So that it can handle two inputs given as a list.
When I try running the model with the Functional API:
# Input 1: event type sequences
# Take the event integer sequences, run them through an embedding layer to get float vectors, then run through LSTM
main_input = Input(shape =(max_seq_length,), dtype = 'int32', name = 'main_input')
x = Embedding(output_dim = embedding_length, input_dim = num_unique_event_symbols, input_length = max_seq_length, mask_zero=True)(main_input)
## Input 2: time vectors
auxiliary_input = Input(shape=(max_seq_length,1), dtype='float32', name='aux_input')
m = Masking(mask_value = 99999999.0)(auxiliary_input)
lstm_out = LSTM(32)(x, time_vector = m)
# Auxiliary loss here from first input
auxiliary_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='aux_output')(lstm_out)
# An abitrary number of dense, hidden layers here
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(lstm_out)
# The main output node
main_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='main_output')(x)
## Compile and fit the model
model = Model(inputs=[main_input, auxiliary_input], outputs=[main_output, auxiliary_output])
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'], loss_weights=[1., 0.2])
model.fit([train_X1, train_X2], [train_Y, train_Y], epochs=1, batch_size=200)
However, I get the following error:
An `initial_state` was passed that is not compatible with `cell.state_size`. Received `state_spec`=[InputSpec(shape=(None, 50, 1), ndim=3)]; however `cell.state_size` is (32, 32)
Any advice?
You can't pass a list of inputs to default recurrent layers in Keras. The input_spec is fixed and the recurrent code is implemented based on single tensor input also pointed out in the documentation, ie it doesn't magically iterate over 2 inputs of same timesteps and pass that to the cell. This is partly because of how the iterations are optimised and assumptions made if the network is unrolled etc.
If you like 2 inputs, you can pass constants (doc) to the cell which will pass the tensor as is. This is mainly to implement attention models in the future. So 1 input will iterate over timesteps while the other will not. If you really like 2 inputs to be iterated like a zip() in python, you will have to implement a custom layer.
I would like to throw in a different ideas here. They don't require you to modify the Keras code.
After the embedding layer of the event types, stack the embeddings with the elapsed time. The Keras function is keras.layers.Concatenate(axis=-1). Imagine this, a single even type is mapped to a n dimensional vector by the embedding layer. You just add the elapsed time as one more dimension after the embedding so that it becomes a n+1 vector.
Another idea, sort of related to your problem/question and may help here, is 1D convolution. The convolution can happen right after the concatenated embeddings. The intuition for applying convolution to event types and elapsed time is actually 1x1 convolution. In such a way that you linearly combine the two together and the parameters are trained. Note in terms of convolution, the dimensions of the vectors are called channels. Of course, you can also convolve more than 1 event at a step. Just try it. It may or may not help.
I'm curious if there is a good way to share weights across different RNN cells while still feeding each cell different inputs.
The graph that I am trying to build is like this:
where there are three LSTM Cells in orange which operate in parallel and between which I would like to share the weights.
I've managed to implement something similar to what I want using a placeholder (see below for code). However, using a placeholder breaks the gradient calculations of the optimizer and doesn't train anything past the point where I use the placeholder. Is it possible to do this a better way in Tensorflow?
I'm using Tensorflow 1.2 and python 3.5 in an Anaconda environment on Windows 7.
def ann_model(cls,data, act=tf.nn.relu):
with tf.name_scope('ANN'):
with tf.name_scope('ann_weights'):
ann_weights = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1,
with tf.name_scope('ann_bias'):
ann_biases = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1]))
out = act(tf.matmul(data,ann_weights) + ann_biases)
return out
def rnn_lower_model(cls,data):
with tf.name_scope('RNN_Model'):
data_tens = tf.split(data, cls.sequence_length,1)
for i in range(len(data_tens)):
data_tens[i] = tf.reshape(data_tens[i],[cls.batch_size,
rnn_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(cls.n_rnn_nodes_lower)
outputs, states = tf.contrib.rnn.static_rnn(rnn_cell,
with tf.name_scope('RNN_out_weights'):
out_weights = tf.Variable(
with tf.name_scope('RNN_out_biases'):
out_biases = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1]))
#Encode the output of the RNN into one estimate per entry in
#the input sequence
predict_list = []
for i in range(cls.sequence_length):
+ out_biases)
return predict_list
def create_graph(cls,sess):
#Initializes the graph
with tf.name_scope('input'):
cls.x = tf.placeholder('float',[cls.batch_size,
with tf.name_scope('labels'):
cls.y = tf.placeholder('float',[cls.batch_size,1])
with tf.name_scope('community_id'):
cls.c = tf.placeholder('float',[cls.batch_size,1])
#Define Placeholder to provide variable input into the
#RNNs with shared weights
cls.input_place = tf.placeholder('float',[cls.batch_size,
#global step used in optimizer
global_step = tf.Variable(0,trainable = False)
#Create ANN
ann_output = cls.ann_model(cls.c)
#Combine output of ANN with other input data x
ann_out_seq = tf.reshape(tf.concat([ann_output for _ in
cls.rnn_input = tf.concat([ann_out_seq,cls.x],2)
#Create 'unrolled' RNN by creating sequence_length many RNN Cells that
#share the same weights.
with tf.variable_scope('Lower_RNNs'):
#Create RNNs
daily_prediction, daily_prediction1 =[cls.rnn_lower_model(cls.input_place)]*2
When training mini-batches are calculated in two steps:
RNNinput = sess.run(cls.rnn_input,feed_dict = {
_ = sess.run(cls.optimizer, feed_dict={cls.input_place:RNNinput,
Thanks for your help. Any ideas would be appreciated.
You have 3 different inputs : input_1, input_2, input_3 fed it to a LSTM model which has the parameters shared. And then you concatenate the outputs of the 3 lstm and pass it to a final LSTM layer. The code should look something like this:
# Create input placeholder for the network
input_1 = tf.placeholder(...)
input_2 = tf.placeholder(...)
input_3 = tf.placeholder(...)
# create a shared rnn layer
def shared_rnn(...):
rnn_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(...)
# generate the outputs for each input
with tf.variable_scope('lower_lstm') as scope:
out_input_1 = shared_rnn(...)
scope.reuse_variables() # the variables will be reused.
out_input_2 = shared_rnn(...)
out_input_3 = shared_rnn(...)
# verify whether the variables are reused
for v in tf.global_variables():
# concat the three outputs
output = tf.concat...
# Pass it to the final_lstm layer and out the logits
logits = final_layer(output, ...)
train_op = ...
# train
sess.run(train_op, feed_dict{input_1: in1, input_2: in2, input_3:in3, labels: ...}
I ended up rethinking my architecture a little and came up with a more workable solution.
Instead of duplicating the middle layer of LSTM cells to create three different cells with the same weights, I chose to run the same cell three times. The results of each run were stored in a 'buffer' like tf.Variable, and then that whole variable was used as an input into the final LSTM layer.
I drew a diagram here
Implementing it this way allowed for valid outputs after 3 time steps, and didn't break tensorflows backpropagation algorithm (i.e. The nodes in the ANN could still train.)
The only tricky thing was to make sure that the buffer was in the correct sequential order for the final RNN.
I recently read this paper which deals with noisy labels in convolutional neural networks.
They model label noise by a probability transition matrix which forms a simple
constrained linear layer after the softmax output.
So as an example we may have a 3-by-3 probability transition matrix (3 classes):
Example probability transition matrix. The sum of each column has to be 1.
This matrix Q is basically trained in the same way as the rest of the network via backpropagation. But it needs to be constrained to be a probability matrix. Quote from the paper:
After taking a gradient step with the Q and the model
weights, we project Q back to the subspace of probability matrices because it represents conditional probabilities.
Now I am wondering what is the best way to implement such a layer in tensorflow.
I have some ideas but i'm not sure what could work or is best procedure.
1) Hard code the constraint in the model before any training is done, something like:
# ... build conv model without Q
# shape of y_conv (output CNN) assumed to be a [3,1] vector
y_conv = tf.nn.softmax(y_conv, 0)
# add linear layer representing Q, no bias
W_Q = weight_variable([3, 3])
# add constraint: columns are valid probability distribution
W_Q = tf.nn.softmax(W_Q, 0)
# output of model:
Q_out = tf.matmul(W_Q, y_conv)
# now compute loss, gradients and start training
2) Compute and apply gradients to the whole model (Q included), then apply constraint
train_op = ...
constraint_op = tf.assign(W_Q, tf.nn.softmax(W_Q,0))
sess = tf.session()
# compute and apply gradients in form of a train_op
I think the second approach is more related to the paper quote, but I am not sure to what extend external assignments confuse training.
Or maybe my ideas are bananas. I hope you can give me some advice!
I'm trying to use the Tensorflow's CTC implementation under contrib package (tf.contrib.ctc.ctc_loss) without success.
First of all, anyone know where can I read a good step-by-step tutorial? Tensorflow's documentation is very poor on this topic.
Do I have to provide to ctc_loss the labels with the blank label interleaved or not?
I could not be able to overfit my network even using a train dataset of length 1 over 200 epochs. :(
How can I calculate the label error rate using tf.edit_distance?
Here is my code:
with graph.as_default():
max_length = X_train.shape[1]
frame_size = X_train.shape[2]
max_target_length = y_train.shape[1]
# Batch size x time steps x data width
data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, max_length, frame_size])
data_length = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None])
# Batch size x max_target_length
target_dense = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, max_target_length])
target_length = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None])
# Generating sparse tensor representation of target
target = ctc_label_dense_to_sparse(target_dense, target_length)
# Applying LSTM, returning output for each timestep (y_rnn1,
# [batch_size, max_time, cell.output_size]) and the final state of shape
# [batch_size, cell.state_size]
y_rnn1, h_rnn1 = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(
tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(num_hidden, state_is_tuple=True, num_proj=num_classes), # num_proj=num_classes
# For sequence labelling, we want a prediction for each timestamp.
# However, we share the weights for the softmax layer across all timesteps.
# How do we do that? By flattening the first two dimensions of the output tensor.
# This way time steps look the same as examples in the batch to the weight matrix.
# Afterwards, we reshape back to the desired shape
# Reshaping
logits = tf.transpose(y_rnn1, perm=(1, 0, 2))
# Get the loss by calculating ctc_loss
# Also calculates
# the gradient. This class performs the softmax operation for you, so inputs
# should be e.g. linear projections of outputs by an LSTM.
loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.contrib.ctc.ctc_loss(logits, target, data_length))
# Define our optimizer with learning rate
optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(loss)
# Decoding using beam search
decoded, log_probabilities = tf.contrib.ctc.ctc_beam_search_decoder(logits, data_length, beam_width=10, top_paths=1)
Update (06/29/2016)
Thank you, #jihyeon-seo! So, we have at input of RNN something like [num_batch, max_time_step, num_features]. We use the dynamic_rnn to perform the recurrent calculations given the input, outputting a tensor of shape [num_batch, max_time_step, num_hidden]. After that, we need to do an affine projection in each tilmestep with weight sharing, so we've to reshape to [num_batch*max_time_step, num_hidden], multiply by a weight matrix of shape [num_hidden, num_classes], sum a bias undo the reshape, transpose (so we will have [max_time_steps, num_batch, num_classes] for ctc loss input), and this result will be the input of ctc_loss function. Did I do everything correct?
This is the code:
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([cell] * num_layers, state_is_tuple=True)
h_rnn1, self.last_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, self.input_data, self.sequence_length, dtype=tf.float32)
# Reshaping to share weights accross timesteps
x_fc1 = tf.reshape(h_rnn1, [-1, num_hidden])
self._logits = tf.matmul(x_fc1, self._W_fc1) + self._b_fc1
# Reshaping
self._logits = tf.reshape(self._logits, [max_length, -1, num_classes])
# Calculating loss
loss = tf.contrib.ctc.ctc_loss(self._logits, self._targets, self.sequence_length)
self.cost = tf.reduce_mean(loss)
Update (07/11/2016)
Thank you #Xiv. Here is the code after the bug fix:
cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell([cell] * num_layers, state_is_tuple=True)
h_rnn1, self.last_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, self.input_data, self.sequence_length, dtype=tf.float32)
# Reshaping to share weights accross timesteps
x_fc1 = tf.reshape(h_rnn1, [-1, num_hidden])
self._logits = tf.matmul(x_fc1, self._W_fc1) + self._b_fc1
# Reshaping
self._logits = tf.reshape(self._logits, [-1, max_length, num_classes])
self._logits = tf.transpose(self._logits, (1,0,2))
# Calculating loss
loss = tf.contrib.ctc.ctc_loss(self._logits, self._targets, self.sequence_length)
self.cost = tf.reduce_mean(loss)
Update (07/25/16)
I published on GitHub part of my code, working with one utterance. Feel free to use! :)
I'm trying to do the same thing.
Here's what I found you may be interested in.
It was really hard to find the tutorial for CTC, but this example was helpful.
And for the blank label, CTC layer assumes that the blank index is num_classes - 1, so you need to provide an additional class for the blank label.
Also, CTC network performs softmax layer. In your code, RNN layer is connected to CTC loss layer. Output of RNN layer is internally activated, so you need to add one more hidden layer (it could be output layer) without activation function, then add CTC loss layer.
See here for an example with bidirectional LSTM, CTC, and edit distance implementations, training a phoneme recognition model on the TIMIT corpus. If you train on that corpus's training set, you should be able to get phoneme error rates down to 20-25% after 120 epochs or so.