Is it possible to capture rebol console line by line like in nodejs? - rebol

I'd like to capture rebol console input line by line so as to act upon it in realtime like in nodejs with readline function : Reading value from console, interactively
Is this possible in rebol ?

Maybe like
until [name: ask "What's your name? " also name = "noname" print ["nice to meet you" name]]
until [
name: ask "What's your name? "
either empty? name [
] [
print ["nice to meet you" name]
while [not empty? name: ask "What's your name? "][print ["nice to meet you" name]]


Proper way to convert Data type of a field in MongoDB

Possible Replication of How to change the type of a field?
I am currently newly learning MongoDB and I am facing problem while converting Data type of field value to another data type.
Below is an example of my document
"Name of Restaurant": "Briyani Center",
"Address": " 336 & 338, Main Road",
"Location": "XYZQWE",
"PriceFor2": "500.0",
"Dining Rating": "4.3",
"Dining Rating Count": "1500",
"Name of Restaurant": "Veggie Conner",
"Address": " New 14, Old 11/3Q, Railway Station Road",
"Location": "ABCDEF",
"PriceFor2": "1000.0",
"Dining Rating": "4.4",
Like above I have 12k documents. Notice the datatype of PriceFor2 is a string. I would like to convert the data type to Integer data type.
I have referred many amazing answers given in the above link. But when I try to run the query, I get .save() is not a function error. Please advice what is the problem.
Below is the code I used
db.chennaiData.find().forEach( function(x){ x.priceFor2= new NumberInt(x.priceFor2);;;});
This is the error I am getting..
TypeError: is not a function
From MongoDB's save documentation:
Starting in MongoDB 4.2, the
method is deprecated. Use db.collection.insertOne() or db.collection.replaceOne() instead.
Likely you are having a MongoDB with version 4.2+, so the save function is no longer available. Consider migrate to the usage of insertOne and replaceOne as suggested.
For your specific scenario, it is actually preferred to do with a single update as mentioned in another SO answer. It only does one db call(while your approach fetches all documents in the collection to the application level) and performs n db call to save them back.
$set: {
PriceFor2: {
$toDouble: "$PriceFor2"
multi: true
Mongo Playground

Google Docs API for creating invoice containing table of variable number of rows

I have a template file for my invoice with a table with sample row, but I want to add more rows dynamically based on a given array size, and write the cell values from the array...
Template's photo
I've been struggling for almost 3 days now.
Is there any easy way to accomplish that?
Here's the template file: Link to the Docs file(template)
And here's a few sample arrays of input data to be replaced in the Template file:
"Sample item 1s",
"Sample Quantity 1",
"Sample price 1",
"Sample total 1"
"Sample item 2",
"Sample Quantity 2",
"Sample price 2",
"Sample total 2"
"Sample item 3",
"Sample Quantity 3",
"Sample price 3",
"Sample total 3"
Now, the length of the parent array can vary depending on the number of items in the invoice, and that's the only problem that I'm struggling with.
And... Yeah, this is a duplicate question, I've found another question on the same topic, but looking at the answers and comments, everyone is commenting that they don't understand the question whereas it looks perfectly clear for me.
Google Docs Invoice template with dynamically items row from Google Sheets
I think the person who asked the question have already quit from it. :(
By the way I am using the API for PHP (Google API Client Library for PHP), and code for replacing dummy text a Google Docs Document by the actual data is given below:
public function replaceTexts(array $replacements, string $document_id) {
# code...
$req = new Docs\BatchUpdateDocumentRequest();
// var_dump($replacements);
// die();
foreach ($replacements as $replacement) {
$target = new Docs\SubstringMatchCriteria();
$target->text = "{{" . $replacement["targetText"] . "}}";
new Docs\Request([
"replaceAllText" => [
"replaceText" => $replacement["newText"],
"containsText" => $target
return $this->docs_service->documents->batchUpdate(
A possible solution would be the following
First prep the document by removing every row from the table apart from the title.
Get the full document tree from the Google Docs API.
This would be a simple call with the document id
$doc = $service->documents->get($documentId);
Traverse the document object returned to get to the table and then find the location of the right cell. This could be done by looping through the elements in the body object until one with the right table field is found. Note that this may not necessarily be the first one since in your template, the section with the {{CustomerName}} placeholder is also a table. So you may have to find a table that has the first cell with a text value of "Item".
Add a new row to the table. This is done by creating a request with the shape:
'insertTableRow' => [
'tableCellLocation' => [
'rowIndex' => 1,
'columnIndex' => 1,
'tableStartLocation' => [
'index' => 177
The tableStartLocation->index element is the paragraph index of the cell to be entered, i.e. body->content[i]->table->startIndex. Send the request.
Repeat steps 2 and 3 to get the updated $doc object, and then access the newly created cell i.e. body->content[i]->table->tableRows[j]->tableCells[k]->content->paragraph->elements[l]->startIndex.
Send a request to update the text content of the cell at the location of the startIndex from 5 above, i.e.
'insertText' => [
'location' => [
'index' => 206,
'text' => 'item_1'
Repeat step 5 but access the next cell. Note that after each update you need to fetch an updated version of the document object because the indexes change after inserts.
To be honest, this approach is pretty cumbersome, and it's probably more efficient to insert all the data into a spreadsheet and then embed the spreadsheet into your word document. Information on that can be found here How to insert an embedded sheet via Google Docs API?.
As a final note, I created a copy of your template and used the "Try this method" feature in the API documentation to validate my approach so some of the PHP syntax may be a bit off, but I hope you get the general idea.

Extracting particular nested properties with a $ prefix in Amazon Redshift or Quicksight

I am using PostHog for product analytics and have exported some event data to Amazon Redshift as well as S3 to be used in Quicksight.
Under the personal properties part of the JSON, each individual property is nested but begins with a $
I am quite new to SQL queries as well as getting specific details from JSON. in Quicksight using parseJson
Here is an example of the JSON from PostHog
"properties": {
"$active_feature_flags": [],
"$browser": "Chrome",
"$browser_version": 98,
"$ce_version": 1,
"$device_type": "Desktop",
"$environment": "test",
"$event_type": "click",
"$lib": "web",
"$lib_version": "1.17.8",
"$os": "Mac OS X",
"$pathname": "/events",
"$plugins_deferred": [],
"$plugins_failed": [],
"$plugins_succeeded": [
"First Event Today (4914)",
"GeoIP (5539)"
I have sought help from a few sources who have mentioned it isn't as simple because of the $ symbol at the beginning.
So my question would be,
How would I query this in Redshift to successfully extract $device_type and $os for example?
How would I pull the same properties using parseJson in Amazon Quicksight?
I can answer #1.
The json provided looks to be a snippet and invalid as is. So I removed the trailing ',' and used SQL to provide the surrounding '{}'. Once it is valid json this runs fine:
create table test as select '"properties": {
"$active_feature_flags": [],
"$browser": "Chrome",
"$browser_version": 98,
"$ce_version": 1,
"$device_type": "Desktop",
"$environment": "test",
"$event_type": "click",
"$lib": "web",
"$lib_version": "1.17.8",
"$os": "Mac OS X",
"$pathname": "/events",
"$plugins_deferred": [],
"$plugins_failed": [],
"$plugins_succeeded": [
"First Event Today (4914)",
"GeoIP (5539)"
}' as json_text;
select json_extract_path_text('{' || json_text ||'}', 'properties' ,'$device_type') as device_type,
json_extract_path_text('{' || json_text ||'}', 'properties' ,'$os') as os
from test;

Handling multiple rows returned by IMPORTJSON script on GoogleSheets

I am trying to populate a google sheet using an API. But the API has more than one row to be returned for a single query. Following is the JSON returned by API.
"word": "abandon",
"phonetics": [
"text": "/əˈbændən/",
"audio": ""
"meanings": [
"partOfSpeech": "transitive verb",
"definitions": [
"definition": "Cease to support or look after (someone); desert.",
"example": "her natural mother had abandoned her at an early age",
"synonyms": [
"leave high and dry",
"turn one's back on",
"cast aside",
"break with",
"break up with"
"definition": "Give up completely (a course of action, a practice, or a way of thinking)",
"example": "he had clearly abandoned all pretense of trying to succeed",
"synonyms": [
"dispense with",
"wash one's hands of"
"definition": "Allow oneself to indulge in (a desire or impulse)",
"example": "they abandoned themselves to despair",
"synonyms": [
"indulge in",
"give way to",
"give oneself up to",
"yield to",
"lose oneself in",
"lose oneself to"
"partOfSpeech": "noun",
"definitions": [
"definition": "Complete lack of inhibition or restraint.",
"example": "she sings and sways with total abandon",
"synonyms": [
"lack of restraint",
"lack of inhibition",
By using the following calls via IMPORTJSON,
=ImportJSON(CONCATENATE(""&$A2), "/phonetics/text", "noHeaders")
=ImportJSON(CONCATENATE(""&$A2), "/meanings/partOfSpeech", "noHeaders")
=ImportJSON(CONCATENATE(""&$A2), "/meanings/definitions/definition", "noHeaders")
=ImportJSON(CONCATENATE(""&$A2), "/meanings/definitions/synonyms", "noHeaders")
=ImportJSON(CONCATENATE(""&$A2), "/meanings/definitions/example", "noHeaders")
I am able to get the following in GoogleSheets,
Whereas, the actual output according to JSON should be,
As you can see a complete row is being overwritten. How can this be fixed?
Following is the link to sheet for viewing only.
I believe your goal as follows.
You want to achieve the bottom image in your question on Google Spreadsheet.
Unfortunately, I couldn't find the method for directly retrieving the bottom image using ImportJson. So in this answer, I would like to propose a sample script for retrieving the values you expect using Google Apps Script. I thought that creating a sample script for directly achieving your goal might be simpler rather than modifying ImportJson.
Sample script:
function SAMPLE(url) {
var res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {muteHttpExceptions: true});
if (res.getResponseCode() != 200) return res.getContentText();
var obj = JSON.parse(res.getContentText());
var values = obj[0].meanings.reduce((ar, {partOfSpeech, definitions}, i) => {
definitions.forEach(({definition, example, synonyms}, j) => {
var v = [definition, Array.isArray(synonyms) ? synonyms.join(",") : synonyms, example];
var phonetics = obj[0].phonetics[i];
ar.push(j == 0 ? [(phonetics ? phonetics.text : ""), partOfSpeech, ...v] : ["", "", ...v]);
return ar;
}, []);
return values;
When you use this script, please put =SAMPLE(CONCATENATE(""&$A2)) to a cell as the custom formula.
When above script is used, the following
In this sample script, when the structure of the JSON object is changed, it might not be able to be used. So please be careful this.
Class UrlFetchApp
Custom Functions in Google Sheets

understand azure search charFilters mapping

I create my index with following custom analyzer
"mappings":[ "_=> " ]
The problem is that word like ice_cream from input will not match query ice cream, it matches icecream though. Can someone help me understand how this works and if I have done something wrong?
Also we'd like query "ice cream" to match "ice cream", "icecream" and "ice and cream" but favor those in order.
in order to map to a space please use the following notation (we'll update the docs to include this information):
"mappings":[ "_=>\\u0020" ]
Also, by default the shingle token filter separates tokens with a space. If you want to join subsequent tokens into one without a separator you need to customize your filter like in the following example:
"name": "my_shingle",
"tokenSeparator": ""
With those two changes for token ice_cream your analyzer will generate: ice, icecream, cream.
I hope that helps