Ammend code to include drop down selection instead of type-in prompt - vba

I have the following code which prompts the user which open file/window to switch to. I am using this to get around the fact the name of my dependent data file is changing on a daily basis. The following code works. However, instead of asking in the prompt box to type the name of the file to switch to, I would like for it to recognize the open files and give me a drop down or some sort of selection to choose from to just select the file I want to switch to.
Anybody know how to do that?
Sub switch()
Dim i As Integer
Dim n As Integer
Dim s As String
Dim t As Variant
n = Windows.Count
s = "Pick From:"
For i = 1 To n
s = s & Chr(10) & Windows(i).Caption
t = Application.InputBox(prompt:=s, Type:=2)
If t = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub


Repeating legacy option buttons within a repeating section

I am currently attempting to turn a form I am working on into a more dynamic one using vba in word, but I am facing two issues with the option buttons within a repeating section:
The code is not dynamic; when I run the code it does what I need it to but doesn't dynamically recalculate as I change my choice.
The option buttons do not repeat when I add a new section, and the only way for me to include them is by readding them and creating a new module specific for the new option button group.
Below is a picture of the section I am repeating and the code I am using.
enter image description here
Private Sub Yes_Click()
Dim k(0 To 3) As String
k(0) = "Select one"
k(1) = "Pass"
k(2) = "Fail"
k(3) = "N/A"
Dim i As Long
If Yes = True Then
For i = 0 To 3
Me.Controls.AddItem k(i)
Me.Controls1.AddItem k(i)
Next i
End If
On Error Resume Next
Me.Controls = "Select one"
Me.Controls1 = "Select one"
If Yes = False Then
Me.Controls = "N/A"
Me.Controls1 = "N/A"
End If
On Error Resume Next
End Sub
Is there a way to approach either issues?
Thanks in advance.

VBA Excel - run string variable as a line of code

In the aim to allow users from different countries to use my application, I would like to initialize a translation of each object in each existing userform (labels,commandbuttons,msgbox,frames, etc...) at the start of the application.
I'll write all the translation in my Languages sheet:
I've already made a first userform where the user types his login, password and selects his language.
After this step, the main userform called "Menu" will be launched.
I've already tried to type a piece of code (here below) to find the line of code, in a msgbox that I want to run (example : menu.commandbutton1.caption="Envoyer email")
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
' Definition of language selected during login
Set langue = Sheets("Languages").Cells.Find("chosen",
lookat:=xlWhole).Offset(-1, 0)
' Initialisation of the texts in the selected language
Dim cel As Range
Dim action As String
For Each cel In Sheets("Languages").Range("d3:d999")
If cel <> "" Then
action = cel & "=" & """" & cel.Offset(0, -2) & """"
MsgBox (action)
End If
Next cel
End Sub
I've already read some topics about this subject but those does not correspond exactly to what i would like to do.
If you have a solution, or a work around, it would be very helpful.
If you simply want different MsgBox, based on a coutry, this is probably the easiest way to achieve it. Imagine your file is like this:
Then something as easy as this would allow you to use different strings, based on the country:
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim country As String
Dim language As Long
country = "Bulgaria" 'or write "England" to see the difference
language = WorksheetFunction.Match(country, Range("A1:B1"), 0)
MsgBox (Cells(2, language))
MsgBox "The capital of " & country & " is " & (Cells(3, language))
End Sub
The idea of the whole trick is simply to pass the correct column, which is done through WorksheetFunction.Match.
Taken from an old CR post I have here, this solution pretty much mimicks .NET .resx resource files, and you can easily see how to extend it to other languages, and if I were to write it today I'd probably use Index+Match lookups instead of that rather inefficient loop - but anyway it works nicely:
Resources standard module
Option Explicit
Public Enum Culture
EN_US = 1033
EN_UK = 2057
EN_CA = 4105
FR_FR = 1036
FR_CA = 3084
End Enum
Private resourceSheet As Worksheet
Public Sub Initialize()
Dim languageCode As String
Select Case Application.LanguageSettings.LanguageID(msoLanguageIDUI)
Case Culture.EN_CA, Culture.EN_UK, Culture.EN_US:
languageCode = "EN"
Case Culture.FR_CA, Culture.FR_FR:
languageCode = "FR"
Case Else:
languageCode = "EN"
End Select
Set resourceSheet = Worksheets("Resources." & languageCode)
End Sub
Public Function GetResourceString(ByVal resourceName As String) As String
Dim resxTable As ListObject
If resourceSheet Is Nothing Then Initialize
Set resxTable = resourceSheet.ListObjects(1)
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To resxTable.ListRows.Count
Dim lookup As String
lookup = resxTable.Range(i + 1, 1)
If lookup = resourceName Then
GetResourceString = resxTable.Range(i + 1, 2)
Exit Function
End If
End Function
The idea is, similar to .NET .resx files, to have one worksheet per language, named e.g. Resources.EN and Resources.FR.
Each sheet contains a single ListObject / "table", and can (should) be hidden. The columns are basically Key and Value, so your data would look like this on sheet Resources.EN:
Key Value
menu.caption Menu
menu.commandbutton1.caption Send email
menu.commandbutton1.controltiptext Click to send the document
And the Resources.FR sheet would have a similar table, with identical keys and language-specific values.
I'd warmly recommend to use more descriptive names though; e.g. instead of menu.commandbutton1.caption, I'd call it SendMailButtonText, and instead of menu.commandbutton1.controltiptext, I'd call it SendMailButtonTooltip. And if your button is actually named CommandButton1, go ahead and name it SendMailButton - and thank yourself later.
Your code can then "localize" your UI like this:
SendMailButton.Caption = GetResourceString("SendMailButtonText")
The Resources.Initialize procedure takes care of knowing which resource sheet to use, based on Application.LanguageSettings.LanguageID(msoLanguageIDUI) - and falls back to EN, so if a user has an unsupported language, you're still showing something.

Access 2010 - VBA - Editing underlying table data using text boxes on a form

I'm using too many boolean indicators and I'm sure its very inefficient/stupid...
Currently in the Access database I have numerous forms which are used to edit underlying records. Text boxes on these forms are not bound to the underlying table. I do not wish to bind the form or any of its controls directly to the underlying tables, if the data is editable by the user (less human error from users). Instead I've a Boolean for every control which contains editable information.
Users enter 'edit mode', change information (Boolean now equals true), click 'save changes', review the changes and accept and then the relevant queries are run to reflect these changes. I like this order of events however, I'm creating increasingly complex forms with 40 or so editable controls and hence 40 Boolean variables.
Anyone think of an nicer alternative? Is there a property of the controls (mainly text boxes) I can use?
Private Sub CommentsText_AfterUpdate()
If Nz(Me.CommentsText) = "" Then
CommentsEdit = False
CommentsEdit = True
End If
End Sub
'Within the 'save changes' method
If CommentsEdit Then
CommentsEdit = False
sql = "Update [General-CN] Set [Comments] = '" & Left(Me.CommentsText, 250) & "' Where [ID ( G )] = " & Me.[GeneralPK] & ";"
DoCmd.RunSQL (sql)
End If
normally data validation during data entry is one the things that normally, in my experience, before or later put the developer on his knees.
From your question, I can feel that the core is to preserve database integrity. Unfortunately there is no way to ABSOLUTELY preserve your database. If you give access to it to users you can only use some tips:
1 - If possible use combo-box with defined entries instead of using textboxes in which user is free to digit anything (e.g. think an expert system that collect data about the same problem written in many different ways!!!)
2 - Check data integrity and coherence (e.g. type) before writing it to database
3 - When the data is just a boolean (flag) you can use switches, radio button or checkboxes.
These tips help in developing a user interface more friendly and faster from the point of view of data entry.
After this I can give you another way to validate your data.
If you want to show data to user before saving you can create the mask in which you enter your data with unbounded textboxes.
Then, when he clicks the Save Button, you can show a 2nd form, opened in append mode, in which you show data with textboxes bounded to your db.
If he accepts the data, you can save otherwise you can cancel the data entry preserving your database. I post you here some lines of code with an example taken from an application of mine. It's the part in which I manage contacts
The form allows to input contact data
' Temp variables to store entries before saving /cancelling
Dim bolValidationErr As Boolean
Dim m_vntLastName As Variant
Dim m_vntFirstName As Variant
Dim m_vntFC As Variant
Dim m_vntVATNum As Variant
Dim m_vntAddress As Variant
Dim m_vntCity As Variant
Dim m_vntZIP As Variant
Dim m_vntCountry As Variant
Dim m_vntPhone As Variant
Dim m_vntFAX As Variant
Dim m_vntEMail As Variant
Dim m_vntNote As Variant
Dim m_vntContactType As Variant
' Suppress error "Impossible to save the record...
Private Sub Form_Error(DataErr As Integer, Response As Integer)
If DataErr = 2169 Then
Response = True
End If
End Sub
' W/o customer last name, cancel saving
Private Sub Form_Beforeupdate(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Form_BeforeUpdate
Dim strType As String
Dim bolNewContact As Boolean
Dim intErrFC As Integer
Dim intErrVATNum As Integer
Dim intErrFullName As Integer
Dim strErrMsg As String
Dim intAnswer As Integer
bolValidationErr = False
' If LastName is missing, cancel data saving
' Cancel = True cause the raise of the error
' "You can't save record at this time..."
' SetWarnings doesn't work. It's needed to intercept with Form_Error event
If HasNoValue(Me.txtLastName) Then
strErrMsg = "Put here your error msg"
intAnswer = MsgBox(strErrMsg, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Entry Error")
Cancel = True ' Cancel db update
Call BackupCurrentData ' Store data input until now
bolValidationErr = True ' Unvalid data
Exit Sub
End If
Exit Sub
GoTo Exit_Form_BeforeUpdate
End Sub
' Store the content of textboxes for restoring them in case
' of cancelling
' If the record is new, if the BeforeUpdate event is cancelled,
' NULL values are restored (in fact there were no data!!!)
Private Sub BackupCurrentData()
m_vntLastName = Me.txtLastName
m_vntFirstName = Me.txtFirstName
m_vntFC = Me.txtFC
m_vntVATNum = Me.txtVATNum
m_vntAddress = Me.txtAddress
m_vntCity = Me.txtCity
m_vntZIP = Me.txtZIP
m_vntCountry = Me.txtCountry
m_vntPhone = Me.txtTelNum
m_vntFAX = Me.txtFax
m_vntEMail = Me.txtEmail
m_vntNote = Me.txtNotes
m_vntContactType = Me.cmbContactType
End Sub
' Restore contents of textboxes before cancelling operation
Private Sub RestoreCurrentData()
Me.txtLastName = m_vntLastName
Me.txtFirstName = m_vntFirstName
Me.txtFC = m_vntFC
Me.txtVATNum = m_vntVATNum
Me.txtAddress = m_vntAddress
Me.txtCity = m_vntCity
Me.txtZIP = m_vntZIP
Me.txtCountry = m_vntCountry
Me.txtTelNum = m_vntPhone
Me.txtFax = m_vntFAX
Me.txtEmail = m_vntEMail
Me.txtNotes = m_vntNote
Me.cmbContactType = m_vntContactType
End Sub
I think that this code can be adapted to your needs.
The variable names are enough self-describing
Anyway feel free to contact me if you need further help.

Excel VBA check if file exists with a twist

It is hard to be specific and short in this topic, but I try my best:
Let's say we have a folder on a specific location where we get files with names for example let's use x1; x2; x3, etc.
Then we have an excel file where we have numbers in a column. ex. 1; 2; 3; etc.
I have written a script that makes it possible to click those numbers so an explorer window will pop up searching for the specific number in the folder.
For example we click the number "2", and an explorer window will pop up with the search result for "2x" in that specific folder.
The script looks like this:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetFollowHyperlink(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Dim c As String
Dim backup As String
c = Target.Range
backup = "~%3D" & Left(c, 7)
If Left(c, 1) = "C" And Len(c) > 7 And Right(c, 1) = "$" Then 'this part doesn't really matter
RetVal = Shell("c:\Windows\explorer.exe ""search-ms:displayname=Search%20Results&crumb=System.Generic.String%3A" & backup & "%20kind%3A%3Dfolder&crumb=location:%5C%5Cserver%5Cbackup$", vbNormalFocus)
End If
End Sub
I wonder if it is possible somehow, to find out if there is a file that matches the search or it does not exists. What I mean is, for example if I click on the number "2" in excel, the explorer will pop up and it will show the files which names contain "x2" or it will show "No items match your search."
I would like to return this somehow to excel if we have a search result or we don't.
Even a Boolean would do the trick for me.
I can not use the ordinary check like:
If Dir(folder) = "" Then
because we can have multiple files with the same name and their name contains the date of their creation. ex. x1_02_04_2015 and we can also have an x1_05_11_2014
Thank You in advance!
You can try the following. You don't really need to use any shell functionality
Sub LoopThroughFilesWorkbook_SheetFollowHyperlink(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Dim MyObj As Object, MySource As Object, file As Variant, myBool As Boolean
file = Dir("c:\testfolder\")
Do While file <> ""
Bool = False
If InStr(file, "test") > 0 Then ' you can change teh condition here to fit your criteria
myBool = True
MsgBox ("Found" & file)
End If
file = Dir
If Not myBool Then
MsgBox ("File not found")
End If
End Sub

dynamically select sheet from the inputprompt and print to a file

i have 3 sheets in my workbook namely sheet1 ,sheet3 and sheet2 when i enter a values from in the inputpromt say (eg:1,2 ) i split it and store it in an array it must dynamically select the sheet1 and sheet2 and print values to a file.
i have done a pseudo below can any one
Sub example()
Dim Ran As Range
Dim cnt as String
Open "D:\temp\test.txt" For Output As #1
Dim myarray() As String
Dim holder As String
dim ab as Strig
ab="this is sample data"
holder = InputBox("Enter your choice eg:1,2")
myarray = Split(holder, ",")
Dim name, country,birth As String
For i = 1 To UBound(myarray)
If i = 1 Or i = 2 Then
name = Sheets(i).Range("Z12").Value
country= Sheets(i).Range("PQ26").Value
birth = Sheets(i).Range("ab24").Value
ab=ab & name & country & birth
Print #1, ab
End If
Next i
end Sub
****in the inputbox if i give value as 1,2 then it must select values from sheet 1 and sheet2****
I am guessing you that you are trying to understand InputBox and how to split a string such as “1, 2” and process the separate values as sheet numbers.
Sheet numbers mean nothing to the user so I do not believe this is a good approach. You need to offer the user a list of worksheet tabs from which they can select.
There is InputBox and Application.InputBox. These are different and I do not like either. They come from the earliest versions of VB and were probably originally a direct match to MS-DOS’s console input. With one exception, there are much better approaches. The one exception is the ability to input a range with Application.InputBox for which I do not know a convenient alternative.
In the code below I use InputBox. You may think I have overdone the validation but what if the user enters “A”? Your code would assume “A” was a sheet number but Excel would assume it was a worksheet name and stop execution with a subscript error. You must check for any error that will cause your code to stop with a run-time error.
Instead of either InputBox you should use a User Form. There are on-line tutorials to get you started. With a User Form you have several choices including:
A List box, with multiple selection enabled, containing the names of every permitted worksheet.
A column of radio buttons, one per permitted worksheet. These would be unlinked so the user could select several.
A command button for each permitted worksheet which the user could click in turn.
All of these choices are much user-friendlier than InputBox.
Step through the code below with F8 and study what it does. Come back with questions if necessary but the more you can understand on your own the faster you will develop.
Option Explicit
' Please indent your macros consistently. This makes them much easier ri read
Sub example()
Dim Ran As Range
Dim cnt As String
Dim myarray() As String
Dim ab As String
' Variables I have added or which are replacements for yours.
Dim Answer As String
Dim AllValuesGood As Boolean
Dim InxMA As Long
Dim InxSht As Long
Dim Question As String
' I like to keep all my Dim statements together at the top.
' This makes them easier to find.
Dim name, country, birth As String
' I have output to the Immediate window which is simpler when
' experimenting.
'Open "D:\temp\test.txt" For Output As #1
Question = "Enter your choice eg: ""1"" or ""1,2"""
' You omitted the code to check the Answer
Do While True
Answer = InputBox(Question, "Experiment with Input box")
' Have a string but user could have typed anything
If Answer = "" Then
' Cannot tell if user has clicked Cancel or if user clicked Return
' before entering value. Have to assume Cancel
Debug.Print "User clicked Cancel"
Exit Sub
AllValuesGood = True ' Assume good answer until find otherwise
myarray = Split(Answer, ",")
For InxMA = 0 To UBound(myarray)
If IsNumeric(myarray(InxMA)) Then
InxSht = Val(myarray(InxMA))
If InxSht < 1 Or InxSht > 2 Then
' Sheet number outside permitted range
AllValuesGood = False
Exit For
End If
' Non-numeric sheet number
AllValuesGood = False
'Debug.Assert False
Exit For
End If
End If
If AllValuesGood Then
' Have good answer. Exit Do-Loop to print sheets
Exit Do
' An invalid sheet number has been found
Question = "Click cancel to exit or enter ""1"" or ""2"" or ""1, 2"""
' Loop to repeat Input
End If
Loop ' Until have good answer
' If get here Answer is a list of good sheet number
For InxMA = 0 To UBound(myarray)
InxSht = Val(myarray(InxMA))
' I have not created sample worksheets with data in Z12, PQ26 and ab24
' but this shows the code you need
'With Worksheets(InxSht)
' name = .Range("Z12").Value
' country = .Range("PQ26").Value
' birth = .Range("ab24").Value
name = "Name" & InxSht
country = "Country" & InxSht
birth = "Birth" & InxSht
' Have to initialise ab here because need new value per sheet
ab = "this is sample data"
ab = ab & name & country & birth
Debug.Print ab
' The value of ab will be messy because you have no spaces between words.
'Print #1, ab
Next InxMA
End Sub