What is the most commonly used line length limit in actual applications? - lint

Not sure if this is best place to ask this, but there are many style guides out there that propose line length limits, many as low as 80 characters. What is the most commonly used line length limit in actual applications? Is going as low as 80 actually feasible?

It all depends on your/your teams preferences. Some of the arguments for the 80 character line are:
You can fit multiple editors side by side with shorter lines.
80 characters forces you to write more concise code so
// Looks to confusing to some people
if ((browser.OS == 'win') && (browser.userAgent == 'IE')) {
// More concise
isIE = (browser.userAgent == 'IE');
isWindows = (browser.OS == 'win');
if (isIE && isWindows) {
Historic reasons (The IBM
punch card had 80 columns, as well as old style terminals.
Arguments for more than 80 characters (I have mine set to 150):
We now have larger monitors, so why bother
Long expressions are grouped together instead of being broken up, easier to read to some people (myself included)
You also have to consider that you code may be reviewed, emailed, debugged and rewritten by people that aren't you. I happen to write code on my own most of the time, but I do have my own standards. As long as you write consistent, readable code, you won't have a problem with line lengths. But whatever you do, please don't write anything longer than 150 (and I'll admit, I'm pushing the limit on that) it's just ugly and can definitely be broken up.


how can I skip the first few lines of a text file using the raku IO.lines.race construct

I am trying to read a text file using raku with the IO.lines.race construct. For example
for $file.IO.lines.race
#do something, such as
my ($a,$b)=.split(" ");
How can I skip the, say, first three lines of the text file?
Update: As recommended by Elizabeth Mattijsen it is more efficient use skip instead of tail.
for $file.IO.lines.skip(3).race
There is a tail routine you can use:
for $file.IO.lines.tail(*-3).race
#do something, such as
my ($a,$b)=.split(" ");
The answer above by Lukas Valle is perfectly fine; you can use skip to skip the lines you don't need.
However, I can't help but indicate that case goes much better with other functional constructs such as map:
$file.IO.lines.skip(3).race.map( .split(" ") );
That way, you can chain several operations together without creating different loops. Of course, in Raku TIMTOWDI, so a for loop (or several) is perfectly fine.
Also, in this case I would really time how much the loop, or map, is going to take. For files that don't have many lines, race is not going to give you much, and it might even be slower, due to overhead. If your intention is to beat the clock a bit, IO::Handle.Supply is probably going to be a bit faster.

Writing a computer program that will analyse the quality of another computer program?

I'm interested in knowing the possibilities of this. I'm working on a project that validates the skills of a software engineer, currently we validate skills based on code reviews by credentialed developers.
I know the answer if far more completed that the question, I couldn't imagine how complex the program would have to be able to analyse complex code but I am starting with basic programming interview questions.
For example, the classic FizzBuzz question:
Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 20. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”.
and below is the solution in python:
for num in range(1,21):
string = ""
if num % 3 == 0:
string = string + "Fizz"
if num % 5 == 0:
string = string + "Buzz"
if num % 5 != 0 and num % 3 != 0:
string = string + str(num)
Question is, can we programatically analyse the validity of this solution?
I would like to know if anyone has attempted this, and if there are current implementations I can take a look at. Also if anyone has used z3, and if it is something I can use to solve this problem.
As Vilx- mentioned, correctness of programs (including whether or not they terminate) is in general known to be undecidable. However, tools such as Z3 show that relevant concrete cases can still be reasoned about, despite the general undecidability of the problem.
Static analysers typically look for "simple" problems (e.g. null dereferences, out-of-bounds accesses, numerical overflows), but are comparably fast and require little user guidance (think of guidance in the spirit of adding type annotations to your code).
A non-exhaustive (and biased) list of keywords to search for: "static analysers", "abstract interpretation"; "facebook infer", "airbus absint", "juliasoft".
Verifiers attempt to prove much richer properties, in particular functional correctness, e.g. "does this sort-implementation really sort my array (and not do anything else, e.g. deallocate some global memory or update an element reachable from the array)?" or "does that crypto-implementation really implement the crypto protocol it promises to implement?". This is a much harder task and tools from that line of research are typically rather slow, require expert users with a background in formal verification and significant user guidance.
A non-exhaustive (and biased) list of keywords to search for: "verification", "hoare logic", "separation logic"; "eth viper", "microsoft dafny", "kuleuven verifast", "microsoft f*".
Other formal methods exist, e.g. refinement (or correct-by-construction), but with even less tool support and, as far as I know, industry acceptance.
Let's put it this way: it's been mathematically proven that you CANNOT determine if a program will ever terminate. So if you want a mathematically perfect answer of if the target program is correct, you're doomed.
That said, you can still do unit tests and "linting" which will give you plenty of intetesting insights.
But for simple pieces of code like the FizzBuzz, I think that eyeballing by an experienced dev will probably bring the best results.

Is there a direct way to set wx.TextCtrl size by characters rather than pixels?

The constructor for wx.TextCtrl takes a wx.Size argument, which is in units of pixels. Usually, I don't want to specify the size of a multiline TextCtrl in pixels, but rather in how many characters it can show without scrolling. I find that multiline TextCtrls are often the dominant component in my windows, thus stretching by Sizer is not an option.
The wxPython Phoenix documentation contains a hint as to how to do this, however this is meant more for short text on single line control.
I have started using this utility method:
def _set_textctrl_size_by_chars(self, tc, w, h):
sz = tc.GetTextExtent('X')
sz = wx.Size(sz.x * w, sz.y * h)
along with code like this:
tc = wx.TextCtrl(self, style=wx.TE_MULTILINE)
self._set_textctrl_size_by_chars(tc, 80, 20)
This works, but I consider it a hack. I have looked over the documentation but have not found any other way to do it.
I understand that fonts are not usually monospaced, and using 'X' as a representative character width is inexact, however it's plenty good enough for my usage. Still, it seems there should be some way to do this directly using the wx library.
Using something like text.GetSizeFromTextSize(text.GetTextExtent("99999").x) is indeed the best way to size the text control to fit exactly 5 digits (e.g. a ZIP code in some localities). Notice that this is slightly better than your code because the width of 80 "X"s is not necessarily quite the same as 80 times the width of a single "X". And I'd also recommend using "M" or "W" which can be noticeably wider than "X" in some fonts, but this is not going to changes matters much.
We thought about adding a helper method doing this and it might indeed be useful, but, again, this still won't make things as simple as you'd like because you really need to specify the characters you want to use: "W" for letters, "9" for digits and maybe something like "x" if you want the control to be wide enough to fit the given number of characters on average instead of being wide enough to guarantee fitting the given number of the widest characters because the difference may be noticeable.
The main place where we could make life simpler would be at XRC level and this would be worth doing ("just" a question of time...), but for the code I really don't think we can make things much simpler than what they're now.

Practice of checking 'trueness' or 'equality' in conditional statements - does it really make sense?

I remember many years back, when I was in school, one of my computer science teachers taught us that it was better to check for 'trueness' or 'equality' of a condition and not the negative stuff like 'inequality'.
Let me elaborate - If a piece of conditional code can be written by checking whether an expression is true or false, we should check the 'trueness'.
Example: Finding out whether a number is odd - it can be done in two ways:
if ( num % 2 != 0 )
// Number is odd
if ( num % 2 == 1 )
// Number is odd
(Please refer to the marked answer for a better example.)
When I was beginning to code, I knew that num % 2 == 0 implies the number is even, so I just put a ! there to check if it is odd. But he was like 'Don't check NOT conditions. Have the practice of checking the 'trueness' or 'equality' of conditions whenever possible.' And he recommended that I use the second piece of code.
I am not for or against either but I just wanted to know - what difference does it make? Please don't reply 'Technically the output will be the same' - we ALL know that. Is it a general programming practice or is it his own programming practice that he is preaching to others?
NOTE: I used C#/C++ style syntax for no reason. My question is equally applicable when using the IsNot, <> operators in VB etc. So readability of the '!' operator is just one of the issues. Not THE issue.
The problem occurs when, later in the project, more conditions are added - one of the projects I'm currently working on has steadily collected conditions over time (and then some of those conditions were moved into struts tags, then some to JSTL...) - one negative isn't hard to read, but 5+ is a nightmare, especially when someone decides to reorganize and negate the whole thing. Maybe on a new project, you'll write:
if (authorityLvl!=Admin){
Check back in a month, and it's become this:
if (!(authorityLvl!=Admin && authorityLvl!=Manager)){
Still pretty simple, but it takes another second.
Now give it another 5 to 10 years to rot.
(x%2!=0) certainly isn't a problem, but perhaps the best way to avoid the above scenario is to teach students not to use negative conditions as a general rule, in the hopes that they'll use some judgement before they do - because just saying that it could become a maintenance problem probably won't be enough motivation.
As an addendum, a better way to write the code would be:
userHasAuthority = (authorityLvl==Admin);
if (userHasAuthority){
Now future coders are more likely to just add "|| authorityLvl==Manager", userHasAuthority is easier to move into a method, and even if the conditional is reorganized, it will only have one negative. Moreover, no one will add a security hole to the application by making a mistake while applying De Morgan's Law.
I will disagree with your old professor - checking for a NOT condition is fine as long as you are checking for a specific NOT condition. It actually meets his criteria: you would be checking that it is TRUE that a value is NOT something.
I grok what he means though - mostly the true condition(s) will be orders of magnitude smaller in quantity than the NOT conditions, therefore easier to test for as you are checking a smaller set of values.
I've had people tell me that it's to do with how "visible" the ping (!) character is when skim reading.
If someone habitually "skim reads" code - perhaps because they feel their regular reading speed is too slow - then the ! can be easily missed, giving them a critical mis-understanding of the code.
On the other hand, if a someone actually reads all of the code all of the time, then there is no issue.
Two very good developers I've worked with (and respect highily) will each write == false instead of using ! for similar reasons.
The key factor in my mind is less to do with what works for you (or me!), and more with what works for the guy maintaining the code. If the code is never going to be seen or maintained by anyone else, follow your personal whim; if the code needs to be maintained by others, better to steer more towards the middle of the road. A minor (trivial!) compromise on your part now, might save someone else a week of debugging later on.
Update: On further consideration, I would suggest factoring out the condition as a separate predicate function would give still greater maintainability:
if (isOdd(num))
// Number is odd
You still have to be careful about things like this:
if ( num % 2 == 1 )
// Number is odd
If num is negative and odd then depending on the language or implementation num % 2 could equal -1. On that note, there is nothing wrong with checking for the falseness if it simplifies at least the syntax of the check. Also, using != is more clear to me than just !-ing the whole thing as the ! may blend in with the parenthesis.
To only check the trueness you would have to do:
if ( num % 2 == 1 || num % 2 == -1 )
// Number is odd
That is just an example obviously. The point is that if using a negation allows for fewer checks or makes the syntax of the checks clear then that is clearly the way to go (as with the above example). Locking yourself into checking for trueness does not suddenly make your conditional more readable.
I remember hearing the same thing in my classes as well. I think it's more important to always use the more intuitive comparison, rather than always checking for the positive condition.
Really a very in-consequential issue. However, one negative to checking in this sense is that it only works for binary comparisons. If you were for example checking some property of a ternary numerical system you would be limited.
Replying to Bevan (it didn't fit in a comment):
You're right. !foo isn't always the same as foo == false. Let's see this example, in JavaScript:
var foo = true,
bar = false,
baz = null;
foo == false; // false
!foo; // false
bar == false; // true
!bar; // true
baz == false; // false (!)
!baz; // true
I also disagree with your teacher in this specific case. Maybe he was so attached to the generally good lesson to avoid negatives where a positive will do just fine, that he didn't see this tree for the forest.
Here's the problem. Today, you listen to him, and turn your code into:
// Print black stripe on odd numbers
int zebra(int num) {
if (num % 2 == 1) {
// Number is odd
Next month, you look at it again and decide you don't like magic constants (maybe he teaches you this dislike too). So you change your code:
#define ZEBRA_PITCH 2
[snip pages and pages, these might even be in separate files - .h and .c]
// Print black stripe on non-multiples of ZEBRA_PITCH
int zebra(int num) {
if (num % ZEBRA_PITCH == 1) {
// Number is not a multiple of ZEBRA_PITCH
and the world seems fine. Your output hasn't changed, and your regression testsuite passes.
But you're not done. You want to support mutant zebras, whose black stripes are thicker than their white stripes. You remember from months back that you originally coded it such that your code prints a black stripe wherever a white strip shouldn't be - on the not-even numbers. So all you have to do is to divide by, say, 3, instead of by 2, and you should be done. Right? Well:
[snip pages and pages, these might even be in separate files - .h and .c]
// Print black stripe on non-multiples of pitch
int zebra(int num, int pitch) {
if (num % pitch == 1) {
// Number is odd
Hey, what's this? You now have mostly-white zebras where you expected them to be mostly black!
The problem here is how think about numbers. Is a number "odd" because it isn't even, or because when dividing by 2, the remainder is 1? Sometimes your problem domain will suggest a preference for one, and in those cases I'd suggest you write your code to express that idiom, rather than fixating on simplistic rules such as "don't test for negations".

What is the difference between an IF, CASE, and WHILE statement

I just want to know what the difference between all the conditional statements in objective-c and which one is faster and lighter.
One piece of advice: stop worrying about which language constructs are microscopically faster or slower than which others, and instead focus on which ones let you express yourself best.
If and case statements described
While statement described
Since these statements do different things, it is unproductive to debate which is faster.
It's like asking whether a hammer is faster than a screwdriver.
The language-agnostic version (mostly, obviously this doesn't count for declarative languages or other weird ones):
When I was taught programming (quite a while ago, I'll freely admit), a language consisted of three ways of executing instructions:
sequence (doing things in order).
selection (doing one of many things).
iteration (doing something zero or more times).
The if and case statements are both variants on selection. If is used to select one of two different options based on a condition (using pseudo-code):
if condition:
do option 1
do option 2
keeping in mind that the else may not be needed in which case it's effectively else do nothing. Also remember that option 1 or 2 may also consist of any of the statement types, including more if statements (called nesting).
Case is slightly different - it's generally meant for more than two choices like when you want to do different things based on a character:
select ch:
case 'a','e','i','o','u':
print "is a vowel"
case 'y':
print "never quite sure"
print "is a consonant"
Note that you can use case for two options (or even one) but it's a bit like killing a fly with a thermonuclear warhead.
While is not a selection variant but an iteration one. It belongs with the likes of for, repeat, until and a host of other possibilities.
As to which is fastest, it doesn't matter in the vast majority of cases. The compiler writers know far more than we mortal folk how to get the last bit of performance out of their code. You either trust them to do their job right or you hand-code it in assembly yourself (I'd prefer the former).
You'll get far more performance by concentrating on the macro view rather than the minor things. That includes selection of appropriate algorithms, profiling, and targeting of hot spots. It does little good to find something that take five minutes each month and get that running in two minutes. Better to get a smaller improvement in something happening every minute.
The language constructs like if, while, case and so on will already be as fast as they can be since they're used heavily and are relative simple. You should be first writing your code for readability and only worrying about performance when it becomes an issue (see YAGNI).
Even if you found that using if/goto combinations instead of case allowed you to run a bit faster, the resulting morass of source code would be harder to maintain down the track.
while isn't a conditional it is a loop. The difference being that the body of a while-loop can be executed many times, the body of a conditional will only be executed once or not at all.
The difference between if and switch is that if accepts an arbitrary expression as the condition and switch just takes values to compare against. Basically if you have a construct like if(x==0) {} else if(x==1) {} else if(x==2) ..., it can be written much more concisely (and effectively) by using switch.
A case statement could be written as
if (a)
// Do something
else if (b)
// Do something else
But the case is much more efficient, since it only evaluates the conditional once and then branches.
while is only useful if you want a condition to be evaluated, and the associated code block executed, multiple times. If you expect a condition to only occur once, then it's equivalent to if. A more apt comparison is that while is a more generalized for.
Each condition statement serves a different purpose and you won't use the same one in every situation. Learn which ones are appropriate for which situation and then write your code. If you profile your code and find there's a bottleneck, then you go ahead and address it. Don't worry about optimizing before there's actually a problem.
Are you asking whether an if structure will execute faster than a switch statement inside of a large loop? If so, I put together a quick test, this code was put into the viewDidLoad method of a new view based project I just created in the latest Xcode and iPhone SDK:
NSLog(#"Begin loop");
NSDate *loopBegin = [NSDate date];
int ctr0, ctr1, ctr2, ctr3, moddedNumber;
ctr0 = 0;
ctr1 = 0;
ctr2 = 0;
ctr3 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) {
moddedNumber = i % 4;
// 3.34, 1.23s in simulator
if (moddedNumber == 0)
else if (moddedNumber == 1)
else if (moddedNumber == 2)
else if (moddedNumber == 3)
// 4.11, 1.34s on iPod Touch
/*switch (moddedNumber)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
NSTimeInterval elapsed = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSinceDate:loopBegin];
NSLog(#"End loop: %f seconds", elapsed );
This code sample is by no means complete, because as pointed out earlier if you have a situation that comes up more times than the others, you would of course want to put that one up front to reduce the total number of comparisons. It does show that the if structure would execute a bit faster in a situation where the decisions are more or less equally divided among the branches.
Also, keep in mind that the results of this little test varied widely in performance between running it on a device vs. running it in the emulator. The times cited in the code comments are running on an actual device. (The first time shown is the time to run the loop the first time the code was run, and the second number was the time when running the same code again without rebuilding.)
There are conditional statements and conditional loops. (If Wikipedia is to be trusted, then simply referring to "a conditional" in programming doesn't cover conditional loops. But this is a minor terminology issue.)
Shmoopty said "Since these statements do different things, it is nonsensical to debate which is faster."
Well... it may be time poorly spent, but it's not nonsensical. For instance, let's say you have an if statement:
if (cond) {
You can transform that into a loop that executes at most one time:
while (cond) {
The latter will be slower in pretty much any language (or the same speed, because the optimizer turned it back into the original if behind the scenes!) Still, there are occasions in computer programming where (due to bizarre circumstances) the convoluted thing runs faster
But those incidents are few and far between. The focus should be on your code--what makes it clearest, and what captures your intent.
loops and branches are hard to explain briefly, to get the best code out of a construct in any c-style language depends on the processor used and the local context of the code. The main objective is to reduce the breaking of the execution pipeline -- primarily by reducing branch mispredictions.
I suggest you go here for all your optimization needs. The manuals are written for the c-style programmer and relatively easy to understand if you know some assembly. These manuals should explain to you the subtleties in modern processors, the strategies used by top compilers, and the best way to structure code to get the most out of it.
I just remembered the most important thing about conditionals and branching code. Order your code as follows
if(x==1); //80% of the time
else if(x==2); // 10% of the time
else if(x==3); //6% of the time
else break;
You must use an else sequence... and in this case the prediction logic in your CPU will predict correctly for x==1 and avoid the breaking of your pipeline for 80% of all execution.
More information from intel. Particularly:
In order to effectively write your code to take advantage of these rules, when writing if-else or switch statements, check the most common cases first and work progressively down to the least common. Loops do not necessarily require any special ordering of code for static branch prediction, as only the condition of the loop iterator is normally used.
By following this rule you are flat-out giving the CPU hints about how to bias its prediction logic towards your chained conditionals.