Get DAY from Date - sql

I need select day from #ReportDay
DECLARE #ReportDay DATETIME = '2017-10-02 12:00:03.140'
DECLARE #currentReportDay DATETIME = DATEPART(day, #ReportDay )
But in result I've '1900-01-03 00:00:00.000'. How it can be fix?

DECLARE #currentReportDay DATETIME = DATEPART(day, #ReportDay)
This would give you today's date in YYYY-MM-DD format

DATEPART gives you back an integer
DECLARE #ReportDay DATETIME = '2017-10-02 12:00:03.140'
DECLARE #currentReportDay INT = DATEPART(day, #ReportDay )

Others have already raised the ambiguity of your question but to add some explanation and hopefully clear up some confusion.
The reason why you are getting '1900-01-03 00:00:00.000'
is because DATEPART(day, #ReportDay) will return an integer for the day of the month, in your case 2. When converted to a DATETIME 2 is actually the 3rd date. 0 is 1/1/1900, 1 is 1/2/1900. and so forth.
So if you want the DATE itself you can use CONVERT or CAST. Some other string manipulation techniques exist and FORMAT() is one of them but they are not worth looking at as will have much poorer performance and take additional CASTS and CONVERTS anyway. What you want to do is to DROP the TIME off the DATETIME. Best way of doing that is to CAST it to a DATE which has no TIME component.
Note because the second CAST back to DATETIME isn't really necessary in this code as it will inherently happen so you could shorten to:
DECLARE #currentReportDay DATETIME = CAST(#ReportDay AS DATE)
And to round this out. If you actually want the DAY of the Month then simply change from DATETIME data type to INT.
DECLARE #currentReportDay INT = DATEPART(day, #ReportDay )


Is there a more efficient method of getting end of day?

I have a DATETIME variable #DateEnd = '1/4/2011 16:43:22 PM'. I want to get the end of day: 1/4/2011 23:59:59.997.
I have the following and it works fine, but it has lots of conversions and doesn't seem efficient:
DECLARE #DateEnd DATETIME = '1/4/2011 16:43:22 PM'
SET #DateString = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), #DateEnd, 101) + ' 23:59:59.997'
SET #DateEnd = CAST(DateString AS DATETIME)
Is there a more efficient method of accomplishing this?
Typically what we do is get the 0/midnight value for the start of the next day, and then use an exclusive inequality boundary (<) for that end of the range instead of an inclusive equality boundary (<=).
DECLARE #DateEnd DATETIME = '20110104 16:43:22'
SET #DateEnd = DATEADD(day, 1, Cast(#DateEnd as Date))
It's also NEVER okay to format a datetime literal for SQL like in the question. Different cultures and languages have their own norms and expectations around how dates should look, and it's not good to force your own personal or cultural norms into those languages. SQL, as its own language, is no different. If you're writing SQL and not using SQL's format for the date values (yyyyMMdd, yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss[.fff], or yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss[.fff]), you have a WRONG format for that context.
For example, my own preferred format, coming to SQL later after first learning a few other (procedural) languages, is yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss, which doesn't quite match those acceptable formats. I admit I've used that format quite a lot over the years; you can probably find examples in my answers here on Stack Overflow. But every place where I did that was wrong, and I no longer use it. So don't take it too hard; everybody has to learn this.
Probably not more efficient, but I am a fan of using the correct functions for this sort of thing.
Also using the correct datatype, datetime2 is the recommended datatype to use these days, and removes the pesky 3ms interval.
DECLARE #DateEnd DATETIME2(3) = '1/4/2011 16:43:22 PM';
SET #DateEnd = DATEADD(millisecond, -1, CAST(DATEADD(day, 1, CAST(#DateEnd AS DATE)) AS DATETIME2(3)));
One little cheat is format(). However, if #DateEnd is being used as a date range, you may be better off using < TheNextDay
Declare #DateEnd datetime = '1/4/2011 16:43:22 PM'
Set #DateEnd = format(#DateEnd,'yyyy-MM-dd 23:59:59.997')
Just another option avoiding Format()
Declare #DateEnd datetime = '1/4/2011 16:43:22 PM'
Set #DateEnd = concat(convert(date,#DateEnd),' 23:59:59.997')

Is there a way to preserve locale when format a datetime in SQL? [duplicate]

I have an sql DateTime (ms sql server) and want to extract the same date without the seconds:
e.g. 2011-11-22 12:14:58.000 to become: 2011-11-22 12:14:00.000
How can I do this? I was thinking to use DATEADD in combination with DATEPART but seems very error prone (besides performance issues)
This will be effective, if you don't want a slow conversion between datatypes.
For a solution that truncates using strings try this:
SELECT CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(16), GetDate(),20) AS datetime)
CHAR(16) works only if our variable is converted to ODBC canonical format, as shown above by using 20 as the format specifier.
DECLARE #date DateTime = '2011 Nov 22 12:14:55';
SELECT CONVERT(Char(16), #date ,20) AS datetime
| datetime |
| 2011-11-22 12:14 |
Then you simply cast back to a DateTime type to continue using the value.
NOTE: This is only viable for data types that do not carry TimeZone info.
Also type conversions to VarChar and back are usually LESS performant than using DateTime functions that use numeric operations internally.
Consider other solutions posted if performance is a concern or if you must retain timezone information.
SET #TheDate = '2011-11-22 12:14:58.000'
DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, 0, #TheDate), 0)
In queries
/* ...all records in that minute; index-friendly expression */
WHERE TheDate BETWEEN DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, 0, #TheDate), 0)
AND DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, 0, #TheDate) + 1, 0)
Date and time needs carefully and not being converted as TEXT.
My personal solution:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnDateTimeTruncated]
#datetime DATETIME
RETURN DATETIMEFROMPARTS ( year(#datetime), month(#datetime), day(#datetime), DATEPART(hh,#datetime), DATEPART(mi,#datetime), 0, 0)
Regarding, DateAdd has a better performance.
Thanks to
With a little fiddling around, this seems to work well:
SELECT CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(17), bl.[time],113) AS varchar(17))
Result given: 2011-11-22 12:14
The exact way I'm using it in my query as part of the selection list :
,CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(17), bl.[time],113) AS varchar(17))
+ ' (UTC +0)' AS [TIME]
Gives me the result: 15 Dec 2017 06:43 (UTC +0)
From SQL Server 2014, You can use Format function for this.
for Ex.
declare #Startdate datetime = '2020-11-07 15:27:50.713'
set #Startdate = Convert(datetime,FORMAT(#Startdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'))
> Result is
2020-11-07 15:27:00.000
If there is no milliseconds, than
DECLARE #dt datetime2 = '2011-11-22 12:14:58.000';
DECLARE #goalDt datetime2 = DATEADD(second,-DATEPART(second,#dt), #dt);
To remove a milliseconds part, add
SET #goalDt = DATEADD(millisecond,-DATEPART(millisecond,#goalDt ), goalDt dt);
To Round Off it:
SET #TheDate = '2019-1-2 12:14:58.400';
To just Truncate:
SET #TruncTheDate = '2019-1-2 12:14:58.400';
SELECT DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, 0, #TruncTheDate), 0);
select substring(cast(cast(getdate() as time(0)) as char(8)),0,6)

SQL date conversion HHMMSS.CCCNNNNNN to yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm

I have data in this format : 114643.052303537 (HHMMSS.CCCNNNNNN).
I need to convert it to this format : 2018-04-25 12:40:59.573 (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm), strip of the date part ( i.e. 2018-04-25 ) and calculate the time difference between two formats.
Could you please help with this?
I need the time difference in hh:mi:ss.mmm format
The way to get this is to convert BOTH values to milliseconds (looking at only the time portion for the value that has a date); calculate the difference with simple subtraction, and then convert the result to hh:mi:ss.mmm with division and modulo operations.
declare #dt datetime = '2018-04-25 12:40:59.573'
declare #dunno varchar(16) = '114643.052303537'
Strip the date off the datetime and give it today's date
getdate() + right(convert(varchar,#dt,113),12)
Convert the varchar to time and give it today's date
getdate() + left(stuff(stuff(#dunno,3,0,':'),6,0,':'),8)
Find the milliseconds between them
datediff(millisecond,getdate() + left(stuff(stuff(#dunno,3,0,':'),6,0,':'),8),getdate() + right(convert(varchar,#dt,113),12))
Put it all together in your format
datediff(millisecond,getdate() + left(stuff(stuff(#dunno,3,0,':'),6,0,':'),8),getdate() + right(convert(varchar,#dt,113),12)),
Depending on the speed of your server and other code, it'd be wise to use a variable for GETDATE() at the beginning to prevent millisecond, or even second differences during conversion.
declare #dt datetime = '2018-04-25 12:40:59.573'
declare #dunno varchar(16) = '114643.052303537'
declare #today datetime = getdate()
declare #dunno2 datetime
declare #dt2 datetime
set #dt2 = #today + right(convert(varchar,#dt,113),12)
set #dunno2 = #today + left(stuff(stuff(#dunno,3,0,':'),6,0,':'),8)

A way to extract from a DateTime value data without seconds

I have an sql DateTime (ms sql server) and want to extract the same date without the seconds:
e.g. 2011-11-22 12:14:58.000 to become: 2011-11-22 12:14:00.000
How can I do this? I was thinking to use DATEADD in combination with DATEPART but seems very error prone (besides performance issues)
This will be effective, if you don't want a slow conversion between datatypes.
For a solution that truncates using strings try this:
SELECT CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(16), GetDate(),20) AS datetime)
CHAR(16) works only if our variable is converted to ODBC canonical format, as shown above by using 20 as the format specifier.
DECLARE #date DateTime = '2011 Nov 22 12:14:55';
SELECT CONVERT(Char(16), #date ,20) AS datetime
| datetime |
| 2011-11-22 12:14 |
Then you simply cast back to a DateTime type to continue using the value.
NOTE: This is only viable for data types that do not carry TimeZone info.
Also type conversions to VarChar and back are usually LESS performant than using DateTime functions that use numeric operations internally.
Consider other solutions posted if performance is a concern or if you must retain timezone information.
SET #TheDate = '2011-11-22 12:14:58.000'
DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, 0, #TheDate), 0)
In queries
/* ...all records in that minute; index-friendly expression */
WHERE TheDate BETWEEN DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, 0, #TheDate), 0)
AND DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, 0, #TheDate) + 1, 0)
Date and time needs carefully and not being converted as TEXT.
My personal solution:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[fnDateTimeTruncated]
#datetime DATETIME
RETURN DATETIMEFROMPARTS ( year(#datetime), month(#datetime), day(#datetime), DATEPART(hh,#datetime), DATEPART(mi,#datetime), 0, 0)
Regarding, DateAdd has a better performance.
Thanks to
With a little fiddling around, this seems to work well:
SELECT CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(17), bl.[time],113) AS varchar(17))
Result given: 2011-11-22 12:14
The exact way I'm using it in my query as part of the selection list :
,CAST(CONVERT(CHAR(17), bl.[time],113) AS varchar(17))
+ ' (UTC +0)' AS [TIME]
Gives me the result: 15 Dec 2017 06:43 (UTC +0)
From SQL Server 2014, You can use Format function for this.
for Ex.
declare #Startdate datetime = '2020-11-07 15:27:50.713'
set #Startdate = Convert(datetime,FORMAT(#Startdate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm'))
> Result is
2020-11-07 15:27:00.000
If there is no milliseconds, than
DECLARE #dt datetime2 = '2011-11-22 12:14:58.000';
DECLARE #goalDt datetime2 = DATEADD(second,-DATEPART(second,#dt), #dt);
To remove a milliseconds part, add
SET #goalDt = DATEADD(millisecond,-DATEPART(millisecond,#goalDt ), goalDt dt);
To Round Off it:
SET #TheDate = '2019-1-2 12:14:58.400';
To just Truncate:
SET #TruncTheDate = '2019-1-2 12:14:58.400';
SELECT DATEADD(mi, DATEDIFF(mi, 0, #TruncTheDate), 0);
select substring(cast(cast(getdate() as time(0)) as char(8)),0,6)

Limiting a date range with exactness in MS SQL / SQL Server 2005

I want to limit a report to return records from Date A through Date B. This is what I have been doing:
declare #startDate varchar(20)
declare #endDate varchar(20)
set #startDate = '01/01/2008'
set #endDate = '04/01/2008'
-- test what are the start and end dates
select min(date),max(date) from view_Inspections
where date between #startDate and #endDate
... which I was told returned records from 12 am Jan 1st through 11:59 pm March 31st (that midnight is the default when no time is indicated). But I noticed a discrepancy, which is if a record has a time of 00:00:00 that it will be part of this set.
Is there a more exact way of doing this so it will return exactly the date range I want?*
I tried using time:
declare #startDate varchar(20)
declare #endDate varchar(20)
set #startDate = '01/01/2008 00:00:00'
set #endDate = '04/01/2008 11:59:59'
-- test what are the start and end dates
select min(date),max(date) from view_Inspections
where date between #startDate and #endDate
... but I noticed something wonky: SQL Server will ROUND the hundreth-second up by half. So I get that April 1st record (ha! April Fool's record! grr) if I use any time later than 11:59:29. Why is that?
(I feel sure there is. I'm new at this. Thanks for your help!)
There's always the easy option:
declare #startDate varchar(20)
declare #endDate varchar(20)
set #startDate = '01/01/2008'
set #endDate = '04/01/2008'
-- test what are the start and end dates
select min(date),max(date) from view_Inspections
where date >= #startDate
and date < #endDate
I suspect that the date column in view_Inspections is a SmallDateTime data type. This data type has 1 minute accuracy, which explains your unexpected results (rounding the seconds to the nearest minute).
The method Roland Shaw suggests is the best way to modify your query to accommodate your requirements.
The BETWEEN operator is inclusive, which is why you're seeing the results that you are in your first query. The rounding that you're seeing in your second query is going to be dependent on what exact datetime data type you are using in your table. (BTW, I think you're confusing seconds with hundredths of seconds). It looks like you're probably using a smalldatetime in your table, in which case the time is rounded to the nearest minute.
If your table is using datetime, try explicitly converting your #startDate and #endDate to DATETIME values (CAST(#endDate AS DATETIME)).
A quick note... even for DATETIME values, SQL Server is only accurate to the 3/100ths of a second, so 11:59:59.999 will get rounded up to 12:00:00.000.
You basically have three choices:
1) BETWEEN CAST('01/01/2008 00:00:00.000' AS DATETIME) AND CAST('03/31/2008 12:59:59.997' AS DATETIME)
2) YEAR(my_date) = 2008 AND MONTH(my_date) BETWEEN 1 AND 3
3) my_date >= CAST('01/01/2008 00:00:00.000' AS DATETIME) AND my_date < CAST('04/01/2008 00:00:00.000' AS DATETIME)
The first method isn't very intuitive and is error-prone in my opinion. The second method kills performance since indexes can't be used and it becomes much more complex if you can have searches that span years or begin/end in the middle of months. The third method, which Rowland suggested, is the best I think.
Simply try removing the time from the date field like so:
declare #startDate varchar(20)
declare #endDate varchar(20)
set #startDate = '01/01/2008'
set #endDate = '04/01/2008'
SELECT min(date),max(date) FROM view_Inspections
This will return everything from 01/01/2008 00:00:00 to 04/01/2008 11:59:59.999.
If you don't want 04/01 included, change your end date to 03/31/2008.
Your best solution is just create a BIGINT(10) field that called "julian", and store it in YYYYMMDD.
Then do the query
where julian >= '20120103' AND julian <= '20120203'