Hololens Emulator Settings Discarded after restart via Visual Studio - hyper-v

If change settings inside the Hyper-V-Manager (for Example choose a external Virtual Network Switch for the Emulator NAT Adapter as described in this Blog Article "Connecting The HoloLens Emulator To the Internet": http://hololenshelpwebsite.com/Blog/EntryId/1008/Connecting-The-HoloLens-Emulator-To-the-Internet), these settings are only taken till the next Start via Visual Studio Debug "Hololens EMulator...". After this all settings are restored to the default.
This is very annoying, because so i must change the configuration after every start.
I hope anybody knows a solution for this problem.


VS Code fails to automatically recognize AZ-3166 dev kit

According to the documentation,:
Start VS Code and then connect the DevKit to your computer. VS Code automatically finds the DevKit and opens an introduction page.
But this is not happening. No error is thrown, but nothing happens. I can hear a tone from the computer when the AZ-3166 is plugged-in. It shows up as a storage device on the PC. And the Arduino IDE is able to recognize it.
But VS Code ignores it and does not take me to the introductory page, so I am unable to complete the documented process of connecting to Azure.
I come across this issue as well.
You can resolve this manually by pressing F1 and typing in the command Arduino: Board Manager. From there look up MXChip - Microsoft Azure IoT Developer Kit and install the latest version. From there you should be able to proceed as normal.
Is there a workspace open? If so, try closing it (File > Close Workspace) then close VSCode, reopen and connect your device.
It works for me. Good luck.

remove/disable MobileFirst app "Server Connectivity Settings" from iPhone Setting

This feature might be useful while on developing. But we want to toggle it since we don't want any server informations be exposed to end users.
Make sure that the worklightSettings options is set to "false" in application-descriptor.xml and re-build your project in Worklight Studio followed by a build in Xcode.
If you still see the application settings entry in iOS's Settings.app then select the Clean option in Xcode and run again (in Xcode). This should make the entry go away.

Worklight Console can not be opened because the Worklight Server is not running

I'm just getting started with some of the samples at the Getting Started site, working with the Developers Edition. Whenever I Open Worklight Console, the eclipse environment abends. I'm sure I missed a set up item, but all seemed to install well. I appreciate any help / direction. Thanks.
I tried to post an image of the error, but stackoverflow indicates I need 10 reputations to post an image. Go figure.
The first line is Java was started but returned exit code=8096
There are some hits on this indicating that the license may not be compatible with the Rational license installed. Not sure what to do with that.
There's another post indicating Environment Variable corruption, but I don't have the corrupt Temp environment variables indicated.
StackOverflow has a FAQ explaining what one can and cannot do and when. It makes sense. Read it.
Did you at least create a new Worklight project and application?
If you do that and run the application by right-clicking on the application in the project tree and choose Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server this will: start the server + build the app + deploy the app.
Then you can right-click on the project icon and choose Open Worklight Console and you will see the console...
So unless you have some errors preventing the server from loading, the above should work.
Host the image elsewhere, like imgur.com
Explain what you have installed in your Eclipse. Which Eclipse is it? Did you install only Worklight Studio, or another plug-in in addition? Which?
What are those "hits" you mention? Elaborate.
Searching for the exit code in Google, I see the following IBM tech notes:
Perhaps one of them is relevant for you as well.
If you have followed Idan's advice to Run on Worklight Development Server and it is still not started, try this:
Switch to the Servers view (on the bottom pane of Eclipse by default).
Check your Worklight Development Server status
Right-click and select Clean...
Select OK when prompted to discard all publish start.
Redeploy your app using Run As > Run on Worklight Development Server
I am not sure if this would clean up your environment variable error message as I have not seen that one, but it has helped with several other errors that have caused my server to not start or run properly. (The most common one I get is an Out of Memory in the server.)

Limit 3D application for Windows RT device

I am developing a 3D game for Windows Store (Metro application) using Visual Studio 2012 Express and Blender for creating 3D objects (fbx). I have used Visual Studio 3D Starter Kit for importing fbx file in the game. Currently I have tested my application on Windows 8 machine only and now, I want to test it on Windows RT device too. On Microsoft forums I read that if I want to deploy the build on Windows RT device, I need to limit my application to Feature Level 9_1.
I need to know the following two things:
• How to run the application on hardware graphics card on Windows RT machine?
• How to limit the application to DirectX Feature Level 9_1?
Any help will be appreciated.
How to run the application on hardware graphics card on Windows RT machine?
The Direct3D code provided in the various Windows 8 samples and templates should always run on the hardware graphics card. Assuming you're interested in the specifics of how to actually get the app there in the first place (i.e. deployment), there are two main ways to do this. The first is remote deployment and debugging: In Visual Studio, go to your project's properties page and go to the Debugging view. Under "Debugger to launch" select "Remote Machine" and set "Machine Name" to the IP address or NetBIOS name of the target Windows RT machine. The remote machine will need to be running the remote debugging tools and connected to the same network as the development machine. For more info about remote debugging, check out this page.
The second way is to manually create and deploy a local test package. To do this, right click the project and go to Store -> Create App Packages. When prompted about whether this package will be submitted to the store, select "no" and follow the remaining prompts to create an appropriate app package. Copy the contents of the created package folder to the target machine, then run the "Add-*" powershell script. This will install the package on the target machine.
How to limit the application to DirectX Feature Level 9_1?
The best way to do this is to use the DirectX Control Panel. Run "dxcpl.exe" and click "Edit List" under the scope menu. Add the name of your app's executable (typically [app name].exe) to the list. Then, under Device Settings, set "Feature level limit" to 9.1 and check the "Disable Feature Level Upgrade" checkbox. The next time you launch your app, the system will automatically restrict functionality to what is available on 9.1 hardware.
Note that the Windows App Certification Kit automatically performs a feature level test to ensure your app does not crash on 9.1, however its scope is relatively limited.
In additional to alanw, if you have any shaders in your solution, for each, bring up the property page in VS, expand "HLSL Compiler" and select "General". Under "Shader Model" select 4_0_level_9_1.
You should pass in the D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_9_1 feature level on creation of your d3d11 device.
D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL pFeatureLevels[] =
ID3D11Device* pDevice;
ID3D11DeviceContext* pDeviceContext;
D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL eFeatureLevel;
D3D11CreateDevice(NULL, D3D_DRIVER_TYPE_HARDWARE, NULL, pFeatureLevels, 1,
D3D11_SDK_VERSION, &pDevice, &eFeatureLevel, &pDeviceContext);

How to attach to WWAHOST from Visual Studio 11

If I F5 a Windows 8 JavaScript app and look at the processes pane in VS11, I see that it's WWAHOST.exe that I'm attached to. Is it possible to attach to this after the fact using Debug | Attach to Process? I don't see it in the process list even when I show processes from all users. I see the same thing whether I run locally or in the Simulator. Thanks.
There are effectively two ways to do this. Delay starting the app and attaching the app. You will need to install the remote debugger from Microsoft. As of this writing, it is located on http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displaylang=en&id=28973
Detailed steps plus explanations are here.
Install VS remote tools
On start menu, launch "Debuggable Package Manager" (powershell will start)
using powershell: get-appxpackage (to locate your package)
using powershell: enable-appxdebug PackageFullName
Launch application
Attach to the correct wwahost.exe for your application.
Debugging Topics Located here.