Repeat elements in pandas dataframe so equal number of each unique element - pandas

I have a pandas dataframe with multiple different feature columns. I have one particular column which can take on a variety of integer value. I want to manipulate the dataframe in such a way that there is an equal number of each of these integer value.
df['key'] = [1,1,1,3,4,5,5]
df['key'] = [1,1,1,3,3,3,4,4,4,5,5,5]
I want this to be applied to every key in the dataframe.

So here's an ugly way that I've coded up a solution, but I feel like it goes against the entire reason to use pandas dataframes.
for idx, i in enumerate(data['key'].value_counts()):
if i == max(data['key'].value_counts()):
scaling = (max(data['key'].value_counts()) // i) - 1
data2 = pd.concat([data[data['key'] == idx]]*scaling, ignore_index=True)
data = pd.concat([data, data2], ignore_index=True)


How to apply function to each column and row of dataframe pandas

I have two dataframes.
df1 has an index list made of strings like (row1,row2,..,rown) and a column list made of strings like (col1,col2,..,colm) while df2 has k rows and 3 columns (char_1,char_2,value). char_1 contains strings like df1 indexes while char_2 contains strings like df1 columns. I only want to assign the df2 value to df1 in the right position. For example if the first row of df2 reads ['row3','col1','value2'] I want to assign value2 to df1 in the position ([2,0]) (third row and first column).
I tried to use two functions to slide rows and columns of df1:
def func1(val):
# first I convert the series to dataframe
val=val.set_index('index') # I set the index so that it's the right column
def func2(val2):
try: # maybe the combination doesn't exist
idx1=list(cou.index[df2[char_2]==(]) reads col name of df1
idx2=list(cou.index[df2[char_1]==val2.index.values[0]]) #val2.index.values[0] reads index name of df1
idx= list(reduce(set.intersection, map(set, [idx1,idx2])))
idx=int(idx[0]) # final index of df2 where I need to take value to assign to df1
if check==1: # if index exists
val2[0]=df2['value'][idx] # assign value to df1
return val2
val=val.apply(func2,axis=1) #apply the function for columns
val=val.squeeze() #convert again to series
return val
df1=df1.apply(func1,axis=1) #apply the function for rows
I made the conversion inside func1 because without this step I wasn't able to work with series keeping index and column names so I wasn't able to find the index idx in func2.
Well the problem is that it takes forever. df1 size is (3'600 X 20'000) and df2 is ( 500 X 3 ) so it's not too much. I really don't understand the problem.. I run the code for the first row and column to check the result and it's fine and it takes 1 second, but now for the entire process I've been waiting for hours and it's still not finished.
Is there a way to optimize it? As I wrote in the title I only need to run a function that keeps column and index names and works sliding the entire dataframe. Thanks in advance!

Assigning value to an iloc slice with condition on a separate column?

I would like to slice my dataframe using iloc (rather than loc) + some condition based on one of the dataframe's columns and assign a value to all the items in this slice (which is effectively a subset of the main dataframe).
My simplified attempt:
df.iloc[:, 1:21][df['column1'] == 'some_value'] = 1
This is meant to take a slice of the dataframe:
All rows;
Columns 2 to 20;
Then slice it again:
Only the rows where column1 = some_value.
The slicing works fine, but equalling this to 1 doesn't work. Nothing changes in df and I get this warning
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame. Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
I really need to use iloc rather than loc if possible. It feels like there should be a way of doing this?
You can search for the error on SO. In short, you should update on one single loc/iloc:
df.loc[df['column1']=='some_value', df.columns[1:21]] = 1

Sample Pandas dataframe based on values in column

I have a large dataframe that I want to sample based on values on the target column value, which is binary : 0/1
I want to extract equal number of rows that have 0's and 1's in the "target" column. I was thinking of using the pandas sampling function but not sure how to declare the equal number of samples I want from both classes for the dataframe based on the target column.
I was thinking of using something like this:
df.sample(n=10000, weights='target', random_state=1)
Not sure how to edit it to get 10k records with 5k 1's and 5k 0's in the target column. Any help is appreciated!
You can group the data by target and then sample,
df = pd.DataFrame({'col':np.random.randn(12000), 'target':np.random.randint(low = 0, high = 2, size=12000)})
new_df = df.groupby('target').apply(lambda x: x.sample(n=5000)).reset_index(drop = True)
1 5000
0 5000
Edit: Use DataFrame.sample
You get similar results using DataFrame.sample
new_df = df.groupby('target').sample(n=5000)
You can use DataFrameGroupBy.sample method as follwing:
sample_df = df.groupby("target").sample(n=5000, random_state=1)
Also found this to be a good method:
df['weights'] = np.where(df['target'] == 1, .5, .5)
sample_df = df.sample(frac=.1, random_state=111, weights='weights')
Change the value of frac depending on the percent of data you want back from the original dataframe.
You will have to run a df0.sample(n=5000) and df1.sample(n=5000) and then combine df0 and df1 into a dfsample dataframe. You can create df0 and df1 by df.filter() with some logic. If you provide sample data I can help you construct that logic.

Pandas: How can I check if a pandas dataframe contains a specific value?

Specifically, I want to see if my pandas dataframe contains a False.
It's an nxn dataframe, where the indices are labels.
So if all values were True except for even one cell, then I would want to return False.
your question is a bit confusing, but assuming that you want to know whether there is at least one False in your dataframe, you could simply use
mask = df.mycol == False
mask.sum() > 0
All will tell you the truth
If you just want to scan your whole dataframe looking for a value, check df.values. It returns an array of all the rows in the dataframe.
value = False # This is the value you're searching
df_contains_value = any([value in row for row in df.values])

Is there a faster way through list comprehension to iterate through two dataframes?

I have two dataframes, one contains screen names/display names and another contains individuals, and I am trying to create a third dataframe that contains all the data from each dataframe in a new row for each time a last name appears in the screen name/display name. Functionally this will create a list of possible matching names. My current code, which works perfectly but very slowly, looks like this:
# Original Social Media Screen Names
# cols = 'userid','screen_name','real_name'
usernames = pd.read_csv('social_media_accounts.csv')
# List Of Individuals To Match To Accounts
# cols = 'first_name','last_name'
individuals = pd.read_csv('individuals_list.csv')
userid, screen_name, real_name, last_name, first_name = [],[],[],[],[]
for index1, row1 in individuals.iterrows():
for index2, row2 in usernames.iterrows():
if (row2['Screen_Name'].lower().find(row1['Last_Name'].lower()) != -1) | (row2['Real_Name'].lower().find(row1['Last_Name'].lower()) != -1):
cols = ['UserID', 'Screen_Name', 'Real_Name', 'Last_Name', 'First_Name']
index = range(0, len(userid))
match_list = pd.DataFrame(index=index, columns=cols)
match_list = match_list.fillna('')
match_list['UserID'] = userid
match_list['Screen_Name'] = screen_name
match_list['Real_Name'] = real_name
match_list['Last_Name'] = last_name
match_list['First_Name'] = first_name
Because I need the whole row from each column, the list comprehension methods I have tried do not seem to work.
The thing you want is to iterate through a dataframe faster. Doing that with a list comprehension is, taking data out of a pandas dataframe, handling it using operations in python, then putting it back in a pandas dataframe. The fastest way (currently, with small data) would be to handle it using pandas iteration methods.
The next thing you want to do is work with 2 dataframes. There is a tool in pandas called join.
result = pd.merge(usernames, individuals, on=['Screen_Name', 'Last_Name'])
After the merge you can do your filtering.
Here is the documentation: