Is the .gitlab-ci.yml available for jobs with GIT_STRATEGY=none in Gitlab CI? - gitlab-ci

The Gitlab documentation says the following about GIT_STRATEGY: none:
none also re-uses the project workspace, but skips all Git operations (including GitLab Runner's pre-clone script, if present). It is mostly useful for jobs that operate exclusively on artifacts (e.g., deploy). Git repository data may be present, but it is certain to be out of date, so you should only rely on files brought into the project workspace from cache or artifacts.
I'm still a bit confused about how this is supposed to work. If the source code is not guaranteed to exist, then there might be no source in the project workspace and thus the .gitlab-ci.yml file would also be missing. Without a build script the job must fail. If the source is missing only part of the time depending on external factors, the job will fail randomly, which is even worse than failing every time. However, if it fails every single time then what's the point of the feature?
Another possibility I see is that .gitlab-ci.yml might be injected at runtime, so that even without a fresh copy of the repository there would be a build script. If so, could I define further files from my repository to inject into the build process? What are the restrictions on these particular jobs?

Yes, the .gitlab-ci.yml file is not copied onto the system just like all the other files. But that doesn't matter as the job is not run from the file. The job is run as a script on your target (and even before that as it defines the target it will run on). It is not possible to copy only selected files without a git clone although you may want to copy the files from some other server.
A good example of when you want to run GIT_STRATEGY: none are things like slackchat notifications as last stage of a build when you really don't want to clone gigabytes of repository data just to push a notification.


Gitlab CI Jobs Not Using Latest Template Changes

I've written several pipeline templates that our development teams use in their projects and what I've found is that if I make a change
in a template to fix a bug, when we "retry" a job it doesn't pick up the latest changes from the template. The only way the job will receive the latest
reference to the template is if we push another commit to the developer's project.
Is there a flag or parameter we can set so that it always picks up the latest copy?
Here is what our gitlab yml looks like in the developer projects.
- project: 'ops/awesome-pipelines'
file: 'pipelines/fresh_apps.yml'
Is there a flag or parameter we can set so that it always picks up the
latest copy?
I think the functionality that you are trying is not possible.
Quoting the gitlab docs
When the pipeline starts, the .gitlab-ci.yml file configuration
included by all methods is evaluated. The configuration is a snapshot
in time and persists in the database. GitLab does not reflect any
changes to the referenced .gitlab-ci.yml file configuration until the
next pipeline starts.
Template changes are only reflected in new pipelines. The benefit of this is that you can reliably retry jobs and assure that template changes won't change the behavior of a retry.
You don't necessarily need to push another commit, but you will have to start another pipeline (for example, manually running a new pipeline for a branch or MR).

Auto increment appx package version after each build

I am looking for a solution to automatically increment a package version (not to be confused with an assembly version) after each build on CI server (particularly Atlassian Bamboo). Every appx package has a version defined in its manifest file (appxmanifest). Thus in order to increase the version a manifest must be edited before commit. I am considering different approaches to implement this. The first one makes changes in manifest and pushes it back to the repo.
Starts building a plan (in order to lock a build number)
Modifies manifest so that a revision is set to the current build number
Pushes changes to SCM (particularly Atlassian Stash). This step shouldn't trigger the next build.
Continues building the package (invoke MSBuild, UT and other tasks)
Leads to incorrect workflow on Bamboo: checkout -> push -> build
Each build makes a new commit
Another approach is to setup post receive Stash hook which would modify appxmanifest.
Cons Hard to keep a build number in sync with Bamboo.
Is there any other (cleaner and proper) way to achieve this?
ex-Stash developer here (not that it matters),
I would highly recommend not checking in derived/version information or files. It's going to cause you no end of problems (some of which you have pointed out in your question).
My advice - generate what information you need on the build. I don't know anything about appx packaging, but can you use a placeholder/property (like this) which can be resolved on the Bamboo build? For our builds we use the git hash and timestamp as the version, and in the past I've also used the job/build number (timestamp is better though).
As more food for thought - if that appx version is important for developers to see locally, and it becomes hard to match up with the Git version then you can also attach a Git tag/note to the commit in Bamboo as well. The nice thing about that is that anyone fetching from Git can easily see that extra metadata, but it doesn't result in extra commits for every build. If the appx version need to be based off the previous version then this makes it possible for the build scripts to inspect the previous commit and bump the version appropriately.
I hope that helps.

Atlassian Bamboo: don't trigger build if changes were made to a specific file

I have a plan in Bamboo that starts whenever changes are made to the attached repositories (via polling).
Now, on each build, if successful, a CHANGELOG file is updated in the repo, which in turn, triggers another build. How can I omit certain files from Bamboo's polling, so that a build isn't started if changes are found for those files? Because otherwise, I enter in infinite loop, with a change to CHANGELOG triggering another build which in turn updated CHANGELOG and so on.
If this is not possible, what other viable solutions are there? Is it possible to attach a shell script somewhere before the build starts to check whether it's desired to start a new build?
It turned out that this was simpler than I've thought. In Plan Configuration, in the Repositories tab, on each repository, under Advanced, there is an Include / exclude files input where you can Customise what files Bamboo uses to detect changes. By adding a regular expression there, I got everything solved and working as expected.
Bamboo pattern matching reference:
The Bamboo Documentation says:
Bamboo will ignore build triggers if the local working copy and the
repository copy have the same revision numbers.
This might not be the best solution, but you might add an additional task at the end of the job/build which updates the repository again to avoid triggering a new build.
I'm not sure if this would then skip builds from repository updates which occur during the current build.

How can jenkins use my maven script for cleanup?

I'm running a maven build in Jenkins and my builds are failing because Jenkins isn't smart enough to clean up after my build - it just tries to delete the entire workspace and the builds fails immediatly. Is there a way to NOT have jenkins fail because of this (or even try to do it), but instead let my "mvn clean" script run first? If I can do this then I can do the specialized cleanup that is required.
I suspect that you are using Workspace Cleanup Plugin. First thing to do is to check what happens if you do it as a pre-build step, not post-build.
Alternatively there is a custom step in the build that tries to wipe out the workspace. See what happens if you invoke it as the first build step, not the last. Or try using the aforementioned plugin.
If it does not help, here are other general clenup strategies you may employ:
Start another job as a post-build step that will cleanup for the upstream job.
Have a regularly scheduled (say, nightly) job that will do the cleanup. In this case you'll probably need to 'partition' your workspace by builds - i.e. create a separate subdirectory in the workspace for every build instance (keyed by BUILD_ID) so that builds do not accidentally use leftover files from previous builds.
Have a cleanup build step in your job. In this case you do not need to create extra jobs. However, as it runs before the build is over it may not be able to cleanup completely (say, it won't be able to delete the artifacts that need to be archived in a post-build step).
To summarize: Yes, you can run you script first, just make sure it does not delete things prematurely. Also examine your job configuration for where that cleanup of yours is called and set it up as a pre-build step or remove it.

Maven - installing artifacts to a local repository in workspace

I'd like to have a way in which 'mvn install' puts files in a repository folder under my source (checkout) root, while using 3rd party dependencies from ~/.m2/repository.
So after 'mvn install', the layout is:
(In particular, /work/project/repository does not contain log4j)
In essense, I'm looking for a way of creating a composite repository that references other repositories
My intention is to be able to have multiple checkouts of the same source and work on each without overwriting each other in the local repository with 'install'. Multiple checkouts can be because of working on different branches in cvs/svn but in my case it is due to cloning of the master branch in git (in git, each clone is like a branch). I don't like the alternatives which are to use a special version/classifier per checkout or to reinstall (rebuild) everything each time I switch.
Maven can search multiple repositories (local, remote, "fake" remote) to resolve dependencies but there is only ONE local repository where artifacts get installed during install. It would be a real nightmare to install artifacts into specific locations and to maintain this list without breaking anything, that would just not work, you don't want to do this.
But, TBH, I don't get the point. So, why do you want to do this? There might be alternative and much simpler solutions, like installing your artifacts in the local repository and then copying them under your project root. Why wouldn't this work? I'd really like to know the final intention though.
UPDATE: Having read the update of the initial question, the only solution I can think of (given that you don't want to use different versions/tags) would be to use two local repositories and to switch between them (very error prone though).
To do so, either use different user accounts (as the local repository is user specific by default).
Or update your ~/.m2/settings.xml each time you want to switch:
<settings xmlns=""
Or have another settings.xml and point on it using the --settings option:
mvn install --settings /path/to/alternate/settings.xml
Or specify the alternate location on the command line using the -Dmaven.repo.local option:
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=/path/to/repo
These solutions are all error prone as I said and none of them is very satisfying. Even if you might have very good reasons to work on several branches in parallel, your use case (not rebuilding everything) is not very common. Here, using distinct user accounts migh be the less worse solution IMO.
This is INDEED possible with the command line, and in fact is quite useful. For example, if you want to create an additional repo under your Eclipse project, you just do:
mvn install:install-file -DlocalRepositoryPath=repo \
-DcreateChecksum=true -Dpackaging=jar \
-Dfile=%2 -DgroupId=%3 -DartifactId=%4 -Dversion=%5
It's the "localRepositoryPath" parameter that will direct your install to any local repo you want.
I have this in a batch file that I run from my project root, and it installs the file into a "repo" directory within my project (hence the % parameters). So why would you want to do this? Well, let's you say you are professional services consultant, and you regularly go into customer locations where you are forced to use their security hardened laptops. You copy your self-contained project to their laptop from a USB stick, and presto, you can do your maven build no problem.
Generally, if you are using YOUR laptop, then it makes sense to have a single local repo that has everything in it. But to you who got cocky and said things like "why would you want to do that", I have some news...the world is a bigger place with more options than you might realize. If you are using laptops that are NOT yours, and you need to build your project on that laptop, get the resulting artifact, and then remove your project directory (and the local repo you just used), this is the way to go.
As to why you would want to have 2 local repos, the default .m2/repository is where the companies standard stuff goes, and the local "in project" repo is where YOUR stuff goes.
This is not possible with the command line client but you can create more complex repository layouts with a Maven repository server like Nexus.
The reason why it's not possible is that Maven allows to nest projects and most of them will reference each other, so installing each artifact in a different repository would lead to lots of searches on your local hard disk (or to failed builds when you start a build in a sub-project).
FYI: symlinks work in Windows7 and above so this kind of thing is easy to achieve if all your code goes in the same place in the local repo, i.e /com/myco/.
type mklink for details
I can see that you do not want to use special versions or classifiers but that is one of the best solutions to solve this problem. I work on the same project but different versions and each mvn install takes half an hour to build. The best option is to change the pom version appended with the change name, for example 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-change1 that I'm working on thereby having multiple versions of the same project but with different code base.
It has made my life very easy in the long run. It helps run multiple builds at the same time without issues. Even during SCM push, we can skip the pom file from staging so there can always be 2 versions for you to work on.
In case you have a huge project with multiple sub-modules and want to change all the versions together, you can use the below command to do just that
mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-change1 -DprocessAllModules
And once done, you can revert using
mvn versions:revert
I know this might be not what you are looking for, but it might help someone who wants to do this.