How to build below screen in titanium? - titanium

below i attached an app help guide screen. I am understanding how to build this screen.
If any body have idea please share here

View with semi transparent background color (backgroundColor:"rgba(0,0,0,0.5)";) and some images on top of it.

So, using images is bad. You'll need images for translations and if you do this as one image you'll need to ensure all devices are covered so your arrows point to the right element.
Minimise images == smaller app.
First thing you'll need to do is a create a blocker view -- so that's a view that will fill the screen and have a black background with opacity.
You can't apply that to the window as everything in it will be semi-transparent so:
Create a transparent Window that fills the screen.
Add to that window a view that fills the window and has opacity say 0.5 and black background
Add to the Window (not the view you just created) the other elements and button -- ideally, these should be individual graphics of the arrows, sized in such a way that you can position them based on the host element (the item they are pointing to / referring to). Use real text so you can handle translations / reduce file size.
So you'll need a way to associate each tip with a control they are anchored too, and that will ensure that regardless of the screen size, the tip will appear in the correct place.

First of all, always give a try before putting questions anywhere because it makes you learn things on your own for long time.
The easiest step for you to do this is to ask your designer to create a complete image just like that & you just have to show it on top.
If you have to show that image in different translations, then you can ask your designer to provide you required translations images.


How to layout the UIlabel object according to design spec in iOS

I have some difficult time in creating iOS screen to match with visual design provided by design team.
The design team has provided the spacing info for each screen which shows how much space each text needs to be apart from other UI element on the screen. This is attached for your reference. You can see here that the two text labels "Activate Your Account" and "A Verification link...." are placed apart by 25px.
The same thing I am trying to achieve in the storyboard. I am attaching the storyboard screen snapshot for reference.
From this you can see that I cannot keep exactly 25px b/w the two text labels because for the following issue
The text font is custom font and I cannot load the same in storyboard. I have added the font file in the project, but when I try to open it in storyboard for UILabel, it doesn't list out. I am not sure why xcode doesn't show up. This makes me hard to resize the label's frame. If I try to decrease the empty space in the label (upper and lower part of the text), this will make label height less, but when I set the font programmatically, it doesn't fit in this small space.
When I try to increase the height of the label, the text inside the label starts displaying at the center leaving space at the top and bottom of the label frame.
So I want to know how to solve this problem. If anyone had this issues and sorted out, please let me know how to fix this.
Many Thanks
Your designers aren't speccing their designs correctly :) Show them how iOS renders text and have them spec their designs in the same way. This is what we do on the Facebook design team. I mocked up an example for you (each square is 4dp/8px).

Move Insertion point of an NSTextView and make the written content visible

I am working on one Mac app. In which I want to play few tricks with insertion point of an NSTextView.
![NSTextView with overlay on it][2]
What am I doing is, I have an NSTextView (The whole image screen is of NSTextView) and above that I have placed one overlay (as you can see at the bottom of the image). There are two Labels at the extreme Left and Right end and has a white gradient view too. All these three I have placed above NSTextView.
Now when User types in, textview gets scrolled and at one point, typed letters goes below the overlay.
I have to manage this stuff only. I want to keep track that user has reached to the overlay border and if yes, I want to move the insertion point to little upside so that user can see the content which he/she is writing.
Will anyone suggest me, how to make this possible ?
I have tried many things, but its not working. Kindly help.

Load larger image on tap of small image with animation

I'm trying to load a large version of an image in the centre of the user's screen when then tap on a smaller version of the image that's already on my view.
Ideally I want to do this using an animation to get to the new image like a vertical flip.
Also if there's a way to make the background look greyed out like it's not the foreground then that would be even better.
Here's an image of what I'm after, I'm at work at the moment so haven't got access to the actual code / images.
I'm a new user so can't add pictures. Click here if you want to see what I'm thinking.
There is an KGmodal Example Exist in GitHUB hope that Might Help you.
You have to Change the content view and Add an Imageview Programatically (with required size ) in the content View.
Follow the below link:
For Fliping the image see the tutorial iphone Flip Image.
In the end I added the larger image on to begin with and set its alpha to 0, then added a gesture recognizer on the smaller image that animated the larger one and gradually changed its alpha to 1. The did the reverse on the large image. Don't know why I didn't think of that in the first place!

How to create an "Add to reading list" animation effect

I'm trying to make an animation effect similar to the one on Safari(iPhone) when you add an element to the reading list. It's similar to the one that appears when starting to download an item from App Store application: the application item drops to the dock to start downloading.
First it bounces up and then goes to the dock. It's a very nice effect that Apple uses on their OS.
I have an image view on screen that I want to drop with this kind of animation to my toolbar in my application.
If there is someone who did it or know what's the name of the effect, could please tell me how to do it.
Thank you.
"Add to reading list" shows no animation on my phone but of your description it sounds like the "Open in background"-animation in Safari (iPhone). My answer describes that animation.
I wrote a thing like that a few months ago and much of it is doable while some of it is not. Your questions showed me that more people are to know how it is done so I wrote a blog post about it. I will describe the high level approach and challenges here but you can read more about it in that post.
Getting to content to animate
If you choose to animate the view that is on screen down to the (in your case) tool bar then you will only have to access its layer. If you want the original view to remain and animate a visual copy (like the "open in background"-Safari animation) down to the bar item then you should create a new layer and draw the content of your layer into an image and set that image as the content of the layer that you are animating
Calculating the end position
The start position of the animation is simply the frame of the view. The end position is very tricky since bar items (both tool bar items and tab bar items) are not UIView subclasses and doesn't have a public view property. This causes problems when you want to shake the bar item later on.
I decided to make a visual approximation of the end position using some simple heuristics. If you know before hand that you will only animate to a single bar item then the end position can be hard coded to a suitable frame.
Animating along a path
There is nothing special to moving, scaling and rotating the layer from the start to the end position. If you want to read more about how I did it you can look at the post I wrote.
Shaking the bar item
This cannot be done without a lot of custom code or using private API at the moment. Since bar items doesn't have a view or a layer there is no accessible layer for you to animate. I guess that you could have a custom animating image that does the shake and set that during the animation and set the new image afterwards. The approach of drawing into an image and animating that doesn't work that well either since there is no accessible layer who can draw its content into the image (you want this for the special effect of the tool bar item and tab bar item).
...put all this together and tweak it to your special needs and you will have an animation that resembles the animation you are looking for.

Easy way to use an UIScrollView

Does someone have an "easy way" to make a view like camera roll app? I need to display miniature photos (buttons) and push new views from them. I don't know how to display miniature images in a scroll view. The number of miniatures is large, so they don't fit the screen, and I think UIScrollView is the only solution.
Check out TTThumbsViewController, part of Three20; this should pretty much do what you want (and it's open source if you need to change it).
A scroll view really just controls the visible region of a single content view. If you want a grid of small images, you'll need to create a view that contains a number of image views or otherwise displays the grid of images. Make this the content view of the scroll view. Also, it'd be a good idea to construct your image grid view such that it only loads and draws the images that are visible, particularly if you're going to display a large number of such images.