OCaml use signature defined outside functor to limit visibility into produced module - module

I'm trying to write a functor that takes a pair of ordered things and produces another ordered thing (with ordering defined lexicographically).
However, I want the resulting "ordered type" to be abstract, rather than an OCaml tuple.
This is easy enough to do with an inline/anonymous signature.
(* orderedPairSetInlineSig.ml *)
module type ORDERED_TYPE = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module MakeOrderedPairSet (X : ORDERED_TYPE) :
type t
val get_fst : t -> X.t
val get_snd : t -> X.t
val make : X.t -> X.t -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
end = struct
type t = X.t * X.t
let combine_comparisons fst snd =
if fst = 0 then snd else fst
let compare (x, y) (a, b) =
let cmp = X.compare x a in
let cmp' = X.compare y b in
combine_comparisons cmp cmp'
let get_fst ((x, y) : t) = x
let get_snd ((x, y) : t) = y
let make x y = (x, y)
I want to give my anonymous signature a name like ORDERED_PAIR_SET_TYPE and move it outside the definition of MakeOrderedPairSet, like so (warning: not syntactically valid) :
(* orderedPairSet.ml *)
module type ORDERED_TYPE = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module type ORDERED_PAIR_SET_TYPE = sig
type t
type el
val get_fst : t -> el
val get_snd : t -> el
val make : el -> el -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
module MakeOrderedPairSet (X : ORDERED_TYPE) :
(ORDERED_PAIR_SET_TYPE with type el = X.t) = struct
type t = X.t * X.t
let combine_comparisons fst snd =
if fst = 0 then snd else fst
let compare (x, y) (a, b) =
let cmp = X.compare x a in
let cmp' = X.compare y b in
combine_comparisons cmp cmp'
let get_fst ((x, y) : t) = x
let get_snd ((x, y) : t) = y
let make x y = (x, y)
with el being an abstract type in the signature that I'm trying to bind to X.t inside the body of MakeOrderedPairSet.
However, I can't figure out how to fit everything together.
(ORDERED_PAIR_SET_TYPE with type el = X.t) is the most obvious way I can think of to say "give me a signature that's just like this one, but with an abstract type replaced with a concrete one (or differently-abstract in this case)". However, it isn't syntactically valid in this case (because of the parentheses). Taking the parentheses off does not result in a valid "module-language-level expression" either; I left it on because I think it makes my intent more obvious.
So ... how do you use a named signature to restrict the visibility into a [module produced by a functor]/[parameterized module]?

If you don't want to add el to the exports of the module then there are two ways:
Use a substitution constraint:
ORDERED_PAIR_SET_TYPE with type el := X.t
That will remove the specification of el from the signature.
Use a parameterised signature. Unfortunately, that is not expressible directly in OCaml, but requires a bit of extra functor gymnastics around the definition of your signature:
module type S =
type t
val get_fst : t -> X.el
val get_snd : t -> X.el
val make : X.el -> X.el -> t
val compare : t -> t -> int
With that you can write:
module MakeOrderedPairSet (X : ORDERED_TYPE) : SET_TYPE(X).S = ...


value level module packing and functors in OCaml

I wonder why one example fails and not the other.
(* this fails *)
(* (l fails to type check)
This expression has type 'a but an expression was expected of type
(module M.TFixU)
The module type M.TFixU would escape its scope
let foldList1 (type ar) algr l =
let module M = FixT (ListIntF) in
let (module LU : M.TFixU) = l in
assert false
(* but this works *)
let foldList2 (type ar) algr l =
let (module LU : FixT(ListIntF).TFixU) = l in
assert false
complete code
module Higher = struct
type ('a, 't) app
module type NewType1 = sig
type 'a s
type t
val inj : 'a s -> ('a, t) app
val prj : ('a, t) app -> 'a s
module NewType1 (X : sig
type 'a t
end) =
type 'a s = 'a X.t
type t
external inj : 'a s -> ('a, t) app = "%identity"
external prj : ('a, t) app -> 'a s = "%identity"
module Fix = struct
open Higher
module FixT (T : NewType1) = struct
module type T_Alg = sig
type a
val alg : (a, T.t) app -> a
module type TFixU = sig
module App : functor (A : T_Alg) -> sig
val res : A.a
type tFixU = (module TFixU)
module Pb = struct
open Higher
open Fix
(* intro *)
type 'r listIntF = Empty | Succ of (int * 'r)
module ListIntF = NewType1 (struct
type 'r t = 'r listIntF
(* this fails *)
let foldList1 (type ar) algr l =
let module M = FixT (ListIntF) in
let (module LU : M.TFixU) = l in
(* (l fails to type check)
This expression has type 'a but an expression was expected of type
(module M.TFixU)
The module type M.TFixU would escape its scope
let module T = LU.App (struct
type a = ar
let alg = algr
end) in
(* but this doesn't *)
let foldList2 (type ar) algr l =
let (module LU : FixT(ListIntF).TFixU) = l in
let module T = LU.App (struct
type a = ar
let alg = algr
end) in
In the first case, the type of l is unified with the type defined in the module M, which defines the module type. Since the type is introduced after the value l, which is a parameter in an eager language so it already exists, the value l receives a type that doesn't yet exist at the time of its creation. It is the soundness requirement of the OCaml type system that the value lifetime has to be enclosed with its type lifetime, or more simply each value must have a type. The simplest example is,
let x = ref None (* here `x` doesn't have a type since it is defined later *)
type foo = Foo;; (* the `foo` scope starts here *)
x := Some Foo (* foo escapes the scope as it is assigned to `x` via `foo option` *)
Another simplified example, that involves a function parameter is the following,
let foo x =
let open struct
type foo = Foo
end in
match x with
| Some Foo -> true (* again, type foo escapes the scope as it binds to `x` *)
| None -> false
A very good article that will help you understand in-depth scopes and generalization is Oleg Kiselyov's How OCaml type checker works -- or what polymorphism and garbage collection have in common.
Concerning the second case, you clearly specified the type of l using the applicative nature of OCaml functors. And since the typechecker knows that the lifetime of FixT(ListIntF).TFixU is greater than the lifetime of l it is happy.

recursive module as a fix point in OCaml

Is it possible to write the module Nat as a fixpoint or a universal algebra for some functor NatF ?
module rec Nat : sig
type t = Z | S of Nat.t
end = struct
type t = Z | S of Nat.t
Presumably to_int would then be a regular fold
let rec to_int : Nat.t -> int = function Z -> 0 | S x -> 1 + to_int x
I am not sure that I fully understand your question, but it looks like that you want to define a fixed-point combinator on the type level, so that you can write,
module NatF = Fix(functor (F : F)(T:T) -> struct
type t = Z | S of F(T).t
module R = NatF(struct type s type t = Z | S of s end)
It is possible, e.g.,
module type T = sig type t end
module type F = functor (T : T) -> T
module type F2F = functor (F : F) -> F
module type Fix = functor (F : F2F) -> F
module rec Fix : Fix = functor (F : F2F) -> F (Fix(F))
but the problem is that it will leave the resulting type R.t abstract, so you can't write the to_int function over R.t. Even if you will try to define the to_int function inside of the open-recursive functor, you won't be able to recurse over the F(T).t type of the S branch as it will be abstract.
So, I believe, that in the end, you will still have to rely either on the recursion that is implicit in the type definition or on recursive modules to tighten up the fixed point, e.g.,
module type T = sig type t end
module Nat (T : T) = struct
module type S = sig
type t = Z | S of T.t
module type F = functor (T : T) -> Nat(T).S
module type F2F = functor (F : F) -> F
module type Fix = functor (F : F2F) -> F
module rec Fix : Fix = functor (F : F2F) -> F (Fix(F))
module F = functor(F : F)(T : T) -> struct
type t = F(T).t = Z | S of T.t
module rec R : sig
type t = Z | S of R.t
end = Fix(F)(R)
rephrasing Ivg's answer and its issue (with a tweak to make it compile - interesting to understand "safe module")
module Ivg = struct
module type T = sig type t end
module type F = functor (T : T) -> T
module NatF (T : T) = struct
type t = Z | S of T.t
module type Fix = functor (F : F) -> T
module rec Fix : Fix =
functor (F : F) -> F (struct type t = Fix(F).t end) (*tweak - prevent loop at definition - cf "safe module" at https://caml.inria.fr/pub/papers/xleroy-recursive_modules-03.pdf *)
module Nat = Fix (NatF)
(* As mentioned by #ivg :
it will leave the resulting type Nat.t abstract,
so you can't write the to_int function over Nat.t.
Even if you will try to define the to_int function inside of the open-recursive functor,
you won't be able to recurse over the F(T).t type of the S branch as it will be abstract. *)
Whose solution can be approximated by
module type T = sig type t end
module type F = functor (T : T) -> T
module rec NatF : F =
functor (T : T) ->
type t = Z | S of T.t
and FixedNat : T = struct
type t = NatF(FixedNat).t
Fix now statically know it is being applied to NatF.
But T is still abstract
I don't know any other way as of yet (modular implicit ?)
Another way of expressing Nat
(* type 't natF = Z | S of 't *)
module rec FixedNat : sig
module type Z = sig end
module type S = sig
val n : FixedNat.n
type n = Z | S of (module S)
end =
let rec to_int : FixedNat.n -> int = function
| Z -> 0
| S (module N) -> to_int N.n
which still does not express FixedNat as an explicit fix point of an algebra
Another approximate solution.
The encoding of modules fixed point can be done through its universal property for type level algebras
module Algebras = struct
(* type level natf_algebra : 'a natF -> 'a *)
module type natF_algebra = sig
type a
val zero : a
val succ : a -> a
(* A type level algebra lowered *)
type 'a natF_algebra = (module natF_algebra with type a = 'a)
(* is an ordinary value level algebra *)
type 'a natf = Z | S of 'a
type 'a natf_algebra = { alg : 'a natf -> 'a }
module Encoding = struct
open Algebras
(* Universal encoding *)
module type NatU = sig
module Ap : functor (F : natF_algebra) -> sig
val res : F.a
type natU = (module NatU)
(* recursive module *)
module rec FixedNat : sig
module type Z = sig end
module type S = sig
val n : FixedNat.n
type n = Z | S of (module S)
end =
module Equivalence = struct
open Algebras
open Encoding
let fixedNat_to_natU : FixedNat.n -> natU =
fun n ->
(module struct
module Ap (F : natF_algebra) = struct
let rec foldNat = function
| FixedNat.Z -> F.zero
| FixedNat.S (module N) -> foldNat N.n |> F.succ
let res = foldNat n
let rec natU_to_fixedNat : natU -> FixedNat.n =
fun (module N) ->
let module M = N.Ap (struct
type a = FixedNat.n
let zero = FixedNat.Z
let succ x =
(module struct
let n = x
end) in

OCaml syntax error in functor

I'm trying to create a functor that makes a polynomial ring out of a ring. My underlying type, Ring_elt, has the following signature:
module type Ring_elt = sig
type t
val add : t -> t -> t
val mul : t -> t -> t
val zer : t
val one : t
val neg : t -> t
My polynomial functor looks like:
module Make_Poly2(Underlying:Ring_elt) = struct
type t = Poly of Underlying.t list
let rec create lst =
match List.rev lst with
| Underlying.zer :: tl -> create List.rev tl
| _ -> Poly of lst
(so the 'create' function should take a list, remove the leading zeros, and then return the polynomial of the result). However, I get a syntax error and utop underlines the "zer" after "Underlying."
By comparison, the following code (for making integer polynomials) works:
module Make_int_poly = struct
type t = Poly of int list
let rec create lst =
match List.rev lst with
| 0 :: tl -> create (List.rev tl)
| _ -> Poly lst
Any idea what's going on?
An OCaml pattern is built from constants, data constructors, and new names bound by the pattern match. Underlying.zer isn't any of those things. But 0 is one of them.
Seems like you can just use an if to compare against Underlying.zer.
Jeffrey's answer is good but instead of correcting it with an if construction, what you should do is the following : use algebraic data types
Instead of writing
val zer : t
val one : t
You could write
module type Ring_elt = sig
type t = Zer | One | Num of t
val add : t -> t -> t
val mul : t -> t -> t
val neg : t -> t
module Make_int_poly = struct
type t = Poly of int list
let rec create lst =
match List.rev lst with
| Underlying.Zer :: tl -> create (List.rev tl)
| _ -> Poly lst
It's a much better way of doing it since you can easily pattern match on it and even add some constants to your type t without problems.

Idris: proof that specific terms are impossible

Idris version: 0.9.16
I am attempting to describe constructions generated from a base value and an iterated step function:
namespace Iterate
data Iterate : (base : a) -> (step : a -> a) -> a -> Type where
IBase : Iterate base step base
IStep : Iterate base step v -> Iterate base step (step v)
Using this I can define Plus, describing constructs from iterated addition of a jump value:
namespace Plus
Plus : (base : Nat) -> (jump : Nat) -> Nat -> Type
Plus base jump = Iterate base (\v => jump + v)
Simple example uses of this:
namespace PlusExamples
Even : Nat -> Type; Even = Plus 0 2
even0 : Even 0; even0 = IBase
even2 : Even 2; even2 = IStep even0
even4 : Even 4; even4 = IStep even2
Odd : Nat -> Type; Odd = Plus 1 2
odd1 : Odd 1; odd1 = IBase
odd3 : Odd 3; odd3 = IStep odd1
Fizz : Nat -> Type; Fizz = Plus 0 3
fizz0 : Fizz 0; fizz0 = IBase
fizz3 : Fizz 3; fizz3 = IStep fizz0
fizz6 : Fizz 6; fizz6 = IStep fizz3
Buzz : Nat -> Type; Buzz = Plus 0 5
buzz0 : Buzz 0; buzz0 = IBase
buzz5 : Buzz 5; buzz5 = IStep buzz0
buzz10 : Buzz 10; buzz10 = IStep buzz5
The following describes that values below the base are impossible:
noLess : (base : Nat) ->
(i : Fin base) ->
Plus base jump (finToNat i) ->
noLess Z FZ m impossible
noLess (S b) FZ IBase impossible
noLess (S b) (FS i) IBase impossible
And the following for values between base and jump + base:
noBetween : (base : Nat) ->
(predJump : Nat) ->
(i : Fin predJump) ->
Plus base (S predJump) (base + S (finToNat i)) ->
noBetween b Z FZ m impossible
noBetween b (S s) FZ IBase impossible
noBetween b (S s) (FS i) IBase impossible
I am having trouble defining the following function:
noJump : (Plus base jump n -> Void) -> Plus base jump (jump + n) -> Void
noJump f m = ?noJump_rhs
That is: if n isn't base plus a natural multiple of jump, then neither is jump + n.
If I ask Idris to case split m it only shows me IBase - then I get stuck.
Would someone point me in the right direction?
Edit 0:
Applying induction to m gives me the following message:
Induction needs an eliminator for Iterate.Iterate.Iterate
Edit 1:
Name updates and here is a copy of the source: http://lpaste.net/125873
I think there's a good reason to get stuck on the IBase case of this proof, which is that the theorem is false! Consider:
noplus532 : Plus 5 3 2 -> Void
noplus532 IBase impossible
noplus532 (IStep _) impossible
plus535 : Plus 5 3 (3 + 2)
plus535 = IBase
To Edit 0: to induct on a type, it needs a special qualifier:
%elim data Iterate = <your definition>
To the main question: sorry that I haven't read through all your code, I only want to make some suggestion for falsifying proofs. From my experience (I even delved the standard library sources to find out some help), when you need to prove Not a (a -> Void), often you can use some Not b (b -> Void) and a way to convert a to b, then just pass it to the second proof. For example, a very simple proof that one list cannot be prefix of another if they have different heads:
%elim data Prefix : List a -> List a -> Type where
pEmpty : Prefix Nil ys
pNext : Prefix xs ys -> Prefix (x :: xs) (x :: ys)
prefixNotCons : Not (x = y) -> Not (Prefix (x :: xs) (y :: ys))
prefixNotCons r (pNext _) = r refl
In your case, I suppose you need to combine several proofs.

How would I translate a Haskell type class into F#?

I'm trying to translate the Haskell core library's Arrows into F# (I think it's a good exercise to understanding Arrows and F# better, and I might be able to use them in a project I'm working on.) However, a direct translation isn't possible due to the difference in paradigms. Haskell uses type-classes to express this stuff, but I'm not sure what F# constructs best map the functionality of type-classes with the idioms of F#. I have a few thoughts, but figured it best to bring it up here and see what was considered to be the closest in functionality.
For the tl;dr crowd: How do I translate type-classes (a Haskell idiom) into F# idiomatic code?
For those accepting of my long explanation:
This code from the Haskell standard lib is an example of what I'm trying to translate:
class Category cat where
id :: cat a a
comp :: cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
class Category a => Arrow a where
arr :: (b -> c) -> a b c
first :: a b c -> a (b,d) (c,d)
instance Category (->) where
id f = f
instance Arrow (->) where
arr f = f
first f = f *** id
Attempt 1: Modules, Simple Types, Let Bindings
My first shot at this was to simply map things over directly using Modules for organization, like:
type Arrow<'a,'b> = Arrow of ('a -> 'b)
let arr f = Arrow f
let first f = //some code that does the first op
That works, but it loses out on polymorphism, since I don't implement Categories and can't easily implement more specialized Arrows.
Attempt 1a: Refining using Signatures and types
One way to correct some issues with Attempt 1 is to use a .fsi file to define the methods (so the types enforce easier) and to use some simple type tweaks to specialize.
type ListArrow<'a,'b> = Arrow<['a],['b]>
type ListArrow<'a,'b> = LA of Arrow<['a],['b]>
But the fsi file can't be reused (to enforce the types of the let bound functions) for other implementations, and the type renaming/encapsulating stuff is tricky.
Attempt 2: Object models and interfaces
Rationalizing that F# is built to be OO also, maybe a type hierarchy is the right way to do this.
type IArrow<'a,'b> =
abstract member comp : IArrow<'b,'c> -> IArrow<'a,'c>
type Arrow<'a,'b>(func:'a->'b) =
interface IArrow<'a,'b> with
member this.comp = //fun code involving "Arrow (fun x-> workOn x) :> IArrow"
Aside from how much of a pain it can be to get what should be static methods (like comp and other operators) to act like instance methods, there's also the need to explicitly upcast the results. I'm also not sure that this methodology is still capturing the full expressiveness of type-class polymorphism. It also makes it hard to use things that MUST be static methods.
Attempt 2a: Refining using type extensions
So one more potential refinement is to declare the interfaces as bare as possible, then use extension methods to add functionality to all implementing types.
type IArrow<'a,'b> with
static member (&&&) f = //code to do the fanout operation
Ah, but this locks me into using one method for all types of IArrow. If I wanted a slightly different (&&&) for ListArrows, what can I do? I haven't tried this method yet, but I would guess I can shadow the (&&&), or at least provide a more specialized version, but I feel like I can't enforce the use of the correct variant.
Help me
So what am I supposed to do here? I feel like OO should be powerful enough to replace type-classes, but I can't seem to figure out how to make that happen in F#. Were any of my attempts close? Are any of them "as good as it gets" and that'll have to be good enough?
My brief answer is:
OO is not powerful enough to replace type classes.
The most straightforward translation is to pass a dictionary of operations, as in one typical typeclass implementation. That is if typeclass Foo defines three methods, then define a class/record type named Foo, and then change functions of
Foo a => yadda -> yadda -> yadda
to functions like
Foo -> yadda -> yadda -> yadda
and at each call site you know the concrete 'instance' to pass based on the type at the call-site.
Here's a short example of what I mean:
// typeclass
type Showable<'a> = { show : 'a -> unit; showPretty : 'a -> unit } //'
// instances
let IntShowable =
{ show = printfn "%d"; showPretty = (fun i -> printfn "pretty %d" i) }
let StringShowable =
{ show = printfn "%s"; showPretty = (fun s -> printfn "<<%s>>" s) }
// function using typeclass constraint
// Showable a => [a] -> ()
let ShowAllPretty (s:Showable<'a>) l = //'
l |> List.iter s.showPretty
// callsites
ShowAllPretty IntShowable [1;2;3]
ShowAllPretty StringShowable ["foo";"bar"]
See also
Here's the approach I use to simulate Typeclasses (from http://code.google.com/p/fsharp-typeclasses/ ).
In your case, for Arrows could be something like this:
let inline i2 (a:^a,b:^b ) =
((^a or ^b ) : (static member instance: ^a* ^b -> _) (a,b ))
let inline i3 (a:^a,b:^b,c:^c) =
((^a or ^b or ^c) : (static member instance: ^a* ^b* ^c -> _) (a,b,c))
type T = T with
static member inline instance (a:'a ) =
fun x -> i2(a , Unchecked.defaultof<'r>) x :'r
static member inline instance (a:'a, b:'b) =
fun x -> i3(a, b, Unchecked.defaultof<'r>) x :'r
type Return = Return with
static member instance (_Monad:Return, _:option<'a>) = fun x -> Some x
static member instance (_Monad:Return, _:list<'a> ) = fun x -> [x]
static member instance (_Monad:Return, _: 'r -> 'a ) = fun x _ -> x
let inline return' x = T.instance Return x
type Bind = Bind with
static member instance (_Monad:Bind, x:option<_>, _:option<'b>) = fun f ->
Option.bind f x
static member instance (_Monad:Bind, x:list<_> , _:list<'b> ) = fun f ->
List.collect f x
static member instance (_Monad:Bind, f:'r->'a, _:'r->'b) = fun k r -> k (f r) r
let inline (>>=) x (f:_->'R) : 'R = T.instance (Bind, x) f
let inline (>=>) f g x = f x >>= g
type Kleisli<'a, 'm> = Kleisli of ('a -> 'm)
let runKleisli (Kleisli f) = f
type Id = Id with
static member instance (_Category:Id, _: 'r -> 'r ) = fun () -> id
static member inline instance (_Category:Id, _:Kleisli<'a,'b>) = fun () ->
Kleisli return'
let inline id'() = T.instance Id ()
type Comp = Comp with
static member instance (_Category:Comp, f, _) = (<<) f
static member inline instance (_Category:Comp, Kleisli f, _) =
fun (Kleisli g) -> Kleisli (g >=> f)
let inline (<<<) f g = T.instance (Comp, f) g
let inline (>>>) g f = T.instance (Comp, f) g
type Arr = Arr with
static member instance (_Arrow:Arr, _: _ -> _) = fun (f:_->_) -> f
static member inline instance (_Arrow:Arr, _:Kleisli<_,_>) =
fun f -> Kleisli (return' <<< f)
let inline arr f = T.instance Arr f
type First = First with
static member instance (_Arrow:First, f, _: 'a -> 'b) =
fun () (x,y) -> (f x, y)
static member inline instance (_Arrow:First, Kleisli f, _:Kleisli<_,_>) =
fun () -> Kleisli (fun (b,d) -> f b >>= fun c -> return' (c,d))
let inline first f = T.instance (First, f) ()
let inline second f = let swap (x,y) = (y,x) in arr swap >>> first f >>> arr swap
let inline ( *** ) f g = first f >>> second g
let inline ( &&& ) f g = arr (fun b -> (b,b)) >>> f *** g
> let f = Kleisli (fun y -> [y;y*2;y*3]) <<< Kleisli ( fun x -> [ x + 3 ; x * 2 ] ) ;;
val f : Kleisli<int,int list> = Kleisli <fun:f#4-14>
> runKleisli f <| 5 ;;
val it : int list = [8; 16; 24; 10; 20; 30]
> (arr (fun y -> [y;y*2;y*3])) 3 ;;
val it : int list = [3; 6; 9]
> let (x:option<_>) = runKleisli (arr (fun y -> [y;y*2;y*3])) 2 ;;
val x : int list option = Some [2; 4; 6]
> ( (*) 100) *** ((+) 9) <| (5,10) ;;
val it : int * int = (500, 19)
> ( (*) 100) &&& ((+) 9) <| 5 ;;
val it : int * int = (500, 14)
> let x:List<_> = (runKleisli (id'())) 5 ;;
val x : List<int> = [5]
Note: use id'() instead of id
Update: you need F# 3.0 to compile this code, otherwise here's the F# 2.0 version.
And here's a detailed explanation of this technique which is type-safe, extensible and as you can see works even with some Higher Kind Typeclasses.