Apache isis sql query not working in isisJdoSupport.executeUpdate() - isis

I am creating a project using Apache Isis. I need to run an update query in the project using isisJdoSupport.executeUpdate(). But it is not updating the value in database. The method returns number of rows updated, but it does not update values in database. I tried running query directly in MySQL and it works, but it does not work with isisJdoSupport.executeUpdate(). Is there a way to make update query work using Apache Isis?


How to save a query in SQL Server using a trigger?

How to save a query in SQL Server using a trigger?
I have a database that supplies different applications. I have detected that one of them is updating a column to null. I want to save the query that does it, so I can know which application is having this error.
Is there a way to save the query that executes a trigger?

same query from remote server and on server, different results

I have a server called ERP-SERVER, and a server called SQLDEV-SERVER.
They both have a blob instance, but we never copy over the complete blob to the SQLDEV-SERVER as that would be too much data.
So when trying to access a file on our test server, it should first check if that file exists on the SQLDEV-SERVER, and if not check if the file exists on the ERP-SERVER. This is where it goes wrong. This piece of code (SQL) used to work but somewhere along the way it broke. I have narrowed it down to the inter database query just returning completely different results.
so for instance i run this query on the ERP-SERVER instance in SQL management studio:
SELECT count(*)
FROM [erp-server].[Extranet_Blob].[dbo].[FileStorBlob]
this returns 223221 results.
When i run the same query on the SQLDEV-SERVER instance in SQL management studio, it returns 313 results.
It points to the same server and same database, yet a completely different count, which is why it is also not returning the files from the live environment when it is not found on the dev environment.
Any pointers as to where this problem could be situated?
Look very carefully at your linked server definition. When you are running the query on SQLDEV-SERVER it is using the linked server definition of that name rather than necessarily the ERP_Server. Is it possible that someone has fiddled with the definition?

Result set differences in a SQL Server Compact database PC vs Mobile device

Interesting problem: I have a SQL Server CE 3.5 database with some data in it. I run a query on the database, using a mobile device and obtain a result set.
This works fine 99% of the time, but on occasion I get records in the database where the query returns an empty result set.
If I take a copy of the same database file from my mobile device and connect to it with Query analyzer, then run the exact same query (as copied/pasted from the debugger), the query returns records. The query itself does a JOIN and GROUP BY on two tables by a referential identity key field.
Now if I make a clone the same records involved via a series of:
INSERT INTO MyTable (EntireFieldListExceptForIDKey)
IDKey = Original
The query is now able to correctly assemble a result set on the cloned records on the mobile device.
Can anyone explain this, and possibly how to detect/overcome?
This is most likely due to a corrupt index, as both copying the file to your desktop and creating a new table will cause an Index rebuild.
It is recommended to regularly Compact your database to prevent this - also make sure you are using the latest runtime binaries.

find table with most rows in entire sql 2016 instance

I was trying to solve this specific issue:
I needed a single query that will retrieve the table in the entire instance with most rows. (I would run it in 20 sql instances, all sql 2016.)
It would be run in production so; ideally, it should not be a resource-consuming SP…
All other solutions I saw were… either for sql 2005, or they just retrieved it for a single database.

For a Front end access user interface connected to a backend SQL server, do I create new queries for tables in the SQL server or Access frontend?

I am a new database intern working with a access front end and SQL server backend database. The database was custom made for the company. One of my assignments is to take scripts and apply them to make four new tables. I am aware that I need to make a new query for each new table but I don't know if I should make the query in SQL server management studio or the frontend access program. I have tried copying and pasting the given scripts into a new query in access but I get an error message "invalid SQL statement expected 'DELETE', 'INSERT'...". I decided to try to break done the program a little bit and tested the first line
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys WHERE object_id =OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo] .[FK_tblInstrumentInterfaceLog_tlkpInstrument]') AND parent_object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[tblInstrumentInterfaceLog]'))
but the same error message keeps popping up. I even tried just SELECT * FROM sys.foreign_keys, and I got the error message "could not find file...". I am very much a beginner and any guidance would be appreciated.Basically am I supposed to be applying these scripts the server SQL database or on the front end access program?
Are you using a pass-through query? i.e. not just a select query. Access needs to know where to send the query and since you are using TSQL not Access SQL this needs to be executed on the server.
Normally when you query a linked table the information of how to get the data (the connection string) is tied to the table. But for this kind of query you'll probably need to tell Access explicitly. Unless you are using an ADP/ADE, then the connection info travels with the program not the table.
As a general rule, you use SQL management studio (SSMS) to create and run those scripts. So the general accepted approach here is such scripts will not be placed in the front end. As noted such scripts if for some reason must be placed in the front end, then you have to create them as pass-though, but EVEN in this case you want to use the SSMS to create such quires.
So the answer here is you create the new scripts and make table queries in the back end, or in this case using the SQL server management studio.
The syntax checking, query editor etc. in recent versions of SSMS now has auto-complete etc. and you can test/write/update those scripts in SQL server. Once you have such a query or even several of them, then the resulting “several” statements can be pasted into a front end query that been created as pass-though. If you do not use a pass-though query, then you are creating and using and assuming client side SQL (JET (now called ACE)).
The client side has it own version of SQL syntax, and it is NOT 100% compatible with the SERVER SIDE. If you writing SQL in the client that is NOT pass though, then you using a linked table to SQL server. These linked tables thus will use local (JET/ACE) based SQL queries. The ODBC driver thus translates this SQL into server side compatible syntax. However the JET/ACE sql syntax is very limited when compared to SQL server and no server side commands exist in this SQL syntax for the client data engine (JET/ACE)
So for many quires, you will and can simply build such queries using the Access query builder.
However for SQL that needs to run 100% server side then such quires has to be setup as pass-though and are in most cased built + tested using SSMS.