Error importing a static pool workstation - tivoli-work-scheduler

I'm re-importing my workstations but the static pool workstation: give me back the following error:
AWSJCS011E An internal error has occurred. The error is the following: "AWKRAE015E A requested resource is unknown. The following error was returned:"AWKRRP018E Unable to find source or target resources for the creation or update of a relationship
does anyone know what that means?

That message means a problem occurred while looking for a workstation into the system. In your scenario, you should make sure that all the agents beloging to the pool are up and running and correctly linked.
In addition to that, for every agent, you should also check the AgentID matches with the one you can find in the respective JobManager.ini file.
I hope this can help!


Problems with Transfer Service from Google Ads to BigQuery

I am having a problem with a data transfer from Google Ads. When I schedule the backfill I get the following error for some dates:
Invalid value: Load configuration must specify at least one source URI
When I check the log inside of the details of execution I get the following message:
Failed to start job for table p_ClickStats_5419416216$20201117 with error INVALID_ARGUMENT: Invalid value: Load configuration must specify at least one source URI
The weird part is that this happens for random dates which I had transfered before in a previous transfer. Did anyone have a problem similar to that?
I had the very same problem with the same error. I was using a free trial account. I shared my project under another account that was an upgraded account with billing set-up (but still with the promotional credits). So far, I have not had the same issue. Try to upgrade your account to one where you set up billing and try the data transfer again. Don't use the purely free trial account. You can share the project to the other account and set it up there, the data transfer. Backfilling for me has also worked and looks like no more duplicate runs either. Maybe free account trial is a limited version.

SCCM - Task sequence with application failure

I have been having some issues lately when including applications in task sequences. When running any task sequence that contains applications, it automatically fails, and says "The referenced package cannot be found." I've checked my distribution points and boundary groups, and verified the application content is distributed. When checking the logs, it just states it failed to find an application, I track down the application it's referencing, and redistribute, or even remove it from the task sequence, and try running it again, I get the same error, except for the next application content ID's. When adding packages to a task sequence, it seems to run successfully. Has anyone else encountered this?
EDIT: I've also been seeing 'content hash value mismatch' errors in the logs.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Some extra info:
I have already restored the site server VM, rebuilt the distribution point.
Failed to find CCM_ApplicationCIAssignment object for AdvertID="***2017A", ModelName="ScopeId_E6E2F6FB-692F-4938-8AC6-146644EAE93F/Application_ce95b2ac-bf5a-4de2-b930-6f9b74b7dfd0"
"Failed to resolve selected task sequence dependencies. Code(0x80040104)"

error when adding tableadapter to dataset

I am developing a winforms application in
when i try to add a tableadapter to an existing dataset I am receiving the error:
Failed to open a connection to the database.
"An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file ###Filelocation### failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share." Check the connection and try again.
This same dataset has 2 other tableadapters using the same dataconnection (as I am selecting the already existing dataconnection) which work fine
this connection is using application connection strings:
Data Source=(LocalDB)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\test.mdf;Integrated
server=localhost;user id=root;password=password;database=testuser;persistsecurityinfo=True
this error pops up every time I select the dataconnector on the first window that pops up.
Why is this happening
additional info:
The other 2 tableadapters were added to this dataset using a different computer
this is for a mysql connection
I found this post on the MSDN forum:
An attempt to attach an auto-named database ....\aspnetdb.mdf failed
One of the suggestions is as Mr. DonBoitnott correctly says, add User Instance=True;. But, there's also another suggestion posted by Luke A.
"For the record, not one single error message given to me during the course of trying to fix this was relevant to the actual problem. Upon first receiving "An attempt to attached an auto-named database..." I looked online for every suggestion I could find: use an absolute path to the MDF, reorder TCP/IP and named pipes in the server configuration, disable/enable UserInstance (depending on where you looked), change security settings, reconfigure authentication, give specific login credentials.
None of these worked. All of these led to different vague/ambiguous error messages, which led to another problem which required a solution which led back to the original error message... an endless loop of problems, completely unrelated to what was actually wrong.
_Also, posts about setting correct permissions on the App_Data folder are deceptive, as they imply the default permissions were not sufficient for SQL Express (in fact, they are). The whole point of this VS environment is that you can develop a web application and plop it right onto an IIS/SQLExpress setup and have it work. This makes the applications more portable (within IIS, of course) and secure. Of course, everything configuration-related has been obfuscated enough to make it several orders of magnitude more difficult than it has to be."_
So: Try prepend Initial Catalog=uniquenamehere to your connection string.
Though he says "... where 'uniquenamehere' is some name for your project.", try replacing uniquenamehere with the actual name of the database where the table exists.
the file is a .mdf file so it is a mssql file
my guess would be that as you stated you are using mysql the connection string has to be a tad different and therefore the Dataset can't connect to Mysql
Try adding User Instance=True; to the connection string.

Loadrunner Analysis threw an error and i have no idea what could have caused these many errors

We recently ran a PT and while loading the result of that test in Analysis i got a popup telling me that there was an error, the error trace is below. I am not sure what could have caused these many errors or what they even mean. I check the Analysis report and it had all the necessary information.
One of the experts told me that the errors were there because i was capturing snaphots of error during the test run but i am not convienced, how can taking snaphots generate so many errors!!
Could one of the loadrunner experts here help me understand what these errors mean and what could have caused them?
Log Trace is available at:
Related to the questions on scope of the error above: From your error log....
75004 Transaction : <OpenWebPage_Login_31>
InstanceID: 4294967299
VUser info:
End Time: 1357937049.69605
Transaction end time is less than the scenario start time
I have cleaned up a single line in your log for clarity purposes. Note that the line includes a couple of items which have been scrubbed, such as "HostMachine_IP." You may also examine the hosting for group, "scriptname.1" to find out which load generator host this is applied to.
As you have indicated that you have multiple load generators involved, examine carefully the scope of the errors in the error log. Are they all tied to one particular hostname? If you have more than one group on the same host then are both groups impacted by this error (error follows host and not group). If the error is tied to a script and to a group, then does the same error occur with the same script in another group on another load generator, such a single user running as a control set on a different load generator?
Break The errors apart. Examine the errors critically. All Hosts mean one thing: One host another. A instances of a script across multiple load generators mean one thing: Instances on a single load generator another. All scripts on one load generator imply one thing, especially when the instances on a second/third load generator do not fail.
Make sure all of your load generators are at the same major.minor(patch) release level as your controller.

"Entity Container Must Be Unique" error when promoting to test environment

I have a solution (WCF service) that has many Entity Framework modules in it. Each dll is named differently.
When I (and my co-workers) run this locally it all works fine. When we run the auto build and copy the files to a Dev Server it all works fine.
But when we copy the files to a Test Server I get an error:
Resolution of the dependency failed, type = "OrderManagementInterfaces.IOrderModel", name = "(none)".
Exception occurred while: Calling constructor OrderDAL.OrderEntities(System.String connectionString).
Exception is: MetadataException - Schema specified is not valid. Errors:
OrderDataModel.csdl(3,4) : error 0019: The EntityContainer name must be unique. An EntityContainer with the name 'OrderEntities' is already defined.
It then follows with all the parts of my schema saying that each was already defined. When I first got this error it was the same kind of error but for a different Entity Framework module. (Not sure if that is important or not.)
So my question is: Is there an IIS Setting that could cause this? Why would it work in my dev server and not my test server?
And what can I do to fix it.
NOTE: I have checked many times to see if I have a duplicate module or container name. There is only one module and container named OrderEntities.
I saw that sometimes this is a product of the metadata part of the connection string. My Connection String looks like this:
All the others are the same except the Data Model name is different.
Note: when I deploy to IIS. I delete all files and only copy in the stuff from the auto build. (Same stuff to both locations.)
Turns out it was nothing to do with my code.
I had my Identity in my App Pool incorrectly set. Once that was switched to the right value, it all started working :)