Hello I started learning to code minecraft bukkit plugins just few days a go, so please don't blame me if my issue is stiupid. I want to create a new MyPlayer class that will be Player subclass. I have already figured out that Player's root is org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.entity.CraftPlayer so I can make somethink like this: public class OticPlayer extends org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.entity.CraftPlayer. I want MyClass to contain all of his parent methods, but add some it's own. The problem is when i use: Bukkit.getPlayerExact(arg3[1]) it return the reference to a Player type object. I have a Lobby class with method addPlayer(MyPlayer arg0), so I need a reference to the MyPlayer type object, not Player. When I will try to cast a Player type reference to MyPlayer, it's throws an exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.entity.CraftPlayer cannot be cast to me.gtddd.my.MyPlayer. I need to pass MyPlayer type reference to the addPlayer() method, because I want to make some kind of stats system (K/D/A), each of these stats must be a pool accesable, by MyPlayer type object. So how can I cast Player to MyPlayer? Example code that generates this problem:
package test;
import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.CraftServer;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import me.gtddd.otic.OticPlayer;
import net.minecraft.server.v1_12_R1.EntityPlayer;
public class MyPlayer extends org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_12_R1.entity.CraftPlayer {
public MyPlayer(CraftServer server, EntityPlayer entity) {
super(server, entity);
int kills = 0;
int deaths = 0;
int assists = 0;
public int getKda() {
return kills/deaths/assists;
public class Lobby {
MyPlayer[] players = new MyPlayer[10];
public void addPlayer(MyPlayer arg0) {
players[players.length] = arg0;
public MyPlayer getPlayer(int slot) {
return players[slot-1];
public class Main extends JavaPlugin {
public void onEnable() {
Lobby lobby1 = new Lobby();
MyPlayer player = (MyPlayer) Bukkit.getPlayerExact("Notch");
I looked lot to find the answer, but I was not able to find anythink what would satisfy me. From top: Thanks for all answers! If somethink is unclear ask.
Instead of extending a Player, you should create a Wrapper around Bukkit's Player Object, more specifically wrapping the Player's Name or UUID (recommended) as it's not possible to edit Bukkit's Player instances without a lot of effort, it's implementation is very obscure, and you won't be able to include your MyPlayer in Bukkit's server.
So, for example, you could create a MyPlayer as following:
class MyPlayer {
private String playerName;
public MyPlayer(Player player) {
playerName = player.getDisplayName(); //Something like this to store the player
//More of your code, for example counting the kills
public Player recoverPlayerObject() {
return Bukkit.getPlayer(playerName);
And if you want to do things like adding a kill to the player, and then teleporting him, you could use your MyPlayer instance to modify your players' attributes, and using the recoverPlayerObject if you need to interact directly with Bukkit Player object.
For more information on Wrapper/Decorator, Iluwatar has a very nice Github repository about Design Patterns, including the Decorator.
Following is my code isolation.
Interactable Interface.
public interface Interactable <E extends Interactable> {
List<Person> personsInteracting = new ArrayList<>();
List<Person> personsWaiting = new ArrayList<>();
long INTERACTION_TIME = 5 * 60;
default int getNumberOfPeopleInteracting () {
return personsInteracting.size();
default int getNumberOfPeopleWaiting () {
return personsWaiting.size();
boolean isMultipleActionsAllowed ();
boolean isFurtherActionsAllowed ();
public abstract boolean tryOccupiedBy (final Person person, final Interactions interaction)
throws InteractionNotPossibleException;
E getObject ();
EnumSet<Interactions> getInteractions ();
InteractiveObject Abstract Class
public abstract class InteractiveObject implements Interactable {
protected final String name;
protected int numberOfSimultaneousInteractions;
protected Interactions currentInteraction;
public InteractiveObject (final String name) {
this.name = name;
public boolean isMultipleActionsAllowed () {
return numberOfSimultaneousInteractions > 1;
public boolean isFurtherActionsAllowed () {
return personsInteracting.isEmpty() ||
(getNumberOfPeopleInteracting() > numberOfSimultaneousInteractions);
public boolean tryOccupiedBy (final Person person, final Interactions interaction)
throws InteractionNotPossibleException {
boolean isOccupied = false;
if (!isFurtherActionsAllowed()) {
throw new InteractionNotPossibleException(this + " is already in use by some other " +
currentInteraction = interaction;
return isOccupied;
public String toString () {
return name;
public int getNumberOfSimultaneousInteractions () {
return numberOfSimultaneousInteractions;
Chair (One of the child class)
public class Chair extends InteractiveObject {
private final EnumSet<Interactions> INTERACTIONS = EnumSet.copyOf(Arrays.asList(
new Interactions[] {Interactions.DRAG, Interactions.SIT}));
public Chair (final String objectName) {
super.numberOfSimultaneousInteractions = 1;
public Interactable getObject () {
return this;
public EnumSet<Interactions> getInteractions () {
Here is the piece of code that executes and brings the problem, this question is asked for.
final InteractiveObject chair1 = new Chair("Chair1");
final Person person1 = new Person("Person1");
final Room room = new Room("Room1", 2, 2);
Above piece of code, successfully occupies the chair object. Now,
final InteractiveObject chair2 = new Chair("Chair2");
final Person person2 = new Person("Person2");
final Room room2 = new Room("Room2", 2, 2);
This piece of code doesn't let the person2 occupy since my code states that 1 person is already interacting with chair2, where as no one is interacting with it.
Solution of my problem:
I moved my List of personInteracting to InteractiveObject and function tryOccupiedBy to each child class and everything works fine.
I put personsInteracting in Interactable interface since I believe that every future implementation of Interactable will have it. Developers won't have to implement themselves. (But perhaps this idea seems to be wrong)
If tryOccupiedBy function has same implementation, what is the purpose of whole OOP?
I now know that the isolation was wrong and I know where to place the pieces to get the results. But can someone kindly point me out about some OOP concept which I did not understand and should be implemented in a much better way?
The default keyword was not added to the Java language to do the kind of thing which you seem to be trying to achieve. Data defined in an interface is intended to be constant - the modifiers 'public static' are automatically applied to any field definitions in an interface. If you create a default method in the interface then it must either be stateless or act directly only on purely statically available state. Default methods can call other interface methods to modify instance state, .
By placing personsInteracting field in the interface, you made the same instance common to every object implementing that interface, and so your tryOccupying method was acting on purely global state.
So, the purpose of having default methods in the Java language is to support adding new methods to interfaces in a backwards compatible fashion, nothing more. You shouldn't reuse it as a generic form of code re-use - it was never intended for that and you'll get (as you did) weird behaviour.
You didn't have to put tryOccupiedBy in the child classes, however, so you didn't have to have a load of duplicated code. You could still declare the method signature in the interface (which is what interfaces are generally supposed to do) and then implement the common method in your abstract base class. By putting the data fields in the base class, you make them instance fields and so they are not shared between objects.
public interface Interactable <E extends Interactable> {
boolean tryOccupiedBy (final Person person, final Interactions interaction)
throws InteractionNotPossibleException;
public abstract class InteractiveObject implements Interactable {
private final List<Person> personsInteracting = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<Person> personsWaiting = new ArrayList<>();
public final boolean tryOccupiedBy (final Person person, final Interactions interaction)
throws InteractionNotPossibleException {
boolean isOccupied = false;
if (!isFurtherActionsAllowed()) {
throw new InteractionNotPossibleException(this + " is already in use by some other " +
currentInteraction = interaction;
return isOccupied;
I made offline Waypoints Network generator, which is able to construct waypoints network in editor so we can move or remove the waypoints during the editing process. However I need some way to reference the waypoints network from different objects in play mode and I really like the singleton approach. My idea is:
I have 3 scripts: WNNetwork, WNNetworkObject and WNNetworkData.
WNNetworkData is simple ScriptableObject, which holds the calculated data.
public class WNNetworkData : ScriptableObject {
// Data of waypoints network
public List<WNWaypoint> waypoints = new List<WNWaypoint> ();
public WNKDTree tree = null;
WNNetworkObject is MonoBehaviour scripts that is attached to GameObject and it is use to update, re-generate or delete the waypoints network.
public class WNNetworkObject : MonoBehaviour {
#region Public Variables
// Properties of waypoints
public float size = 1f;
public Color color = Color.cyan;
public Color colorSelected = Color.white;
public Color colorLine = Color.white;
public float lineWidth = 0.5f;
public WNWaypoint.GizmosType type = WNWaypoint.GizmosType.CUBE;
// Parameters for network generation
public float maxClusterRadius = 2;
public float neighborsThreshold = 10f;
public bool doNeighborsSimplification = true;
// Others
// public GameObject queryTarget;
#region Life-cycle
void Awake () {
DontDestroyOnLoad (this.gameObject);
void Start () {
Debug.Log (WNNetwork.data);
This is how it's look in inspector editor:
WNNetwork Inspector editor
The last script is WNNetwork, which is basically a wrapper class holding static reference to WNNetworkData and WNNetworkObject, so I can easily access both.
public class WNNetwork {
public static WNNetworkObject root;
public static WNNetworkData data;
I also created an EditorScript, so I can create all objects from Menu, here is the creation part.
public class CreateWaypointsNetwork {
[MenuItem("GameObject/Create Other/Waypoints Network")]
public static void Create ()
WNNetworkData data = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <WNNetworkData> ();
GameObject go = new GameObject ("WaypointsNetwork", new System.Type[]{typeof(WNNetworkObject)});
WNNetworkObject root = (WNNetworkObject) go.GetComponent<WNNetworkObject> ();
WNNetwork.data = data;
WNNetwork.root = root;
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset (data, "Assets/WaypointsNetworkData");
AssetDatabase.SaveAssets ();
EditorUtility.FocusProjectWindow ();
Selection.activeObject = go;
The thing is, when I create the Waypoints Network everything works in editor, every object seems to be successfully created and I can edit the waypoints. But as soon as I hit the play button, the WNNetwork is reset and all static variables are equal to null. The Network itself seems to be preserved, because every waypoint still have reference to all its neighbours, but I cannot access the data.
I know I am doing something terrible wrong, but I'm unable to determine what, I'm still not so familiar with Unity.
Thanks for any help.
Simply unity doesn't serialize static fields (even if they are of a serializable type).
When you switch from editor to play mode you are deserializing/serializing data, so you will end up losing everything stored into static fields.
I would like to call a function that is located outside the Main class of my Haxe game.
I am able to add bubbles to the game using: addChild(new Bubble(player.x, player.y));
I would like to update the game without using an EventListener in each added object.
The follow code: Bubble.tick();
Yields this error when run from main:
Bubble has no field tick
Bubble Class:
import flash.Lib;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import openfl.Assets;
import flash.events.Event;
class Bubble extends Sprite
private var newBubble:Bitmap;
private static var gameBubble:Array<Sprite> = new Array<Sprite>();
public function new (xpos:Float,ypos:Float) {
super ();
this.x = xpos;
this.y = ypos;
newBubble = new Bitmap (Assets.getBitmapData ("img/sprite_bubble_16x16.png"));
newBubble.x = -12.5;
newBubble.y = -12.5;
private function tick2(e:Event) {
this.y -= 5;
public function tick() {
this.y -= 5;
private function checkPop() {
if(this.y < 0) {
tick is a member method, not a static method.
will look for static public function tick(), while
var b = new Bubble();
will look for public function tick().
Static functions are tied to the class, not a specific instance of the object. Member functions are tied to a specific instance of an object, and can use this to access that instance.
Hope that helps
EDIT (in response to your comment):
It's hard to tell exactly what you are trying to do, but it looks like you want each "Bubble" to slowly move towards the bottom of the screen, and to be removed when it does.
You have 2 options:
1) Every bubble instance creates it's own timer, and tick is a member function (public function tick) which does this.y -= 5 etc.
2) tick is a static function (static public function tick) which does a loop over every bubble (for (bubble in gameBubble) { bubble.y-=5; ...etc... })
The basic rule: anything static can't access this, because it doesn't know which bubble you are talking about, so you'll have to use your static array to go through each of them.
I am creating a two player game and I want to be able to restrict users from creating additional player objects.
public class Player {
Symbol symbol;
public Player() {
symbol = Symbol.X;
If I have a public constructor like this, users can keep creating objects and there will be no way to restrict this?
Extracting players from an enum
public enum Symbol {
X, O;
I want to be able to get the symbol from here and assign it to player object when creating it.
You can use the factory pattern:
class Player {
private static int players = 0;
private Player(...) {
public static Player newPlayer(...) {
if (players < MAX_PLAYERS) {
return new Player(...);
throw new TooManyPlayersException(...);
I am a bit lot about what to do in an OO/DB relation...
Here is the DB model :
// EDIT oups, wrong !
// placeId
// Should be :
Now some code :
class User
private Location locations[]; // need this for several reasons...
public function loadFromDatabase()
// Load data from DB
// ...
result = DB::query("SELECT Id FROM Locations WHERE userId="+this->Id);
l = new Location();
locations[] = l;
class Location
private User user;
public function loadFromDatabase()
class Game
private Location location;
public loadFromDatabase()
Here comes the problem :
how to have a reference to a location
created by the User class ?
A User play Games in several Locations.
EDIT : And for each location the user plays on seat. Or on another seat...
When I want to know where a game has been played I access Game.location. And when I want to know who played it, I access Game.location.user
Here is my problem : I want the Game.location to be the same reference to one of the User.locations and I do not know how to do this...
And, globally, I feel something wrong about my code...
Any help ?
Since you have a placeId in your Location table, I assume there is a Place table which describes what the places actually are, while the Location table simply represents the many-to-many mapping between users and places.
In that case, Location doesn't need to have an Id of its own and doesn't need to be a class, but Place does.
To load just one instance of each object from the database, cache the instances in a static map inside each class.
class Place
// Static
private static Place loadedPlaces[];
public static function get(id)
if (!loadedPlaces[id])
loadedPlaces[id] = new Place(id);
return loadedPlaces[id];
// Non-static
private id;
public function loadFromDatabase()
// ...
Then to get references to places for the properties of a user or a game, you just access them via the static method.
class User
public function loadFromDatabase()
result = DB::query("SELECT placeId FROM Locations WHERE userId="+this->Id);
places[] = Place::get(result);
class Game
public function loadFromDatabase()
place = Place::get(place);
This uses:
Lazy initialization, because places are only loaded when they are needed.
Multiton pattern, because there is only one instance of each place by id.
Not quite a factory method, because there's no object hierarchy involved.