Macro Button protected in protected worksheet - vba

I am trying to run a macro which creates a pdf which work fine. When the excel file gets signed, the excel file gets automatically protected.
Problem: I have a button on the worksheet which needs to be pressed to create the pdf documnet. However this can not be done because the button has also got protected and cant be press. Is there anyway around this?
However if i try save the excel file as manaully as pdf it works.
Points to bear in mind
If the worksheet gets unprotected the signatures get removed.
Small around that will not delete the signatures
If the excel sheet is saved as a different name the signatures remain.
So if i am able to get the button to work . The workbook could be saved as different name ( in macro), and then save as pdf which will contain signatures.

Right click on the button and click on Format Control; go to the Protection Tab and untick Locked checkbox. It will then still be available when the sheet is Protected.


VBA Macro to auto browse and open a file

I am writing a VBA macro to fill a web form with values from spreadsheet.
I have completed macro to fill all form fields except one to click on a button in form to Browse for files.
Below is the macro line to click the browse button.
I'm clueless on how to do the next steps i.e. to browse to a particular folder, select and open the file.
Any help is appreciated.
Man... particularly deal with IE is a pain...
You could use
Sendkeys "%S"
It will save it in Downloads folder and then you can move it, open or do whatever you want.
Many will say it is not good to use it because if the user change the focus while the macro is running it will not working, but it is the simplest way.

Only I am able to save a macro-enabled workbook?

All, I have created a workbook that has some macros in it to import data. The idea is that the file is a master file, and every time you import data with it, it is supposed to place that data on the end of the existing data, and then you save it and move on.
The problem is, I am the only user that can save the workbook. Now, two of the sheets in my workbook I have protected, so that they cannot be edited. I have done this so that nothing can accidentally be removed (buttons, instructions, notes, etc). My users have agreed that this protection is a good thing.
But what I think is happening is our network is making anyone who didn't author this file open it as Read Only, and then they cannot save to it. I first thought maybe if added a save macro (and command button) that it would fix it. No dice.
Next, I had the workbook unprotect, and then re-protect itself when the user clicks the save button. Nope, still opening as Read Only.
I then put code in the Workbook_Open() Sub that changed it from Read Only to Read Write. This caused a box to popup when opening the sheet that said the file was in use by "Another User," and it was locked for editing.
The last thing I tried was adding the other users as Authors to the workbook. And it STILL opens as a Read Only file.
I think this has to do with the network settings here in our office (well, corporate-wide, but anyway). These are policies that cannot be changed. Can anyone help me find a work-around that allows my sheets to be locked for editing, but allows my users to save to my workbook?
You can see here that I have added three other users as Authors of the file (This is the information page of the file as opened by a user.):
So it turns out that the issue was not related at all to the workbook...
When attempting to Save As in the folder where the workbook was located, we found out that the user I was using for the tests simply did not have write permissions to the folder in question. I had write permissions to it based on a previous assignment.
So much frustration over something so simple.

Excel - Keep macros enabled when sheet is saved as new

I have an excel macro-enabled sheet that users open, fill out a list of information (name, date, etc) and click a save button. This creates a new file name based on the information, and saves the file to a network location. The users then continue to work with the sheet.
I forced the users to enable macros (excellent tutorial here: and that works well, however once the file name changes, macros are disabled. I assume this due to the fact that it is an untrusted network location. The sheet will be used by many different computers, so I would like to find a vba workaround rather than relying on an excel setting.
Edit: I think I have the answer: As #mehow said based on the link I have posted, I can first run the part of the macro that finds the file name, then lock the workbook all except the start page, then save the workbook as the new name, then hide the start page and show everything else. That way if macros are disabled once the sheet is saved it should force the user to re-enable without compromising the protection. I'll post once I find outwhether it will work.
Edit: It works! Thanks.

How to check if code that is run belongs to active sheet

I have written some code for an excel spreadsheet. This sub has been added to the ribbon using the standard customizations found in File -> Options -> Customize Ribbon. What is funny though, is that the customization will run the Sub on the EXACT EXCEL FILE that the Sub is written in, i.e. the original.
My users copy the excel file and make adjustments and then run the sub (by clicking the customized button in the ribbon), which then opens the ORIGINAL template file and runs the code. This actually works fine - and I like it because it runs the TEMPLATE code on the ACTIVE sheet. But the only problem is it is also OPENING the original template file. How do I get it to close? Remember it is not the ActiveSheet anymore.
One possible answer is to check if the template is open, then close it (using a static reference), but I would prefer something a little more elegant than that.
You should be able to find the template/original using ThisWorkbook.
Also, if you deliver your workbook's code as a .xlam instead of .xlsm, it will be opened, but there won't be a window for it, so users won't see it.
Not sure if you're using this already, but you might also want to use "for this workbook only" when adding ribbon buttons for a .xlam . (Delivering as .xlam allows you to install buttons from a workbook into the ribbon, without relying on file path and without needing your users to also install buttons (they install .xlam instead).)

Disable Ctrl+V paste option from Excel template in VSTO

I am working on an Excel template + VSTO application.
I have assigned various custom validations and formats for various cells.
But whenever I copy and paste something into the cell, these validations do not work (fails completely). Is there any way so I can disable (Ctrl + V) paste options from the Excel template?
I think it can be implemented in VBA macros.
But I'm not sure about it.
Have you tried using Application.OnKey? The following code should intercept Ctrl+V and effectively disable it. You should call it when your template opens.
Application.OnKey("^v", "");
If you would like to restore Ctrl+V, call the following:
Application.OnKey("^v", Type.Missing);
In VBA you can put the name of a sub in the second parameter, which will be run when that key is pressed. I'm not sure how that works in VSTO.
Of course, the user could still use the cell menu or the edit menu to paste. Also, be aware that this will affect all workbooks running in the Excel instance.