I want to load two checkpoints while using slim.learning.train. For example,
init_fn = assign_from_checkpoint_fn(model_path, variables_to_restore)
slim.learning.train(train_op, log_dir, init_fn=init_fn)
The problem is that I can input only one checkpoint file in model_path. I want to put two checkpoints. I think there can be two possible solutions:
Modify the following assign_from_checkpoint_fn function in tf.contrib.framework.assign_from_checkpoint_fn so that model_path can be a list of checkpoint files
Merge two checkpoints before. (I didn't find any tool for this)
Is there anyone who help me?
I found a solution: we can define our init function using session like this:
flow_init_assign_op, flow_init_feed_dict = slim.assign_from_checkpoint(
flow_ckpt, flow_var_to_restore)
resnet_init_assign_op, resnet_init_feed_dict =
resnet_ckpt, resnet_var_to_restore, ignore_missing_vars=True)
def init_fn(sess):
sess.run(flow_init_assign_op, flow_init_feed_dict)
sess.run(resnet_init_assign_op, resnet_init_feed_dict)
What I currently want to get going is, to add all the files created in "someDir/" to my DAG and add them to my report. The problem is mainly that those files are created in the checkpoint, thus I can't define them as wildcards beforehand. The allFiles(wildcards) currently returns me the directory and not the files.
checkpoint someRule:
def allFiles(wildcards):
checkpoints.someRule.get(**wildcards).output[0] # is "output/some.rds" instead of wildcards
filenames, = glob_wildcards("someDir/{filenames}")
return expand("someDir/{fn}", fn=filenames)
rule all:
Found a workaround. If someone has the same problem, this worked for me.
def aggregate_input(wildcards):
checkpoint_output = checkpoints.someRule.get(**wildcards).output[0]
return expand('someDir/{i}',
i=glob_wildcards(os.path.join(checkpoint_output, '{i}')).i)
There still remains the problem, that the DAG doesn't include the checkpoint "someRule"
Suppose now I have a training input pipeline which finally generate train_x and train_y using tf.train.shuffle_batch. I export meta graph and re-import the graph in another code file. Now I want to detach the input pipeline, i.e., the train_x and train_y, and connect a new test_x and test_y. How can I make accomplish this using tf.contrib.graph_editor?
EDIT: As suggested by #iga, I change my input directory using input_map
filenames = tf.train.match_filenames_once(FLAGS.data_dir + '*', name='matching_filenames')
if FLAGS.ckpt != '':
latest = FLAGS.log_dir + FLAGS.ckpt
latest = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(FLAGS.log_dir)
if not latest or not os.path.exists(latest+'.meta'):
print("checkpoint " + latest + " does not exist")
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(latest+'.meta',
g = tf.get_default_graph()
but I get the following error:
ValueError: graph_def is invalid at node u'matching_filenames/Assign':
Input tensor 'matching_filenames:0' Cannot convert a tensor of type
string to an input of type string_ref.
Are there any elegant way to resolve this?
For this task, you should be able to just use input_map argument to https://www.tensorflow.org/api_docs/python/tf/import_graph_def. If you are using import_meta_graph, you can pass the input_map into its kwargs and it will get passed down to import_graph_def.
RESPONSE TO EDIT: I am assuming that your original graph (the one you are deserializing) had the same matching_filenames variable. Quite confusingly, the tensor name "matching_filenames:0" actually refers to the tensor going from the VariableV2 op to the Assign op. The type of this edge is string_ref and you don't really want to break that edge.
The output from a variable typically goes through an identity op called matching_filenames/read. This is what you want to use as the key in your input_map. For the value, you want the same tensor in your new filenames. So, your call should probably look like:
input_map={'matching_filenames/read': filenames.read_value()},
In general, variables are fairly complicated. If this does not work, you can use some placeholder op and feed the names into it manually.
I've trained up a model and saved it in a checkpoint, but only just realized that I forgot to name one of the variables I'd like to inspect when I restore the model.
I know how to retrieve named variables from tensorflow, (g = tf.get_default_graph() and then g.get_tensor_by_name([name])). In this case, I know its scope, but it is unnamed. I've tried looking in tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, but it doesn't appear there, for some reason.
Here's how it's defined in the model:
with tf.name_scope("contrastive_loss") as scope:
l2_dist = tf.cast(tf.sqrt(1e-4 + tf.reduce_sum(tf.subtract(pred_left, pred_right), 1)), tf.float32) # the variable I want
# I use it here when calculating another named tensor, if that helps.
con_loss = contrastive_loss(l2_dist)
loss = tf.reduce_sum(con_loss, name="loss")
Is there any way of finding the variable without a name?
First of all, following up on my first comment, it makes sense that tf.get_collection given a name scope is not working. From the documentation, if you provide a scope, only variables or operations with assigned names will be returned. So that's out.
One thing you can try is to list the name of every node in your Graph with:
print([node.name for node in tf.get_default_graph().as_graph_def().node])
Or possibly, when restoring from a checkpoint:
saver = tf.train.import_meta_graph(/path/to/meta/graph)
sess = tf.Session()
saver.restore(sess, /path/to/checkpoints)
graph = sess.graph
print([node.name for node in graph.as_graph_def().node])
Another option is to display the graph using tensorboard or Jupyter Notebook and the show_graph command. There might be a built-in show_graph now, but that link is to a git repository where one is defined. You will then have to search for your operation in the graph and then probably retrieve it with:
my_op = tf.get_collection('full_operation_name')[0]
If you want to set it up in the future so that you can retrieve it by name, you need to add it to a collection using tf.add_to_collection:
my_op = tf.some_operation(stuff, name='my_op')
tf.add_to_collection('my_op_name', my_op)
Then retrieve it by restoring your graph and then using:
my_restored_op = tf.get_collection('my_op_name')[0]
You might also be able to get by just naming it and then specifying its scope in tf.get_collection instead, but I am not sure. More information and a helpful tutorial can be found here.
tf.get_collection does not work with unnamed variables. So list the operations with:
graph = sess.graph
... find your tensor in the list and then:
global_step_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name('complete_operation_name:0')
And I found this tutorial very helpful to understand the mechanism behind these.
I am using tf.train.Supervisor to manage my session. I am already using the summary_writer in the supervisor to write some summaries. I would however, at other intervals, like to write another set of summaries. As fare as I can see the easiest way is to use a supervisor.loop. What I was is basically:
Pseudo code:
summary_merged_valid = tf.summary.merge(summary_ops_valid)
valid_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(logdir + '/valid')
global_step = slim.get_or_create_global_step()
config = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
with sv.managed_session(config=config) as sess:
(summary_merged_valid, global_step)
How should I go about this?
You can also provide your own summaries to Supervisor using
sv.summary_computed(sess, summary, global_step)
manually. One interesting thing that doesn't seem to be advertised too much is that you can group summaries into collections like so:
tf.summary.scalar('learning_rate', p_lr, collections=['train'])
tf.summary.scalar('loss', t_loss, collections=['train', 'test'])
s_training = tf.summary.merge_all('train')
and then only write the train variables by fetching s_training and giving it to the the above function.
TensorFlow documents this here, under Launching additional services:
Example: Start a thread to print losses. We want this thread to run every 60 seconds, so we launch it with sv.loop().
sv = Supervisor(logdir='/tmp/mydir') with sv.managed_session(FLAGS.master) as sess:
sv.loop(60, print_loss, (sess)) while not sv.should_stop():
See answer by #sunside for good tips on how to do this in a smart way.
After following this tutorial on summaries and TensorBoard, I've been able to successfully save and look at data with TensorBoard. Is it possible to open this data with something other than TensorBoard?
By the way, my application is to do off-policy learning. I'm currently saving each state-action-reward tuple using SummaryWriter. I know I could manually store/train on this data, but I thought it'd be nice to use TensorFlow's built in logging features to store/load this data.
As of March 2017, the EventAccumulator tool has been moved from Tensorflow core to the Tensorboard Backend. You can still use it to extract data from Tensorboard log files as follows:
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_accumulator import EventAccumulator
event_acc = EventAccumulator('/path/to/summary/folder')
# Show all tags in the log file
# E. g. get wall clock, number of steps and value for a scalar 'Accuracy'
w_times, step_nums, vals = zip(*event_acc.Scalars('Accuracy'))
Easy, the data can actually be exported to a .csv file within TensorBoard under the Events tab, which can e.g. be loaded in a Pandas dataframe in Python. Make sure you check the Data download links box.
For a more automated approach, check out the TensorBoard readme:
If you'd like to export data to visualize elsewhere (e.g. iPython
Notebook), that's possible too. You can directly depend on the
underlying classes that TensorBoard uses for loading data:
python/summary/event_accumulator.py (for loading data from a single
run) or python/summary/event_multiplexer.py (for loading data from
multiple runs, and keeping it organized). These classes load groups of
event files, discard data that was "orphaned" by TensorFlow crashes,
and organize the data by tag.
As another option, there is a script
(tensorboard/scripts/serialize_tensorboard.py) which will load a
logdir just like TensorBoard does, but write all of the data out to
disk as json instead of starting a server. This script is setup to
make "fake TensorBoard backends" for testing, so it is a bit rough
around the edges.
I think the data are encoded protobufs RecordReader format. To get serialized strings out of files you can use py_record_reader or build a graph with TFRecordReader op, and to deserialize those strings to protobuf use Event schema. If you get a working example, please update this q, since we seem to be missing documentation on this.
I did something along these lines for a previous project. As mentioned by others, the main ingredient is tensorflows event accumulator
from tensorflow.python.summary import event_accumulator as ea
acc = ea.EventAccumulator("folder/containing/summaries/")
# Print tags of contained entities, use these names to retrieve entities as below
# E. g. get all values and steps of a scalar called 'l2_loss'
xy_l2_loss = [(s.step, s.value) for s in acc.Scalars('l2_loss')]
# Retrieve images, e. g. first labeled as 'generator'
img = acc.Images('generator/image/0')
with open('img_{}.png'.format(img.step), 'wb') as f:
You can also use the tf.train.summaryiterator: To extract events in a ./logs-Folder where only classic scalars lr, acc, loss, val_acc and val_loss are present you can use this GIST: tensorboard_to_csv.py
Chris Cundy's answer works well when you have less than 10000 data points in your tfevent file. However, when you have a large file with over 10000 data points, Tensorboard will automatically sampling them and only gives you at most 10000 points. It is a quite annoying underlying behavior as it is not well-documented. See https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorboard/blob/master/tensorboard/backend/event_processing/event_accumulator.py#L186.
To get around it and get all data points, a bit hacky way is to:
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_accumulator import EventAccumulator
class FalseDict(object):
def __getitem__(self,key):
return 0
def __contains__(self, key):
return True
event_acc = EventAccumulator('path/to/your/tfevents',size_guidance=FalseDict())
It looks like for tb version >=2.3 you can streamline the process of converting your tb events to a pandas dataframe using tensorboard.data.experimental.ExperimentFromDev().
It requires you to upload your logs to TensorBoard.dev, though, which is public. There are plans to expand the capability to locally stored logs in the future.
You can also use the EventFileLoader to iterate through a tensorboard file
from tensorboard.backend.event_processing.event_file_loader import EventFileLoader
for event in EventFileLoader('path/to/events.out.tfevents.xxx').Load():
Surprisingly, the python package tb_parse has not been mentioned yet.
From documentation:
pip install tensorflow # or tensorflow-cpu pip install -U tbparse # requires Python >= 3.7
Note: If you don't want to install TensorFlow, see Installing without TensorFlow.
We suggest using an additional virtual environment for parsing and plotting the tensorboard events. So no worries if your training code uses Python 3.6 or older versions.
Reading one or more event files with tbparse only requires 5 lines of code:
from tbparse import SummaryReader
reader = SummaryReader(log_dir)
df = reader.scalars