Spinnaker GKE oauth - User's info does not have all required fields - google-oauth

I'm trying to get my spinnaker interface authenticated using this tutorial:
Prior to the tutorial, spinnaker was confirmed up and running on http://localhost:9000. I have tried the following on 1.3.1, 1.4.1 and 1.4.2.
After editing/applying/enabling the google security, I try the login and successfully am challenged with a google login screen. Upon completing the two-factor auth and I am redirected as expected to http://localhost:8084/login, though I receive the following error:
"error": "Unauthorized",
"message": "Authentication Failed: User's info does not have all required fields.",
"status": 401,
"timestamp": 1506985726074
Here is a log of my setup steps:
kross#halyard:~$ hal config security authn oauth2 edit --provider google \
> --client-id $CLIENT_ID \
> --client-secret $CLIENT_SECRET \
> --user-info-requirements hd=$DOMAIN
+ Get current deployment
+ Get authentication settings
+ Edit oauth2 authentication settings
Problems in default.security:
- WARNING Your UI or API domain does not have override base URLs
set even though your Spinnaker deployment is a Distributed deployment on a
remote cloud provider. As a result, you will need to open SSH tunnels against
that deployment to access Spinnaker.
? We recommend that you instead configure an authentication
mechanism (OAuth2, SAML2, or x509) to make it easier to access Spinnaker
securely, and then register the intended Domain and IP addresses that your
publicly facing services will be using.
+ Successfully edited oauth2 method.
kross#halyard:~$ hal config security authn oauth2 enable
+ Get current deployment
+ Edit oauth2 authentication settings
Problems in default.security:
- WARNING Your UI or API domain does not have override base URLs
set even though your Spinnaker deployment is a Distributed deployment on a
remote cloud provider. As a result, you will need to open SSH tunnels against
that deployment to access Spinnaker.
? We recommend that you instead configure an authentication
mechanism (OAuth2, SAML2, or x509) to make it easier to access Spinnaker
securely, and then register the intended Domain and IP addresses that your
publicly facing services will be using.
+ Successfully enabled oauth2
kross#halyard:~$ hal deploy apply
+ Get current deployment
+ Apply deployment
+ Deploy spin-clouddriver
+ Deploy spin-front50
+ Deploy spin-orca
+ Deploy spin-deck
+ Deploy spin-echo
+ Deploy spin-gate
+ Deploy spin-igor
+ Deploy spin-rosco
Problems in default.security:
- WARNING Your UI or API domain does not have override base URLs
set even though your Spinnaker deployment is a Distributed deployment on a
remote cloud provider. As a result, you will need to open SSH tunnels against
that deployment to access Spinnaker.
? We recommend that you instead configure an authentication
mechanism (OAuth2, SAML2, or x509) to make it easier to access Spinnaker
securely, and then register the intended Domain and IP addresses that your
publicly facing services will be using.
I'm not quite sure what to do with this. It seems I am authentic, yet for some reason the required user fields are not allowed in the interaction.
I have reviewed spinnaker's authentication setup as well and repeatedly made a few changes and tested with a fresh incognito browser, yet no change.
Since the google provider is a packaged OAuth 2 provider with spinnaker, I'm confused as to what further configuration would be necessary, as I am not "bringing my own provider".
Where can I start looking next? Any references/pointers to documentation?

The problem is the --user-info-requirements hd=$DOMAIN argument. This is (generally) only needed if you're using a G Suite/Google Apps for Work account as your OAuth identity provider - it restricts login to only users in your domain. Otherwise, anyone with a valid #gmail account would be able login.
If you do use the --user-info-requirements hd=$DOMAIN and the $DOMAIN specified is invalid, you will receive this error. Be sure to use the fully qualified domain name as the value.


Add Github Identity Provider to AWS Cognito

I have created a Github OAuth app and I am trying to add the app as an OIDC application to AWS Cognito.
However, I cannot find a proper overview about the endpoints and data to fill in anywhere in the Github Docs.
The following fields are required:
Issuer -> ?
Authorization endpoint => https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize (?)
Token endpoint => https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token (?)
Userinfo endpoint => https://api.github.com/user (?)
Jwks uri => ?
I couldn't find the Jwks uri anywhere. Any help would be highly appreciated.
Seems like there is no way to get this working out of the box.
https://github.com/TimothyJones/github-cognito-openid-wrapper seems to be a way to get this working.
If any Cognito dev sees this, please add Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket support.
GitLab 14.7 (January 2022) might help:
OpenID Connect support for GitLab CI/CD
Connecting GitLab CI/CD to cloud providers using environment variables works fine for many use cases.
However, it doesn’t scale well if you need advanced permissions management or would prefer a signed, short-lived, contextualized connection to your cloud provider.
GitLab 12.10 shipped initial support for JWT token-based connection (CI_JOB_JWT) to enable HashiCorp Vault users to safely retrieve secrets. That implementation was restricted to Vault, while the logic we built JWT upon opened up the possibility to connect to other providers as well.
In GitLab 14.7, we are introducing a CI_JOB_JWT_V2 environment variable that can be used to connect to AWS, GCP, Vault, and likely many other cloud services.
Please note that this is an alpha feature and not ready for production use. Your feedback is welcomed in this epic.
For AWS specifically, with the new CI_JOB_JWT_V2 variable, you can connect to AWS to retrieve secrets, or to deploy within your account. You can also manage access rights to your cluster using AWS IAM roles.
You can read more on setting up OIDC connection with AWS.
The new variable is automatically injected into your pipeline but is not backward compatible with the current CI_JOB_JWT.
Until GitLab 15.0, the CI_JOB_JWT will continue to work normally but this will change in a future release. We will notify you about the change in time.
The secrets stanza today uses the CI_JOB_JWT_V1 variable. If you use the secrets stanza, you don’t have to make any changes yet.
See Documentation and Issue.

Spinnaker UI security(Oauth2.0) with Azure kubernetes throws error

I have installed Spinnaker on azure kubernetes (inside docker container) and accessing spinnaker UI with external public IP and port (configured 2 load balancers)
I am trying to configure the OAuth2.0 for spinnaker UI. following this link
steps done:
in Azure, created client secret, client id , passed redirect url as http://externalIP:9000
On spinnaker ,configured and enabled Oauth with following steps
hal config security authn oauth2 edit
–client-id $CLIENT_ID
–client-secret $CLIENT_SECRET
–provider $PROVIDER
hal config security authn oauth2 enable
Now if I try to access the spinnaker UI http://externalIP:9000. and see access logs in chrome browser, it says user not found.
What more configuration is required?
should able to access spinnaker UI and it should ask for login
yeah the problem is that you must choose a specific provider then apply the configs.
hal config security authn oauth2 edit
–client-id $CLIENT_ID
–client-secret $CLIENT_SECRET
–provider $PROVIDER
hal config security authn oauth2 enable
hal deploy apply
Then it should work. Check the logs.

WSO2 Basic Authentication returns error

I'm trying to use the authenticationendpoint application that comes with WSO2 as the new only login entry point of an old application. For testing purposes I just did a page that redirects to thi URL
The login page appears as expected, but once I set the user and password shows this message:
Authentication Error !
Something went wrong during the authentication process. Please try signing in again.
Seeing the output in the console on debug mode, this is what is shown
... Many of the same error saying that Authentication Context is null
[2017-01-06 15:40:08,836] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.util.FrameworkUtils} - Authentication Context is null
[2017-01-06 15:40:08,836] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.util.FrameworkUtils} - Authentication Context is null
[2017-01-06 15:40:08,836] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.util.FrameworkUtils} - Authentication Context is null
[2017-01-06 15:40:08,837] DEBUG {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.handler.request.impl.DefaultRequestCoordinator} - Session data key : 22451696
[2017-01-06 15:40:08,837] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authentication.framework.handler.request.impl.DefaultRequestCoordinator} - Context does not exist. Probably due to invalidated cache
I thing I'm doing something wrong, maybe there are not enough parameters sent, or they are the wrong ones, the user and password are correct because I can login into the carbon itself with it, and it is also a valid user for the testing SP.
The SP config is described:
Basic Information
Service Provider Name: Test-App
Claim configuration
Use Local Claim Dialect
Subject Claim URI http://wso2.org/claims/username
Role/Permission Configuration
Permissions AdminTest
Role Mapping AdminTest->Admin
Inbound Authentication Configuration
SAML2 Web SSO Configuration
Issuer: My-Issuer
Assertion Consumer URLs: https : //localhost/Test/main.asp
Default Assertion Consumer URL: https : //localhost/Test/main.asp
NameID format: urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress
Certificate alias: wso2carbon
Response Signing Algorithm: ...#rsa-sha1
Response Digest Algorithm: ...#sha1
Checked values
Enable Response Signing
Enable Single Logout
Enable Attribute Profile
Include Attributes in the Response Always
Enable IdP Initiated SSO
Enable IdP Initiated SLO
Others are in blank OAuth, OpenID, etc (let me know if that is maybe the problem, so which should be filled out.
Local and Outbound Authentication Configuration
Authentication Type: I tried with Default and Local Authentication = basic and password-reset-enforcer
This is checked:
Assert identity using mapped local subject identifier
Use tenant domain in local subject identifier
Use user store domain in local subject identifier
Request Path Authentication Configuration
Inbound Provisioning Configuration
SCIM Configuration
Dumb Mode is not enabled
The rest is left blank
I have spent many days tracking this problem but no answers or are for older versions.
I tested with JDK 7 and 8 (latest of them) I'm working with WSO2 IS 5.2.0. Someone can lead me to a solution to use this application as the only entry point for my SPs? The idea after is to send back a SAML2 response to a page in the SP side that read the information and control the authorization part.
Thanks in advance.
You have configured for a SAML SSO scenario. Therefore your SP have to call the SAML SSO endpoint of WSO2 Identity Server with a valid SAMLRequest. That is https://hostname:port/samlsso.
AuthenticationEndpoint is just an intermediary application. SAML SSO endpoint is the one that should redirect the user to AuthenticationEndpoint after first processing the SAMLRequest. You must not call it directly.
Refer this to learn how to run a sample SAML SSO application with WSO2 IS. While running that, you can monitor the HTTP Request/Response flow using a tool like SSOTracer for Firefox and understand how the communication works.
In similar to SAML SSO flow, if you are using any other authentication protocol, you first have to call the protocol specific endpoint. E.g. If you are using OAuth2 or OpenIDConnect, then you should call /oauth2 endpoint. Never /authenticationendpoint directly.

Docker unable to perform login against SSO / Federation Services via Apache & Shibboleth modules

I have a private Docker registry sitting behind a secure instance of Apache / Ubuntu in Amazon cloud. Apache handles the corporate authentication via Shibboleth module (single-sign-on). So, using a web browser, there is no issue in searching and deleting container images in the registry after successful authentication. However, the command "docker login https://some.domain" including username, password and email from a different server just hangs and does not respond. Unfortunately, Apache, docker registry and shibboleth logs are not very helpful either even in debug mode.
I will be very keen to hear from anyone who has experience in securing a private docker registry via Apache & shibboleth where corporate enterprise IDs and SSO are required.
Shibboleth authentication via the Apache mod_shib module requires redirecting the end-user back to their home Identity Provider (IdP) where they will then be redirected back to the application's Service Provider (SP) with a valid session. This is a great pattern for fully-web-based applications, but this model can't be applied to command-line applications or applications that can't follow this model of web-based redirection.

Accessing Cloudbees Jenkins URL without authentication

I have an application that monitors CI jobs, and I've added a jenkins installation to my account. Typically, this application is internal to the company I work at, but our jenkins servers aren't accessible outside the LAN.
To lookup the status of a build, I to a python urllib.urlopen on
then parse the json result
When trying to connect to https://webiken.ci.cloudbees.com, I get an HTTPError because the URL requires authentication. Is there anyway to configure my jenkins to be public?
you can use HTTP Basic authentication with your cloudbees credentials to access the API :
curl https://webiken.ci.cloudbees.com/job//api/json --user ndeloof#cloudbees.com:
Also see this wiki page on how to make your Jenkins instance public.