I've been looking around to find out why this is giving me a Run-time error '1004' You can't paste this here because the Copy area and paste area aren't the same size. Select just one cell in the paste area or an area that's the same size, and try pasting again. but I've had no luck with the solutions I've found.
The problem here happens only on this line: ws.Columns(1).Copy Destination:=ws2.Columns(1).Rows(5)
The paste content should be just a few cells vertically i.e. "B1:B5". I can't do Range("B1:B5") because I need to have it constantly update depending on a couple of things.
Any ideas as to why I'm getting the error?
Option Explicit
Sub chkPercent()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim ws2 As Worksheet
Dim rng As Range
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Worksheets(1)
Set rng = ws.Range("A1")
Dim iq_Array As Variant
Dim colNumb As Long
Dim rowNumb As Long
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
colNumb = ws.Cells(1, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
rowNumb = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
Dim iQRef() As String
Dim iCol As Long
Dim pptText As String
ReDim iQRef(colNumb)
' capture IQ refs locally
For iCol = 2 To colNumb
iQRef(iCol) = ws.Cells(1, iCol).Value
Next iCol
Worksheets.Add After:=ws
Set ws2 = wb.Worksheets(2)
pptText = "iq_1,2,3,4"
'Identify if within text there is "iq_"
'If InStr(1, pptText, "iq_") <= 0 Then GoTo nextShpe
'set iq_Array as an array of the split iq's
iq_Array = Split(pptText, ",")
Dim hasIQs As Boolean
Dim checkStr As String
Dim pCol As Long
Dim checkOne
Dim arrayLoop As Long
checkOne = iq_Array(0)
hasIQs = Left(checkOne, 3) = "iq_"
If hasIQs Then
' paste inital column into temporary worksheet
ws.Columns(1).Copy Destination:=ws2.Columns(1)
End If
' loop for each iq_ in the array
For arrayLoop = LBound(iq_Array) To UBound(iq_Array)
' Take copy of potential ref and adjust to standard if required
checkStr = iq_Array(arrayLoop)
If hasIQs And Left(checkStr, 3) <> "iq_" Then checkStr = "iq_" & checkStr
Dim iQRefArray As Variant
Dim iQRefString As String
Dim checkRefStr As String
Dim nCol As Long
Dim doUntilCheck As String
Dim rowCount As Long
Dim copy1
Dim paste1
doUntilCheck = 99
' Look for existence of corresponding column in local copy array
pCol = 0
For iCol = 2 To colNumb
iQRefString = Left(iQRef(iCol), Len(iQRef(iCol)) - 1)
iQRefArray = Replace(iQRefString, "__", "_")
iQRefArray = Split(iQRefArray, "_")
checkRefStr = "iq_" & iQRefArray(1)
If checkStr = checkRefStr Then
pCol = iCol
Exit For
End If
Next iCol
If pCol > 0 Then
' Paste the corresponding column into the forming table
ws.Columns(pCol).Copy Destination:=ws2.Columns(2)
If iQRefArray(2) = "00" Then GoTo nxtArrayLoop
nCol = 0
rowCount = 1
Do Until doUntilCheck = "00"
Do Until doUntilCheck = "01"
nCol = nCol + 1
rowCount = rowCount + rowNumb
iQRefString = Left(iQRef(iCol + nCol), Len(iQRef(iCol + nCol)) - 1)
iQRefArray = Replace(iQRefString, "__", "_")
iQRefArray = Split(iQRefArray, "_")
doUntilCheck = iQRefArray(2)
If doUntilCheck = "00" Then GoTo nxtArrayLoop
If doUntilCheck = "01" Then GoTo nxtArrayLoop
ws.Columns(1).Copy Destination:=ws2.Columns(1).Rows(rowCount)
ws.Columns(pCol + nCol).Copy Destination:=ws2.Columns(2).Rows(rowCount)
End If
Next arrayLoop
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
The error is just as it says it is. The copy and paste ranges are two different sizes.
The code tries to copy an entire column (ws.Columns(1).Copy) into a defined range (Destination:=ws2.Columns(1).Rows(5) - which I think is one cell, but I have never used that type of syntax before).
If you need to define the copy range to be dynamic than do this:
ws.Range(ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count,1).End(Xlup),ws.Cells(1,1)).Copy Destination:=ws2.Cells(1,1)
This assumes contiguous cells starting in row 1 of column A in ws.
I have an Excel sheet like below and I need only the three "Break" times even if it meant to delete every thing except those three Breaks in every cell.
Function GetBreaksTime(txt As String)
Dim i As Long
Dim arr As Variant
arr = Split(txt, "Break")
If UBound(arr) > 0 Then
ReDim startTimes(1 To UBound(arr)) As String
For i = 1 To UBound(arr)
startTimes(i) = WorksheetFunction.Trim(Replace(Split(arr(i), "-")(0), vbLf, ""))
GetBreaksTime = startTimes
End If
End Function
This what I got until now but it wont work on every cell and it takes wrong values.
So any idea how to do this?
If you split the cell value by vbLf the break time will always follow a line containing "Break".
The following should work:
Sub TestGetBreakTimes()
Dim CellValue As String
CellValue = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
Dim BreakTimes As Variant
BreakTimes = GetBreakTimes(CellValue)
Debug.Print Join(BreakTimes, vbLf) 'the join is just to output the array at once.
'to output in different cells loop through the array
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(BreakTimes)
Cells(3 + i, "A") = BreakTimes(i)
Next i
'or for a even faster output use
Range("A3").Resize(UBound(BreakTimes) + 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(BreakTimes)
End Sub
Function GetBreakTimes(InputData As String) As Variant
Dim BreakTimes() As Variant
ReDim BreakTimes(0)
Dim SplitArr As Variant
SplitArr = Split(InputData, vbLf) 'split by line break
If UBound(SplitArr) > 0 Then
Dim i As Long
For i = 0 To UBound(SplitArr)
If SplitArr(i) = "Break" Then 'if line contains break then next line is the time of the break
If BreakTimes(0) <> vbNullString Then ReDim Preserve BreakTimes(UBound(BreakTimes) + 1)
BreakTimes(UBound(BreakTimes)) = SplitArr(i - 1) 'collect break time
End If
Next i
GetBreakTimes = BreakTimes
End If
End Function
To analyze a complete range you must loop through your row 2
Sub GetAllBreakTimes()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
Dim LastCol As Long
LastCol = ws.Cells(2, ws.Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
Dim BreakTimes As Variant
Dim iCol As Long
For iCol = 1 To LastCol
BreakTimes = GetBreakTimes(ws.Cells(2, iCol).Value)
ws.Cells(3, iCol).Resize(UBound(BreakTimes) + 1).Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(BreakTimes)
Next iCol
End Sub
I have two spreadsheets (wb and wbtemp); both have a column for location and a column for feature type. In VBA, I want to find all of the rows on the second sheet where the two columns are the same as the two columns on a row in the first sheet and get a list or a range made up of the row numbers/indices.
I then want to use this range to pull out values from a different column and find the highest object in it, but I think I will probably be able to do that if I can get this range sorted.
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim Features() As Variant
Dim Activity() As Variant
Dim Benthic As Variant
Dim wbtemp As Workbook
Dim BenSenFeatures() As Variant
Dim BenSenActivity() As Variant
Dim LR As Long
Dim LC As Long
Dim r As Long
Dim c As Long
Dim WhatToFind1 As Variant
Dim WhatToFind2 As Variant
Dim rngFound1 As Range
Dim rngFound2 As Range
Dim rng1 As Variant
Dim rng2 As Variant
Dim rngFound As Range
Dim iLoop As Long
Dim colFound As Range
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = wb.ActiveSheet
Features = ws.Range("B:C").Value
Activity = ws.Rows(1).Value
Benthic = InputBox("Filename goes here...")
Set wbtemp = Workbooks.Open(Benthic, True, True)
With wbtemp
BenSenFeatures = .Sheets(1).Range("A:B").Value
BenSenActivity = .Sheets(1).Rows(1).Value
End With
LR = ws.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
LC = ws.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For r = 3 To LR
If Not IsEmpty(Features(r, 2)) Then
If IsInArray(Features(r, 2), BenSenFeatures, 2) Then
'If WorksheetFunction.Match(Features(r, 2), BenSenFeatures(0, 2), 0) Then <---I tried to use the arrays originally
WhatToFind1 = Features(r, 1)
WhatToFind2 = Features(r, 2)
Set rngFound1 = wbtemp.Sheets(1).Columns(1).Cells(wbtemp.Sheets(1).Columns(1).Cells.Count)
Set rngFound2 = wbtemp.Sheets(1).Columns(2).Cells(wbtemp.Sheets(1).Columns(2).Cells.Count)
For iLoop = 1 To WorksheetFunction.CountIf(wbtemp.Sheets(1).Columns(1), WhatToFind1)
Set rngFound1 = wbtemp.Sheets(1).Columns(1).Cells.Find(WhatToFind1, After:=rngFound1)
rng1(iLoop) = rngFound1.Row
WorksheetFunction.Match(WhatToFind1 & WhatToFind2,_
wbtemp.Sheets(1).Columns(1) & wbtemp.Sheets(1).Columns(2),_
0), 1) <---originally tried to use match to search for the multiple criteria but couldn't find a way to create a list of indices
Set rngFound2 = wbtemp.Sheets(1).Columns(2).Cells.Find(WhatToFind2, After:=rngFound2)
rng2(iLoop) = rngFound2.Row
Next iLoop
For Each cell In rng1
If Not Application.CountIf(rng2, cell.Value) = 0 Then
rngFound.Cells(Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp) + 1) = cell.Value
End If
I originally tried to use .Match to find the multiple criteria, but I couldn't figure out how to create a range of indices from it. Then I tried using .Find to create two list of indices but I can't figure out how to get that to work. I keep getting
Type Mismatch
I realise this sounds confusing, so let me know if anything needs clarifying.
Something like this should work for you. I tried to comment the code for clarity.
Sub tgr()
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim rData As Range
Dim wbTemp As Workbook
Dim wsTemp As Worksheet
Dim rTempData As Range
Dim aData() As Variant
Dim aTempData() As Variant
Dim aResults() As Variant
Dim lNumResults As Long
Dim DataIndex As Long, TempIndex As Long, ResultIndex As Long, j As Long
Dim sCritRange1 As String, sCritRange2 As String
Dim sCriteria1 As String, sCriteria2 As String
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
'Adjust these two as necessary
Set ws = wb.Sheets(1)
Set rData = ws.Range("B3", ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp))
'Select wbTemp file
On Error Resume Next
Set wbTemp = Workbooks.Open(Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel Files, *.xls*"))
On Error GoTo 0
If wbTemp Is Nothing Then Exit Sub 'Pressed cancel
'Adjust these two as necessary
Set wsTemp = wbTemp.Sheets(1)
Set rTempData = wsTemp.Range("A1", wsTemp.Cells(wsTemp.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp))
sCritRange1 = rTempData.EntireColumn.Address(external:=True)
sCritRange2 = rTempData.Offset(, 1).EntireColumn.Address(external:=True)
sCriteria1 = rData.Address(external:=True)
sCriteria2 = rData.Offset(, 1).Address(external:=True)
lNumResults = Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIFS(" & sCritRange1 & "," & sCriteria1 & "," & sCritRange2 & "," & sCriteria2 & "))")
If lNumResults = 0 Then Exit Sub 'No matches
ReDim aResults(1 To lNumResults, 1 To 3)
aData = rData.Resize(, 2).Value
aTempData = rTempData.Resize(, 2).Value
'Loop through both data ranges
For DataIndex = LBound(aData, 1) To UBound(aData, 1)
For TempIndex = LBound(aTempData, 1) To UBound(aTempData, 1)
'Find where both criteria matches
If aTempData(TempIndex, 1) = aData(DataIndex, 1) And aTempData(TempIndex, 2) = aData(DataIndex, 2) Then
'Match found, add to results and collect the row index
ResultIndex = ResultIndex + 1
aResults(ResultIndex, 1) = aData(DataIndex, 1)
aResults(ResultIndex, 2) = aData(DataIndex, 2)
aResults(ResultIndex, 3) = "Row: " & TempIndex + rTempData.Row - 1 'This is the row index from wsTemp of the found match
End If
Next TempIndex
Next DataIndex
'Row index results gathered
'Do what you want with the results
'In this example it is just providing msgboxes displaying the results
For ResultIndex = LBound(aResults, 1) To UBound(aResults, 1)
MsgBox "Location: " & aResults(ResultIndex, 1) & Chr(10) & _
"Feature: " & aResults(ResultIndex, 2) & Chr(10) & _
"RowIndex: " & aResults(ResultIndex, 3)
Next ResultIndex
'Close wbTemp
End Sub
I made some minor modifications to tigeravatar's answer to get it to work with my data:
Mainly creating a loop which cycled through each row in wb so that the criteria used with CountIfs was a single value and not a range of values.
I swapped the Evaluate("SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIFS(" & sCritRange1 & "," & sCriteria1 & "," & sCritRange2 & "," & sCriteria2 & "))") for Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(Range(sCritRange1), Range(sCriteria1).Value, Range(sCritRange2), Range(sCriteria2).Value)
I would like to thank tigeravatar for their help.
LR = ws.Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
LC = ws.Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
For r = 3 To LR
sCritRange1 = rTempData.EntireColumn.Address(external:=True)
sCritRange2 = rTempData.Offset(, 1).EntireColumn.Address(external:=True)
sCriteria1 = rData(r, 1).Address(external:=True)
sCriteria2 = rData(r, 1).Offset(, 1).Address(external:=True)
lNumResults = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIfs(Range(sCritRange1), Range(sCriteria1).Value, Range(sCritRange2), Range(sCriteria2).Value)
If lNumResults = 0 Then Exit Sub 'No matches
ReDim aResults(1 To lNumResults, 1 To 3)
aData = rData(r, 1).Resize(, 2).Value
aTempData = rTempData.Resize(, 2).Value
'Loop through both data ranges
For DataIndex = LBound(aData, 1) To UBound(aData, 1)
For TempIndex = LBound(aTempData, 1) To UBound(aTempData, 1)
'Find where both criteria matches
If Not IsEmpty(aTempData(TempIndex, 1)) Then
If aTempData(TempIndex, 1) = aData(DataIndex, 1) And aTempData(TempIndex, 2) = aData(DataIndex, 2) Then
'Match found, add to results and collect the row index
ResultIndex = ResultIndex + 1
aResults(ResultIndex, 1) = aData(DataIndex, 1)
aResults(ResultIndex, 2) = aData(DataIndex, 2)
aResults(ResultIndex, 3) = "Row: " & TempIndex + rTempData.Row - 1 'This is the row index from wsTemp of the found match
End If
End If
Next TempIndex
Next DataIndex
Next r
Hi I'm looking on how to edit my code so that instead of turning the font colour of the start of the string red and bold, it pastes these strings into another worksheet, however ever time I try to edit it I always end up with a run time error. Any help would be appreciated, here is my current code:
Sub colorText()
Dim cl As Range
Dim startPos As Integer
Dim totalLen As Integer
Dim searchText As String
Dim endPos As Integer
Dim testPos As Integer
' specify text to search.
searchText = "(9)"
' loop trough all cells in selection/range
For Each cl In Range("A:A")
totalLen = Len(searchText)
startPos = InStr(cl, searchText)
testPos = 0
Do While startPos > testPos
With cl.Characters(startPos, totalLen).Font
.FontStyle = "Bold"
.ColorIndex = 3
End With
endPos = startPos + totalLen
testPos = testPos + endPos
startPos = InStr(testPos, cl, searchText, vbTextCompare)
Next cl
End Sub
So according to what you said I assume this is what you are looking for?
Your current code doesn't really make sense if the position of the SearchString within the String to search is not relevant as you said.
Sub CopyMatchedValuesToSheet()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
Dim LastRowSource As Long, i As Long
Dim SearchString As String
Dim cell As Range
Set ws1 = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("Sheet2")
SearchString = "2" ' Set SearchString value or use the one below if you want to change it each time
'SearchString = Application.InputBox("Give a string", "SearchString", Type:=2)
i = 1
With ws1
LastRowSource = .Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
For Each cell In .Range("A1:A" & LastRowSource) ' Change to A2 if it has header
If InStr(cell.Value, SearchString) > 0 Then
ws2.Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = cell.Value
i = i + 1
End If
Next cell
End With
End Sub
You can use the following to clear the Sheet2 each time just change the code to:
Set ws1 = Worksheets("Sheet1")
Set ws2 = Worksheets("Sheet2")
If I have correctly anderstood your problem, you have just to construct the string that you want to copy, and assign it to the cell you wante :
Dim temp as String
If Not startPos = 0 Then
temp = Mid(cl, startPos)
Sheets("sheet2").Cells(cl.Row, cl.Column) = temp
End If
I cannot paste anywhere besides column "A" I have tried changing the column letter, but I get an error code saying the "copy/paste cell are not the same size".
Sub HEA_Filter_Names()
Dim strArray As Variant
Dim wsSource As Worksheet
Dim wsDest As Worksheet
Dim NoRows As Long
Dim DestNoRows As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Integer
Dim rngCells As Range
Dim rngFind As Range
Dim Found As Boolean
strArray = Array("ack-")
Set wsSource = ActiveSheet
NoRows = wsSource.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row
DestNoRows = 1
Set wsDest = Sheets("Real Alarms")
For I = 1 To NoRows
Set rngCells = wsSource.Range("B" & I)
Found = False
For J = 0 To UBound(strArray)
Found = Found Or Not (rngCells.Find(strArray(J)) Is Nothing)
Next J
If Found Then
rngCells.EntireRow.Copy wsDest.Range("A" & DestNoRows)
DestNoRows = DestNoRows + 1
End If
Next I
End Sub
You cannot paste an EntireRow starting anywhere else than column A.
You can try this instead:
Intersect(rngCells.EntireRow, rngCells.Parent.UsedRange).Copy wsDest.Range("F" & DestNoRows)
I have to search column B for a certain string and return a specific range of cells for all occurrences of the string in the file. I have code which searches and finds all occurrences of the string but have difficulty with copying into a new sheet the specific range of cells between Path and Owner. The catch is that the row numbers between Path and Owner are dynamic.
Excel structure
(including expected results for search string Kevin).
Sub FindString()
Dim intS As Integer
Dim rngC As Range
Dim strToFind As String, FirstAddress As String
Dim wSht As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
intS = 1
Set wSht = Worksheets("Search Results")
strToFind = Range("I3").Value 'This is where I obtain the string to be searched
With ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B999999")
Set rngC = .Find(what:=strToFind, LookAt:=xlPart)
If Not rngC Is Nothing Then
FirstAddress = rngC.Address
'need help to find copy rows from column B based on values in column A
intS = intS + 1
Set rngC = .FindNext(rngC)
Loop While Not rngC Is Nothing And rngC.Address <> FirstAddress
End If
End With
Please help me or guide me as I'm a newbie to Excel.
This code will display the paths found (variable sPath), this is untested:
Sub FindString()
'Dim intS As Integer
Dim rngC As Range
Dim strToFind As String, FirstAddress As String
Dim wSht As Worksheet, lRowPath As Long, lRowOwner As Long, i As Long, sPath As String
'Application.ScreenUpdating = True
'intS = 1
Set wSht = Worksheets("Search Results")
strToFind = Range("I3").Value 'This is where I obtain the string to be searched
'With ActiveSheet.Range("B1:B999999")
With ActiveSheet.Range("B:B")
Set rngC = .Find(what:=strToFind, LookAt:=xlPart)
If Not rngC Is Nothing Then
FirstAddress = rngC.Address
' Find the "Path:" above the found cell, note that offset too much is not handled: Cells(-1,1)
i = -1
Do Until InStr(1, rngC.Offset(i, -1).Value, "Path", vbTextCompare) > 0
i = i - 1
lRowPath = rngC.Row + i
' Find the Owner row above the found cell
i = -1
Do Until InStr(1, rngC.Offset(i, -1).Value, "Owner", vbTextCompare) > 0
i = i - 1
lRowOwner = rngC.Row + i
'need help to find copy rows from column B based on values in column A
sPath = ""
For i = lRowPath To lRowOwner - 1
sPath = sPath & ActiveSheet.Cells(i, "B").Value ' <-- Update
Debug.Print "Searching " & strToFind; " --> " & sPath
'intS = intS + 1
Set rngC = .Find(what:=strToFind, After:=rngC, LookAt:=xlPart)
Loop Until rngC.Address = FirstAddress
End If
End With
End Sub
I suggest you load everything to memory first, then do your searches and manipulations.
You could use a user-defined type to store info about your paths:
Type PathPermissionsType
pth As String
owner As String
users As Dictionary
End Type
Note: to use Dictionary you need to go to Tools>References and set a checkmark next to Microsoft Scripting Runtime.
You can load all your info using something like this:
Function LoadPathPermissions() As PathPermissionsType()
Dim rngHeaders As Range
Dim rngData As Range
Dim iPath As Long
Dim nPath As Long
Dim iRow As Long
Dim nRow As Long
Dim vHeaders As Variant
Dim vData As Variant
Dim pathPermissions() As PathPermissionsType
Set rngHeaders = Range("A1:A12") 'or wherever
Set rngData = rngHeaders.Offset(0, 1)
'Load everything to arrays
vHeaders = rngHeaders.Value
vData = rngData.Value
nRow = UBound(vData, 1)
nPath = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(rngHeaders, "Path:")
ReDim pathPermissions(1 To nPath)
iRow = 1
'Look for first "Path:" header.
Do Until InStr(vHeaders(iRow, 1), "Path") <> 0
iRow = iRow + 1
'Found "Path:" header.
For iPath = 1 To nPath
With pathPermissions(iPath)
'Now look for "Owner:" header, adding to the path until it is found.
Do Until InStr(vHeaders(iRow, 1), "Owner") <> 0
.pth = .pth & vData(iRow, 1)
iRow = iRow + 1
'Found "Owner:" header.
.owner = vData(iRow, 1)
'"User:" header is on next row:
iRow = iRow + 1
'Now add users to list of users:
Set .users = New Dictionary
Do Until InStr(vHeaders(iRow, 1), "Path") <> 0
.users.Add vData(iRow, 1), vData(iRow, 1)
iRow = iRow + 1
If iRow > nRow Then Exit Do ' End of data.
End With
Next iPath
LoadPathPermissions = pathPermissions
End Function
Example usage:
Dim pathPermissions() As PathPermissionsType
pathPermissions = LoadPathPermissions()
Then to get an array containing the paths for a given user:
Function GetPathsForUser(ByVal user As String, pathPermissions() As PathPermissionsType) As String()
Dim iPath As Long
Dim iPathsWithPermission As Long
Dim nPathsWithPermission As Long
Dim pathsWithPermission() As String
For iPath = LBound(pathPermissions) To UBound(pathPermissions)
If pathPermissions(iPath).users.Exists(user) Then nPathsWithPermission = nPathsWithPermission + 1
Next iPath
ReDim pathsWithPermission(1 To nPathsWithPermission)
iPathsWithPermission = 0
For iPath = LBound(pathPermissions) To UBound(pathPermissions)
If pathPermissions(iPath).users.Exists(user) Then
iPathsWithPermission = iPathsWithPermission + 1
pathsWithPermission(iPathsWithPermission) = pathPermissions(iPath).pth
End If
Next iPath
GetPathsForUser = pathsWithPermission
End Function
Example usage:
Dim pathPermissions() As PathPermissionsType
Dim pathsWithPermission() As String
pathPermissions = LoadPathPermissions()
pathsWithPermission = GetPathsForUser("Kevin", pathPermissions)
Now pathsWithPermission is an array containing the paths for which Kevin is listed as user. Note that I haven't dealt with edge cases, like if Kevin is a not a user for any paths, etc. Up to you to do that.
Finally you can write the contents of that array to your sheet.