how to loop over dates step one month with -

how to use for next with dates in VB.Net
I need to say something like this
For dt As Date = (someDate) to Today().Date step 1 Month
' do something

Try bellow code (using Do While...Loop) :
Label1.Text = ""
Dim somedate As Date = CDate("2017-1-16") 'this is Your somedate
Do While somedate <= Today.Date
'do something, in this case show date in label
Label1.Text += String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd}", somedate) + vbCrLf
'after do something increase somedate for one month
somedate = somedate.AddMonths(1)
It's important You first do something and then increase Your somedate, otherwise, loop will pass Today.Date and will "jump" to next month after Today.Date.


How can I find the time number of days between a given date, and the given date's first day of the year in VBA?

For example, the inputted date is 2001/01/21 the output must be 21 because 21 days passed since the inputted date's first day of the year.
Transform the date to a value and do the same for the "new" date? Do the same in Dev.mode newCelldate.Value - yearStartdate.Value?
Copy and paste the following to your VB Editor. Then, run the "TestNumberOfDays" procedure.
Function FirstDayOfTheGivenYear(pDate As Date)
'this will return first day of the given year
FirstDayOfTheGivenYear = 1 * (CDate(pDate) - DatePart("y", CDate(pDate) - 1))
End Function
Function YTDDays(pDate As Date) As Long
'this will find the day differences between two dates
YTDDays = DateDiff("d", FirstDayOfTheGivenYear(pDate), pDate) + 1
End Function
Sub TestNumberOfDays()
'change the date according to your need
MsgBox (YTDDays("2001/01/30"))
End Sub
Like this:
InputDate = #2001/01/21#
OrdinalDay = DatePart("y", InputDate)

VBA get the last day of the month

I am pretty new to VBA. I have a range of dates and I need to write a code that will change the date in the cell to the last day of the month, used in a cell.
For example, if the date in the cell is 28/03/2018 I want it to be replaced by 31/03/2018. Any idea how I can do that?
You can also get the result you need with one line of code thanks to the Eomonth formula:
Range("A1") = Excel.Application.WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(Range("A1").Value2, 0)
You can use a user-defined function GetLastDayOfMonth() and pass the range you are interested in:
Option Explicit
Public Function GetLastDayOfMonth(ByVal myDate As Date) As Date
GetLastDayOfMonth = DateSerial(Year(myDate), Month(myDate) + 1, 0)
End Function
Public Sub TestMe()
Range("A1") = DateSerial(2000, 11, 11)
If Range("A1") = GetLastDayOfMonth(Range("A1")) Then
Debug.Print "LAST DAY!"
End If
Range("A1") = DateSerial(2000, 12, 31)
If Range("A1") = GetLastDayOfMonth(Range("A1")) Then
Debug.Print "LAST DAY! " & Range("A1")
Range("A1") = DateAdd("d", 1, Range("A1"))
End If
End Sub
The function checks the month and the year of the date, which is passed and it returns a new date, which is the last day of the month for this specific month and year.
Then in the TestMe version, you can compare a given date with the last day of the month, generated by the function. If the dates are the same, then this date is the last day of the corresponding month. Using DateAdd() it is possible to get the next day of the lastDay.
In the example above, I have explicitly written Range("A1") 9 times, thus it is probably easier to follow.
To get it really short you can use:
Sub test()
Dim myDate As Date
myDate = #3/28/2018#
Debug.Print DateSerial(Year(myDate), Month(myDate) + 1, 0)
End Sub
First, if you just want the last day of the month in Excel, use the =EOMONTH function, or see this SO post for the vba code:
VBA Run Macro Last Day of the Month
Rolling your own date time code is a bad idea. Don't do it.
This VBA function will calculate the last day of the month:
Public Function LastDay(ByVal d As Date)
Dim returnDate As Date
'First day of current month
returnDate = DateSerial(Year(d), Month(d), 1)
'Forward a month
returnDate = DateAdd("m", 1, returnDate)
'back one day
returnDate = DateAdd("d", -1, returnDate)
LastDay = returnDate
End Function
Works by jumping to the beginning of the month, adding a month then subtracting a day (so 1st Feb->1st Mar->28 Feb)
Like this in VBA:
Sub LastDayOfMonth()
Dim dates As Range, dt As Range
Set dates = Range("A1") //Update as required
For Each dt In dates
dt = Application.WorksheetFunction.EoMonth(dt, 0) //e.g. 01/06/2018 ~~~> 30/06/2018
End Sub
VBA way:
Function LastDayOfMonth(ByVal d As Date)
LastDayOfMonth = DateSerial(Year(d), Month(d), 1)
LastDayOfMonth = DateAdd("m", 1, LastDayOfMonth)
LastDayOfMonth = DateAdd("d", -1, LastDayOfMonth)
End Function
Construct new date:
year: from old date
month: from old date
day: 1
Add 1 month to new date.
Subtract 1 day from new date.
Steps 2 and 3 save you from all complexities of date calculations.
For Excel way, please refer to the other answer.

Array of month end dates between 2 dates

In my worksheet, I have 2 cells that serve to denote the minimum date and maximum date. Also in the worksheet, I have a table structure. What I'd like to achieve, is to have extra columns appended to the end of the table showing each month in between those 2 dates, inclusive.
For example, minimum date is 7/31/2014 and maximum is 6/30/2015. I would like a macro to populate the column headers 7/31/2014, 8/31/2014, ..., 6/30/2015 to the end of my table.
Unfortunately, Excel tables can't have dynamic headers. I then thought of using VBA by having an array of dates, and then setting the Range.Value to the array, but couldn't quite figure out how to code it.
Thank you.
You want DateAdd()
Assuming you want to get the last date of every month you should instead use DateSerial()
Public Sub test()
Dim startDate As Date
Dim endDate As Date
Dim currentDate As Date
startDate = CDate("7/31/2014")
endDate = CDate("6/30/2015")
currentDate = startDate
Do While currentDate <= endDate
MsgBox currentDate
'currentDate = DateAdd("m", 1, currentDate)
currentDate = DateSerial(Year(currentDate), Month(currentDate) + 2, 0)
End Sub
You don't really need VBA. A pretty simple Excel formula will do the trick.
In the example below, cell C5 has =$C$2. Cell C6 has this formula:
and, for the purposes of this example, it is copied down to cell C23. You would just have to copy it as far down as you would need in your longest conceivable table.
Explanation: the formula adds 2 months to the previous date, but then takes "day 0" of that month which is equivalent the last day of the month before (which I think is what you want based on your example). If the previous date has reached the max, then it just writes an empty string "" from then on.
Maybe you want this in a row, not a column; the idea is the same.
Here is a small example based on:
Here is the code:
Sub MAIN()
Dim d1 As Date, d2 As Date, Tbl As Range
d1 = Range("A1").Value
d2 = Range("A2").Value
Set Tbl = Range("B3:E9")
Call setLabels(d1, d2, Tbl)
End Sub
Sub setLabels(dt1 As Date, dt2 As Date, rng As Range)
Dim rToFill As Range, r As Range
Set rToFill = Intersect(rng(1).EntireRow, rng).Offset(-1, 0)
For Each r In rToFill
dv = dt1 + i
r.Value = dv
i = i + 1
If dt1 + i > dt2 Then Exit Sub
Next r
End Sub
This is based on 1 day increments. If you want 1 month increments, then use this for dv
dv = DateSerial(Year(dt1), Month(dt1) + i, Day(dt1))
VBA has functions that handle dates. If you look at the link:
It will show you how to make variables of data type Date using VBA, which will make adding and subtracting months very easy for you.
After that, add methods to create the columns you want and the .Name property to name the columns.

How to loop through the weeks in a date range with vba

I have seen how to loop through weeks of a year, w1301,w1302,w1303, I can get the week number if i loop through + on week number but I believe there is a way to directly loop weekly with vba, i hope at least.
DateSerial(Year(Now), Month(Now), Day(Now)) To DateSerial(2013, 3, 1)
StartDate = #1/1/2013#
EndDate = #12/31/2013#
For DateLooper = StartDate To EndDate
I got the function for a week number from date
Public Function IsoWeekNumber(d1 As Date) As Integer
Attributed to Daniel Maher
Dim d2 As Long
d2 = DateSerial(Year(d1 - WeekDay(d1 - 1) + 4), 1, 3)
IsoWeekNumber = Int((d1 - d2 + WeekDay(d2) + 5) / 7)
End Function
You could just use the DateAdd function
For i = 1 To 52
Debug.Print DateAdd("ww", i, Now())
Next i
A day has an integer value of 1, so you could iterate by week like this:
startDate = #1/1/2013#
endDate = #12/31/2013#
For d = startDate To endDate Step 7
'do stuff
The week number can be determined with the DatePart function, e.g.:
WScript.Echo DatePart("ww", Now)
This will work in both vbscript and vba.
I tried this solution and it seems to work, am not 100% sure of how it handles the 28,30,31 days of different months but i trust vba. i know am making a mistake probably :))
currentDate = "2013-01-02" ' coz i wanted to start on a wednesday
for week = 1 to 52
debug.print currentDate
currentDate = DateAdd("ww",1,currentDate)
next week

Determine how many days into the year a certain date is when the date is determined by a variable

What I am trying to do is check column AJ for each date that occurs during a year determined by variable "Año". For the dates that are I would like to see how far into the year they are (that is how many days after the first January each date occurs); this is the part that is giving me the error (indicated in my code). What I need is a function to give how many days into the year a date occurs or a better way of writing that line of code.
For Each cl In Workbooks(WbkA).Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AJ2:AJ1000")
If (cl.Value - ("01/01/" & Año)) > 0 And (cl.Value - ("01/01/" & Año)) < 366 Then 'if it´s in this year
ValueA = ValueA + (cl.Value * ((cl.Offset(0, -13).Value - ("01/01/" & Año)) / 365)) ' this part is giving me the error
End If
End If
Next cl
You are complicating things too much. DateDiff can perform the calculations you want:
Dim iniDate As Date, curDate As Date
Dim ValueA As Integer, Año As Integer
Año = 2010
iniDate = Format(CDate("01/01/" & Año), "MM/dd/yyyy") 'You can change the Format
curDate = Format(CDate("01/05/" & Año), "MM/dd/yyyy")
ValueA = DateDiff("d", iniDate, curDate) 'RESULT -> 4
Dates are stored as the number of days since 1/1/1900, so you can just subtract two dates to get the number of days.
Dim lAno As Long
Dim rCell As Range
Dim dValueA As Double
lAno = 2010
For Each rCell In Sheet1.Range("AJ2:AJ100").Cells
If Year(rCell.Value) = lAno Then 'if it's in the year
'+= some value * the number of days
dValueA = dValueA + (rCell.Offset(0, -13).Value * (rCell.Value - DateSerial(lAno, 1, 1)))
End If
Next rCell