Jaeger standalone without docker - jaeger

Cannot find any information if Jaeger can be executed without docker?
Does a standalone jar exist, or will there be a release in the future for Jaeger like Zipkin has ?

The Downloads page (https://www.jaegertracing.io/download/) lists both the Docker images and the raw binaries built for various platforms (Linux, macOS, windows). You can also build binaries from source.

Just to add to Yuris answer, you can also download the source from github - Github - Jaeger This is useful for diagnosing issues, or just getting a better understanding of how it all works.
I have run both the released apps and custom versions on both windows and linux servers without issues. For windows I would recommend running as a service using Nssm. Nssm details


Register custom DVC plugin to FreeRDP client

I want to port a DVC (dynamic virtual channel) plugin from standard Microsoft RDP to FreeRDP for multiplatform use. But I have run into a brick wall regarding connecting the plugin into the FreeRDP client. While for Microsoft RDP on Windows you use Windows Registry for this, the documentation is quite lacking regarding usage of custom DVC on FreeRDP. Command-line interface has /dvc and /a for connecting plugins, and there's a drdynvc plugin which could possibly be used for this, but I am having a hard time reverse-engineering the code to learn how to use it (again, documentation is lacking info on drdynvc).
I would appreciate any information on this issue.
For any future FreeRDP DVC enthusiasts:
To attach a plugin, you have to use /dvc:<name> cli option, with the name of the plugin, and move the desired plugin lib to folders:
On Windows 7+ it looks in a static path C:\Program Files (x86)\FreeRDP\lib\freerdp2\<name>-client.dll
On MacOS: <FreeRDP install path>/lib/freerdp2/lib<name>-client.dylib
if it's build from source then /usr/local/lib/freerdp2/lib<name>-client.dylib
If unsure, you can check the cmake-generated file build-config.h in \include\freerdp\.

What use cases of Docker on real projects

I have read what the Docker is but having hard time finding of what are the real scenarios of using Docker?
It would be great to see here your usages.
I'm replicating production environment with it, on commit on project with jenkins after building binaries i deploy there, launch the required daemons and run integration tests, all in a very short time (a few seconds over the time that takes the integration tests). Having no need to boot, and little overhead on memory/cpu/disk is great for that kind of things.
I could extend that use for development (just adding a volume where the code resides to my git repository, at least for scripting languages) to have the production environment with the code im actually editing, at a fraction of what virtualbox would require.
Also needed to test how to integrate some 3rd party code into a production system that modified DB. Cloned the DB in a container, installed the production system in another, launched both and iterated the integration until i did it well, going back to zero to try again in seconds, and faster, cheaper and more scriptable than doing it with VMs+snapshots.
Also run several desktop browser instances on containers, with their own plugins, cookies, data storage and so on separated. The docker repository example for desktop integration is a good start for it, but planning to test subuser to extend this kind of usage.
I've used Docker to implement a virtualized build server which any user could ask to run a build off their personal git branch in our canonical environment.
Each SSH connection made to the server was connected to a new container, ensuring that all builds were isolated from each other (a major pain point in the past), ensuring that the container's state couldn't be corrupted (since changes were all isolated to that single instance), and ensuring that even developers on platforms such as Windows where Docker (and other tools in our canonical build environment) couldn't be run locally would be able to run builds.
We use it for the following uses:
We have a Jenkins Container which we can use to bring up our Jenkins server. We mount the workspace using volumes so we can migrate the server easily just by copying the files and launching the container somewhere else.
We use a Jetty container to easily deploy our war files in our production and development environment.
We use a whole host of other monitoring tools such as Uptime which we have containers for so that we can bring them up and down on various hosts with a single command.
I use docker to build and test our software on several different Linux distributions (RHEL 4/5/6/7, Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04).
Docker makes it easy and fast to create minimalistic and consistent build environments.
Docker gives you the benefits that other virtualization solutions give you to a fraction of the recourse needed.

problems deploying openMRS.war to glassfish v.2

I'm trying to deploy openMRS v.1.9.2 to a local VM running CentOS & Glassfish 2 for work. Unfortunately, I could not get it to work. Normally, I just download the standalone found at source forge. I just double-click the jar, and I'm good to go.
I normally just SSH into the the VM, so I first tried doing everything through a terminal. Here are the steps I took:
Using wget, retrieve the .zip
Create a dir (I just called it /openmrs), cd into the new directory, and then expand the .zip.
cd into the directory.
At this point, there are two options to start openMRS.
Run the bash script: ./run-on-linux.sh
Run the .JAR: java -jar [insert_jar_name].jar -commandline
When I run the .JAR, I get a stack trace.
When I try to run the bash script, I get another error.
Anyways, I thought I found a potential solution in an openMRS JIRA ticket, but it seems aimed at Glassfish 3, and not Glassfish 2 (which is what I need to use).
I then tried deploying the .WAR via the Glassfish admin UI. I thought it would work, but after going through the steps of selecting a language, whether or not to use demo data, etc. I received this.
Does anyone have experience deploying openMRS to Glassfish 2.1.1? Unfortunately Glassfish 3 doesn't seem to be a realistic option. I would really appreciate any help here. Thanks.
Although it doesn't solve my problem of not being able to successfully deploy openMRS to an instance of Glassfish v.2, I did manage to get myself further by just installing MySQL on the VM. Our work machines are all set up for postgres, so I think should have guessed earlier that not having a MySQL server installation was the problem.
Here is a tutorial I used to install MySQL

Using WebKitGTK+ on Centos 5.8?

I'm trying to build an embedded simple web browser for an embedded device and I've decided to use WebKit / WebKitGTK+. However, our device uses a Linux environment somewhat based on CentOS 5.8. I haven't been able to find any RPMS or mention of support for WebKit / WebKitGTK+ for CentOS 5.8 while doing several web searches.
Does anybody know if it's possible to build an older version of WebKitGTK+ such as 1.2.6-2.el6_0 which works well on CentOS 6.3? Are any RPMS available for CentOS 5.8?
The goal here is to be able to run a relatively current, at least 1.2.6 version of WebKitGTk on CentOS 5.8
Note: I was able to sort everything out. Just took a long time compiling all of the dependencies in the correct order with the correct options. I was able to get WebKitGTK 1.6.0 running on Centos 5.8.
You shouldn't have any problems building an old version of webkit if you can install the older versions of libraries that it requires.
If you have older or newer versions of GTK+ etc installed than the old version of webkit requires it may need quite a bit of porting to compile.
I'm not aware of any RPMs that meet your requirements
Depending on the compilation options you should be able to compile the dependencies in an isolated directory. With each library you typically use the --prefix option to specify the destination. Then when compiling something that depends on that library, you typically have an option to specify where to look for that library - something like --with-libraryname=/path/to/library. You want to check ./configure --help of each thing you're compiling to get the correct options.
It'll be quite a bit of work, but you should be able to compile everything you need into an isolated directory without replacing anything on the system. I would highly recommend you avoid doing this in root to ensure you have the right options.

Is it possible to edit an IntellijIDEA project remotely via a web browser?

I am looking for something similar to RStudio-server (r-studio), but for programming in Java/Scala.
RStudio-server accessed via web is the same as the desktop version.
May be there are other equivalent solutions, given that my problem is scarce local resources to run my programs, but plenty of resources in a remote computer.
The more seamless, the better.
It would be also good if I could just run my program remotely seamlessly (outputing like if it was local and inside the IDE).
I recently starting using Chromoting to remote into a different machine that has IntelliJ. It's convenient in that it's built into chrome and I can pretty much do this anywhere because everyone has Chrome these days. It's a very good remoting tool but it still is remoting, it has its delays and minor problems (some keyboard shortcuts don't get sent through and those options haven't been added yet).
Just an idea for something to try.
It is not seamless, but I just managed to solve the problem using the right workflow:
In the local machine:
edit files in IDEA
[optional] set the output path, if any, to your favorite file hosting service (dropbox in my case)
commit with your favorite VCS (bzr in my case, it can need a push to the remote machine)
In the remote machine:
update with your favorite VCS
compile and run with your favorite build tool (sbt in my case):
sbt 'run-main experiments.AtomicBombMain'
[optional] In the local machine again:
[optional] get the generated files at the output path at the shared folder of your favorite file hosting service
Link with more details about the entire process since instalation until compiling: