Making cin take selective inputs [Turbo C++] - cin

Don't hate cause of Turbo, I already hate my school!
I wish to show an error msg if a character is entered instead of an int or float in some file such as age or percentage.
I wrote this function:
template <class Type>
Type modcin(Type var) {
take_input: //Label
int count = 0;
for ( ; count < 1; count++) { //Printed only once
cout<<"\n Invalid input! Try again: ";
goto take_input;
return var;
but the output is not desirable:
How do I stop the error msg from being repeated multiple times?
Is there a better method?
NOTE: Please make sure that this is TurboC++ that we are talking about, I tried using the approach in this question, but even after including limits.h, it doesn't work.

Here, a code snippet in C++.
template <class Type>
Type modcin(Type var) {
int i=0;
int count = 0;
if(!cin) {
cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');
for ( ; count < 1; count++) { //Printed only once
cout<<"\n Invalid input! Try again: ";
} while (!cin);
return var;
The variables are tailored to match yours' so you can understand better. This code isn't perfect though.
It can't handle cases like "1fff", here you would just get a 1 in return. I tried solving it but then a infinite loop was being encountered, when I'll fix it, I'll update the code.
It also can't function in TurboC++ effectively. I don't know if there are alternatives but the numeric_limits<streamsize>::max() argument gives a compiler error ('undefined symbol' error for numeric_limits & streamsize and 'prototype must be defined' error for max()) in Turbo C++.
So, to make it work in Turbo C++. Replace the numeric_limits<streamsize>::max() argument with some big int value such as 100.
This will make it so that the buffer is only ignored/cleared till 100 characters are reached or '\n' (enter button/newline character) is pressed.
The following code can be executed on both Turbo C++ or proper C++. The comments are provided to explain the functioning:
template <class Type> //Data Integrity Maintenance Function
Type modcin(Type var) { //for data types: int, float, double
cin >> var;
if (cin) { //Extracted an int, but it is unknown if more input exists
//---- The following code covers cases: 12sfds** -----//
char c;
if (cin.get(c)) { // Or: cin >> c, depending on how you want to handle whitespace.
cin.putback(c); //More input exists.
if (c != '\n') { // Doesn't work if you use cin >> c above.
cout << "\nType Error!\t Try Again: ";
cin.clear(); //Clears the error state of cin stream
cin.ignore(100, '\n'); //NOTE: Buffer Flushed <|>
var = modcin(var); //Recursive Repeatation
else { //In case, some unexpected operation occurs [Covers cases: abc**]
cout << "\nType Error!\t Try Again: ";
cin.clear(); //Clears the error state of cin stream
cin.ignore(100, '\n'); //NOTE: Buffer Flushed <|>
var = modcin(var);
return var;
//NOTE: The '**' represent any values from ASCII. Decimal, characters, numbers, etc.


Saving randomly generated passwords to a text file in order to display them later

I'm currently in a traineeship and I currently have to softwares I'm working on. The most important was requested yesterday and I'm stucked on the failure of its main feature: saving passwords.
The application is developped in C++\CLR using Visual Studio 2013 (Couldn't install MFC libraries somehow, installation kept failing and crashing even after multiple reboots.) and aims to generate a password from a seed provided by the user. The generated password will be save onto a .txt file. If the seed has already been used then the previously generated password will show up.
Unfortunately I can't save the password and seed to the file, though I can write the seed if I don't get to the end of the document. I went for the "if line is empty then write this to the document" but it doesn't work and I can't find out why. However I can read the passwords without any problem.
Here's the interresting part of the source:
int seed;
char genRandom() {
static const char letters[] =
int stringLength = sizeof(letters) - 1;
return letters[rand() % stringLength];
System::Void OK_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
fstream passwords;
if (!(passwords.is_open())) {"passwords.txt", ios::in | ios::out);
string gen = msclr::interop::marshal_as<std::string>(GENERATOR->Text), line, genf = gen;
bool empty_line_found = false;
while (empty_line_found == false) {
getline(passwords, line);
if (gen == line) {
getline(passwords, line);
PASSWORD->Text = msclr::interop::marshal_as<System::String^>(line);
if (line.empty()) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gen.length(); i++) {
seed += gen[i];
string pass;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
pass += genRandom();
passwords << pass << endl << gen << "";
PASSWORD->Text = msclr::interop::marshal_as<System::String^>(pass);
empty_line_found = true;
I've also tried replacing ios::in by ios::app and it doesn't work. And yes I have included fstream, iostream, etc.
Thanks in advance!
Just solved this problem. Thanks Rook for putting me on the right way. It feels like a silly way to do it, but I've closed the file and re-openned it using ios::app to write at the end of it. I also solved a stupid mistake resulting in writing the password before the seed and not inserting a final line so the main loop can still work. Here's the code in case someone ends up with the same problem:
int seed;
char genRandom() {
static const char letters[] =
int stringLength = sizeof(letters) - 1;
return letters[rand() % stringLength];
System::Void OK_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
fstream passwords;
if (!(passwords.is_open())) {"passwords.txt", ios::in | ios::out);
string gen = msclr::interop::marshal_as<std::string>(GENERATOR->Text), line, genf = gen;
bool empty_line_found = false;
while (empty_line_found == false) {
getline(passwords, line);
if (gen == line) {
getline(passwords, line);
PASSWORD->Text = msclr::interop::marshal_as<System::String^>(line);
if (line.empty()) {
passwords.close();"passwords.txt", ios::app);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < gen.length(); i++) {
seed += gen[i];
string pass;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
pass += genRandom();
passwords << gen << endl << pass << endl << "";
PASSWORD->Text = msclr::interop::marshal_as<System::String^>(pass);
empty_line_found = true;
So, here's an interesting thing:
passwords << pass << endl << gen << "";
You're not ending that with a newline. This means the very end of your file could be missing a newline too. This has an interesting effect when you do this on the final line:
getline(passwords, line);
getline will read until it sees a line ending, or an EOF. If there's no newline, it'll hit that EOF and then set the EOF bit on the stream. That means the next time you try to do this:
passwords << pass << endl << gen << "";
the stream will refuse to write anything, because it is in an eof state. There are various things you can do here, but the simplest would be to do passwords.clear() to remove any error flags like eof. I'd be very cautious about accidentally clearing genuine error flags though; read the docs for fstream carefully.
I also reiterate my comment about C++/CLR being a glue language, and not a great language for general purpose development, which would be best done using C++ or a .net language, such as C#. If you're absolutely wedded to C++/CLR for some reason, you may as well make use of the extensive .net library so you don't have to pointlessly martial managed types back and forth. See System::IO::FileStream for example.

Trying to check size of some cin statement

I have some simple user input function which reads what the user types, ignoring any enter's and taking the first character it comes across. I am using the cin.ignore statement because this is part of a menu, and I want to replay the menu if they enter none of the given options, but only once. Now I basically want to have an if-statement which is true iff the user entered only one character (he may enter multiple enter's before this character), so I wanted to use something like sizeof or length, but I couldn't quite get it to work. Can anybody help with this? It would be much appreciated. Also, if anything should be changed about the phrasing of the question, please let me know. Thanks in advance.
char Interface::leesin ( ) {
char invoer;
do {
invoer = cin.get();
} while (invoer == '\n');
return invoer;
the following is a code snippet whereby the user will be presented with a console menu and needs to input a character. The cin will read in only 1 char and then the program can do some processing with this char. The loop will terminate, when the user inputs the char '9'.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char ch;
do {
//print menu here
cin >> ch; // take in one char only
//perform action based on ch
} while (ch != '9');
return 0;

Determine types from a variadic function's arguments in C

I'd like a step by step explanation on how to parse the arguments of a variadic function
so that when calling va_arg(ap, TYPE); I pass the correct data TYPE of the argument being passed.
Currently I'm trying to code printf.
I am only looking for an explanation preferably with simple examples but not the solution to printf since I want to solve it myself.
Here are three examples which look like what I am looking for:
I know the basics of what typedef, struct, enum and union do but can't figure out some practical application cases like the examples in the links.
What do they really mean? I can't wrap my brain around how they work.
How can I pass the data type from a union to va_arg like in the links examples? How does it match?
with a modifier like %d, %i ... or the data type of a parameter?
Here's what I've got so far:
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "my.h"
typedef struct s_flist
char c;
} t_flist;
int my_printf(char *format, ...)
va_list ap;
int i;
int j;
int result;
int arg_count;
char *cur_arg = format;
char *types;
t_flist flist[] =
{ 's', &my_putstr },
{ 'i', &my_put_nbr },
{ 'd', &my_put_nbr }
i = 0;
result = 0;
types = (char*)malloc( sizeof(*format) * (my_strlen(format) / 2 + 1) );
fparser(types, format);
arg_count = my_strlen(types);
while (format[i])
if (format[i] == '%' && format[i + 1])
if (format[i] == '%')
result += my_putchar(format[i]);
j = 0;
va_start(ap, format);
while (flist[j].c)
if (format[i] == flist[j].c)
result += flist[i].f(va_arg(ap, flist[i].DATA_TYPE??));
result += my_putchar(format[i]);
return (result);
char *fparser(char *types, char *str)
int i;
int j;
i = 0;
j = 0;
while (str[i])
if (str[i] == '%' && str[i + 1] &&
str[i + 1] != '%' && str[i + 1] != ' ')
types[j] = str[i];
types[j] = '\0';
return (types);
You can't get actual type information from va_list. You can get what you're looking for from format. What it seems you're not expecting is: none of the arguments know what the actual types are, but format represents the caller's idea of what the types should be. (Perhaps a further hint: what would the actual printf do if a caller gave it format specifiers that didn't match the varargs passed in? Would it notice?)
Your code would have to parse the format string for "%" format specifiers, and use those specifiers to branch into reading the va_list with specific hardcoded types. For example, (pseudocode) if (fspec was "%s") { char* str = va_arg(ap, char*); print out str; }. Not giving more detail because you explicitly said you didn't want a complete solution.
You will never have a type as a piece of runtime data that you can pass to va_arg as a value. The second argument to va_arg must be a literal, hardcoded specification referring to a known type at compile time. (Note that va_arg is a macro that gets expanded at compile time, not a function that gets executed at runtime - you couldn't have a function taking a type as an argument.)
A couple of your links suggest keeping track of types via an enum, but this is only for the benefit of your own code being able to branch based on that information; it is still not something that can be passed to va_arg. You have to have separate pieces of code saying literally va_arg(ap, int) and va_arg(ap, char*) so there's no way to avoid a switch or a chain of ifs.
The solution you want to make, using the unions and structs, would start from something like this:
typedef union {
int i;
char *s;
int print_integer(PRINTABLE_THING pt) {
// format and print pt.i
int print_string(PRINTABLE_THING pt) {
// format and print pt.s
The two specialized functions would work fine on their own by taking explicit int or char* params; the reason we make the union is to enable the functions to formally take the same type of parameter, so that they have the same signature, so that we can define a single type that means pointer to that kind of function:
typedef int (*print_printable_thing)(PRINTABLE_THING);
Now your code can have an array of function pointers of type print_printable_thing, or an array of structs that have print_printable_thing as one of the structs' fields:
typedef struct {
char format_char;
print_printable_thing printing_function;
{ 'd', print_integer },
{ 's', print_string }
int formatter_count = sizeof(formatters) / sizeof(FORMAT_CHAR_AND_PRINTING_FUNCTION_PAIRING);
(Yes, the names are all intentionally super verbose. You'd probably want shorter ones in the real program, or even anonymous types where appropriate.)
Now you can use that array to select the correct formatter at runtime:
for (int i = 0; i < formatter_count; i++)
if (current_format_char == formatters[i].format_char)
result += formatters[i].printing_function(current_printable_thing);
But the process of getting the correct thing into current_printable_thing is still going to involve branching to get to a va_arg(ap, ...) with the correct hardcoded type. Once you've written it, you may find yourself deciding that you didn't actually need the union nor the array of structs.

Stange behavior with my C string reverse function

I'm just an amateur programmer...
And when reading, for the second time, and more than two years apart, kochan's "Programming in Objective-C", now the 6th ed., reaching the pointer chapter i tried to revive the old days when i started programming with C...
So, i tried to program a reverse C string function, using char pointers...
At the end i got the desired result, but... got also a very strange behavior, i cannot explain with my little programming experience...
First the code:
This is a .m file,
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "*pathToFolder*/NSPrint.m"
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
char * reverseString(char * str);
char *ch;
if (argc < 2)
NSPrint(#"No word typed in the command line!");
return 1;
NSPrint(#"Reversing arguments:");
for (int i = 1; argv[i]; i++)
ch = reverseString(argv[i]);
printf("%s\n", ch);
//NSPrint(#"%s - %s", argv[i], ch);
return 0;
char * reverseString(char * str)
int size = 0;
for ( ; *(str + size) != '\0'; size++) ;
//printf("Size: %i\n", size);
char result[size + 1];
int i = 0;
for (size-- ; size >= 0; size--, i++)
result[i] = *(str + size);
//printf("%c, %c\n", result[i], *(str + size));
result[i] = '\0';
//printf("result location: %lu\n", result);
//printf("%s\n", result);
return result;
Second some notes:
This code is compiled in a MacBook Pro, with MAC OS X Maverick, with CLANG (clang -fobjc-arc $file_name -o $file_name_base)
That NSPrint is just a wrapper for printf to print a NSString constructed with stringWithFormat:arguments:
And third the strange behavior:
If I uncomment all those commented printf declarations, everything work just fine, i.e., all printf functions print what they have to print, including the last printf inside main function.
If I uncomment one, and just one, randomly chosen, of those comment printf functions, again everything work just fine, and I got the correct printf results, including the last printf inside main function.
If I leave all those commented printf functions as they are, I GOT ONLY BLANK LINES with the last printf inside main block, and one black line for each argument passed...
Worst, if I use that NSPrint function inside main, instead of the printf one, I get the desired result :!
Can anyone bring some light here please :)
You're returning a local array, that goes out of scope as the function exits. Dereferencing that memory causes undefined behavior.
You are returning a pointer to a local variable of the function that was called. When that function returns, the memory for the local variable becomes invalid, and the pointer returned is rubbish.

EXC_BAD_ACCESS when reading 9 characters, but works with less than 9

I'm developing a console app in Objective-C. I've got it working, but when manually testing edge cases, I found a strange behavior that I can't explain.
Basically, I've set up scanf() in a loop, and when the user types invalid info, it prints an "invalid option" message. Then, if the input is less than 9 characters long, it goes through the loop again as intended. But, if the input is 9 characters or longer, it gives a EXC_BAD_ACCESS error on a certain line.(This error doesn't happen if I comment out said line.)I can't figure out any reason why 8 vs 9 characters being read would cause this error. Any ideas?
Below are the two methods that I figure are relevant, with a comment on the line throwing the error. If you think other referenced code may be causing this, let me know and I'll add that code.
-(void)startMenu {
printf("\nGAME OPTIONS\n| WinningScore = %d (w) | Name = %s (n) | Back (b) |\n",
_options.winningScore, [ UTF8String]);
-(void)start {
char selectedOption;
char w = 'w';
char n = 'n';
char b = 'b';
while(YES) {
[self startMenu]; // This line gets the EXC_BAD_ACCESS error
// if the user puts in 9 or more characters.
// If it is commented out, then no error is thrown.
scanf("%s", &selectedOption);
if(selectedOption == w) {
[self setWinningScore];
} else if(selectedOption == n) {
[self setName];
} else if(selectedOption == b) {
} else {
printf("'%s' is not a valid option.\n", &selectedOption);
It this was C (and the post is tagged C) I'd suggest:
char selectedOption;
scanf(" %c", &selectedOption);
printf("'%c' is not a valid option.\n", selectedOption);
The failure showing up after a 9 charterer input is serendipity. scanf("%s", &selectedOption); is certainly wrong for reading a single character. Any input starts causing problems. Use the matching format specifier and variable.
A C-like solution.
If more than 1 char is desire for input, use the idea put forth by #Devolus. Example:
char selectedOption[10];
if (fgets(selectedOption, sizeof selectedOption, stdin) == NULL)
// Get rid of potential trailing \n if desired.
size_t len = strlen(selectedOption);
if (len > 0 && selectedOption[len-1] == '\n') selectedOption[--len] = '\0';
You should use fgets instead of scanf here, as you can limit the number of characters in the buffer.
scanf is potentially unsafe because the buffer can be exceeded.