Tensorflow exp limit to max instead of infinity? - tensorflow

A loss function i'm using has an exp term in it which blows up the loss to infinity, which then causes the gradients to go tto NaNs.... is there a way to currently handle this?
s = tf.exp(n)
# s becomes nan when n is large

Exponential terms in loss functions are usually handled in machine learning by minimising not the exponential itself, but its logarithm. Both functions are monotonically crescent, so minimising the logarithm brings you to the same minimum than minimising the exponential. However, the logarithm grows much slower, avoiding huge increases in your loss function.
Here it seems that you need to minimize directly on n but probably it is only an example.

For example, you could use this:
loss = tf.minimum(tf.exp(n), MAX_VALUE)
this returns the max element wise so you'll need to account for that.


computational complexity of higher order derivatives with AD in jax

Let f: R -> R be an infinitely differentiable function. What is the computational complexity of calculating the first n derivatives of f in Jax? Naive chain rule would suggest that each multiplication gives a factor of 2 increase, hence the nth derivative would require at least 2^n more operations. I imagine though that clever manipulation of formal series would reduce the number of required calculations and eliminate duplications, esspecially if the derivaives are Jax jitted? Is there a different between the Jax, Tensorflow and Torch implementations?
https://openreview.net/forum?id=SkxEF3FNPH discusses this topic, but doesn t provide a computational complexity.
What is the computational complexity of calculating the first n derivatives of f in Jax?
There's not much you can say in general about computational complexity of Nth derivatives. For example, with a function like jnp.sin, the Nth derivative is O[1], oscillating between negative and positive sin and cos calls as N grows. For an order-k polynomial, the Nth derivative is O[0] for N > k. Other functions may have complexity that is linear or polynomial or even exponential with N depending on the operations they contain.
I imagine though that clever manipulation of formal series would reduce the number of required calculations and eliminate duplications, esspecially if the derivaives are Jax jitted
You imagine correctly! One implementation of this idea is the jax.experimental.jet module, which is an experimental transform designed for computing higher-order derivatives efficiently and accurately. It doesn't cover all JAX functions, but it may be complete enough to do what you have in mind.

Asynchrony loss function over an array of 1D signals

So I have an array of N 1D-signals (e.g. time series) with same number of samples per signal (all in equal resolution) and I want to define a differentiable loss function to penalize asynchrony among them and therefore be zero if all N 1D signals will be equal to each other. I've been searching the literature to find something but haven't had luck yet.
Few remarks:
1 - since N (number of signals) could be quite large I can not afford to calculate Mean squared loss between every single pair which could grow combinatorialy large. also I'm not quite sure whether it would be optimal in any mathematical sense for the goal to achieve.
There are two naive loss functions that I could think of :
a) Total variation loss for each time sample across all signals (to force to reach ideally zero variation). the problem is here the weight needs to be very large to yield zero varion. masking any other loss term that is going to be added and also there is no inherent order among the N signals, which doesnt make it suitable to TV loss to begin with.
b) minimizing the sum of variance at each time point among all signals. however, choice of the reference of variance (aka mean) could be crucial I believe as just using the sample mean might not really yield the desired result, not quite sure.

Using np.expm1 to compute sigmoid function

When computing a sigmoid function, small or large values of x will return 0 and 1 respectively due to lack of floating-point precision. In numpy, the function np.expm1 will compute exp(x)-1 with better precision for extreme values of x. However, an equivalent function for computing exp(x)+1, (denominator in sigmoid function), does not exist. I could not figure out how to use np.expm1 to compute a sigmoid with increased precision at extreme values. Is there a way to do so?
# True
np.expm1 mitigates loss of significance which occurs when taking the difference between two almost equal numbers (because many significant places will cancel each other the result will have fewer signficant places than the data type could store).
is a limitation of the data type, not the algorithm. floats cannot resolve a difference from 1.0 as small as exp(-50). Indeed, the nearest floats left and right of 1.0 are
>>> np.nextafter(1.0, 0.0)
>>> np.nextafter(1.0, 2.0)
indicating a resolution of oom 10^-16, nowhere near fine enough to discriminate between 1 and 1 +/- exp(-50)

Machine learning: why the cost function does not need to be derivable?

I was playing around with Tensorflow creating a customized loss function and this question about general machine learning arose to my head.
My understanding is that the optimization algorithm needs a derivable cost function to find/approach a minimum, however we can use functions that are non-derivable such as the absolute function (there is no derivative when x=0). A more extreme example, I defined my cost function like this:
def customLossFun(x,y):
return tf.sign(x)
and I expected an error when running the code, but it actually worked (it didn't learn anything but it didn't crash).
Am I missing something?
You're missing the fact that the gradient of the sign function is somewhere manually defined in the Tensorflow source code.
As you can see here:
def _SignGrad(op, _):
"""Returns 0."""
x = op.inputs[0]
return array_ops.zeros(array_ops.shape(x), dtype=x.dtype)
the gradient of tf.sign is defined to be always zero. This, of course, is the gradient where the derivate exists, hence everywhere but not in zero.
The tensorflow authors decided to do not check if the input is zero and throw an exception in that specific case
In order to prevent TensorFlow from throwing an error, the only real requirement is that you cost function evaluates to a number for any value of your input variables. From a purely "will it run" perspective, it doesn't know/care about the form of the function its trying to minimize.
In order for your cost function to provide you a meaningful result when TensorFlow uses it to train a model, it additionally needs to 1) get smaller as your model does better and 2) be bounded from below (i.e. it can't go to negative infinity). It's not generally necessary for it to be smooth (e.g. abs(x) has a kink where the sign flips). Tensorflow is always able to compute gradients at any location using automatic differentiation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_differentiation, https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/r0.12/api_docs/python/train/gradient_computation).
Of course, those gradients are of more use if you've chose a meaningful cost function isn't isn't too flat.
Ideally, the cost function needs to be smooth everywhere to apply gradient based optimization methods (SGD, Momentum, Adam, etc). But nothing's going to crash if it's not, you can just have issues with convergence to a local minimum.
When the function is non-differentiable at a certain point x, it's possible to get large oscillations if the neural network converges to this x. E.g., if the loss function is tf.abs(x), it's possible that the network weights are mostly positive, so the inference x > 0 at all times, so the network won't notice tf.abs. However, it's more likely that x will bounce around 0, so that the gradient is arbitrarily positive and negative. If the learning rate is not decaying, the optimization won't converge to the local minimum, but will bound around it.
In your particular case, the gradient is zero all the time, so nothing's going to change at all.
If it didn't learn anything, what have you gained ? Your loss function is differentiable almost everywhere but it is flat almost anywhere so the minimizer can't figure out the direction towards the minimum.
If you start out with a positive value, it will most likely be stuck at a random value on the positive side even though the minima on the left side are better (have a lower value).
Tensorflow can be used to do calculations in general and it provides a mechanism to automatically find the derivative of a given expression and can do so across different compute platforms (CPU, GPU) and distributed over multiple GPUs and servers if needed.
But what you implement in Tensorflow does not necessarily have to be a goal function to be minimized. You could use it e.g. to throw random numbers and perform Monte Carlo integration of a given function.

Tensorflow: opt.compute_gradients() returns values different from the weight difference of opt.apply_gradients()

Question: What is the most efficient way to get the delta of my weights in the most efficient way in a TensorFlow network?
Background: I've got the operators hooked up as follows (thanks to this SO question):
self.cost = `the rest of the network`
self.rmsprop = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(lr,rms_decay,0.0,rms_eps)
self.comp_grads = self.rmsprop.compute_gradients(self.cost)
self.grad_placeholder = [(tf.placeholder("float", shape=grad[1].get_shape(), name="grad_placeholder"), grad[1]) for grad in self.comp_grads]
self.apply_grads = self.rmsprop.apply_gradients(self.grad_placeholder)
Now, to feed in information, I run the following:
feed_dict = `training variables`
grad_vals = self.sess.run([grad[0] for grad in self.comp_grads], feed_dict=feed_dict)
feed_dict2 = `feed_dict plus gradient values added to self.grad_placeholder`
self.sess.run(self.apply_grads, feed_dict=feed_dict2)
The command of run(self.apply_grads) will update the network weights, but when I compute the differences in the starting and ending weights (run(self.w1)), those numbers are different than what is stored in grad_vals[0]. I figure this is because the RMSPropOptimizer does more to the raw gradients, but I'm not sure what, or where to find out what it does.
So back to the question: How do I get the delta on my weights in the most efficient way? Am I stuck running self.w1.eval(sess) multiple times to get the weights and calc the difference? Is there something that I'm missing with the tf.RMSPropOptimizer function.
RMSprop does not subtract the gradient from the parameters but use more complicated formula involving a combination of:
a momentum, if the corresponding parameter is not 0
a gradient step, rescaled non uniformly (on each coordinate) by the square root of the squared average of the gradient.
For more information you can refer to these slides or this recent paper.
The delta is first computed in memory by tensorflow in the slot variable 'momentum' and then the variable is updated (see the C++ operator).
Thus, you should be able to access it and construct a delta node with delta_w1 = self.rmsprop.get_slot(self.w1, 'momentum'). (I have not tried it yet.)
You can add the weights to the list of things to fetch each run call. Then you can compute the deltas outside of TensorFlow since you will have the iterates. This should be reasonably efficient, although it might incur an extra elementwise difference, but to avoid that you might have to hack around in the guts of the optimizer and find where it puts the update before it applies it and fetch that each step. Fetching the weights each call shouldn't do wasteful extra evaluations of part of the graph at least.
RMSProp does complicated scaling of the learning rate for each weight. Basically it divides the learning rate for a weight by a running average of the magnitudes of recent gradients of that weight.