Async changes to properties - vue.js

New to vuejs.
I have a vue with the following script (code shortened):
export default {
mixins: [asyncStatuses],
props: {
value: { type: Object }
data() {
return {
statuses: []
computed: {
hasStatuses() {
return this.statuses && this.statuses.length > 0;
beforeMount() {
// This is an async call
this.getStatuses().then((response) => {
this.statuses =;
In my .vue file, I do something like this:
<div v-if="hasStatuses">
<div>Show a list of statuses</div>
The problem is the <div> never shows up. The statuses are loading correctly. I put a debugger in the computed.hasStatuses but it never runs?
Can anyone explain to me how and why this is happening and how to fix it?
Thanks again!!

The code is setting self.statuses, but self is not defined.
self.statuses =
Just use this.
this.statuses =


Is it possible to watch injected property

I am building an application which is using Vue 3 and I am providing a property in a parent component which I am subsequently injecting into multiple child components. Is there any way for a component which gets injected with this property to watch it for changes?
The parent component looks something like:
<other-child-component #client-update="update_client" />
export default {
name: 'App',
data() {
return {
client: {}
methods: {
update_client(client) {
this.client = client
provide() {
return {
client: this.client
The child component looks like:
export default {
name: 'ChildComponent',
inject: ['client'],
watch: {
client(new_client, old_client) {
console.log('new client: ', new_client);
I am trying to accomplish that when the provided variable gets updated in the parent the children components where its being injected should get notified. For some reason the client watch method is not getting called when client gets updated.
Is there a better way of accomplishing this?
After further testing I see that there is a bigger issue here, in the child component even after the client has been updated in the parent, the client property remains the original empty object and does not get updated. Since the provided property is reactive all places it is injected should automatically be updated.
When using the Object API reactive definition (data(){return{client:{}}), even though the variable is reactive within the component, the injected value will be static. This is because provide will set it to the value that it is initially set to. To have the reactivity work, you will need to wrap it in a computed
return {client: computed(()=>this.client)}
You may also need to use deep for your watch
export default {
name: 'ChildComponent',
inject: ['client'],
watch: {
client: {
handler: (new_client, old_client) => {
console.log('new client: ', new_client);
deep: true
As described in official documentation ( ), by default, provide and inject bindings are not reactive. But if you pass down an observed object, properties on that object remain reactive.
For objects, Vue cannot detect property addition or deletion. So the problem in your code might be here:
data() {
return {
client: {}
Since you change the client property of this object ( this.client.client = client ), you should declare this key in data, like this:
data() {
return {
client: { client: null }
Now it becomes reactive.
I did a code sandbox reproducing your code watching an injected property:
For some reason the only way I got this to work was by only updating properties of the initial injected object instead of replacing the whole object. I also was not able to get watch working with the injected property despite setting deep: true.
Updated parent component:
<other-child-component #client-update="update_client" />
export default {
name: 'App',
data() {
return {
client: {}
methods: {
update_client(client) {
this.client.client = client
provide() {
return {
client: this.client
Updated child component:
<button #click="get_client">Get client</button>
export default {
name: 'ChildComponent',
inject: ['client'],
methods: {
get_client() {
console.log('updated client: ', client);
create a new value and reference the value from inject into it
inject: ['client'],
data: () => ({
value: null,
created() {
this.value = this.client;
watch: {
value: {
handler() {
/* ... */
deep: true,
Now you can watch the value.
Note: "inject" must be an object
I ran into the same issue. But i just had to look more closely for details in the docs to make it work. In the end everything worked fine for me.
I built a vue plugin providing a Map together with some function as a readonly ref. Then it starts changing the Map contents once a second:
import { ref, readonly } from 'vue';
const rRuns = ref( new Map() );
let time = 0;
export default
install(app, defFile)
app.provide( "runs", readonly(
{ ref: rRuns,
get: (e) => rRuns.value.get( e ),
locationNames: () => rRuns.value.keys(),
size: () => rRuns.value.size,
} ) );
setInterval( () =>
{ time++;
const key = (time * 7) % 10;
console.log(" runs update", key, time);
rRuns.value.set( key.toString(), time )
}, 1000);
console.log(" time Interval start" );
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import plugin from 'plugin.js';
const app = createApp(App);
app.config.unwrapInjectedRef = true;
app.use(game, 'gamedefs.json');
<p v-if="!runs.size()">< no runs ></p>
<p v-else>runs: {{ runs.size() }}</p>
<button v-for="r of runs.locationNames()" :key="r" #click="display( r )">[{{ r }}]</button>
export default {
name: 'Runs',
runs: { from: 'runs' },
handler( v )
console.log("runs.ref watch", v );
immediate: true,
deep: true,

vue-pdf doesn't refresh on src change

I'm using the latest vue-pdf package to display pdf files in my app. I built this component, PdfViewer:
<div class="fill-height pdf-container">
<template v-if="src && numberOfPages">
v-for="page in numberOfPages"
import { mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import pdf from 'vue-pdf'
export default {
props: {
fileName: {
type: String,
required: true
components: {
data() {
return {
src: null,
numberOfPages: 0
computed: {
getAttachments: 'questions/getAttachments'
methods: {
init() {
if (this.fileName) {
let url = this.getAttachments[this.fileName]
let loadingTask = pdf.createLoadingTask(url)
this.src = loadingTask
this.src.promise.then(pdf => {
this.numberOfPages = pdf.numPages
watch: {
fileName() {
beforeMount() {
Basically I'm receiving a fileName as a prop, then look for its URL in the object I receive in getAttachments getter. The file names are in different list component.
It works fine on the first run and the first file is loaded and displayed successfully. But once clicked on another file name - nothing being displayed. I do receive the file name prop and it does find the URL, but the file doesn't display. Even when I click on the file that has already been displayed - now it doesn't.
I thought maybe it has something to do with src and numberOfPages property, so I tried to reset them before loading the file:
init() {
if (this.fileName) {
this.src = null
this.numberOfPages = 0
let url = this.getAttachments[this.fileName]
let loadingTask = pdf.createLoadingTask(url)
this.src = loadingTask
this.src.promise.then(pdf => {
this.numberOfPages = pdf.numPages
Alas, same result. And in the console I see the following warning from pdf.worker.js: Warning: TT: invalid function id: 9
Have no idea what it means.
Any help, please?
I tried to do that with async/await and forceUpdate:
async init() {
if (this.fileName) {
this.src = null
this.numberOfPages = 0
let url = this.getAttachments[this.fileName]
let loadingTask = await pdf.createLoadingTask(url)
await loadingTask.promise.then(pdf => {
this.src = url
this.numberOfPages = pdf.numPages
That also didn't help. But I found out that once I change the passed fileName, the code does go to the init() method, but for some reason it skips the loadingTask.promise.then part, doesn't go in. I have to idea why.
Well, apparently there's some issue with vue-pdf library. Eventually I solved it by setting timeout when assigning fileName prop and re-rendering the component:
<PdfViewer v-if="selectedFileName" :fileName="selectedFileName" />
onFileNameSelected(fileName) {
this.selectedFileName = null
setTimeout(() => {
this.selectedFileName = fileName
}, 0)
And then in the PdfViewer component it's just:
created() {
this.src = pdf.createLoadingTask(this.getAttachments[this.fileName])
mounted() {
this.src.promise.then(pdf => {
this.numberOfPages = pdf.numPages
That did the trick for me, though feels kinda hacky.

Global EventBus to pass data between components does not work

I am trying to use a global eventbus in VueJs but have been unsuccessful so far.
I have the following code. When I navigate from ResetPassword to Login screen, I should see the successMessage with a Your password has been changed successfully. Please login to continue but it always shows a blank.
What could I be doing wrong?
Vue.prototype.$eventHub = new Vue();
this.$eventHub.$emit('navigation-message', 'Your password has been changed successfully. Please login to continue.');
this.$router.push({ name: 'login'});
data() {
return {
created ()
this.$eventHub.$once('navigation-message', this.successMessage);
Update: 12/8/2019: I changed the login.vue as per comment by #tony19 but the issue still exists.
created ()
this.$eventHub.$once('navigation-message', (payload)=>
You need to add this.
created () {
this.$eventHub.$on('navigation-message', payload => {
methods: {
updateSuccessMessage(payload) {
this.successMessage = payload
Also make sure you're actually importing plugin.js globally (e.g. inside your main file where you import Vue) and make sure your components have access to it.
Try this:
created() {

Access vue instance from handsontable

I am trying to set a vuejs variable from within handsontable.
The vuejs variable:
in code block below is not available from handsontable settings, any idea how can I access it?
<div id="hot-container">
<HotTable :root="root" :settings="hotSettings"></HotTable>
export default {
data() {
return {
#vuejs variable i want to set from hot
dataChanged: false,
root: 'test-hot',
hotSettings: {
data: [{something: 0}],
afterChange: function(changes, src) {
if (src !== 'loadData') {
this.dataChanged = true
methods: {
saveChanges: function () {
if (this.dataChanged){
//save data
I faced this same problem... I found a workaround posted on GitHub like so..
This way you can access all Vue's data, methods, etc as you normally would.
data() {
return {
hotSettings: {
afterChange: this.afterChangeVue
methods: {
afterChangeVue(changes, source) {
console.log('changes, source => ', changes, source);
console.log('this.$store => ', this.$store);
Here is the link to the original thread:
I ended up saving to a variable declared outside of vue - ie above the data () declaration
var myNewVar = 42
data() {
#can save to myNewVar from here
Just like #Rosdi_Kasim said, but much simpler with fat arrow function
data() {
return {
hotSettings: {
afterChange: (changes, source) => {
console.log('changes, source => ', changes, source);
console.log('this.$store => ', this.$store);
methods: {

Vue.js watcher not executed when manually setting value

I have this Vue component:
methods: {
toggleTyping: function () {
this.composing = !this.composing;
data: function () {
return {
composing: false,
watch: {
composing: function (val) {
When I execute toggleTyping() the watcher is not called. I'm very new to vuejs.
Everything you are showing works. The error must lie elsewhere.
new Vue({
methods: {
toggleTyping: function() {
this.composing = !this.composing;
data: function() {
return {
composing: false,
watch: {
composing: function(val) {
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button #click="toggleTyping()">Toggle</button>
Well, thanks everyone, the problem was really weird, I had a function also declared in the body of the component called type (it was making a typing animation, so I choose that name). When I renamed that function it started to work!
I put the failing code to clarify and help anyone else:
type : function () {
watch: {
composing: function (val) {
//Never called!