Any way to call Excel functions in VB.NET as Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel throws Class not registered (REGB_E_CLASSNOTREG) in Server? -

The application needs to use some Excel functions (NormSDist, NormSInv) to calculate some result. There is slight difference between the results by Excel and .NET equivalent of these functions. As it is a banking application the user wants exact match. So by referring Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel and calling Excel functions NormSDist, NormSInv return exact result.
By referring Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Dim appExcel As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application()
Dim wsf As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.WorksheetFunction = appExcel.WorksheetFunction()
decOne = wsf.NormSInv(someValue) + wsf.NormSInv(someValue)
decTwo = 12.5 * wsf.NormSDist(decNorm)
.NET equivalent functions
Public Shared Function NORMSDIST(z As Double) As Double
Dim sign As Double = 1
If z < 0 Then
sign = -1
End If
Return 0.5 * (1.0 + sign * erf(Math.Abs(z) / Math.Sqrt(2)))
End Function
Private Shared Function erf(x As Double) As Double
Dim a1 As Double = 0.254829592
Dim a2 As Double = -0.284496736
Dim a3 As Double = 1.421413741
Dim a4 As Double = -1.453152027
Dim a5 As Double = 1.061405429
Dim p As Double = 0.3275911
x = Math.Abs(x)
Dim t As Double = 1 / (1 + p * x)
Return 1 - ((((((a5 * t + a4) * t) + a3) * t + a2) * t) + a1) * t * Math.Exp(-1 * x * x)
End Function
' This function is a replacement for the Microsoft Excel Worksheet function NORMSINV.
' It uses the algorithm of Peter J. Acklam to compute the inverse normal cumulative
' distribution. Refer to for
' a description of the algorithm.
' Adapted to VB by Christian d'Heureuse,
Public Shared Function NormSInv(ByVal p As Double) As Double
Const a1 = -39.6968302866538, a2 = 220.946098424521, a3 = -275.928510446969
Const a4 = 138.357751867269, a5 = -30.6647980661472, a6 = 2.50662827745924
Const b1 = -54.4760987982241, b2 = 161.585836858041, b3 = -155.698979859887
Const b4 = 66.8013118877197, b5 = -13.2806815528857, c1 = -0.00778489400243029
Const c2 = -0.322396458041136, c3 = -2.40075827716184, c4 = -2.54973253934373
Const c5 = 4.37466414146497, c6 = 2.93816398269878, d1 = 0.00778469570904146
Const d2 = 0.32246712907004, d3 = 2.445134137143, d4 = 3.75440866190742
Const p_low = 0.02425, p_high = 1 - p_low
Dim q As Double, r As Double
Dim strErrMsg As String = ""
If p < 0 Or p > 1 Then
strErrMsg = "NormSInv: Argument out of range."
ElseIf p < p_low Then
q = Math.Sqrt(-2 * Math.Log(p))
NormSInv = (((((c1 * q + c2) * q + c3) * q + c4) * q + c5) * q + c6) /
((((d1 * q + d2) * q + d3) * q + d4) * q + 1)
ElseIf p <= p_high Then
q = p - 0.5 : r = q * q
NormSInv = (((((a1 * r + a2) * r + a3) * r + a4) * r + a5) * r + a6) * q /
(((((b1 * r + b2) * r + b3) * r + b4) * r + b5) * r + 1)
q = Math.Sqrt(-2 * Math.Log(1 - p))
NormSInv = -(((((c1 * q + c2) * q + c3) * q + c4) * q + c5) * q + c6) /
((((d1 * q + d2) * q + d3) * q + d4) * q + 1)
End If
End Function
But as Excel is not in the server, it throws
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID{} failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))
Is there any way to use Excel functions in .NET or is there any library to consume these Excel functions?
Note: This application just requires the Excel functions and it doesn't interact with any excel files

MathNet.Numerics library ( works as expected.
Install-Package MathNet.Numerics -Version 3.20.0
In .vb file,
Imports MathNet.Numerics
As ExcelFunctions is a static class, directly call the methods as
decOne = ExcelFunctions.NormSInv(someValue) + ExcelFunctions.NormSInv(someValue)
decTwo = 12.5 * ExcelFunctions.NormSDist(decNorm)
The below link has the list of methods available


I need to solve an implicit equation in VBA

I want to give the other parameters that are mentioned in the function, and get a solution for a (the angle), but I get error: "invalid procedure call or argument" Run-time error 5.
I need to call the function in excel worksheet. It is a pretty long equation. Also, it could be that I enter a infinite loop but I don't know how to avoid that.
Function calculateangle(r, h, C, g, d, m, t, x, y As Single) As Single
Dim a As Single
a = 0
While y <> (d + r - r * Cos(a) + (x - (t - r + r * Sin(a))) * Tan(a) - (g
/ (2 * ((((C * m * (2 * g * (h - (d + r - r * Cos(a)))) ^
(1 / 2)) + m * (2 * g * (h - (d + r - r * Cos(a)))) ^ (1 / 2)) / (m +
0.04593)) ^ 2) * (Cos(a)) ^ 2)) * (x - (t - r + r * Sin(a))) ^ 2)
a = a + 0.01
MsgBox Round(a, 2)
End Function
One obvious issue is that you are using a Function but not returning a value.
This really is a complex piece of spaghetti! However, I suggest an approach like below which will help separate out various bits and thus make it easier to do debugging
Function calculateangle(<...all the bits ...>) As Double
Dim a As Double
Dim tTolerance as Double
dim f1 as Double ' sub sections to help untangle the spaghetti
Dim f2 as Double
Dim f3 as Double
Dim fFinal as Double
Dim tWithinTolerance as Boolean
tWithinTolerance = false
a = 0
tTolerance = 0.01
While not tWithinTolerance
f1 = d + r - r * Cos(a)
f2 = m*2*g*(h - f1)
f3 = x - (t - r + r * Sin(a))
fFinal = (f1 + f3 * Tan(a) - (g / (2 * ((((C * f2) ^
(1 / 2)) + f2 ^ (1 / 2)) / (m + 0.04593)) ^ 2) * (Cos(a)) ^ 2)) * f3 ^ 2)
tWithinTolerance = (Abs(y - fFinal) < tTolerance)
a = a + 0.01
Calculateangle = a ' note how this sets a return value for the function
End Function
I have left the rounding (which is a presentation issue) to the code that calls this function - this way you can display the answer to whatever level of detail you want!
(apologies if I have mangled any of the calculation on the way through - but you get the concept!)
For the author and those who want to deal with his solitaire. I hope I did not confuse anything in parentheses and simplifications.
vCosA = Cos(a)
vCosADR = d + r * (1 - vCosA) ' d + r - r * vCosA '
vCosMGHADR = m * (2 * g * (h - vCosADR))
vSinAXTR = (x - (t - r * (1 - Sin(a)))) ' - r + r * Sin(a)
'((C * vCosMGHADR) + vCosMGHADR) == ((C + 1) * vCosMGHADR)
If (y = _
(vCosADR + vSinAXTR * Tan(a) - _
(g / _
(2 * _
( _
( _
((C + 1) * vCosMGHADR) / _
(m + 0.04593) _
) ^ 2 _
) * (vCosA ^ 2) _
) _
) * vSinAXTR ^ 2 _
)) Then Exit Do ' *** EXIT DO ***
a = a + 0.01

#VALUE error when trying to output value to a cell excel VBA

I have written a macro which computes x and y values. I am having trouble trying to write those values to cells on Excel.
I get #VALUE error when I try to display the values on the cell.
I have added my code below. Any suggestion about what is wrong with the code will be really helpful and appreciated?
Thanks in advance!
'Compute Points
Function ComputePoints(x1, y1, x2, y2, distance) As Double
'Calculate slope m
Dim m As Double
m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
'Calculate intercept
Dim Intercept As Double
Intercept = y1 - m * x1
'Calculate x for distFinal
Dim message As String
Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim c As Double
Dim root1 As Double
Dim root2 As Double
Dim det As Double
Dim det1 As Double
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim x1Rng As Range
Dim x2Rng As Range
Dim yRng As Range
a = (m ^ 2 + 1)
b = 2 * (Intercept * m - m * y2 - x2)
c = x2 ^ 2 + (Intercept - y2) ^ 2 - distance ^ 2
det = ((b ^ 2) - (4 * a * c))
det1 = Sqr(det)
message = "There is no solution to your equation"
If det < 0 Then
MsgBox message, vbOKOnly, "Error"
root1 = Round((-b + det1) / (2 * a), 2)
root2 = Round((-b - det1) / (2 * a), 2)
End If
'Compute y
Dim y As Double
y = m * root2 + Intercept
' Trying to set cell values to root1, root2, y
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("Sheet9")
Set x1Rng = ws.Range("N2")
Set x2Rng = ws.Range("O2")
Set yRng = ws.Range("P2")
x1Rng.Value2 = root1
x2Rng.Value2 = root2
yRng.Value2 = y
ComputePoints = y
End Function
I modified your code slightly to get values directly in excel cells. You need to select 3 horizontal cells, press F2 / =, enter your formula and then press Ctrl Shift Enter to make it an array formula.
This will give you the three output values in the cells.
Function ComputePoints(x1, y1, x2, y2, distance)
Dim results(3) As Variant ' #nightcrawler23
'Calculate slope m
Dim m As Double
m = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
'Calculate intercept
Dim Intercept As Double
Intercept = y1 - m * x1
'Calculate x for distFinal
Dim message As String
Dim a As Double
Dim b As Double
Dim c As Double
Dim root1 As Double
Dim root2 As Double
Dim det As Double
Dim det1 As Double
a = (m ^ 2 + 1)
b = 2 * (Intercept * m - m * y2 - x2)
c = x2 ^ 2 + (Intercept - y2) ^ 2 - distance ^ 2
det = ((b ^ 2) - (4 * a * c))
det1 = Sqr(det)
message = "There is no solution to your equation"
If det < 0 Then
MsgBox message, vbOKOnly, "Error"
root1 = Round((-b + det1) / (2 * a), 2)
root2 = Round((-b - det1) / (2 * a), 2)
End If
'Compute y
Dim y As Double
y = m * root2 + Intercept
results(1) = root1 ' #nightcrawler23
results(2) = root2 ' #nightcrawler23
results(3) = y ' #nightcrawler23
ComputePoints = results ' #nightcrawler23
End Function
You need to add some code to output error message, when no roots are found

Increment decimal place by 0.05 in Word VBA

I'll start off by saying i have jut started teaching myself VBA about a week ago, so I may not be asking the right question, but...
I am attempting to write a loop in Word VBA that will increment a number calculated partially from text retrieved from bookmarks. I want it to round up to the nearest .05, so .87 becomes .90 and .21 becomes .25.
The module that I have written follows:
A = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("SRebateIncome").Range.Text
B = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("RebateDefault").Range.Text
C = ((A - 6000) * 0.15)
D = B - C
E = B + D
F = (18200 + ((445 + E) / 0.19)) + 1
G = (0.19 * 18200) + 445 + E + (37000 * (0.015 + 0.325 - 0.19))
H = (G / (0.015 + 0.325)) + 1
I = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("TRebateIncome").Range.Text
If F < 37000 = True Then
J = (0.125 * (I - F))
J = (0.125 * (I - H))
End If
K = E - J
K = Format(Round(K, 2), "###,##0.00")
'round K up to the nearest .00 or .05
If K <> "###,###.#0" = False or K <> "###,###.#5") = False Then
K = K + 0.01
Loop Until K = "###,###.#0" = True or K <> "###,###.#5") = True
End If
Set RebateOutput = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("RebateOutput").Range
RebateOutput.Text = K
Now assuming that the value input for bookmarks "SRebateIncome", "RebateDefault" and "TRebateIncome" are 10175, 1602 and 43046 respectively, I expected the output to be 1460.80, but instead "K" is returned as 1460.78.
At this stage I don't know anything about using Excel within word (except copy/paste a spreadsheet into a document and I don't want to do that with this).
Any help would be appreciated
You can do it with an excel object and the Ceiling function
Option Explicit
Sub RoundText()
Dim dblSRebateIncome As Double
Dim dblRebateDefault As Double
Dim dblTRebateIncome As Double
Dim dblFinal As Double
Dim rngOutput As Range
Dim oExcel As Object
' Load the variables
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set rngOutput = ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("RebateOutput").Range
dblSRebateIncome = CDbl(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("SRebateIncome").Range.Text)
dblRebateDefault = CDbl(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("RebateDefault").Range.Text)
dblSRebateIncome = CDbl(ActiveDocument.Bookmarks("TRebateIncome").Range.Text)
dblFinal = GetCalculatedValue(dblSRebateIncome, dblRebateDefault, dblTRebateIncome)
dblFinal = oExcel.worksheetfunction.Ceiling(dblFinal, 0.05)
rngOutput.Text = Format$(dblFinal, "###,##0.00")
End Sub
Function GetCalculatedValue(ByVal dblSIncome As Double, _
ByVal dblDefault As Double, _
ByVal dblTIncome) As Double
' Declare all the intermediate variables.
Dim c As Double, d As Double, e As Double
Dim f As Double, g As Double, h As Double
Dim j As Double, ret As Double
' Perform the complicated calculation
c = ((dblSIncome - 6000) * 0.15)
d = dblDefault - c
e = dblDefault + d
f = (18200 + ((445 + e) / 0.19)) + 1
g = (0.19 * 18200) + 445 + e + (37000 * (0.015 + 0.325 - 0.19))
h = (g / (0.015 + 0.325)) + 1
If f < 37000 Then
j = (0.125 * (dblTIncome - f))
j = (0.125 * (dblTIncome - h))
End If
ret = e - j
' Return the value of the fucntion
GetCalculatedValue = ret
End Function
Hope this helps. :)
Dim x As Double
x = 1.111 'E.g.
Debug.Print Round(x * 20, 0)/20 '>> 1.10

VBA root finding trough bisection

My vba code keeps returning a value of 0 when I know the roots of my function are not 0.
It's pretty simple code but I can't seem to debug it. Any idea where this error might be coming from??
Option Explicit
Public Function Bisect(ByVal xlow As Double, ByVal xhigh As Double) As Double
Dim i As Integer
Dim xmid As Double
xmid = (xlow + xhigh) / 2
For i = 1 To 100
If f(xlow) * f(xmid) < 0 Then
xhigh = xmid
xmid = (xlow + xhigh) / 2
xlow = xmid
xmid = (xlow + xhigh) / 2
End If
Next i
Bisect = xmid
End Function
Function f(ByVal x As Double, Optional ByRef inputArray As Range) As Variant
Dim ca0 As Double
Dim v0 As Double
Dim k As Double
Dim e As Double
Dim ac As Double
Dim L As Double
inputArray(2, 2) = ca0
inputArray(3, 2) = v0
inputArray(4, 2) = k
inputArray(5, 2) = e
inputArray(6, 2) = ac
inputArray(7, 2) = L
f(x) = (v0 / (k * ca0 * ac)) * ((2 * e * (1 + e) * Log(1 - x)) + (e ^ 2 * x) + (((1 + e) ^ 2 * x) / (1 - x))) - L
End Function
' i Think you want to take those constant values from cells presentin the sheet
Function f(ByVal x As Double) As Variant
Dim inputArray As Range
Dim ca0 As Double
Dim v0 As Double
Dim k As Double
Dim e As Double
Dim ac As Double
Dim L As Double
' i Think you want to take values from cells in the sheet
ca0 = ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 2).Value
v0 = ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 2).Value
k = ActiveSheet.Cells(4, 2).Value
e = ActiveSheet.Cells(5, 2).Value
ac = ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 2).Value
L = ActiveSheet.Cells(7, 2).Value
Could it be that you try to assign the inputarray with empty variables?
In my mind it should be:
ca0 = inputArray(2, 2)
v0 = inputArray(3, 2)
And so on.
I'm guessing
f(x) = (v0 / (k * ca0 * ac)) * ((2 * e * (1 + e) * Log(1 - x)) + (e ^ 2 * x) + (((1 + e) ^ 2 * x) / (1 - x))) - L
Should be
f = (v0 / (k * ca0 * ac)) * ((2 * e * (1 + e) * Log(1 - x)) + (e ^ 2 * x) + (((1 + e) ^ 2 * x) / (1 - x))) - L

Calling MS Excel function from MS Access VBA

I am working an MS Access application a part of which uses Beta Distribution function. Since MS Access does not have Beta Distribution function of its own I'm using calling BetaDist function from MS Excel. I've tested the code in MS Excel and it seems to run successfully. In MS Access also the code is working fine and generating correct results but the time taken by Access is very high than the time taken by Excel. I'm posting the part of code which utilizes BetaDist function and also the slowest portion of the code. I want to reduce the time taken by Access. Any help is appreciated.
Part of Code which utilizes BetaDist:
For i = 1 To UBound(arrBetaParam)
If arrBetaParam(i).Alpha <= 0 Or arrBetaParam(i).Beta <= 0 Or tryOutValue > arrBetaParam(i).ExpValue Then
dblTempEP = 0
If tryOutValue > arrBetaParam(i).LastKnownGoodValue Then
dblTempEP = 0
dblTempEP = 1
End If
Dim bt As Double
bt = -1
On Error Resume Next
bt = Excel.WorksheetFunction.BetaDist(tryOutValue, arrBetaParam(i).Alpha, arrBetaParam(i).Beta, 0, arrBetaParam(i).ExpValue)
tj = bt
If bt > -1 Then
If bt > 1 Then bt = 1
If bt < 0 Then bt = 0
arrBetaParam(i).LastKnownGoodValue = tryOutValue
dblTempEP = 1 - bt
End If
On Error GoTo 0
End If
OEP = OEP + dblTempEP * arrBetaParam(i).Rate
'sumRate = sumRate + arrBetaParam(i).Rate
Your code is probably taking so long due to the fact it has to open the Excel application.
BetaDist is not complicated to implement. Why not create a VBA function in Acces VBA. Here is the formula:
f(x) = B(alpha,beta)-1 xalpha-1(1-x)beta-1
Here I found a decent implementation. Didn't test it though:
Option Explicit
Const n As Long = 200 ' increase for accuracy, decrease for speed
Public aa As Double
Public bb As Double
Function BetaDist1(x As Double, a As Double, b As Double)
Dim d1 As Double
Dim d2 As Double
Dim n1 As Long
Dim n2 As Long
aa = a
bb = b
n1 = x * n
n2 = n - n1
d1 = SimpsonInt(0, x, n1)
d2 = SimpsonInt(x, 1, n2)
BetaDist1 = d1 / (d1 + d2)
End Function
Function SimpsonInt(ti As Double, tf As Double, ByVal n As Long) As Double
' shg 2006
' Returns the integral of Func (below) from ti to tf _
using Composite Simpson's Rule over n intervals
Dim i As Double ' index
Dim dH As Double ' step size
Dim dOdd As Double ' sum of Func(i), i = 1, 3, 5, 7, ... n-1, i.e., n/2 values
Dim dEvn As Double ' sum of Func(i), i = 2, 4, 6, ... n-2 i.e., n/2 - 1 values
' 1 + (n/2) + (n/2 - 1) + 1 = n+1 function evaluations
If n < 1 Then Exit Function
If n And 1 Then n = n + 1 ' n must be even
dH = (tf - ti) / n
For i = 1 To n - 1 Step 2
dOdd = dOdd + Func(ti + i * dH)
Next i
For i = 2 To n - 2 Step 2
dEvn = dEvn + Func(ti + i * dH)
Next i
SimpsonInt = (Func(ti) + 4# * dOdd + 2# * dEvn + Func(tf)) * dH / 3# ' weighted sum
End Function
Function Func(t As Double) As Double
Func = t ^ (aa - 1) * (1 - t) ^ (bb - 1)
End Function
You could do like this:
Dim xls As Excel.Application
Set xls = New Excel.Application
' Begin loop.
bt = xls.WorksheetFunction.BetaDist(tryOutValue, arrBetaParam(i).Alpha, arrBetaParam(i).Beta, 0, arrBetaParam(i).ExpValue)
' End loop.
Set xls = Nothing